Thursday, August 31, 2017


I have not looked at my computer all day.  I have not watered my flowers because I have been sick.

I started to feel strange after Leah and Ophelia left.  I was having stomach cramps, then nausea, then running to the washroom.  Both dad and I had nightmares and I also felt anxiety. with the pain and discomfort.   I woke up with a bad headache and was sick in bed.  Poor dad.

I am sure to-night will be better.  Dad has been looking after me all day and gets grouch if I try to do anything.

Dad also worked on the matting for his deck but was too tired also to do much.

It has been a strange day for me.  I am thankful for the healing powers our bodies have.

Am looking forward to our party.

Off to bed now.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017


Ophelia brought her mom for a visit,
I love being a great grandma'
I am alwasys amazing to see my grandchildren with babies of their own.

Two pair of  blue eye's
How wonderful just to have fun together.
As quickly as mom puts the toys in Ophelia takes then out.
She has a mind of her own!

I had been feeling a little down when plans for the day did not work out.  So both dad and I were over joyed to hear the knocking at our door.  In they come bringing love  and energy into my dull day"

She is becoming so skilled at standing on her own and it delights us.

"When you feel old and ready for the scrap yard life" 
the truth is there is still some energy in the old girl.
I can still get on the floor just to be close t her.

"When grandparents come knocking at the door
discipline flies out the window!

"There is a delight, a comfort, an easing of your burdens, a renewed joy in the gift of life!"
I am again a part of the stream of life!


Rick I hope you smiled for your  cat Scan!

Early in the morning when it is still dark I open the doors to let the cool air in.  Last night was not so bad but the heat just drains our energy well except for dad who when it cools off in the late afternoon is out working on his front deck.  The wood has all been cut and just needs to be nailed firmly in place.

Dad and I felt so bad we missed Leah who came by just after we left for the movie.  Was his phone turned off?  We would have gladly turned back.

Yesterday there was incidents of rescue on our street.

A van marked Wild Animal Control drove up to our neighbors next door and a man put a ladder up to the roof and climbed up.  Our raccoons wild animals?  This one was.

As we were getting ready for bed a police car and then an ambulance arrived at the street next to ours.

All we could see was a group of people standing by a body on the street.  It would appear he was on drugs or drunk and had fallen and could not get up.  The ambulance fellows got him up and walked with him to the ambulance.  They picked up a back pack and some bags.

I was thinking when Cathy and Glen arrived yesterday it was their turn to rescue me.  I was feeling down because dad and Rick have decided carrying Ophelia is too much for dad.  I know I rescued Cathy at a very low point in her life.

This morning I wrote a letter to Jane not sure if I will post it.  There comes a time in our lives when we cannot rescue others but can only take responsibility for our own thoughts and welfare.

There comes a time when we have to let go.  Letting go of her daughter Samantha still weighs on Jane's heart and yet after trying so many times to rescue her the time came to let her go.

Visiting Jeff is also heartbreaking as she visits him and he wants to come home with her.

There are times when only God an rescue us from our grief and from the wounds of a broken heart and from our past mistakes.  It is good when we can rescue each other with a helping hand but some times it is impossible.

Dad is still busy sawing and building.

My stomach is not good so not doing much but reading
I like the book Sandra gave me.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


What a lovely surprise when Cathy and Glenn brought over two quilts, lap size, for dad and I.

She has made them all herself and also made them for each child and grandchild.
It was an expression of gratitude for all the help we gave the family.

Cathy is now undertaking writing a book for her PhD.  They were going to see the professor at the college after their visit with us.

I think back to the years when I first met her as a struggling new mother with four other children.  Over the years we have prayed for each other.

Dad and I went to White Rock to see the Glass Castle.  The book was very touching told by a young girl with a dysfunctional family.  We left the movie about half way through as it was too violent and sad.  I had been looking forward to seeing it.  We ate out and then came home where dad is happy to be working and sawing on his deck.
  Phone call from Shawna and Lincoln.  His birthday will be at the park on Sat.
His favorite person is now batman.

"What if greater realities exist in our universe (or outside our universe) than we can actually understand, or comprehend or measure with only one part of our brain's hemisphere.

In other words what if God exists but our brains cannot comprehend the sheer magnitude of light and energy beyond the spectrum of any perceived reality."  Dr. Jay Lombard-a neuro scientist.

Yes I am back reading about the brain.  

Anyway I had a nice surprise today that made my day!

Monday, August 28, 2017


Early in the morning and the sun is shining and the air is cool.  I know that if I am going to get any tasks done it will have to be first thing.  Lots of watering and then a walk over to the store.  It was already getting hot.

Dad has out one section of his front deck up and as you can see the chair looks out over the street now.  His task was to get some more boards.  He left the same time I did but the boards seemed heavier and he had to really struggle to get them in the car.  They are now here and unloaded but it is too hot to do anything.  We are keeping our tasks simple today.

Even the shade deck is hot with little breeze.

I was reminded of the fact as I watch the news about the flooding in Texas, that suffering and disasters can hit any where.  It is sad beyond belief to see all the flooding that is forcing people to flee from their homes.   Everyone looks calm but they must be having feelings of panic and despair. despair.

Again we see people helping people.  Each one has a task to do as they try to rescue those trying to escape the rising flood waters.

The world is full of suffering souls  and each one of us know the times we have gone through personal suffering.  Our task is to help those we can by listening and caring and sharing.

Sunday, August 27, 2017


It was already warm when I jumped into the car ready to get to church on time and surprise everyone.  Dad had a bad night and woke up with a headache so he was slow getting up.  I made him take his blood pressure before I left.  

The church is a beautiful little church set in a bunch of trees.  The trouble is the whole area is changing and huge, monster houses are going up all along the route.  Most of the people are East Indian so will not likely be inspired to come to our church.

Right next to the church the little house has been torn down and appears by the foundation to be going to be another monster.  The rumor is that bikers have bought it.  I know good friends who are bikers who even go to church.  We could add a sign All Are Welcome!  Especially Bikers!

As I hurry to get out of my car I meet an old friend  from my days when I walked around the ridge.
Of course I had to stop and talk as we often met on our walks.  She was a jogger and the picture of health   but now she has aches and pains too and is doing less than she used to.  It is always good to see old friends.

I ended up being late as I tried to sneak in quietly.  Every one was quiet as I entered.  I forgot to pick up my hymn book so when it was time to sing I had to go back and pick it up.  

The message was about not thinking two highly of yourself, well at that moment I had no problem with that.  The minister shared some insights that she had discover reading from the book of Romans.  Yes this would be Paul.  He talks about the acts of spiritual worship and offering all we are in devotional worship.  All I can do and be is myself.  As a community we belong to each other and I think also to others surrounding us.  We each have our gifts to be used in service to one another.

I asked for prayer for Rick.  He will now be surrounded by my loving caring friends.

I have been reading a book by a Catholic  Scientist  which has helped me to see his faith not only from a scientific view but from one of faith.  Reading helps me gain insights into the practices of other faiths whether Christian or not.  

"Rites and ceremonies are an important part of religion"  Guy Consolmagno.  S.J.

Communion can be compared like sharing a birthday cake which is shared at the proper time and place among friends.  Understanding what and why you are doing something is helpful.  

Words can shape reality whether it is said by a friend or a priest.  "Yes even by a funny guy in a funny outfit saying words over me."  G. C.

Too hot to sit here typing now it is time for ice cream!

Saturday, August 26, 2017

UNKNOWN and every night we face the unknown.
Thankfully most of the time it is the ordinary things.
Today was a surprise visit from Sandra.
She had some mean looking gardening tools with her to attack the over growth.
By the time she arrived I had used up my morning spurt of energy so I was no help.
She would have been earlier but she was at home frantically looking for one lost kitten.
I do not know how she keeps tracking of the seven of them
It did appear to her relief.
It was getting too hot for me in the front yard and there was no way I can climb around out in that slanted ground with rocks and holes in many places.
I took a few pictures but it is hard to see the difference,
This was the mess that was left to cleanup
Dad took care of this will I continued to sit in our shady back yard.  Nobody even needed my advice.

We have five birthdays coming up in the first week in September and Sandra and Randy will again be inviting us all over on the Sunday, Sept. 3rd.  Since Monday is a holiday it was a choice between Sat. or Sunday or Monday.  A busy family and we can never all make it .  The weather is going to be warm and sunny.  I think we know each other well but once in awhile the thoughts of others are unknown to us.  We need to keep communication as best we can.

We have not seen Kim lately but will see her at the party.  Hamlet will be there too but not Haiti.

This is all leading up to say faith is an adventure into the unknown which can help us know ourselves better and face our fears of the unknown with deeper security.  Science is also helping us find answers to some of our problems.

I pray for my family and friends and I do not know if my prayers really o make a difference but I will continue to hope and believe in the mystery of prayer.  Prayer is the way I reach out to that unknown reality and presence that is always with me.

"If you are certain there is no God
you must have a clear picture of the God you do not believe in."  -unknown

To-morrow dad and I will attend church where we might hear some word that speaks to our hearts and souls.  It is wonderful to be a part of a community of faith! 

Friday, August 25, 2017


Thankful to be in a calm and peaceful place like our library and not in that awful tornado.  It is unbelievable.  Also the fire that has now hit hit town making people leave their homes and possessions.  We have so much to be thankful for.

Rick's Cat Scan has been moved up to August 31.  I feel like it is an answer to prayer!

I am happy that I got everything done today that I set out to do.

What a relief to learn I do not need to wear glasses when I am driving so that means that now I am legal.  I felt a little shaky  when I went to the eye doctor expecting the worse.  Both Sandra and I now have a prescription for  glasses but there is no urgency.

I am glad that dad did get the picture sent to Sandra after a little nagging on my part.  He did have some trouble doing it as his computer was not happy.

His next task was picking up wood for the front porch.  As he loaded it up in his car with his new invention he attracted some admirers.  He is very proud  and happy.

A phone call from Mary was another happy conversation.  She appreciate her card and the words we had expressed.  It does take time and effort which we are happy to do.

My question in my morning reading was about what kind of person do you want to become,

What character traits are you developing along the way.

Keeping hope alive also makes happiness a by-product.

Contentment  and freedom to be yourself, even on the days when I feel confused and lost.

Learning to laugh at yourself is important too!

Thursday, August 24, 2017


Yes dad and I enjoyed our visit with Oliver.  There was a lot of catching up to do.  He is on holidays for awhile and then back to work up north on the McKenzie River. He works very long hours at a demanding job and is hopeful that he will get on the Coast Guard as a first mate.  He will be going back to school when he returns home in December.  There they sat shoulder to shoulder telling adventurous stories.  The visit soon ended as he had others to visit.  We appreciated his thoughtfulness in spending time with us,

I have great memories of him when he was little and I helped to look after him.

After he left we sat outside and read and dad did his puzzles.  I fell asleep.

Then we had another visit from a new young girl who I believe may have moved into Gundy's house.  She came to apologize for not cleaning up after her dog.  I had left a sign on the lawn because others have been doing this and I was annoyed.  Too bad to meet a new neighbor this way but how nice of her to cone and tell us it was her.

I will visit the eye doctor to-morrow and then after I have glasses will be legal to drive.

We look forward to Rick's visit on the 4th for Ophelia's birthday.  I will make sure he has some pain pills as kidney stone attacks are dreadfully painful.  Did he tell his doctor about these I wonder.

We finished the day with a trip to Shoppers which has become our Thursday outing.

Our lives are a precious gift and every visit warms our hearts with love and thankfulness.

We are not here by accident but by some divine design which I believe includes a spiritual purpose to help each other find their path through life.

My day ended by reading the comments on my blog which I feel are like visits too!

Oliver leaves with a quick wave as he walks to his truck!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Sometimes you just do not get see the results you expected.

The cookies in the recipe looked great but when I made them they looked totally different and did not taste like I thought they would.

My visit at the Seniors home was painful.  Basically I was ignored and I could not get any response.  I only stayed for a short visit.  The one thing about visiting the sick and elderly you just never know how a visit will go.  I tell myself not to take it personally.

I come home and gradually can let go of my negative thoughts and feeling.

Letting go is a healthy way to deal with stress.  It is important to keep anticipating better results.

The future is not ours to see.  Whatever will be will be.  

Like the Serenity prayer says"Let go and let God deal with it."

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


Dad is not happy with his porch.  He may take it all apart.  His feet are extra sore again and besides it is too hot.  He is feeling discouraged.

Last night there was a nasty smell.  I wondered is it me or is it dad?
Turns out it was a skunk!  Kelly our neighbor met it when she was out watering.
To be honest I did recognize the smell.

Dad and I had a very tiring day today.  There was a doctor taking over for Dr. Nolte and he was running very behind schedule.  It would have been easier if it had been Dr. Nolte.  Anyways he gave me a complete check-up and even sent me for a E.K.G. after.  It was another long wait to get that test.

I failed my eye test so I will not be able to drive without wearing glasses.

I do not know if I am legal right now or not.

I came home with a bad headache and felt dizzy again.

It is probably a good thing.

Reading about suffering in the morning and I know this is not really suffering.
Life has little problems that can fill like suffering but
"God's love can transform hardships into opportunities for growth and compassion for others."  -J. -       J.  Stellman


Dad and I decided we would go to see the movie The Glass Castle but it was not on at our nearest theater.  We had missed the 1 o'clock and driving to Richmond or to Langley at 4 o'clock was out of  the question.  Wrong theater and wrong time.

Knowledge is a tricky thing.  We can believe we are 
right about something until we are shown it is wrong.
or come to see the error in our faith.

Even though I believe life has meaning and is worth the daily hassle  
I will continue to make wrong choices.
Wrong choices when shopping and not buying just healthy things.
Stepping on dad's freshly painted front porch.
Dropping and spilling when I try to carry too much.
Watching a stupid T.V. show to the end when I know it is a waste of time.
Not always saying or doing the right things.

Trying to be patient and understanding.
Continuing to learn you reap what you sew.
Knowing that all you need is love
loving myself when I feel unlovable
and loving others when they are miserable.

It was great when you were a kid and every story had a happy ending.
That kid still lives within each one of us
and the childlike wonder and faith in life just needs to be watered.

There really is a transcendent beauty that shines if we open our eyes to see.

Anyway off to the doctor to see if I can renew my driver's license.
I can at least try. 

Life is not about keeping score.
Who is right or wrong.
God is not the Big Score Keeper in the Sky

Monday, August 21, 2017


The misfit lives in fear and doubt feeling awkward and unwanted!

I felt like an misfit on Saturday. Both dad and I are awkward and tend to stumble.  We grab the nearest chair as our legs our weak from the drive and the climb up the big steep driveway. of their new home.  Inside the doorway another long flight of stairs awaited us.  At the top we both fell into the nearest chair which was on the sundeck.

My clothes were all falling this way and that and I felt like a misfit and also every one else was more casual.  Dad was looking good and everyone was pleased to see us.  It had been an effort.

I am reminded that it is important to welcome people to our home because it is easy to feel uncomfortable.  We have a wonderful, noisy happy family and may at times be intimidating.
Crystal seemed to fit in just fine!

I started writing this Sat. when I arrived home.  Now it is Monday.

Dad is making a great racket fixing the front stairs and I cleaned up around the house.  I had a short walk around the block and hope to do better to-morrow.

When I think of the way Jesus treated people it appears that he was speaking to those who felt like they were misfits.  People who were worn out, exhausted, heart broken, crippled, blind and deaf,
feeling like losers who have been mistreated and are not only poor but live in a country that is under the power of another country.  This causes fear if they do not obey their captives.

He gave them words to live by and the truth to believe in themselves.  He healed and he delivered them from evil spirits.  They had a much better vision of them selves and the needs of others.

Faith in the love of Jesus that lives on in my heart has helped me to over come loneliness and fear.

Sunday, August 20, 2017


Our afternoon was spent as we gathered around the outdoor table.
I had asked people to come over and was very happy when Sandra and Randy showed up.
We had just finished eating with Crystal and Rick but fortunately had saved room for the cake they brought over from their freezer.  I never thought of taking pictures as I was still eating.

I really believe that we human beings are social beings and we do better when we come together to share and interact.  

Dad and I did not make it to church but we were just too slow getting ready.
Belonging to a family and belonging to a church gives my life meaning and purpose.
Another week has gone by with pursuing our own activities.

It is almost impossible to become the person you were meant to be without having some of our rough edges rubbed off by those who know us best.  Each one of us has our own individual faults and flaws
that we can easily be blind to.  We learn by developing positive thinking and habits.  Our goal is to help one another by spending time together.
Ophelia likes climbing up the stairs but going back down is not so easy.

It is wonderful to have the generations come together in loving and caring relationships.

Jesus reminded us that the truth will set us free and it is learning to live out that truth we become the spiritual beings we have been called to be.  Each one of us is unique and special! !

Each one of us is us and we are all connected by our love and trust separated by fear and unforgiven.

Saturday, August 19, 2017


Dad and I were off to Chilliwack early in the morning.  We expected the traffic to be better but it jammed up several places on the way.  I am more a morning person than dad so he had to be encouraged to get ready but we did leave according to our plan at 10.

It seemed funny to sail by our usual turn off when we go the Theresa and Mikie's house.  We would have liked to visit them on our way back but not enough energy.

This is Des. with one twin.

This is her husband Jason with the other twin.

Not identical.

They are very tiny and adorable.

We sat out on the sundeck with Ava and Jeff and they are all excited about owning property and raising lambs.  They are going to come for a visit soon and bring Uri their Young lad. both girls made a big fuss over us and it made our trip worthwhile and pleasant.

All of Cathy's five girls look different from very blond like Ava to Tavia who is very dark.  They were a hand full when I would look after them one afternoon a week.  They were not identical in personality either.  Three of the five are very strong Christians while the other two have chosen to take a different path.

They proved that there is oneness even in diversity and the true spirit of humanity does not have to be identical.  I have arrived at the point that it is useless to debate issues of faith and to love equally each girl!  They practice kindness and compassion and that is so important along with a sense of humor.

No we did not stay over but took the slow back roads home enjoying the farm lands and different house styles.  Not one identical!
This is the home of Des. and Jason.
Many of their friends were there visiting and I am sure they will make many new friends there.


                                             Confident in her daddy's strength and love!

Getting to know Grandpa Bennett.  
At first she just stayed by my chair looking at him
but he played with her toys and that made his okay.

Both dad and Rick were confident about their work.  Rick interviewing Crystal with many questions and dad taking out aboard from the front steps.  This was after getting some new wood and then trying a new coat of paint.

I used to think that I would have liked to be a legal secretary and I was confident I could have done it very well.  At least I got to make tea and sandwiches for one, even if he is our son.

Rick will continue his questioning and dad and I are driving to Chilliwack at the invitation of Des. and Jason.  They have twins and a four year old daughter.  We have not seen them in a long time. 

"No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of it for another."  -Charles Dickens

Thursday, August 17, 2017


I will try and write a few words while dad and I wait patiently for Rick to arrive.  He is coming down to meet with Leah's cousin about a legal issue.  It is always good to have a lawyer on your side.

I waited patiently for dad at his doctor's office today.  Everything was okay and he did not want any freezing or burning near the sore by his eye.

Then he had to wait even more patiently at the Motor Vehicle building where there was a huge line up. I need to get my paper to take to the doctor.  Dr. Nolte is going away so a locum will sign it for me.

There seems to me to be no scientific proof for God but I believe that faith can be grounded in reason.

Both science and faith are searching for truth and actually can benefit from the wisdom that is in both.

Every one of us has some form of religion or ethical or moral beliefs which we live by.
Talked to my brother and his wife Traudl will not be able to get her knee surgery because she has had a re-action to warfin.  She has been waiting patiently but it is very hard on both her and Brian.

To-morrow we pick up Ophelia.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


The world is full of amazing colors and I admire people who can paint and create lasting beauty.

Religion is being expressed in new ways,  in art and in music and in service and in writings!

Religion has given me the words to express my deepest longings!

Religion for me is not about obedience to the law but a gift of love waiting to be unwrapped every day.
There will be many times during the day that I feel annoyed and screw up even when I have good intentions.

Religion is having a healthy relationship of unconditional love and grace.

"You never knew Love until you crossed the line of Grace"-  Bono
and feel the embrace that is always waiting for you.

Religion not for sanctimonious saints with halo's on their heads but just ordinary misfits like me trying to be enthusiastic and share the joy I feel within my heart.

Religion that abuses and controls was the message that Jesus spoke against and I know still lives on today.  This has turned people away and makes me feel sick to my stomach too!

Dad drove me to the Seniors home so he could go over to the Hardware Store at the same time.

"When we recognize ourselves our self's as misfit screw ups but embrace that.identity, we may finally begun to see God as Father (just like Jesus did) and to see love, rather than embracing the law
we will see religion in a new light."  -Jason J. Stellman

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Kim in front of the mural her and Theresa and two others are painting.
Yes dad and I had an early start driving out to Chilliwack at Kim's invitation.  We appreciate being invited to spend time with out family.
A huge wall they are painting.
What amazing hard working artists!
This is just a tiny section.
That was a big table but looks tiny in front of this big mural.

We wandered over to Morgan's house to take her for lunch.
We rang the doorbell and knocked but no answer.
Later after her mom phoned to tell her to answer the door she did.
Of course being alone she was under orders to not answer the door.

We drove to the downtown area and wandered around trying to find the main street.
It has been while since we have been there.

Morgan was so helpful when we went out for lunch, telling us how to order and then getting us water and getting take out bags after.wards.  It was good to have a visit one on one.  She enjoys her bike riding and swimming and reading.  It would have been great to visit the Book Man but it was time to head home.  Even though we had a early start the traffic was already bad.  Dad's knees are giving him pain which made the drive home trying.  We were both tired and glad to be home and sit in our back yard and eat cake!  We were totally happy we had had such a wonderful day.!  !

"God is the question to which our lives are the answer,"
-Rabbi J. Sacks

Monday, August 14, 2017


Childhood memories are tucked away in all our hearts and some just need a reminder to awaken the fantasies forgotten so many years ago.  My friend Vera and I shared so many untold stories on  my last visit.  We both had written down many memories and now wonder what to do with our writings.

I have books full of my daily journals which I do not know just what to do with them.

                                          Just a few of the books.

Going to a funeral you find out a lot about a person you never knew.  I wished we had been able to stay and chat and hear more but I was glad we both were ale to be there.  Talked to Jane on the phone today and she was a little down.  She is just not at peace about her situation and I hope and pray one day she will find the peace and comfort and love she needs.

I have a children's book by my bed which I read at night and wish I could read to some one.  It is called the :Midnight Gang" and now they are collecting balloons to see if they can fly.  Such fun!

All quiet at the park early this morning.

Dad has been painting and is resting with a sore backs as well as his feet.

Jesus loved to talk to children and encouraged us all to have a child like heart and faith.  If we are open and honest we will find a grown up spirituality that is built on the grace and love of a wonderful story teller.  I wish there had been more untold stories about Jesus that we could learn more about him.

Sunday, August 13, 2017


first thing I did this morning was put on warm jogging pants instead of the shorts I having been wearing.  I hoped that it would turn out to be a nice day but a bit cooler was great.
It has been a while since I have driven the car but since dad had to stay at home to be there when the inter net man came, I drove over to the church.  I was feeling more confident than I have been lately so I will apply for a renewal of my license.  What with dad's legs getting worse he may not be driving for  too long.

The minister who is filling in for the summer is a dear lady but I have a hard time hearing her.  Dad also finds her hard to hear.  She talked about the unexpected presence of God in our lives and especially how important it is to tune out the noise and listen for God in the Silence.

I drove home for lunch and then dad and I returned for the funeral of a dear old friend.  I also was hoping to see Jane there and she sat right in front of us with her daughter Keri.  We had a short visit but then everyone was asked to move into the hall for lunch.  We were late getting there and the place was very crowded and dad did not feel too good so we decided to leave.  We would have liked to visit with our friends Pat and John but we will do that another time.

I hoped that dad would feel up to going to Sandra and Randy's and he did.

Kim looked lovely and was helping Sandra and Randy prepare the great feast!
When you take a picture of several people it is hard to get them all looking and smiling.
Randy and Mandy are also busy cooking. Both too busy to look up.  Randy got even with me by giving me a portion of the spaghetti sauce with three lot peppers!  Truthfully he helped me find them before I ate a one.

Adena with her handsome husband to be are a happy couple and will be returning to Edmonton to-morrow.

As I sat in church unable to hear very well I thought about the woman who had been sick for years with a hemorrhage and how her hope in the healing touch of Jesus gave her the courage to reach out and touch his robe.  She was instantly healed.

"It takes a thought to heal a thought."  Joseph Prince.

God is all about filling our hearts with hope.

Saturday, August 12, 2017


Worked hard in the morning and was very thankful for the little breeze that helped cool me off.
I probably kept going too  long which annoys dad but there is so much over grown right now.

Dad and I both enjoyed the afternoon sitting in our backyard where the breeze continued to follow me.

I was reading an article about science and I was thinking how our minds affect us.  I do not have a scientific mind although I studied hard at school and did well in physics and in science.

My mind has longed to be creative and words are a big part of this.

I am more aware of the facts that faith that is "invigorated and enlightened by science rather than being at odds with it makes us better off.  "An active faith that sees beyond our differences in culture as well as in science embraces new truths and has the power to engage in empathy and good will towards others."  Dr. Jay Lombard

Life is not always a breeze but always a challenge.

The computer man comes today.
I will go to church and then to a funeral and then have a nap and off to Sandra and Randy's!

Friday, August 11, 2017


Not walking yet but climbing up the stairs!  She has changed a lot in the last few weeks.  She stands up but afraid of taking the first steps.

I confess I have not washed the floor all week because it has been to hot.  Ophelia's little knees show the dirt and my secret is out.

The first chore of the morning wash to wash the floor and the second to mail a card to Theresa.

Other than that I have no other plans.
no dog to walk
no baby to pick up
no visiting
just going to finish my mystery!

Dad is doing more painting of the house and is working hard.  He even does the shopping.  It seems all at once we are out of a lot of things.  I am glad it is cooler with a bit of a breeze.

Rick phoned to say he is not coming down and he does not sound well with a bad cough and fatigue not improving.

Strange noise in the wall this morning.  Sounded like the friendly giant not a mouse that is for sure.

I confess I wondered what our neighbor thought about all my religious books lying on the bed and piled high by the computer.  He probably did not even notice but I felt embarrassed.  I am not one to be outspoken about my beliefs surrounded by a world that is very secular.  There will always be people who are kind and caring, generous and helpful.  Some may even entertain some deep thoughts about the meaning of life and why are we here?  A world full of good people trying to do there best/

Confession is good for the soul and for the health of our bodies.
My faith has brought much joy to my life.
A knowledge that there is an unseen presence of unconditional love that forgives and heals fills me with the wonder of grace!  Always with me in the ordinary day by day experiences.

I confess that I need a community of faith that helps me grow and provides lasting friendship.

I need the weight of tradition that values scripture.

I guess I have a spiritual curiosity that keeps me reading and searching.

Thursday, August 10, 2017


We were very surprised how Haiti took to Ophelia right away.
She was extremely curious and wanted to smell and like her.
Ophelia just kept playing with her toys and moving around and even went to lean on Haiti but that startled Haiti so she jumped away.

We fed her some scrambled  eggs while we waited for Craig to arrive  after a tortuous traffic mess.

This is the car dad had a ride in.  He was aching from his toes to his knees but knew if he did not say yeas T.J. would stop asking.  They both looked very young and dashing. The plan was to go for  a drink at Boundary Bay Airport but to their surprise it was not open.  T.J. said I know a nice little place on the way home.  It was the River Inn and was just telling him that is where the old x air traffic controllers meet every second month as they walked in the door. Dad pointed to the corner where they would  always sit and there was a group of older men sitting telling tales of past glories.

What a surprise!  It was his group of x controllers surprised to see him as they were to see them.  There was handshakes all around and lots of laughter. Dad was so very pleased to see them all!

Today I visited Vera who is now home from hospital  and doing well.  The thing is she just does not feel like her lively old self.  A broken hip and surgery has really changed her personality to out going to fearful of falling.  I could relate tho that. 

 Dad had gone and got his hearing test, a much more in depth one than mine but it was no surprise when he came to pick me up I was not in the right place.  When you are hot and tired this is very annoying.  But I soon showed up.

Panteli dropped by to surprise Haiti and take her home.  It was good timing as it gets too warm to walk her in the afternoon and the mucky heat makes one feeling lazy.

An ancient tale from scripture about two disciples who were surprised on the road leaving Jerusalem on  the way to Emmaus.  Feeling very sad and dejected after the death of Jesus they were joined by a mysterious stranger who they did not recognize.  They were totally dejected.  They invite him to eat with him and as he breaks the bread their eyes are opened and they know who he is.  This was a dramatic surprise which would transform the lives of these men and the others they would tell.

A good day ended with a visit with Craig.
                                            Look who is in the toy basket!