Sunday, November 30, 2014



A sunny cold Sunday.  Early walk to the duck pond.  Very icy so even slower than usual. Thankful for the few bare spots of sidewalk.   Met an old Panorama Church friend Doug Wells. We have made some wonderful friends over the years.  We may look at Christianity a little differently but we all value friendship, family and faith, and also laughter!  Sorry to miss our church service and the community of
 friends.PB300891Everything was well organized as we began our exciting journey into Vancouver to enjoy Stewart McLean as a family.  A cold and snowy day takes us from our neighborhoods by fields of winter white and tall evergreens into the city of bright lights and tall buildings.
Carol was organized and thoughtfully bought us tickets ahead of time.  A very special way to get in the mood for Christmas, listening to one of the best storytellers ever.

I was up early and so thankful for heat that comes on with a touch instead of the oil furnace we had in our first little army barracks where you had to throw a match into the right amount of oil in the bottom of it and hope you had not put in too much or it would explode.
Yes our place got very cold so even the dog was dressed in a nightie.

I get the handicap card out of our car to put into Carol’s and I am so thankful that it allows us to park closer and shortens the walk for dad. I hunt around for my camera too.

Dad and I are looking forward to hearing our favorite story teller who radiates the joy and spirit of Christmas.  Theresa will be joining us with Ben and Morgan who also love his stories.

We are very fortunate to have dad as our story teller who keeps our memories alive.


Lost in the wonder of the morning sky and do wish I could really capture the unusual glow.  Just a light snow fall that started about 8:30 last night.  The cold makes the sky brighter I think.
PB290882 Haiti is not sure she wants to go out in the cold.  I think the tiny little new buds must be shivering under the snow.  I know I feel the cold.  Time for long underwear and warm P.J.'s.

Lost in memories of past years.  Every year is different, and  than this one will be too.

Dad and I remember the trips back and forth to Edmonton, Calgary and Saskatoon in very cold winery weather.  I would feel tense and stress as we drove along icy roads with white black out.  Does that make sense?  Sometimes we could barely see the road with all the blowing snow!  I would start getting anxious thinking maybe we were lost.  Being lost in a blizzard is NO FUN.

Feeling a little lost in the hustle and bushel of holiday madness. 

I wrap a parcel to send to Australia and the charge to send it is exorbitant.  Have to try again.  I know I should or could do it on line but I get lost in that stuff too.  I think the children are never to young to start saving with their own bank accounts.

Got a new funny book to read called   "The Little Old Lady Who Broke All The rules"
By C. I. Sundbery.  It is going to prove to me you are never to old to break a few rules even if you end up in a nursing home using a walker.  I think I will take this to Bible study next meeting!

So I can get lost in a good book, in a bookstore and in a library.  Losing all sense of time!

Better yet is getting lost in the grace of unconditional love of Jesus.

Saturday, November 29, 2014


Hearing and seeing a flock of geese flying overhead as I had a short walk with Haiti stirs up a feeling of awe.

It is like hearing amazing music that can bring back new memories of time past.

We will be hearing the same words of scripture again this season that comes before Christmas.  I think that it is a miracle that the words of the Bible still are worthy of our taking time to listen.  These words have echoed over the centuries to tell a story of a brave young couple facing an uncertain future together.

What does it have to say that will speak to hearts that are seeking and wanted to hear something new and uplifting.  At this time it seems the words we hear on the radio are so bleak and soul numbing that life can seem so empty and futile.

PB260871When Mary hears the words of the angel she is told to not be afraid.

Can these words leap off the page as if they are spoken to me alone.  Sometimes those are the words I need to hear.

We will be going to hear Stewart M. on Sunday due to the generosity of  Carol and Panteli and the sound of his voice is one I can never forget and it is so comforting and encouraging and so familiar to those of us who listen to C.B.C.

Did not accomplish anything when we tried to go shopping at Costco.  Dad thought everyone would be at the black Friday stores and maybe it was not one.  He did not listen to me.

I can't believe it snowed! !

Friday, November 28, 2014


Our house looks a little like Christmas.
I put money into Santa's kettle so I think I am in his good book now!
 I also visited Jim who is feeling very poorly but he gets up and sits in his chair and people say hello to him so that is helpful and kind. 

Carol dropped by for supper that Kim made for us all.
Such a good healthy supper with lots of veggies.

 Prayer is fragile as these tiny dew drops and yet it releases power that renews our strength, courage for each day and hope especially for those feeling hopeless.

I found this prayer in a book called Gap.  A story of a young women's struggle to survive.

"Lord make us thankful for the privilege of being alive to see this new day.
Make us grateful for the honor of your presence and blessing.
Make us thankful for your love, which is showered without condition on our unworthiness.
Help us to grow in wisdom.
Help us to see your face and your love in the faces around us and wherever we look in the world.
For there is no place your love has not gone before us.  - Robert Morgan

Trust that the good Lord will be with us and those who are fighting for justice and for change.
Help us to find comfort in our moments of grief and pain.
Know that He is with us in our work, in our family and in our joys and illnesses.

"Every person is a hero in his own life.
And no matter how often we feel insignificant, we know that in our depths that something in us comes from God.
The profoundest moments of life are the ones that tell us we matter to someone and this to me is the essence of faith and the essence of love.  -Randell Wallace  the novel "The Touch"

I put on all my rain gear but then the heavy rain stops except for a could that dumps a little as I walk.  I meet my little Japanese grandmother and she takes my arm and walks me up the hill.  Do I look like I need help?  We laugh as we walk together.  I miss having someone to walk with me.

Praying that all the victims will be heard and there will be changes in the way we treat each other and changes in our police force's actions.

Thankful the wind did not blow our power off.  Thankful we do not have to drive in snow (just yet).

Thursday, November 27, 2014


Here is a few of my Bible Study Group.  We had another fun meeting.  Two of our gang were missing and we look forward to our Dec. gather to make special bags for single moms and some poor moms too.  Every woman likes to have a few treats just for herself at Christmas. Thankful for good friends and enjoyable discussions even of difficult text.
This time of year I always find that food is more tempting as you have this urge to eat old family favorites.  I crave sweets and rich food.  There are smells and tastes that remind of us of childhood Christmases.  Yes, I am thankful for the changes in what is available for GF people.
I am tempted to want to make others happy by giving just the right presents but I know that happiness comes from within and just knowing that others think and care about is enough.
I love getting a card or a phone call so I am sure others do too!
                                                                                                We read in scripture that Jesus faced temptation and until we get a picture of the temptations he had to face we do not relate;
turn stones into loaves of bread
throw yourself down from the pinnacle of the temple and prove angels will protect you
surrender to Satan and gain the control of the whole world.
PB190817 Mary and Joseph had a hard time facing hardships and ridicule which a long journey and a birth in a strange and dark place with the smells of animals and no room for them in the inn and no beautiful crib to lay their baby down in..     The words paint a picture of pain and loneliness and I would imagine  at the sadness of all their hopes and dreams disappearing.
It is tempting for me to stay in bed and not go for my walk in the cold rain.  I feel the chill of old age in my bones and muscles now and I do not like it.
All of us face temptations that promise to make life easier and happier.

Today is visiting Jim day!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014



                                                   LIFE IS FULL OF CONTRASTS!

It is amazing what doctors can discover about the human body and the human brain.  Dad goes to get his heart halter removed and it is a miracle that every eat of his heart has been recorded on the box taped to his chest.  Since there was no apparent reason for this test we do not expect any negative reports but still it is good to have things completely checked out.

Every time I read scripture and study it with others I discover new possibilities.  Even reading commentaries experts will have different opinions. 

Dad and Kim are excited to put up Christmas lights and we do have a few on the trees from last year.  I am quite content with those.  But hey if they want to get creative they can do their thing.

Nancy you are not alone in not knowing exactly what to call yourself.  There are many different definitions of who is a Christian as there are different churches.  It is not really known when Christians were first called by that name.  They were called people of the way first. We are all on the way, our  way of discovery of truth and light.

Today there is a lot of critical thinking about what is really a metaphor or myth, and thus did not really happen.  
"In the state of postcritical naitivete , one knows the truth  of the birth stories lies in their meanings as metaphorical narratives.  It is archetypal religious imagery about the significance of Jesus and about the divine-human relationship."  Marcus Borg

Great care must be taken if we get stuck in this critical thinking which can seem liberating but there is the fear that it becomes a very arid and barren place in which to live.  T.S. Eliot's "wasteland".

Does it matter if Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem when it was more likely he was born in Nazareth?  I like to believe he was conceived by the Holy Spirit which would mean he was born with a sacred purpose.  He was one of us but also a  man who knew the mind of God. I think the story of a rough carpenter and a simple peasant girl continues to be a story that blesses us with a deeper meaning at Christmas. 

PB250838I was wondering what Joseph and Mary had to light the place where Jesus was born.  Maybe a simple oil lamp like this.  
I am extremely fortunate to have a group of good friends
who enjoy trying to figure out the puzzle of ancient words
and discover the meaning for our lives today.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Yes it is raining again and will be for a few more days.
Yes, we had the right place, date and time for dad to get his heart monitor strapped to his chest.  It took an hour and 15 minutes for me as I waited.  It is a blood clinic and a very busy and efficient place.  People of all races, sizes and colors came in.

I took some study reading for our  my  lesson with me and groaned when I read Paul's idea of judgement which was to dispel the wicket man from among you.  This is in his letter to the Corinthian Church.  A very corrupt group of believers.

I then went home and read the Van. Sun who described Jacob Tootoo a young Inuk hockey player who had become involved with a lifestyle that involved booze and women.  His hockey playing was affected and he was given an ultimatum to clean up or leave.  He agreed to enter a substance abuse program. 

He realized that it was an honor and a privilege to be playing in the NHL.  I believe that Paul, who sacrificed much in his life to witness and lead others to faith in Jesus,  also believed it was an honor and privilege and a blessing to be called a Christian.  People like to criticize Christians so it is important I try to live up to the lifestyle of Jesus.

As parents we know at times we have been called to discipline with tough love and it is not easy,

Monday, November 24, 2014


PB230836How can the ancient history of Christianity become alive and real to us today?  How can it become meaningful?

The morning after all the rain and wind leaves our cherry tree bare of most of its leaves.  All night we heard the power of its force as it blew against our window and our house.  We are reminded again that we are powerless against the force of nature and only by joining together can we survive.

By the time we arrive at church the sun is shining through the stained glass windows.  We are reminded of the light of the presence of Christ.   
A young family comes to church to have their twins baptized.  The youngest of 7 children.  The twins, a boy and a girl were adorable and they made this service very special.  Every birth is a miracle and a reminder of the love that draws us into the Light. We will be remembering the birth of the baby Jesus as the time draws closer to Christmas.  The other young children gathered around as the babies were baptized with water and oil.

The lights are going up on the streets all around us.  It will be time to get the manager scene to place on our mantel.  We do not fully understand the embarrassment that both Mary and Joseph felt at the unexpected pregnancy or the stigma that Jesus would grow up with being called of a bastard conceived out of wedlock.  Do we really know the poverty of this young couple having a baby in a smelly and unsanitary stable.

How sad that there is still fighting over who can worship at the Holy Mount.  A site that has been declared sacred by the Jews and Islam and the Muslims.

As Christians we find meaning in the words that declare the time is coming that true worshippers will worship in spirit and in truth knowing that all may carry the life and the spirit inside their hearts.  The best gift of Christmas is the gift of life and love.  A love that conquers fear and feeds the hungry and welcomes the stranger.

For each one of us that has know the pain of imperfection we are now being healed and set free.  It is not who you are or where you are but where you place your trust.

"Love only wants a genuine response"  -Gayle D. Erwin.

Every life has value and meaning.

Sunday, November 23, 2014



What a surprise when the sun came out and the rain we had anticipated did not happen.  A good day to be out in the yard and blow the leaves off the back patio and then dad went for his bike ride.

I had had a bad night with many trips up and down to the bathroom, so did not feel like walking. Sometimes you cannot trust the food when you eat out.  Did go later in the afternoon with Haiti.

PB220828Kim was happy it was sunny as they were making an outdoor kiln for their pottery.  It stays in there until Monday.

 She had left us a nice salad for lunch which was very appreciated.

Enjoyed the blue blue sky and the sunshine.

Yes, sometimes life just sucks and painfully leave scars. 
We plant our gardens knowing there will always be weeds.  If we pull up the weeds we need to plant more plants to fill the space.  Weeds are negative feelings about the unfairness of life which can make us feel bitter and angry. 

In this garden of life I know now I have to takes responsibility for my own happiness and not expect others to make me happy.  I have discovered that when bad things happen there is a inner strength that can carry us through.

There also is great happiness when we sacrifice to make others happy!

As I set out for church I anticipate that I will take in something good that will help me spiritually
and hopefully a better person.  Jesus reminds us to open our ears and to listen.

Woke up to heavy gusts of wind trying to blow the house down and the last of the leaves will be set free today I anticipate with certainty.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


A slice of life!
We eat our apples a bite at a time.  Apples coming ripe on the trees are a wonderful treat to the taste and to the eyes.  Colourful and fitting just right in your hand.  We are so very fortunate to have all the vegetables and fruits available to us all year long.
PB210826I set aside some time in the morning to phone some friends but no one answers my calls.  One by one I think about as I dial and listen to the phone ring.  Good friends have helped me feel good about myself.  They have helped me achieve some things I was afraid to try.  They have done this by helping me let go of fear and past failure.

I am thankful that I have also been able to help them.

We have work together, prayed together and seen our families grow together and I am thankful for each one of my friends not just those I phoned today!

They have taught me what it means to be a good friend.

There will be another day when we can get caught up with what is happening in their lives.  For now I wish for them to be enjoying their day and for them to be happy.

I will be content and at peace whatever I do  do.


Friday, November 21, 2014


Both Kim and I are up a little earlier.  She has lots to do at school and I  want to go for an earlier walk.  Sure enough as I round the corner on my walk I meet friendly faces and kind words of a good morning how are you.  I say fine even though my legs feel very wooden and stiff this morning.

  I am very careful on the stairs. 

It is milder and the road has been rained on during the night.  We can expect three days of rain and hopefully a rainbow at the end.  Do hope we do not get as much rain as Buffalo had snow!

We assumed our refrigerator was still working when we first got up but soon realized that the milk was too warm.  Of course we think  we do not want to have to buy a new one as they are very expensive.  Dad cleaned the back and got it working again.  Very thankful for a frig. that works.

Very thankful dad offered to drive to the Seniors home.  Jim is very sick with the flu so I did not stay long and did not get close.  I assume these bugs can be catchy.

We often make assumptions about many things and especially about religion and spirituality.  In the past spirituality was thought to be  personal and private separate from politics.  The United church is not very evangelical so those who attend do not feel the necessity of sharing their faith to save somebodies soul.  We leave that up to Billy Graham and other evangelists.

Assuming spirituality is political then is politics properly spiritual.  Now we are more modern we take for granted that politics are meant to be secular.  One thing that has happened is it then losses its moral structure and purpose and becomes an old boys club with its group interests and also personal ambition.

I assume that the home we grew up in had some influence on our lives.  Hopefully there is learned a respect for all religions and a respect for the dignity of all human beings which I believe are the roots of a deep faith.  I like to assume that within each one of us lies many talents that create beauty and inspire others to also use their talents. 

Gifts from the goodness of a Creator God!

Thursday, November 20, 2014


A little warmer today and I leave later for my walk.  I miss all my regular walking friends and as I pass the corners or the houses where we usually greet I feel like I am walking with ghosts.  I guess that is a funny thing to think.  It is light but it is going to be a dull day
Carol came over and her and dad went to Home Depot.  She has a good plan to finish the top floor which is a smaller area and see how she likes the color of the paint and flooring etc. I like to have a place in my home which is my special place, a sanctuary of sorts.  A place where time can be still for a few moments.
She is worn out taking off that miserable wall-paper and there is so much to be done it is exciting but over whelming.  No wonder she drives off with out her purse with so much on her mind.

Dad will go in and help her when she needs some help.  There is also a young boy from the school that is willing to help and has some experience too.

My hearing seems to be getting worse and I also believes trying to hear is very tiring, sure we laugh when I get things all wrong but I also am more sympathetic to others who do not hear well.  Jim is one of them.  I have to shout very loud when I am visiting him. 

My book suggests that I take note of my good qualities,  not so that I become conceited, but as my sense of worth grows my need for the approval of others will decrease.  It is important to see the good in others but also the good in myself.  I do wish I could be more helpful but I know the things I am not good at like painting or stripping wall paper or making decisions about flooring etc.
It was ghostly quiet as the day darkened and I turned on lights.  Dad and Haiti were both sleeping and Kim was not home yet.  I was pleased that the house looked tidier than it had in the morning.  I could sit and read in my favorite chair. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Plot twist “Waldo finds himself”after all the puzzles I have studied that said where is Waldo. Children love playing this game as it is a challenge as to who can find the most Waldo's first. Waldo finds himself in the twist of the plot.

There is a man at the cancer clinic who spends hours there getting treatment so he has a puzzle that he works on while he is there.
Thinking about the message at church on Sunday and realizing one more that the parables of Jesus are a puzzle for those who read from our worldly point of view.  In the parable of the talents Math:25: 14-30 Jesus addresses his listeners who know  what it is like to be treated as slaves under the rule of cruel bosses.  Those who perform well are rewarded and those who fail are severely punished.  This how the world treats and rewards those who succeed and punishes those who are weak and afraid.  Instead of entering into the joy of the master's success and receiving words of well done from the heart of a good master who welcomes all and knows that each one of us is worthy of praise!  God is good not a cruel master!
I have always puzzled over this verses until you see the meaning from a new light.  Just as children delight in discovering new things like the stars or a shiny rock or a little bug God wants us to delight in the knowledge we are loved and do not deserve to be treated harshly as slaves.

PB180803Our plans for the day change as Tavia, one of Cathy's girls come for a nice long chat and visit.  The girls are all so busy it is a rare treat to have a visit.

Later we drove in to have a visit with Carol and Panteli and see all the work that has been accomplished.  She will call us if we can help when it is time for dry-walling.

N0 I did not get to check out the vitamins but maybe today.

Life can seem like a puzzle some how and we wish we had all the answers but we live by faith in the hope that some day we will understand why.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


A sunny morning I have a choice to walk to Boundary Park where there is a small man made pond with lots of ducks enjoying swimming and nesting on the banks.  It is a longer walk for me and good for an afternoon stroll.



I choose the shorter walk to Coyote Creek as I have not been doing my morning walking but talking instead.  I feel like I am fighting off dad's cold so I decide to have a restful day.  I did end up visiting my neighbor who is still having problems with her thinking.  It must be very hard to believe you cannot fight the inevitable and something bad is just going to happen.
Kim and Oliver are in helping Carol again and Kim has shoulder pain from unused muscles.  Tearing off very stubborn wall paper is tough work.  Sorry dad and I missed Theresa who also came in on Sunday and stayed for supper with Sandra and Randy.
From my brain book "The Female Brain" I learn that 60% of your brain is fat and it needs good cholesterol to keep it healthy.  The thyroid also affects the brain and the testing by doctors has been inadequate.  As we age we are more vulnerable to such conditions as heart disease and stroke.  There are vitamins that can replace some of our deficiencies and an improvement in diet is even more important now.  B vitamins support the adrenal system and can help you deal with stress.  5-HTP is a calming supplement that boots serotonin levels and supports sleep.  Also L-theanine, relora, magnesium, holy basil, ashwagandla, and rhodiola.  I think we will pay a trip to the vitamin store today.
Adrenal fatigue can also be helped by natural stress management techniques, such as laughter, deep breathing exercises and meditation.  And learning how to correct negative patterns.  It is also important to watch sugar intake which can cause high and low blood sugar levels.
He even recommends a 400 calorie salad made of spinach, salmon, blueberries, walnuts, and red bell peppers to boast your energy.  If you over eat you bankrupt your brain as well as your body.

Monday, November 17, 2014


I love to escape for a walk especially down to the lake.
Sometimes there is not escape from duty so it is important to think of it as a blessing not a duty.
Sometimes one cannot escape a bad hair day so just have to laugh and see the humor of it.  Humor is a great way to escape reality and problems.

We thought the white bird had died but there it is in the corner.
We cannot escape the unexpected.

We cannot escape sickness and the coming on of old age.  So make the best of it.

We cannot escape winter weather so on go the long underwear and out come mitts and toques.

I did make it to church but my teeth were not brushed  and no time to change clothes
Everyone was glad to see me.
  It was a good morning visiting with Oliver, then dad and then Kim. 

I like to escape with a full can of gas in the car and hate it when the gas can comes on.
I am in a hurry late as usual with the seat belt buzzer complaining and my eye on the gas.

Kim has prepare a great supper.  Oliver's favorite.  Sushi.  Plans have changed supper is at Sandra and Randy's.  Dad and I will miss out this time.  Dad has a cold and no one else wants to catch it.  I do not think he should be home alone when he is feeling down.

Escape the stress and worry of Christmas by keeping it simple.
Escape the noise of T.V. sports and find a nice quiet calm place to be!

Saturday, November 15, 2014


I left them busy working away in their new home.  Oliver had arrived and helped removed the old moldy frig. and lots of carpets and took them to the dump.  It is great that he has a small dump truck.
There is a lot of work to be done so not feeling I would be much help I went for a walk.  


This is the view from the very high top floor.

This is the bottom looking up.
PB140766This is a little stream I found but the picture is not too good.  It has been busy here so I will take a few days of grace.
Had to read up about the candidates we were going over to vote on. 



My day began with a walk through the park again looking for more pictures to take.  Seeing blue skies and sunshine sure helps me to get moving.  Later it was working in the yard raking leaves while dad cut the lawn and put things away in the shed.

Later we drove in to see the hard working new home owners at work ripping up carpets and tearing down wall paper.  They have lots of wonderful plans but already have discovered things they had not counted on.  Oliver came over on the ferry and will be a great help.  The fact that he owns a truck is a bonus.

Sandra came to have her first look at the place and then the three of us took Carol out to the White Spot for a late lunch or early supper. 

PB140747Going back to my brain book I am reminded that it is important to engage in brain-healthy habits.  We have been a lot to be healthier like eating lots of good vegetables but dad and I both still crave sugar so that is something we need to work on.  Now that I am having a high protein breakfast and doing my walk every morning at least I start the day out right.  I still need to work on life changing insights that help me to have a clearer vision for the day's stresses.
One important thing is to be less reactive and more honest.  Dad was annoyed at the way I have been keeping tack of our appointments and I realize he was right but could have been a little more patient as he explain why his way is so much better.
I want to have a better brain and I know that over coming negative thoughts especially about things I need to change is a beginning.
Yes I do want to be healthier, feel happy and content so I can then make better choices and decisions.
To do this it is important for me to nurture my strengths and protect against vulnerabilities that would rob me of the vision of who I am and am still in the process of becoming!
On that note I will get the room ready for Oliver to stay the night.  Dad will be pleased to have some one to watch hockey with.

Friday, November 14, 2014


Early morning walk through the park.  Cold and sunny.
Too early for the doggie  social hour where they get to run around off their leashes.  Haiti is admired especially for her ability to run fast.   She does not chase balls but chases dogs that do.
Off to visit Jim.  Just a few years back he would gruffly tell I did not need to visit him.  I would say okay and be back again the next week.  I cannot remember when I took him the first milkshake but he is very appreciative now and thanks me for the visit.

His life changed with his change in lifestyle.  He could no longer work as a pilot and had not learn to live within his means.  He became an alcoholic estranged from family and friends.  His health deteriorated and is extremely poor now.
He is very angry and very unsociable which does not help.
I think being faithful is a very good Christian value which  I try to uphold and maintain.  So after dad had a 3 mile bike ride he drove me to the Seniors Home as I was still feeling a little wobbly.  When I had visited Jim I ended up in the elevator with two other cranky old people with canes.  One wanted to go up and one wanted to go down and they felt very strongly about it and had me worried for a few minutes.
I had better practice up using my cane it may come in handy some day as I shout "No I said up not down."
In many ways the lifestyle of Paul, who wrote much of the Bible with his letter writing to different churches and his traveling; while Jesus traveled by foot and did not write anything that we are aware of;  are different.  They both value faithfulness and humility.
It is easier to see humility in Jesus and although  Paul preached it he felt the need to point out his humility to everyone.
Early bed time for me last night.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


So thankful to have a home to share with family and friends.  One of the other sad things about war is the many who are left orphans with no home. There are far to many families living in refugee camps.  There are far to many homeless living on the streets.

 Paul in his letter to the Corinthians mentions being persecuted and homeless.  Paul did not like suffering but accepted the hardships that come with being a follower of Jesus.  He wanted them to know he had no regrets and that God would be the one to judge us all so that we were not to judge one another not even ourselves.

I can feel a pressure to be more like some one else but feelings like can cause home sickness.    I do not need to conform to the world but let love transform me and welcome me home.

His words expressed his love which was compared to a father's love that also disciplined and nurtured.  I had trouble with this lesson but it was fun to do it with a happy group.

Today is milkshake day and I think it will continue to be clear and cold.  The three of us feel a little achy and shaky but think it is the change in the weather.  Maybe a little let down after all the fun and games!

No matter where I have been or who I have been with I am always so thankful to be home.


Wednesday, November 12, 2014


PB110717When it comes to playing games our family really shines.  Any party is an excuse to have fun and celebrate.
Everyone wins!
After a exciting day at the bird sanctuary the family gathers to celebrate Panteli's birthday and play games!  
Ben sits reading between Grama Carol and his mom.  He loves to read and has just been given some Archie comic books. 
Ben gets us started writing down questions.

The secret is to guess who wrote what answer to the question that some one else thought up.
The questions range from what would you hide under the bed?
How to explain your way out of a parking ticket?
What do you dislike most about Christmas?
What do you not wear with a bikini? 
PB110721I wouldn't know I have never worn one.
What would you not like to feel squishing beneath your toes?

We all came out as winners and it was time to enjoy the cake and sing Happy Birthday!

Poor Haiti feels left out as people come and go.  She just loves to see everyone but is not allowed in the living room. She sheds a lot of hair which floats around and can land just about anywhere.

It is hard to remember what day it is when a holiday comes in the middle of the week.  Today I do go to Bible study at Colebrook church and I have left answering the questions until the last minute.