Thursday, September 19, 2024


I Am happy living here

It is a battle to keep my balance with every step I take.  I am happy here , lots of good  buddies and lots of activities.  Rick was a good help and Spenser was his sleepy self.

New Keys

 I have lost all my keys,  Searched high and low with help from Sandra and Rick.  I went down to the front desk to get new ones, I was charged 25 dollars.  At least the keys are back on the hook by the front door.



Carol and Penteli took me to Cultus Lake for the day,  I sure enjoyed every minute of my time there..

Monday, September 16, 2024

Friday, September 13, 2024


I wish I knew what I was doing.  Everything is very quiet here, 

Where is everyone? 


SANDRA AND I ARE GOING TO THE ICBC, the bank is later.

I am home now,  I enjoyed some of the Elvis music.

all went well   FRIDAY has turned into Saturday off for a walk.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


 Success at last.  Was hard to get the computer started.j  Hard to get my thoughts thinking,  Nice Kim phoned this morning.  Laura also called and will come and see me soon.  Rick arrived at this normal time and we drove over to the libtary.  I was not going to get any books but the temptation was too great,  The library is actually in walking distance,

Rick also did a little shopping.  Spenser kept me company.  He is slowing down.

I lost another tooth to the dentist's pulling.  I am a little toothless.  I should not smile l but I keep forgetting and do it anyway,  Things will be fixed next month.

Thanks Carol for the delicous muffins.

I enjoyed a good visit with my friends at lunch.  I will have a quiet afternoon reading.

But first I need to go for a walk.

Monday, September 9, 2024


 Have you ever wondered why there are things you love to do and others you find a real task

I blieve it is the way God fine tunes us.  We are all so different and uniqune.

I am who I am and who I am bei\ng created to be.  Often things we do seem meaningless but nothing is meaningless.  

there is a purpose for all the gifts we have been given.

a PURPOSE that helps to strengthen others and give their life meaning.

The fire bell just rang.  I opened my door but both doors leading to the dining hall and to the hall where closd.  I was shut in.  I do not think I like that.

Happy to have visiters.  Craig and Leah and the girls were lots of fun.  Spenser is funny in his own cute ways,  Happy Rick and him visit today.

we I have been created to become.

Difficulties Overcome


Both Rick and 


Very foggy depressing day.  Ken at my lunch table is not well,

Sunday, September 8, 2024

God knows

 Iam thankful that I can trust 

God to be with me,  I am having a quiet day.  Sandra has helped me get my blog going.  I am going to Carol's house for supper.

a sad day here a lady my age fell and hurt her head and died n hospital. 

I think I look a little sad.

Visited neighbors last night and this morning.  I go walking and they invite me in.
Happy people are so friendly. 

Last night watched a movie on the main floor.

God loves us us.  Yah

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Good lunch

 Missing dad,  Adjusting to being in a one bedroom unit with sitting room and kitchen  but thankful for all my meals and all my children.  My health is good my only complaint is I am slowing down.

They shop for me and buy my groceries.  They take me to appointments.  Rick is here today helping me set up my blog.  

enjoying Spenser too.

Back On-line

 Great Grandma Beth is back on-line!