Monday, April 30, 2012


Dinner with Sandra and Randy.  Everything tasted as good as it looked.

Lying awake all night I could hear the heavy rain falling and it is still this morning.

Yesterday morning I went out for a very early walk.  I took my camera along just in case something caught my eye.  Sure enough soon I was knelling beside the road to take a picture and may have appeared to be praying.

Next  I sat crossed legged before a flower and it could appear to be a yoga pose.

Then  I picked up a beer can and spilled it all over me.  Yuk!  Then there was a wine bottle as as I bent to pick it up I felt a little dizzy and I thought if I fell the evidence would incriminate me as a drunken woman.  lol

So appearances can be deceiving.  Like this plant I do not know if it is a weed or a flower so I will leave it im my garden and wait to see what it does.

I am reminded not to judge by outward appearances but to look for the heart instead.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Dad and I often feel so far away from our children and grand children and yes the greats to.

It was good to see the Alexander family at the Cloverdale center. We found the big stairs very hard to climb which made us feel a little older.

We are reconnecting with Panteli who is the first one to arrive here from the Grand Cayman.  He will be teaching a course at Kwantlan Colledge.  Carol will follow in several weeks and then Kim.  We are sure looking forward to seeing them.

Saturday was just an ordinary day and I was going to clean house but with rain threatening I decided to cut the lawn and do some work in the garden.  Dad went for his walk but came home very sore. 
The good thing about being out in the yard you talk to your neighbors.  We had a good visit with Cathy across the street.

Looking around my garden I was delighted to see some new flowers nearly out in bloom.  It is always exciting to see what comes up each spring as I reconnect with my garden.

Morgan is totally absorbed in examining the toy snake in the jar .  Children can be exhausting but also fascinating.

Pictures of Jasmine and Mathew help us to feel a little closer and connected.

Prayer and going to church help me feel connected to God and give meaning to my life that goes deeper than words can express.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Even on a rainy morning the dogwood tree looks beautiful as it starts to bloom.

Spending even a little time with Uri in the morning and Morgan at Ben's game reminds me of the amazing world of wonder a child lives in. and makes me long for a sense of wonder that could be indestructible and last all my life.

To me this is what religion is all about.  Even an ordinary, disbelieving and intellectually focused
person.  Even in our busy desacralized world I think that in the silence of wonder we become aware of the mystery of life.  I always was aware of how much I loved my children as I saw them fast asleep and safe in their beds.

We drove through cherry blossom streets and then through rows of town houses on the way to the lacrosse rink.  It was exciting to watch Ben play and score the only goal for his team.  .the day had turned sunny but still cold; especially when the sun went down.

 Ben with two adoring fans, mom Theresa and Morgan hius sister.
The children were very happy to see Panteli and he enjoyed being with them.


Friday, April 27, 2012


A quiet moment while Uri sits on his little stool then he is off bashing the ball with the hockey stick dad bought.  He sat on the big stool to get into the cupboards and caught his mom's eye and she said no.  I thought I had to help him down or he would fall.  I showed him Morgan's special place and he really liked it and had great fun bringing things out and bashing them with his little hickey stick.  He was barely still for a moment except when he sat on the little stool and had something to drink. 

I was so uptight when I took our younger children to visit our older friends like Madie and Stan.  Of course they had no toys around and lots of ornaments.  Parents seem more calm now a days and that is good.

Ava and Jeff are engaged and we are among the first to be told.  Jeff is very quiet and Ava seems very happy.  She is going to drop by again soon and I think I will be better prepared.  The high stool will disappear for one thing.  He loves being outside and that would be good if we all sat out together.

My early morning walk was cool but I saw three bunnies hopping on the grass and across the road.  More and more flowers are coming out in bloom and they make the air so fragant too.
Panteli had gone to meet his friends for coffee.

  I met a lovely young lady about Sandra's age and we walked together for awhile.  She also has been injured in a car accident and has been in pain for years but she has a wonderful happy spirit and laughs at herself and I would love to talk to her again.

I am trying to rest now but finding it hard to calm down.  Dad has gone for a walk in the park and we will all go to the lacross game at 6.


Looking very wet out back.  The grass is getting covered with cherry blossoms.  Everyone is getting tired of the rain.

I love seeing umbrella's even though I cannot be bothered carrying one myself.

After our lunch the day did clear up and the sun warmed the air and warmed our spirits.
Dad was able to go for his bike ride so that was great.

Arriving at the Care Home I looked around at all the gray hair and started to think of the wisdom that was hidden deep inside each one.  I think not only the visiting but the listening to their stories is so important.

Reading in Karen's book she takes us on a journey into the minds of some very ancient sages; like Siddhartha Gotama, the future Buddha.  He believed in meditation that freed him from earthly selfishness and sought to live a life of gratitude, compassion and altruism. 

Confucius also taught about controlling egotism's and cultivation compassion.  He was horrified when the economy changed and their was a aggressive pursuit of luxury, wealth and power.  His view was that salvation lay in a renewed appreciation of the underlying spirit of the old rites.  These gracious codes of behaviors had made people conscious of the dignity of every human being, they expressed and conferred sacred respect, they taught every family members to live for others.  The rites were a spiritual education that enabled people to transcend the limitations of selfishness.

The great Jewish sage Hillel stressed that doing unto others as you would have done to you is the whole of the Torah.

It is amazing that truth lives on even when all around us changes.

Panteli will arrive at mid-night and I do not know just how things will go in the morning.  I am not sure about being able to do my blog for awhile but I will have to see what works out.  I will walk with Gundy in the morning, and I must not forget Ava is coming over in the morning with Uri and her new boyfriend to tell us some exciting news I think,  and dad and I and maybe Sandra will go to Ben's lacrosse game Friday night.

Ken your friend Silverburg played very well and it was too bad Ottawa lost.  We, especially me, are now losing interest.

It is now Friday morning and I am tiring to be quiet but have already bumped into several things.
Pentali arrived and I am the only one up so far.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


This composting I am finding is very messy business.

Yes our street is looking very messy with junk sitting out in front of most of the homes.  The rain pouring down makes it look even worse. .  The trees are raining down blossoms as they get soaked and it seems they are blooming for such a short time.

It is raining again this morning which makes the air very fresh.

I was thankful dad went to the store while I went to Bible Study at the church.  Most of us were a little weary after the work at the sale all week end.  They made good money and lots of people went home with their special little treasures.  I brought home a few books but I really should have donated some instead which I would have done if they look like they needed more books.

Enjoyed having Craig for dinner and to watch some hockey.  I think I drifted off.

Panteli arrives to-night at midnight and will take a cab here to the car lot.  Rick's car has come and gone and Craig is driving it.  Pentali's car is now park out if front waiting for him.

I was reading the back of a book cover which talks ab out Messy Christianity and it says if you want to look for Jesus today look for him in the midst of burned out believers, moral misfits and religious incompetents because just like his disciples we are a messy group of imperfect people.

Having lunch with Jane and Geof and then off visiting and doing my best to be cheerful!

Rick is safe in HongKong visiting his old friend and his wife.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I do not like the changes to creating a blog.  This is our back yard where there was a little  touch of sunshine Momday morning.  Tuesday turned into a very rainy day.  Rick had to drive all the way here from Kampoops in the rain.

But he was cheerful when he arrived at our doorstep right on time.  Within minutes we were off to the airport as he was travelling to Hong Kong to see an old friend he went to law school with.

It turned out to be a very dreary day here although the rain always is good for the garden.

We picked up our new compost pail that dad thinks is stupid but I think if it helps in even a small way the environment it is a good idea.  We put our compost from the kitchen in a pail with the garden compost and it all goes out together.  I have filled my little pail already because I cleaned out the frig.

I was thinking how stale I have become in praying for others out loud and with them.
Cathy's asked if she could pray for dad, right there and then.  He said yes.  Surprise surprise!
When I light a candle and pray for some one at church I truly feel the presence of the Holy Spirit and the loving community that joins with me.  I have always experienced amazing love when people have prayed for me.

Prayer for me is simple words spoken from the heart into the mystery of sacred silence.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Wild flowers that grow along my path.  They had a lovely perfume so may pick a few today to put in the little bath room.

In the past there have been days when you had to be quick to accomplish all the things you had to do each day.  Now our decisions are made slowly and are always changeable and not always doable. 
My walking has slowed and the distanced shortened and people hasten by me now.  My jogger friend who passes me each day is always encouraging me to keep it up.

I leave trails around the house of books, scribblers, pens and pencils and now dirt is added to the trail; if I don't carry things with me I wind up going up and down stairs every time I want to check on something or decide to read a mystery instead of a serious book.

Yesterday we had a visit from Cathy who has been accepted into the Master's program at Trinity.  She is only taking one course at a time so it will take her several years.

Rick phoned to see if he can leave his car here and have us drive him into the airport.

According to Karen Armstrong God told Mohammad, "Do not approach the Qur'an in haste, ere it has been revealed to thee in full."  I think that is reading scripture we should not come to hasty conclusions or take verses out of context.  There is a lot in scripture that talks about mercy, forgiveness, gentleness, kindness courtesy, forbearance and love.

Jesus' ministry was one of healing which speaks again of the compassion of God/

Monday, April 23, 2012


A beautiful setting for a church,
many amazing friends.

Life should be simple.  Both of these ladies Joan at the Jetlag and Edna at our book study have discussed some of the complexities of being human and trying to be a Christian.  This morning on a very early walk I met Doug who has been helping at with supplying meals for some disadvantaged people but they are very demanding and unappreciative so he is feeling that the church group is being used.  Difficult to know how to help people.

After I talked to him I met a young neighbor of mine who is becoming extremely anorexic.  She has four neat children.  She had problems with this as a teen-ager and has now slipped back into it again.
She has her house up for sale and wants to move away from her parents, especially her mom.  When I see her again maybe I will ask if she is getting counseling. 

Church was very encouraging reminding us of the depth of God's presence not only in nature but also in our lives.  Although scripture is fallible because of the human element involved the very nature and wisdom of God breathes through it. We can learn a lot from children who find simple things fascinating.  I also found the message a little complex so I am not sure I got the message within the message.

Also reading Karen Armstrong can be very complexions so I am reading very slowly.

Armstrong writes about the Aryan peoples of India who had been aggressive, passionate warriors becoming transformed by the priests in the ninth century BCE into more anodyne ceremonies.
Giving up what they had called sacred violence to turn inward and find what the causes of violence in the psyche, they imitated a spiritual awakening that would become central to Indian spirituality.

Sages and their pupils in the years to follow would explore the complexity of the mind and discover the unconscious long before Jung and Freud.  Their goal was to find the true self that lay hidden and in finding peace within they would also find unity with the Brahman, "the all".  The indestructibly energy that fuels the cosmos, establishes it"s laws and pulls all the disparate parts of the universe together.  "This would require mental excises, disciplined lifestyle and intensely dialectical discussions."  They had hoped to help bring about freedom from terror and anxiety.

Urbanization developed and new forms of aggression emerged.  Competition and greed took over their minds and life became violent again.  The Old Religion no longer spoke to the changing times and animal sacrifice were done away with and the mind changing discipline of yoga became central to Indian spirituality.  This lead to the ability to master the ceaseless flux of thoughts, sensations and fantasies that course through the mind in order to concentrate on the awareness of the needs of others.
This entailed not only yoga exercise but disciplined living and kindness to all creatures.  The possibility of freeing the mind of greed, hatred, envy and lust and cultivating emotions that would bring out compassion, joy and gratitude could now be realized.

Yesterday was a lovely warm day and Randy and Sandra came and loaded up some unwanted bricks from around our place, and helped take out some heavy garbage that will be picked up on Thursday.  Then they took us out to lunch, after which we both had naps.

My interest in hockey will now decrease and it was sad to lose but the best team won and before you know a new season will be starting.  Lots of running around planned for today but plans do not always work out we will see.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Some of my plants have survived the wet winter season and are now in full bloom.  It does my heart good to see how beautiful they look.  Others look like dead dried up sticks that I am waiting for them to show some life.  I have the urge to continually move things around and dig up some overgrown daises plants.  Working outside is enjoyable when I can do what I want to do; but digging takes strength.

No matter where we are in life or what we believe we have to become over comers.  To use what gifts we have been given and then as we grow older learn some new skills which do not require the strength and energy and intelligence of when we were younger.   Accept that growing older means accepting what we can and cannot do anymore.  I had to laugh as the author of a mystery I am reading describes a dumpy person and I think Oh that sounds like me.

Detective Superintendent Wycliffe walks with his son on a windy beach and confesses there is a lot he does not like about being a detective, but to do a good job he has to look at the darker side of life, warped, twisted and ugly.  Yes,  he would have rather been a concert pianist but he is not.  If we are fortunate to have a job we really like then we are really blessed.  Happy people make those around them happy.

The truth may be that good can sometimes come out of tragedy and force changes.

Armstrong talks about how Judaism was changed when the Romans destroyed their temple and then their religion became one of the book.  "A rabbi would be expected to find fresh meaning in the scripture, which as the word of God, was infinite and could not be tied down to a single interpretation."

There was even a story about a famous rabbi who said atonement would now be in the doing of loving deeds, acts of compassion, referring to the scripture "I desire love and not sacrifice".

"Practically expressed compassion was now a priestly act that would atone for sins more effectively than temple sacrifices."  There are days when we feel let down and miserable and yet if we keep up the good fight we have the promise of becoming over comers.

Dad follow me over to the church and was soon put to work taking in the money. 
 Had pain everywhere when he came home.

Oliver has left for Victoria so just a short visit.

The question now is can Alex Burrows, Ryan Kesler and Matt Lapiere; a second forward unit, play it straight and help the Canuck's win and become over comers.?

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Sandra and Randy dropped by to have a short visit with Oliver.

Oliver puts the new battery in his motor-bike.
Dad had gone out to arrange for his car to be looked at and I went over the the church to sort through the great pile of stuff that gets brought in.  Thankfully people who are not two involved do come and help.  Mostly  I worked on the books  I did not want to be away too long knowing Oliver was here/.

Then came the real action which involved driving the bike onto the back of the car.  He had got down three boards but was a little uncertain about whether they would hold the weight of the bike.  I know I was holding my breath.

So the bike is loaded into his new truck and secured with ropes.

Oliver seem in very good spirits and is hopeful he will be able to get on the Coast Guard for which he has been trained for.  He had several setbacks just before Christmas when his job slowed down and that meant he had no money coming in.  A break-up with his girl friend did not help.  It was good he was able to go to the Grand Caymans to visit his mom and his sister and Panteli.

Dad  worked hard cleaning up the garage and we will be glad to get rid of some old furniture and junk,
He seems to be aching all over and I know it is tough when you have pain and also loss of energy.  I did some work in the garden but found it very tiring, but so good to be out in the fresh air. I think we both feel discouraged at our lack of energy.  I know I look at other people and wish I could do as much as them but that is just not going to happen.  I think we both have to be compassionate to ourselves.

I hope dad will join me at the church sale to-morrow even to come and have coffee because that is where the action will be!  The thing is that it is what is in our hearts that matters and if we believe in love and goodness and giving and sharing and forgiveness our lives have meaning.

Dad did not feel like skyping and Oliver had just left.  Sorry Carol maybe another time.  You and Kim should get together and we will have a visit.

Friday, April 20, 2012


I began the day with cutting the grass and I started thinking how the smell of fresh cut grass reminds me of cutting the lawn as a child so many years ago.  Having first Mary visit and now Oliver brings back many memories too.  I had forgotten until Sandra mentioned it how we use to go walking with the children in the buggies.

Oliver arrived just before I was going visiting. It was interesting that Jim started talking about some of his memories of driving to Mexico and ending up in jail for a few days.  He wishes his children knew him better as the person he really is; not this angry, helpless dying lonely old man.  These are his very words.  I asked if I could pray for him and he got annoyed and said he did not believe in God.  I told him that I respected what he has chosen to believe.   Inside I felt very sad.  He is a prisoner of his own negative emotions. 

After a cheerful visit with Freda I returned home.  The trouble is she never wants me to leave.

Dad and Oliver were having a good chat happy that the battery had been removed from the bike and will be recharged and put it to-morrow.  We went to the Green Lettuce and then Oliver went to visit Johnathon.

Karen Armstrong explains some of the history and wisdom of the past and says; "Properly understood the rites were a spiritual education that enabled people to transcend their own limitations of selfishness.  Confucius reinterpreted this: when people are treated with reverence, they become conscious of their own sacred worth.  Then they  could express respect and dignity to others with compassion.

To-morrow I will go to the church early, so I am writing this now, to help put things out for the big sale.  Our first sales at the church were clothing sales and we hung up rakes and rakes of clothes. I remember how people would be lined up at the door waiting to get in.  There were not stores like Value Village back in those days.

This year we are having a smaller sale without any big furniture items.  I  do not know if there will be garden plants but there will be books.  It is a fun time but also tiring.

The heavy rain has stopped, the birds are singing and I am hungry for breakfast and will have a short walk.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


What a special evening last night having Mary and Michael John join us to watch the Canucks win their do or die game.  We had a visit as well as just telling the players what to do. 

This morning I hear the birds up and awake and wonder if they will build their nest in our little bird house out at the back.

 I walk by myself which is good too.  As my friend Gundy end another walk together she tells me that I have been an inspiration to her and how very much she appreciates our walking together. It is good to have some one to talk with and enjoy all flowers and trees that are now blooming and listened to her story about her life and some of her strange relatives.  Good for a laugh.

Over the years I have had many good friends to walk with me and inspire me.  There was Jane, and Reg Barry and his wife, Janet, Liz and her hubby, Cindy my Korean neighbor who was very sad at the death of her mother.  Many steps and many good friendships.

There have been walks with Sandra and the dogs and Rick and Kenny when they come to visit.  Even though dad was having pain in his feet he went on a bike ride into the forest, this is a first for him.

There was an article shared at U.C. U.C.W. about taking time to walk and talk with others.  I am so thankful that I can do this, each step a blessing.

In Karen Armstrong's book on compassion she suggests reading the whole book and then return to work on step one.  Each step will build on the disciplines practiced and the habits acquired in those that have gone before.   The effect will be cumulative.  There will not be an instant transformation because it takes time to reorient our minds and hearts.  Hopefully each step will help us see the world in a new light.

As we continue to grow and learn new things about ourselves and the world we then realize the next step along the road is up to us to take. 

We step out of the ancient myths and stories to find our own way to love and to be loved.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Our two great helpers Mary and Michael John after they loaded up lots of stuff for the good will store in their mom's car.  What a blessing they are!  Todays Sandra has the day off to spend with them.  I know they will have an awesome day!
I still have a few things I liked to move around and a few to give to the sale at the church and a few to put out for our big pick up day.  Compassion is a motive behind what I give away hoping others can use some of our things.

  I knew it was crazy moving the chesterfield on a strange angle to be closer to the T.V. so that we could hear the D.V.D's.  Actually it did work and we could hear better but the room looked out of shape.  I know that both of us do not hear as well as we use to.  The very next day I moved it all back.

  The drive to the airport went well and we had a visit with Pat and John before they left.  I worked in the garden a bit, boy it was cold ; but the birds were singing away and the cats came for a visit.
We got home and had a simple supper.

We could watch our D.V/D's as the hockey game was not on.  We are watching a series about Detective Superintendent Wycliffe investigating crimes on the wild craggy Cornish Coast
 Canucks are back at it on Wed. night.  Crazy as it may seem I still have faith in them playing a good game.

Dad  is having lot of pain in his feet again.  Because of his hip bothering him he has not been walking.  It is too cold to ride a bike so no wonder the tress are slow at getting green.  The amazing things is the crazt spring flowers are blooming away.  Don't they know it may snow?

I go to a U.C.W.meeting this morning.  We are collecting some items for a dinner that is being put on for people in a poorer area of town.  We make up little gift bags for the women and we collect socks for the homeless.

I am reading about how the ancient people made up myths to explain the world as they knew it.  They amazing thing is the wisdom and timeless truth that has emerged from ancient beliefs.  Stories that seem crazy to us who are now more scientific seem crazy but they are not.

Story tellers are a joyous blessing!  Even when some stories seem unbelievable!

" These myths were associated with silence, obscurity and darkness and the profound truth is that death and life are inseparable."  K. Armstrong.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


A few little leaves hang on to the branches and there is a feeling of sadness as the beauty of this huge tree now looks lonely and bare.  This was a picture taken in the fall.

We were all feeling very tired as Mary and Michael John came to help us get rid of some broken and weary furniture.  Everything had memories and when it actually came time to say okay we will give that away it was sad.  They worked very hard and very quickly and the word was "O Grama you don't want that do you".  Some things I said okay and I agreed but dad was a definite no but several things.
Dad and I appreciated their help so very much and enjoyed our visit with them even more.
The best he stuff will go to a good will store to be re-used so that is some consolation.

I wake up at 5 wether it is light or dark and wish I could sleep into 7 but on the other hand you can get a lot down when you are awake!

Dad and I are driving Pat and John to the airport today and Oliver should be arriving any day now.

I am reading Karen Armstrong's book on Compassion.  I think she makes a good point when she says "We need inspiration and motivation that reach a level of the mind that is deeper than purely rational and touch the emotions rooted in the limbric region of the brain."

Rational thought is sometimes hard to explain and why we feel the way we do can be a mystery even to ourselves.  The belief in God gives me a sense of awe and reverence for life that is like how we experience beauty in nature and love in our family.  Even when we feel weary!

The flowering trees our out in bloom the other trees are very slow.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Thanks Ken for the information on Samaria and I hope life does continue after death.
  I think that what others believe is very interesting and hopefully helps us to be better people this life.

On the Sunday before Easter we paraded around church with Psalm branches praising
God and remembering the triumphant march of Jesus into Jerusalem on a donkey.  It was fun.
The children really think it is fun!

Yesterday there was a big march in Metro Vancouver to celebrate Vainskhi, a harvest festival for Hindu's as well as  Sikhs, it marks the beginning of the sacred New Year.

Hinduism is an interesting, diverse, pluralistic religion more like an ancient philosophy that overlaps other religions and with western Science, psychology and spirituality.

Brahman describes the sum total of reality.  A vibrating energy field.

Ishvara to many Hindus is a name for God.

A brief study of the world's great religions suggests that each is unique, with its own specific insights and forms  of expression.  If what you believe creates an outlook that values the individual, and gives each one of us responsibilities, and the challenge that life has meaning which in turn can fill some of the emptiness that haunts every human being.

Supper at Sandy and Randy\s house last night then home for the hockey.  Michael John and Mary were very pleased with their results but both had sore feet.  They are coming over to help us today.  We have junk day and hopefully we can clear out the house a bit.  Dad is not a big fan but I hope he can see that this will prepare us for our next move and if you do not use something for several years why keep it.

So there were no horns honking on the streets last night.  I am finding it almost two stressful to watch and I hate it when some one gets hurt.

Does this dining room looked familiar?  Great dinner Randy even if dad called the chicken pork then roast beef.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


A big hug from mom

                                                               A very happy mom


a quick trip from Kamloops
a busy week of exams coming up
Mary and Michael John's plane was late because the p[lane had to be de-iced.  Yes, snow in Edmonton!

Sandra and Randy ran into extra traffic going into and out of Van.  The Vaiskhi Parade had closed off streets.  So plans where to meet had to be changed.

Dad looks very smart holding a purse.  We asked a stranger to take our picture.  We were a happy group.


Work around the house day for me.

I like our home because it feels comfortable and I enjoy the morning sunshine in our living room.
This is where so much of my own story is unfolding.  Curled up on this chesterfield I have dreamed many dreams as I gazed out the window.  I feel protected here and able to dream in peace.  Being happy where you are at the present moment is very important to our psyche. 

I have added a few of my personal touches to the computer room where I go first thing in the morning.  This continues my journal writings from years past.  I got out some of my old journals and I included a lot of scripture in my writings along with my prayer for the day.

I love the thing on T.V. about the children making houses out of the cushions from the chesterfield.  That was great fun and reveals that children like to create their own cozy space.  That was not something I was allowed to do as a child; but we had a sun room at the front of the house where I would love to sit and imagine all sorts of stories, especially about having a dog one day. 

I also liked to sit on our front steps and just sit and wonder.  I shared a bedroom with my brother until I was about 6.  Then it became my room and I had my aunt's big brass bed to sleep in.  I remember how exciting that was.  I was expected to keep my room tidy and I did.

Today I have been busy doing things in the house and also in the garden.  My legs and hip are a bit achy now but I feel good about what I got done.  I did well with the amount of energy I had and a afternoon nap.

Early morning in the garden.  Every sunny day is a real blessing. Now I am going to let the sun and rain work it's magic on my garden.

Poor dad was stuck in Kay Kennedy's office for 3 and 1/2 hours waiting to get his neck manipulated.  He was very unhappy with the very long time it took.  He actually saw Kay for about 5 minutes.  We just hope and pray it did some good.  His plans for coffee with his friend Don did not work out.  He was more than ready to come home.  We enjoyed relaxing and eating on our front porch.  So pleased that dad made that.

Today Sandra and Randy go to see "Cats" lucky dogs.  Dad and I pick up Mary and Michael John from the airport and we will meet somewhere, undecided as of this morning for a late lunch early supper.  M And M are going in the sun run to-morrow.  I am glad I did it years ago when I did it with Sandra and Mary.

I think the Canucks are going to win there next two games!

Friday, April 13, 2012


                                             Everywhere Morgan went the cat went too!

Every rock and tree Ben had to climb.

Everywhere I look around the house I see photo's and ornaments and a collection of things that bring back memories, it is like looking back in time.    It is hard to think of getting rid of anything but the hardest will be going through cards and letters and my writing books which seem to be a part of my identity.

Everywhere life seems to pose questions that have no definite answers, but I feel that everything should be open to questions.  We first learn by listening to what our parents are discussing and conversation is an important part of growing and learning. 

 "And it is by joining the conversation that we become who we are."  -Hugh Hood Canadian novelist.

 This happens as we continue the dialogue in our own minds.  It is good to be thoughtful but at times our minds, or I should say I find my mind makes too much noise.  Especially when I want to make a decision.  Conversation is very important of which fact we can become aware of when we get lost in thought and some one says a penny for your thoughts.

Everywhere things are changing in the world around us and even within us.

Where did Morgan disappear to?

Thursday, April 12, 2012


This is our front yard starting to bloom.

Woke up Yesterday morning with lots of energy so tackled a lot of things that needed doing here.  Planed to meet Jane and Geof for supper after they returned from seeing a play in town.  But when I got home from the church dad had a heating pad on his neck and had a headache from working on our income tax all day.  We cancelled our dinner date because dad did not really feel up to it.

Dad and I will pick up Mary and Michael John from the airport and take them out for a bite to eat I had not really thought having a meal together. 

I am very much looking forward to seeing Mary and Michael John.

Ken hope things went well for you at the dentist.  I have to decide when to do my next procedure.

 I did not like the way the Canucks played last night at all.  Too rough.

Today I will do my visiting.  To-morrow dad is going to see Kay Kennedy about his sore neck.  I am sure sitting for long hours doing the taxes does not help.  A beautiful morning now after the refreshing rain.