Wednesday, December 31, 2014


What a beautiful job Kim did fixing lunch and setting up the table
A beautiful sunny day,PC301279

Dad  and  I were very happy to meet  Aislinn and see Tyler.  It was time for a return visit for Tyler.
Pleased Carol took time away from the new home to join us!
I am doing this quickly because dad and I have just returned from a two hour wait at the emergency.  My doctor is away and there are no appointments until Jan.16.  Everyone told me I should go get checked.  I was falling asleep while we were visiting.  I had a bad night coughing and actually in the dark took the wrong pill I thought would help.  It has codeine which helps stop coughing.  I took some pill that was on my table, yes Sandra is groaning again!
When I was called to go up I stumbled all over everyone but luckily some one caught me.  I had a blood test and an x ray but it would be hours before they would have time to look at them.  Everyone was coughing and we all looked miserable.  I could not stay awake so we left.  They said my doctor would get the results. Which will be fine but at least I made dad happy by going!
It was a fun day to start with and we will see everyone for lunch at 2 at Sandra and Randy's for New Years Day.  I  think that is right but only a fool would trust me!
Dad is watching the hockey game and I am going to bed which dad has warmed up with a heating pad.   I am so totally blessed!  !

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


I always appreciate returning home and putting my feet up  to get warm.
These socks are special ones to keep your feet warm.  I even wore them to bed.  This relieved dad the thrill of having my ice warm feet on his back.  Dad got a pair too.

My cough is better and I do have a puffer but my energy is very low.  I have to force myself to get out of bed in the morning which is very unusual for me.  If I start coughing up nasty stuff I will go to the doctor.

Kim is cleaning the house today and I took down Christmas decorations and went to visit Gundy.   Dad is back at Carol and Panteli's doing wiring.

Tuesday we are excited to have Aislan and Tyler come to visit with Leah and Craig.  We know what their allergies are which is good as Kim wants to cook for them.  We would just take them out for lunch but it is wonderful Kim loves to cook.

Since dad will take the car again on Wed. I will not be visiting Jim  and I feel bad about that.

 We get cranky with each other too!

I will return for sure the next week and I hope he is still there.
“I simply cannot limit my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery or death.
I think, instead, of peace and tranquillity returning again”
- Anne Frank


Monday, December 29, 2014


PC281273Sunday morning found us bright and chirpy sitting in our pew.  We sit near the front now because we do not hear so perfectly anymore.

We have so many talented people in our church.  Helen who gave the sermon is one of the.  She also sings  in the choir.

The lady who put so much time and effort into this banner is another one.

Helen reminded us that we each our a gift to others.  So bows were distributed for us to put on and be reminded of this.

Kim has gone into see Tyler and Aisland and they are going to a hockey game, Junior hockey that is.

Theresa and Mickie  and the children have gone to Salt Spring Island for a visit.  A very interesting place to be.

Dad has gone to help Carol and Pentali with electrical wiring.

I find that I am adjusting to some of my physical ailments which are a part of getting older.
I want to be quick to laugh and even quicker to forgive. That will be my goal for the New Year.

The main thing is to continue to be a gift to one another!

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Dad and I were feeling a little sad as we closed the door after Rick left yesterday morning.  I went to sit down on the chair and felt something hard.  It was Rick’s cell phone and we chased down the street after his car but he was gone and it was left behind.  How do you connect when you have their phone?

We sent an e-mail and he just happened to look at it and returned quickly

PC261253This was a shoe Kim made at her class reminding me that often we take a step at a time so we will not be left behind.

This morning I want to take a few steps even if it is just around the block.

I think it is time to leave this cough completely behind me.

Dad and I are going to church I think depending on how I feel.  There have been a series of books about believers going to heaven while the riffraff are left behind.  Do not believe it that  is my opinion.  No one should be scared into believing.

Dad is going in to help do some wiring at the new home for Carol and Panteli. 
Every time we see it,
 it gets more exciting.

"When it looks like the sun wouldn't shine anymore
God put a rainbow in the clouds,"  -Christian Spiritual!

Saturday, December 27, 2014


We live in a world of space and time and we are discovering even more about the tiniest particles that create everything.

When I are taking about God I am not talking about a physical being floating out in space.   No he/she is not like Santa with a sleigh and lots of helpers, who drops in once a year to reward good children.  He/she is beyond our conventional means of analysis and description, but can be found in our intuitive sense if we are willing to tune in.
So like Rob Bell when I am talking about God, I am talking about a Divine being who cannot be located in any specific time and space.  As human beings we ask a lot of questions and hope for some answers.  Science has a lot to tell us but so does faith.

PC261255Dad was given a painting set with paints and oils and some helpful advice.
He may become a grandpa Moses!  He can use the guidelines or do his own thing.

A lot of our family was flying through space and time as flew from Australia and Trinidad and from Kitchener and the time changes as they are travelling.

Rick is here and will be leaving today for his last part of his journey.  Haiti watches as he opens presents.


Friday, December 26, 2014


Many in fact a lot of people have eaten their Christmas turkey dinner but dad and I and Nancy and Carol are laughing because we have ours to look forward to.  Ha Ha
I was extremely tired all day so did a lot of sleeping and listening to beautiful Christmas music.  Hopefully the worst is over .  These are flowers my neighbor gave to me that I was going to take with me to give away.  No pile of dishes to clean up over our simple meals that dad prepared.

Ben and his dad are great cooks they make a mess just like Sandra and Randy.  It was sure good,  some one knew how to load and start the dishwasher.  Or they would be doing dishes at Midnight,

It was sure good that we were home to get family phone calls.
Dad  did most of the talking.  It is amazing to hear the voices of our family from so far away,  Halifax, Australia and Trinidad.
Later  Carol and Panteli dropped by to spoil us with presents
exactly what we like.  Also there was some left overs from dinner for us to enjoy to-morrow.

Today Randy comes home and so does Rick and Tyler and his girl friend Aisland arrive from Melbourne.   Exciting times ahead that is for sure!

Thursday, December 25, 2014


I put pictures on yesterday in the house. 

This was the walk Morgan and I took with Haiti.  I had good shoes on so walking was a bit tricky.  It turned out to be a lovely sunny day.  Haiti barked at the ducks and tried to climb a tree after the squirrels.

  I did not take all three dogs I left that for Kim.  It was good to get out in the fresh air.

Morgan was too excited to listen to a story so we will have to do it another day.  As we walked  I  look down into her eyes shining so brightly!

These pictures are better than ones taken in the house.


We left about three and the plan was to go to church with Carol but I was too tired.  It usually is a special service with candle lighting etc. so I was sorry to miss it. 
Merry Christmas to all.
Yes Christmas has finally arrived.

Dad and I will go and visit Cathy and Glen and the five girls with three toddlers now so that should be a fun morning.  They always welcome us so warmly and we feel part of their family.  It is amazing to see all our lovely girls in our family and theirs being so kind and considerate.

Carol and Panteli, Kim and dad and I have been graciously invited to Chuck's house for turkey dinner.  Mikie and his dad will be doing the honors.

Long after the angels disappear into the heavens, the shepherds returned to their flocks, the magi journey home and the great star fades away the love of Jesus will be with us until eternity. 
Hopefully  this story of the first Christmas awakens new hope in our world where we often feel so lost and hopeless.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Dad and I were the first to arrive for breakfast.

The cooks were in the kitchen taking orders and cooking up a storm.  An excellent job!  A good team Ben and Mikie.  The best eggs Benedict's ever.  Pancakes and hash browns and sausages too.
Grama and Morgan wait to have their meals, cousins too.
Justice with his mom Tasha.
Theresa is in a happy mood letting the boys cook.
Me sitting with Craig and Carol with a blankets          
It was great fun!  Morgan kept asking can she go home and go to bed now.  She was very excited.
Ben and Justice played basketball and of course the girls wanted to too.  The little girls wandered out the back and were looking at the pool but were quickly called in.
Haiti was locked up in the laundry room in case she got too excited and jumped up.
Morgan and I took her for a walk later in the afternoon.

Rick I got your message.  Looking forward to your visit,


Time for us seems to march by quickly but not so for the little children.  Many will be too excited to sleep to-night.

My brother Brian phoned last night and has another growth in his sinus.  He sees the doctor in Jan. 

Dad has an appointment Dec. 29 with his family doctor to discuss the restriction in his artery.  They may want him to take a pill for cholesterol.  His family doctor is new for him now and is taking good care of him along with the specialist.

This morning we go to Sandra and Randy’s house where Ben will help make breakfast.  Theresa and the children will drive in early from Chilliwack to help Kim prepare.  Dad and I will go over about 9:30 and stay at least until Carol comes at noon.  I will add pictures after I get home as I have learned how to do that.

PC121107Dad and I visited our friend Gordon in the home in Cloverdale.  The security is very tight there.  You have to get a special card to enter the parking and to enter the elevator.  There are a lot of people there but most were sleeping so they did not look like they were thinking of escaping .
Dad is disappointed that he was unable to buy me a present but he buys me lots of things all year so I appreciate his thoughtfulness.  Shopping is too hard for both of us.  We do have a handicap parking sticker that helps but walking in the stores is too painful for him.
He rides his bike dog to the doggie  park in the forest and when it gets dryer we will be walking in there again.
"Are you willing to believe that love is the strongest thing in the world-stronger than hate, stronger than evil, stronger than death- and that the blessed life that we celebrate as believers and no-believers which was born nineteen hundred years ago is the image and brightness of the  Eternal Love?"
-  Henry Van Dyke 
 Christmas is alive in our hearts and in our love for each other!
Merry Christmas Eve to some of you and Merry Christmas to others.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


I am fine.  How are you?  As a child this was how my thank-you letters always started.
So today I blog and say I am fine.  How are you?
After I said thank you I could not think of anything to say.  Not one thought came to my mind so I would sit there and day dream for awhile.
Dad and I went visiting together which is good.  Gordon was cheerful and pleased to see us both.  It was a dull rainy day and stay warm and dry seemed like a good plan so I did not do my walk; although I did walk to the Safeway.  The parking was full as where all the carts people had loaded up preparing for Christmas meals.
I had one item and the clerk said “Is this all”? with a very negative tone in her voice.  I smiled sweetly instead of making some smart reply.  Walking home I thought of all the brilliant and witty  remarks I could have made.  There are two clerks I try to avoid from past experiences.
Putting my faith into words is not always easy for me.  I know what I want to believe but like the good books says sometimes you have to take doubts and fears and put them in a box and close the lid.
Then I remember the quote "God meets us at the place where it is hard to believe."  -unknown
 What would Mary have said when Joseph took her to the stable for the night when she was already experiencing birth pains?  Was this a part of God's plan?  Surely not.  Why did she say yes thinking she was chosen to be favoured among all other women.  Chosen ones do not always have an easy life.  Look at Job, or Jonah or even Paul.

Mary would have to face her doubts then and also later when Jesus was preaching a strong message that did not agree with the religious authorities.

So that said I say again how are you?


Yes God made the front page of the National Post one day last week.  I read the articles but not too helpful.  The Pope is doing well with putting more attention on what is important in the Christian life.  He is concerned with poverty and peace more than some of the old issues.  He is not changing church doctrine on gay marriage or abortion.  He talks about the church being a place of mercy and forgiveness.  He actually visited the slums in Buenos Aries by taking the bus as a bishop. 

The other article talked about people watching T.V. church programs rather than attending a church.  Most of them now turn me off.  They all seem so smooth and know all the answers.  Our minister admits he is still searching as all of us are.

I think that the bottom line is that we all have our problems with God.
In fact two people discussing God may have totally different thoughts and pictures in their heads,
I think that God is becoming real because the words we use about Him are changing.
No on can put God in a box or in a certain category. Just when I think I may have him figured out He surprises me. 
"Each one of us has the God-given potential within ourselves to become a temple of peace, and beauty, and harmony."  -P. Yogananda.

Yesterday I stood in line I hope for the last time to buy stamps. I usually get behind some one with a million parcels and they have  big discussions about each one.   After I  went for a walk and then visiting  visiting while day wrote E. Mails and then went for a brisk bike ride.

I was sitting home alone and thinking no one calls when I am home and no one phones when the phone rang and it was Stephen.  It was really great to talk to him and I could hear Lincoln in the back ground.  He sounded happy so maybe he was getting into something.

Sorry to miss Craig's birthday bash but maybe next time.  I have hopes some one will find that fountain of youth  any day now.  Boy that would make the front page! !

Monday, December 22, 2014


On my walk I revisit many of the same places.  The scenery changes every time I visit.

Dad and I set off for church as usual Sunday morning.  We enjoyed the children taking part in the service.  They actually sang a song from "The Sound of Music". One of my favorite movies that is also a true story. I always find comfort in the old Christmas Carols we sing each year.

PC211229But I missed the revisiting the story of the birth of Jesus born   in a humble place it was a great love story.  It was a story that reveals the love of God in the birth of this child that would breath into us the breath of life once more.  A magical story about angels and stars and shepherds the unexpected coming alive in our hearts once again.  Imagine for just a moment the unbelievable happening, the wonder of the mystical birthing truth.

"God meets us in the place where it is hard to believe."
 We do not need to fear but continue to learn to trust that our future holds a promise that is greater than anything we could imagine. We are learning what is important in life.
I can remember the Christmas day when Sandra had a terribly high temperature and doing every thing to bring it down.  We called the doctor and put her in a cool bath and sponged her continually. Presents were forgot and dinner was unimportant we were very so afraid.  She was going to have to go to the hospital when all of a sudden her temperature started to come down  we were all exhausted but so very happy and thankful beyond words.   We call this our miracle!
PC211230After church Jane and Geof dropped in to share some scones made by Penny who is famous for her baking among other creative gifts she has. 
Ava and Jeff dropped by but both dad and I had gone out so we were sorry to miss them.  They left us another kind note.  We plan to drop in and see the whole family for a quick visit on Christmas day.

No one feels like cooking a turkey so we will have an nontraditional day.  There will be no presents but fun and games at Sandra's house with who ever can come.

Christmas does bring mixed feelings.

"In the Holy Child's birth Love comes, healing and making new"
"The Love of Christ is born in us as a new heart free and open.  A child of God bringing us joy, peace and hope!"  -from our church bulletin. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014



Good bye Sandra and Randy   Have wonderful time.  Hugs for all! 

Two other pictures from gallery at the Stroke Prevention Clinic.  Medicine has come a long way and will continue to help us fight illness.

 Dad is now following me around with a steamer as I now have a cough.  I think he is over re-acting but I appreciate his thoughtful caring.

Dad by day I still go for a walk, some days just a short one.  The weather is mild and it is best to go before it rains which it is threatning to do as I am writing.

Yesterday I was looking for a book to read to Morgan.  She is inbetween the younger set and the pre-teens.  I made a choice on the sales ladies enthusiastic advice.

Day by day the home of Carol & Panteli is changing and inproving! 
PC121121Carpets are in but they will be painting all week-end.

Kim comes home about 3 o'clock on Saturday to gather up her belongings to move her and Haiti over to Sandra and Randy's lovely spacious home.  As soon as she leaves the house seems strangely quiet and there will be no door opening saying "Hi I'm home" and no rush of four legs jumping up to greet her, and no tail waging furiously to show how happy she is.  We will miss them both!
Haiti left a few of her dog hairs so we will not forget her!
Day by day the days move on until Randy returns home on Dec.26   Tyler also arrives on the 26!

Day by day  I imagine God’s love present with me!  Silent Night!  Holy Night!

Saturday, December 20, 2014


PC151194Off the topic:

Yesterday was my Thursday visit to the Seniors Home where at least a good half of them are Korean.  They were just clearing up tables when I arrived.  There had been a beautiful  Korean celebration with dancers with huge robes and singers with amazing voices to remember the year the home was renamed a Korean name and Koreans were made welcome.  This was not religious but a remembrance of traditions and songs from their past. ( They are Christian.)

Jim was sitting outside in the cool weather as his usually chair had been placed around a table.  We talked for a few minutes and then when it was moved back he took his regular place.  His future is grim as he may be forces to go back to the hospital and is refusing to go.  At least at the Home he can watch the activities and a few people say hello.  He thanks me for my visit and after a while I carry on to visit a few others.  Our friend Joyce is happy there in her new rooms.  She has two rooms one a sitting room and one her bedroom.  She is bright and we talk mostly about her years as a war bride and about her family, some near and some away.
The Bible is full of stories about rogues!

I was re-reading the ancestry of Jesus which I call a rogues gallery of thieves, cheaters, killers and criminals of all kind, yes even a prostitute.    Out of that no wonder we call the birth of Jesus, a miracle of intervention!

I have been telling Kim a few stories about some of the unusual  people that have gone to our church and stories about some of the  ministers.  Yes,we all belong in a rogues gallery of unusual characters. I know I certainly fit in.  We now find ourselves among those who come late but we are happy to be there!  I am trying to be faster in the morning.

DSC04297 Here are some of the very best rogues you would ever find any where and they have been our friends for a long time and hopefully that will continue on with this.  We met at church but now have moved to different churches but that makes life interesting.

Over the years we have had lively discussions and occasionally agreed.  We have shared our personal concerns and have supported each other through difficult times.

I have been blessed by their friendship.

Friday, December 19, 2014


Christmas is just plain weird.  What other time of the year do we sit  in front of a dead tree in our living room and eat candy out of our socks.

It certainly has become too materialistic and about everything being perfect and bigger and better.   For me it is about family and fun and games and stories!

Weird things have happened to me.  Dad and I were held captive in a mall by a lively, beautiful young girl in a Santa elf hat who dragged us aside to sell us a product to make our hands beautiful and our skin perfect. 
She did a good job because she sold us stuff I did not really want or need.
 But it was crazy fun!

This was just after we had left the Stroke Prevention Clinic where we had also been held captive by a waiting time of over two hours.  We could put up with that, but it was the back to our car to prevent getting a parking ticket that was the problem. (The clinic was in a huge basement area which one needed a goggle map to get out of but we succeeded after one wrong detour)  We made it just as the ticket girl was approaching our car.  Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas to ourselves!

Every year I have trouble with the few cards I send and I am sending less and less.  This year I had a special card picked out for a friend and took an extra amount of time to write meaningful words.  Must have mailed it with no last name or address.

PC050991I love the stories about Christmas.  Some are real tear jerkier but the messages are about the real meaning of Christmas.  The Charlie Brown Christmas story is a real classic!

I am now reading an English story about a young girl who is trying to win the love of a prince and she invites him to her home for Christmas to meet her family.  It is dysfunctional but fortunately her mom and uncle are away so she hires a trop of unprofessional,want to be, actors to play the parts of the mom and the uncle.

Just keep on saying ho ho ho and you will be as jolly as Old St. Nick.
I know Sandra is doing just that as the time for her departure near.

Thursday, December 18, 2014


PC171206The lights we put up to decorate our homes inside and out had very humble beginnings  It is believed that Martin Luther was the first to add lighted candles to the Christmas tree.  There was,  at that time, a debate about whether the Christmas tree was a pagan symbol or not.

 His idea was to bring the lights of the stars into the home of his family. 

It is now common on our street to see lights strung along the eves, wound around shrubs, woven through the branches of trees, some tall evergreen and some bare branches, and outlining all types of lawn ornaments.  Our street is bright but some streets attraction lines of cars driving by to see the extravagant displays with flashing lights and even music.  I would not wish to live on that street.

Dad has added a few more to our garden display.  We have a very small artificial tree that I am happy with.  We have a few decorations the children made and with a few lights it is just fine.

Actually the first date dad took me on was to drive around Saskatoon to look at the Christmas lights.

The lights remind me to be thankful for the blessings we have received and all the Christmas trees we have put up together as a family.

What a miracle to see Matthew and Jasmine singing their hearts out at their concerts.  They were both very bright lights in our eyes!   Thanks to great mom and dad!

Visiting today.  There is a new lady from our church who has just moved in.  What an amazing gal who has lived in her own home for over 93 years!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Christmas renews our youth by stirring our wonder.  The capacity for wonder has been called our most pregnant human faculty, for in it are born our art, our science, our religion.
Is it right to tell children that Santa Clause is real?
Sandra and Randy have different opinions.
I have heard Randy tell of the joy he had of being Santa and going to many homes and places to bring happiness to children.  I love a good story and this was is built on a true saint who gave candy to good children.  We gather up toys for children who may not get any.  Even a dying boy thought of others and wanted other children to have toys too.  His story was on the news last night.
Jesus came into a world just like ours full of pain and injustice, poverty and hunger.  We are still killing innocent children and abusing power.  I like to think one of his messages was to tell us to stand up against bullies and to protect the weak and vulnerable.  All we can hope and pray for is  that something good comes out of tragedy.
Christmas can be a sad time for many.  Maybe we can make it better for a few.
Love can make us brave!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


The original story about Bambi was written by Felix Salten  called “A Life in the Woods.”  We all loved the opening in the Walt Disney version which was a tale of  cute animals dancing and sliding on the ice.

My favorite saying was:  "if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all.

This story was taken from a children's book "Bambi A Life In The Woods." by Felix Salten.

Bambi comes under the tutelage of a mysterious old stag.  He shows Bambi how to live independently and always be alert to the dangers of the forest.  The stag is not crippled by fear.  He also explains that there is a transcendent and providential  Being who is great than man.  Bambi sees for himself when they come upon a dead hunter.

Every time we watch the news there is more and more proof of this as people kill each other.

John Updike in his book "The Poorhouse" ridicules the Christian belief that suffering and death have meaning.  An old man Hook disagrees: "It is an error to believe the absence of evil will follow the elimination of pain.  There is no goodness without belief.  And at the end of this life you shall know that without faith you have buried your talent in the ground of this world, and have nothing saved to take into the next."

Transforming grace gives meaning to our beginning and our ending.

Yes dad and I were glad to hear that the restriction at the base of the neck is cloistral and can be treated with diet and pills.  He is having his cloistral checked today and then will go back to his family doctor to talk things over.  He also has a nodule on his thyroid which they will keep an eye on.  I think this doctor is very through so dad will be well looked after.

We feel reassured about everything and dad had a salad for supper!  !

Christmas is  one reason to be filled with hope and Love!

Monday, December 15, 2014


"We are called to find the pulse beat of the new birth of the Holy in every moment."  Church Bulletin

Joseph was a great daddy.  Nice to see the babe being held!
PC141160The pictures tell it all!  Beautiful but with a little added chaos of excited children.

Went for a walk to the pond and enjoyed seeing the birds taking off and landing.  Sunny but cold.  Dad went for a bike ride.

Then over to Sandra, the gal who danced her heart out with enjoyment but also to win a prize!  She did!  Dad and I enjoyed the supper cooked mostly by Sandra but Randy had an addition too!
Sandra and Randy exchanged presents with James and Mandy.  It was fun watching them open presents.  Soon  both couples will be off to Edmonton and Kitchener.  They will enjoy lots of visiting!

Seems like both Mandy and Sandra are nervous flyer's.

