Tuesday, October 15, 2024


vdcLeah came to give me my B12 

She is  excited about going to Egypt and seeing the sights. She came into money and can now do something she always wanted to do; 

Also had a long talk with Ken,  Happy he and Melina are both doing well.  His animals keep him busy,  Rick came without Spenser as he was all tired out,

The girl brought me a bagged lunch last night for my breakfast'  A piece of bread and some yogurt and fruit.  She came just now an brought me coffee.  So I will be getting 3 meals a day,  I will stop gaining weight I hope.

I will put on a mask and go walking around.  All is very quiet.  Thankful I have lots of books to read.

There is a sign on the amazing blind ladies door saying she has  caught the bug

Another old lady does not understand why she has to wear a mask and stay in her room.  She ways she is not sick.  

No fun getting old.


Monday, October 14, 2024


 We had great fun gathering as a family at Sandra and Randy's home,  Leah and Craig's children were the youngest.  Three tables were put together to make one long table.  Morgan came from school on the Island to join us.  Hamlet also joined us from the States.  Theresa and   Corrine from Chillwack.

Lots of good food.  A turkey for sure and lots of pumpkin and apple pies. Everything was delicious, 

This morning breakfast was supposed to be delivered,  At 10 to 9 a cool cup of tea was delivered,  I guess they have to iron out some bugs,

I hope Rick and Leah are allowed to visit,

Sunday, October 13, 2024


 I have decided to make more of an effort to remember my experiences.  I have found myself saying I do not remember. When I think about dad I do not want to remember the sad times.  It was hard to say good bye for the last time but I new he was ready to leave.

It was the first thanksgiving without him. Lots of great memories,

I am making good memories here at the Villa.  I enjoy going to meals and chatting with Jeane and Ken.  I know I am having a positive affect on them both. I know it is not easy to have to start to live your life on your own.

We have to wear masks now as there is COVD in the staff and residences.  Meals will be delivered.

All meals,

I am looking forward to being with my amazing happy family.

Saturday, October 12, 2024



Sandra took this picture of just one of the colourful trees I see from my window.  We had a grand time going shopping.  New clothes and some new books.  I am looking forward to seeing family to morrow.

On arrival back home everyone has to wear masks because several cases of COVID have been identified.  Lunch and dinner will be brought to our rooms and this started with supper tonight.  They will continue to test people,

Visitors will be required to wear personal protective clothing.

I think I will be able to go out but we will wait and see in the morning.

Several cases have been found in the staff and residences.

Thankful I have T.V,   I had a wonderful day,


I am up very early watching the sun come up. It is going to be another beautiful fall day. The leaves are clinging to their branches, soon the wind and the rain will forse them to fall to the ground. My hair is a mess. The hairdresser wanted to cut it and I said no. she did not do a good job styling it. The new lady at our table is very depressed. she has been separated from her husband, I share with her that I know how she feels. Sandra and I are going shopping for somethimng new for me to wear. I do not have a lot of energy but am hopeful we will succesd. I am lazy this morning but will make myself go for a short journey and enjoy the fresh air. I voted.

Friday, October 11, 2024


Looking forward to this weekend and especially seeing family. Happy to read the commwnts on my blog. NOT happy to see my neighbor being taken to the hospital this morning. Maybe I will hear some news at lunch. Looking forward to getting my hair done this afternoon. The way to staying healthy is to make good choices. Eating well and exercising well and sleeping well.


LIFE often leads us down surprising paths. Here I am in this far away place. I live in a complex with lots of older people. I AM AMAZED at how cheerful every one is. even Ken can put a smile on his face. He was away yesterday and has not met our new table mate. She and I get along very well and I like to be with some one who likes to talk. Today is Friday and that means lots of good music. Anne is on at the movie here tonight

Thursday, October 10, 2024


WE all makes mistakes and we all need to be more persistant AND patient You could say it is a virtue. RICK IS VERY PATIENT in helping me get started. Every time after I write I look for comments. persistently.It is a good choice to make when we choose to believe. Believing is to discover the mystery of faith hidden in the truth of the gospel/ Rick was here helping me this morning to get started. He also drove me to the library. They were given free books away so I took a couple. He did the laundry while I went to lunch. We had roast beef and I brought a piece home for Spenser. We have a new lady at our table. She is very shy. Ken was away, and he does not like des not like anybody but me. He may complain. Sometimes we do not always get choices. Warm sunny day so I am off for a walk. Yes I will try to be more persistant.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


I love the fall with all the brillant colours on displsy. There is a big maple tree just outside mt window which is alive and bursting with orange and red leaves. All too soon they will start to fall when the weather gets colder. Right now it is mild and calm today. I had several walks and fiund them very enjoyable. Downstairs there was a fashion show of colthes forsale. I do not need anything that I know of. You can be as casual or fahionable as you choose to be. I am sure I will enjoy a good meal again tonigh.


Overcoming your fears can be a huge challebge. I remember how afraid I was of flying I did want to go with dad especially when hw flew up to see the children.so I climbed aborad sitting very still afraid to move. Over time I conquered some of this fear. Now I hAVE to conquer my fear of going to the dentist. Again I have to go and get it over with. I am not making a decision to move until this has been taken care oF. I AM HAPPY HERE FOR NOW Going back to a place you find it is never the same. A tough decision. over

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Getting older is not a choice but happens to all of us. We start losing our strength and then our balance and our memory. I am thankful for the good years that brought me happiness.I have to accept that everything is changing, I like my apartment but I do not like living alone. I enjoy making new friends, I enjoy spending time with my old buddies. On the 30th a small group of us are meeting down stairs here. These friends are so very thoughtful. They all have worries and concerns. We still find lots to laugh about. This after noon Sandra is taking me to the dentist and I dread going. I understand I have no choice. Life is a challenge and I will try to make an effort.

Monday, October 7, 2024


Thankful for the gift of faith that has supported me through difficult times. Thankful for all my children and grandchildren. Thankful for the many times Ken has phoned me. Thankful for the visits Carol has made and the times having meals at her house. Thankful for all the times Sandra drives me to appointments, Thankful for Rick and Spenser and the many times Rick does ahopping for me. Thankful for the walks enjoy with Spenser. Thankful for friends who keep in touch, Thankful for my Bible study friens from Colebrook who are visiting me om the 30th. Thankful for my home where I feel safe even in times of lonliness. Thanks Kim for your e mails.

Awake, As Usual

A cool and cloudy morning I am watching the news and it is all about politics, I do not have any interest but maybe should start. Dad was always more interested than I was. The world encourages us to be proud of who we are and what we have done. and I would add to be thankfu.l. Just talked to Kim on the phone and enjoyed it. Also talked to Ken, Hard to keep up with these busy young people. I love my home here and all my new friends, Looking forward to Thanksgiving at Sandra's with all our family.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

I May Need Help

I may need help. Rick came this morning and \hlped me. Yesterday I went to Bible study. we had an interesting discussion about Job. My friend who I sit with when Ken is not here has just had an older very talkative German man added to sit with her and her husband, I hear his loud voice and I take on look at Wanda and see she is very unhappy. Maybe he is just nervous. All he is talking about is war stories. I would not like to have him at our table. No worries Ken would ask for him to be moved. Today is Thrusday and I am not going to lunch. My stomach is upset. Happy Spenser and Rick are here.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


I PUT MY SHORTS ON FIRST THING THIS MORNING THINKING IT WOULD WARM UP. NO IT IS GOING TO BE COOL. Had my piece of toast for breakfast and went for a walk. I met one friend who always goes early too. THE SUNRISE HAD BEEN PROMISING but the clouds shut out the warmth. I came home to find a package onmy door step, I was delighted to find a scale wrapped up in the paper. Now I would be able to know my real weight. Yes i had gained weight, Not as much as I had thought but I needed to lose a few pounds. As usual I go to bed early and then I am up early too. i FEEL A LITTLE BORED AT TIMES but I am happy with my life. Many good friends and activities I can attend, Visits from family are joyful times. I will always miss dad but thankful for our life together.