Thursday, July 31, 2014


I love the way the sun makes the water sparkle. 

So many families enjoying the water with all different activities. I know our family could spend hours down at the beach.  That is not for me any more, sitting in the hot sun is very tiring.

Summer time and my schedule changes a bit.  I am going for shorter walks because I like to water or putter around in the yard before I go.  Yesterday I came face to face with a raccoon on my walk but we both re-acted cautiously.  He ran into the nearest yard and I thought of crossing the street.

 Yesterday I cut the lawn and dad rode his bike to visit Gordon in the home on 180th.  We have been meaning to do this for awhile but the both of us never felt like doing it on the same day.  He looked very happy as he set off waving his hand.  I got a little anxious when he was not back after three hours.  His ride took an hour each way.  Gordon was happy to see him and made sure he had some coffee and cake.

We never do much that is exciting but it is amazing how my stories can bring up stories from others.  I know I often found this when I went visiting.  Being more of a listener I found this challenging.

"To be human is to tell stories.  We do so for many reasons:
to inform or illustrate a conviction we hold.
To attract attention, perhaps to entertain."

The Bible is full of stories, not always easy to understand, but stories that are meant to reveal deeper mysteries certainly about the many facets of God who is portrayed in many different ways and the darkness that dwells in the hearts of human beings.   Historical narratives that can be shaped from the mythic into a reality.

Jesus, was a wonderful story teller who took the ordinary experiences of life and revealed a new way to perceive life and to be open to the quest for wisdom through the ordinary acts of life that happen every day.  

Today Ben and Morgan come for a visit which dad and I are looking forward too.  They are getting very grown up and lots of fun to have visit.  I am not sure about visiting Jim with his milkshake.  His room is terribly hot so I feel badly for him.  It will all work out I am sure.  Hotter today!

So once again my blog is first with breaking news.  Carol has a new car! 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Now I can take time to read my cards and appreciate the thoughtfulness of the words and the wonderful memory of my birthday.  I have told my brain to remember.
Also the gifts of love expressed in other gifts.


The gift of time and energy.  Hearing voices of family on the phone is a special gift too!  Always love receiving chocolates two boxes.  Yummy.

The gift of ourselves is the best gift we give to one another.

Life is a gift itself.  "Fleeting and fragile, life is your most cherished possession.  Make of it what you can, but protect it with all your might."  -Flex Francis

Dad had a smashing day challenging his bike to a huge hill but his motor said no way Jose'.    He managed to come down and get home.  Yah!

Our minister Daniel came for a visit which we had out in the back yard.  Thankful for the  breeze. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Yes I did get into the pool to have a swim but my bathing suit had stretched and kept falling down and it looked like their would be a problem.  Maybe I would be the first skinny dipperafter all. No wonder I wanted to swim when no one was around.  Sure reminds me of when I was a kid, 

Except one summer one summer there was no swimming because of the fear of polio.

I had a long walk to the swimming pool, which was right across from dad's house.  It was down a big hill, across a bridge and along the train tracks.

It seemed very hot to me and I did not do much.  We left early to go to the doctors and stopped at Choices to get some G.F. things.  Afterwards we discovered I had left my big purse there.  I was trying to hurry.

My tests are fine, although one test had not arrived.  It has probably gone missing.  The problem seems to be the mussels but no one knows why,  I believe dad and I should stop worry and keep doing what we can.

We drove down to the beach after so that was a real treat.

Monday, July 28, 2014


Sunday night finds us back at Sandra and Randy’s home enjoying the garden and the pool.  I enjoyed my first time in the pool and it is wonderful leaving you so fresh and alive feeling.
Dad and I went to church and their was a small group of us but it was good to catch up family church news.  It was also Jane’s birthday and she will be celebrating with her family over several days.
Even though we can see each other with our eyes there are always things that prevent us from knowing others completely.  The important thing is to see ourselves with humility and honestly knowing that even with our imperfections God is still present with us always.
We are thankful that there is equality in our family structure and we do not need to follow Old Testament traditions which where man made and did not honour others nor did they honour God.

Dad had a real good bike ride and he is doing better and we are both pleased.

P7251745This is one of the pictures I had taken on the camera at the birthday party.  I made Sandra take a break from all the fixing and rearranging she was doing.   The pictures my dad had painted are in the back ground.

I forgot I even took my camera and I had asked dad to be in charge of the pictures and the one picture of Justice in the pool did not turn out.

Today I will get some answers from the lung and heart specialist but do not expect much will have shown up.  Just having this testing finished is reassuring.

Thankful for the fun of celebrations!

Summer is a wonderful time to respond to the creating spirit of nature that be open to the promise of new hopes and dreams.

Sunday, July 27, 2014



If I dream I rarely know what the dream means or whether it means anything at all.  The other night I had a beautiful dream about being in front of a wall that I couldn't see beyond it.  I was put in a seat like the ones at the roller coaster ride and was taken to the top where the view was awesome.  I could see for miles and miles and the colors were fantastic.  I just wanted to stay there forever!

Yes I am another year older and sometimes I wish I could see into the future but one thing I know is that there will be good and bad days.  Life will continue on much the same but there will be dreams that we hold dear and give us happiness.  There will be times when we need a helping hand and courage to face what we cannot change.

Yes, Nancy I do not want to go through your experiences, with cracked ribs on top of it all.  I think I should be telling you not to over-do things.  I appreciate your sharing.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.   -  Psalm 24

Wholeness comes when we see the emptiness in our soul and welcome the knowledge that it can be filled.  There is a song that says "Fill my cup Lord" and helps me to find wholeness in the spirit of Jesus.  There have been many times in my life where my cup has overflowed with joy and thankfulness.

Christianity is not about what I can or have done but what Jesus has already done for me.  This changes a dead man-made religion to a vibrant relationship with Jesus.  Amen!  So I can enjoy wine filled Chocolates!

Love is the new way!

Our emotions and our thoughts combine to create a response in our body that brings positive thoughts alive in every cell of our being.

Dream on with renewed courage and strength.  Maybe we will pick up my camera today at Sandra's I hope she is not putting extra pictures on it.  We should go to church and may have other plans after.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Sandra enjoying a good time.  She creates a beautiful setting and lots of good food.  I brought some good salad Theresa made and some GF scones from Sandra.  Sandra also instructed us on how to eat them.  You break off pieces and eat with lemon curd, or strawberry jam and whipped cream.

Theresa taking a picture of her mom and Ben.

           Morgan cannot wait to get in the pool.        Ben and                         Justice jumping right in after her.

They spent most of the time swimming so it was good the day warmed up.



Yes it was one of the best parties as it was easier to talk with everyone.  Girls getting together always have more fun.  I received several nice cards and presents.  Thanks to all.

I used to find birthday parties so stressful even when I tried to keep it simple.  I believe that children understand when we tell them we can only do so much.  Also important to get them helping even on their own day.  I think another time we would have the children serve us and have a drink and crackers first, the salad next and the sandwiches and scones and goodies last.  Just to take our time and enjoy each course. 

I know the children would be very good servers.  I should have put dad in charge.  Children may complain but I believe they do like to help and it makes them feel important.

Friday, July 25, 2014


Grama and Morgan all dressed up for the party!

Ben is loooking so grown up.
Sandra takes a picture of Theresa and Gramma
My pictures are not down loading and I do not know why.
DSCN2959This is only the beginning of the party.

I did not want to be responsible for taking any pictures but just to relax and enjoy the party.

I felt sad Kim was not there and Susan was to sick to come.  It was fun to have
Tasha and Justice to add to the fun but wished we had more pictures of them.  There are a couple that are sill missing.

It was a lovely day for me and it continues with phone calls from my brother, our friends Pat and John, a visit from Gunty with roses and chocolates and a big thank you for all I had done to help her through a difficult time.  It is not often some one says " you saved my life and gave me the will to live again".Also a phone calls from Rick and Kenny and Stephan.  I am glad Matthew's birthday turned out just fine but always a lot of work and worry.

Many beautiful cards and special presents chocolates from Kim, oraments from Pentali and Carol and a special saying from Tasha and Justice.



This is the electric bike that dad put together.  He has had several rides on it but it will take a while to get us to.
So enjoy it !  Have fun.  New adventures waiting!


Hoping for a sunny day for my birthday.
Sandra was doing a lot of running around yesterday but found when she got to our house her phone was back at the office.  Fortunately it is about a 20 drive from our house to there with the new road.  I wanted her to keep it simple but things can soon grow.  The girls are all a big help now and I am even making tea sandwiches!

Dad has put his bike together and I will put a picture on later.  It is quite solid looking and he will have to get use to changing from power to non-power.  I think that this will make him happier and just getting out more is a blessing.

I will try to aim for the highest meaning my life can have.  I have slowed down a lot and healing even of a cough takes time.
I believe that faith is an inner growth that is an unending process.
I am still alive which is a reward in its self.

My birthday wish is for us all to enjoy being together as I celebrate a lifetime of love and beauty.  Yes, there have been difficult times but after the rain the sun shines again. It will be a day of laughter that I know.  Just imagine we will all be turned into “ladies” with hats and fancy dresses.

And let there be peace in the valley for you and me.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


DSCN5131After a bad night listening to me coughing and trying not to cough dad endeavored to renew my prescription for an inhaler which I did not remember having.  So he set off to the druggist with a very sore foot and also annoyance with me.

Why would I go to the doctor when I had just seen one?

The druggist looked it up and sure enough there was an order for one refill.  I was very thankful for a better night's sleep.

It is often the little things that frustrate me.  I look at the appointment time for the heart echo-gram and cannot remember if I put down the appointment time or did I need to be there 20 minutes ahead.  It was fortunate the hospital phoned as I had the day in my head wrong but I had at least written it down right.

Dad will endeavor (strive, work hard) to put his new bike together.  It is in a box in our car.  It is heavy and will be hard to lift it out.  It is fine when they help you at the store but some one needs to help us when we get it home.  Maybe that could be an employment opportunity!  The big strong guy from the store could follow us home on a motor bike and  "bob's your uncle". 

Panteli dropped by on his way to meet Carol where she will be attending a conference on bulling or gang violence.  I used to love attending conferences as there was always an air of excitement and expectation.  The ones I went to always had great up-lifting music to start the talks.

Everything went well with my test.  I endeavored to read the face of the lady doing the test but she remained stoic and very professional.  It is amazing to see your heart beating away and we just take so much for granted.  The brain also has a hidden capacity far greater than we realize.  Being creative and adaptable is one of the gifts we have as human beings.

I will not go visiting with my cough but will have a restful day.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


If I had known it was not me but my computer server it would have made life simpler.  I kept doing all the things I think I am suppose to do like turning it right off and starting again.
I ended up going for a shorter walk and getting more advice.  This time it was about lifting weights and it not only helps your bones but your mind so I had to go into the garage and drag huffing and puffing getting the old weights out.

Dad drove me to get my new drivers license and the picture is the worse ever.  I will just have to laugh at this picture and hope my face does not often look like that too often.  After lunch dad went for a walk  in the park, which he does several times a week. 

I have a new appointment for my M.R.I. which is March 2015.
 I can live with that.  It may not show anything anyway. 

There will always be questions and usually no simplistic answers because our lives are so complex, and certainly when it comes to health issues.

"The apparatus inside our head is literally inconceivable in its complexity, perhaps containing a hundred billion neurons."  -Richard Foster

DSCN5130We cannot expect our memory to be perfect and how I respond to that imperfection is up to me.  We are too quick to blame the brain when a lot of the problem is in our mind.
  "My brain never stops paying attention to what you tell it." -  Rudolph Tanzi

So it comes back to living in the moment and paying  attention to what we are doing.  Dad and I are having great fun quick-stepping around the kitchen with our hoarse voices and hard of hearing ears trying to hear each other.

Today I have my echo-gram which is just resting and letting the attendant do the work. 
I have found most of them cheerful and considerate.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Even though it was cool the sun was most welcome.  I had a good walk  and went very early.  I had a strange night with bad dreams and waking up and not knowing where I was.
The breathing test was a nightmare too. Breath in a big breath and then blow it out.  All she needed was for me to do it twice the same but every time it was different and I had to keep redoing it.  I also felt stupid and must have looked stupid with a close pin on my nose.
Finally she let me go but I wandered around in circles trying to find the entrance again.  Dad is there waiting he is reading the mystery I had brought to read.
We went to the River Inn even though both of us were not that hungry
 but enjoyed sitting outside in the lovely fresh air.

We came home on the new road and dad argued with each sign saying they were all misleading and being helpful I kept asking are we on the right road?  We ended up on the right road  so got home in good time.  I had a nap and dad finished the book.

Life would be a nightmare if we did not laugh about it.  My computer was not working this morning so if you thought I was sleeping in  no way!

Monday, July 21, 2014


Listening to the rain on the window pane, and decide to rest because I have laryngitis and a cough.  Not a good thing to have when I am having a breathing test but there is no way to cancel and then wait another three months.  I just want to get these things done and maybe get some answers.  I stay home from church and do some reading.

I am reading in Mark's gospel about the four men who break apart the roof of the house that Jesus is in so they can lower their friend to his feet and hopefully he will be healed.

The room was crowded with imperfect humans (sinners) wanting to hear good news and also see a healing.  Even though they are a noisy group they hear the footsteps on the roof and are surprised by a rain of dust and straw as the paralysed man is lower down into the room.  They push one another to make room and wait to see the reaction of Jesus in the midst of all this commotion.  Will Jesus be angry at this interruption?  Will he be touched at the action and concern of his friends for this very sick man?

When Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic "Son, your sins are forgiven."  Everyone believed at that time that illness was  thought to be caused by sin.   If you were a good person you prospered.

They did hear good news that they were not sinners and they also saw the man healed and walking.

For me the important part,  was the part that the friends played in this drama.  Scripture stresses the value of friendship.  I know that my friendships have supported and encouraged me as well as given me hope and happiness.

My cough began to get much worse and dad was getting very stressed.  He is easily stressed these days so I agreed to go to the emergency at Ladner against my better judgment.  Just as we are getting ready to leave we hear our friend Pat's voice on the answering machine.I had a good check-up, x-ray, blood work etc. and they think it is a virus.  So came home with some pills .   How do you argue when you have laryngitis?  My day was even more restful than I had expected.

I go back and see the lung specialist today.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


It is amazing how much advice I have been getting.
Even people I meet walking who usually just say hi are giving me advice about yoga etc.  It is all good advice and I will give it some thought.  It is important to believe anything is possible,  I do hope to be walking better and I believe I can.

Growing older is about many things like being thankful for the family we created but also it is about dashed dreams
It was cold and windy and dull when  I woke up this morning.  When I get ready to go for my walk dad is awake watching golf.  There is always some sports on the T.V. and the football is now starting.
I feel like I have little angels whispering in my ear giving me advice.  Another walker stops me again this morning because I have my cane.  Actually I start out carrying it and as I get tired I start to use it.  We agree that doctors are not really helpful but it comes down to being responsible for your  health and happiness.  I feel shivers as the wind blows right through my clothes.  Not really cold enough for a jacket but maybe a warmer sweater.

Sandra picks me up later in the morning to drive to the Thrift Store to look for an old-fashioned dress for me for my birthday tea on Friday.  I need lots of help making up my mind even after trying some things on over my clothes.  I did not see anyone else doing this but sometimes it is good to dare to be different!

I could have an amazing wardrobe if I shopped there regularly and became good at it.

My brain book suggests I learn new responses to life
Do not mistake moods for reality
Adopt  a higher vision for your life and live by it
Reduce stressful conditions
Be generous of spirit
Exercise 0nce  a day

"By setting out on the path to find the real you, you will emerge into the light and see life in a new way."    - Super Brain Solutions

Saturday, July 19, 2014


The boys, dad and Geof wanted to sit out on the patio but Jane and I found  it cold so we  put on whatever we had available in our cars.  Then we look at each other and laughed.  She has her trench coat and I have a sloppy jacket and it is covering up our nice outfits.  We are getting mature but still very young at heart.

We enjoy a good laugh together.  Both of us have July birthdays to celebrate but the time has come to stop present giving.  What we give to each other is affirming grace and support.  There is an authentic transparency in our friendship.

At every stage in life there are different problems and courage is needed to face them.  We have learned that we cannot fix other people's problems although we would still like to try.  We  have also had real and difficult conversations like good friends do. 

We all enjoyed a fun time together with a very humorous waiter who gave us excellent service, although he did put Jane's order in wrong but that was put to right later.

Dad and I did some shopping on the way home and Carol had left a message about joining them for supper but we had used up our energy for the day.  Very thoughtful.

Ken phoned thinking my birthday was the 18 but that is dad's in Feb.  He has a very busy family life with all the problems that go along with that.  Melina was working so we did not talk to her but hopefully next time.

Sometimes it is hard to feel happy but if we are thankful for what we have and let the good Lord take care of our future.  Not easy.  Happiness depends not on what happens to us but how we handle it.

Today it was good to share our happiness with our friends.

"You gain strength, courage and confidence with every experience you face."   E.Roosevelt

Friday, July 18, 2014


I am having trouble with my computer which is confusing.

Today dad and I are having lunch in White Rock with Jane and Geof. I am finding more and more that I am talking, reading, walking with my eyes closed. The good thing is that I am aware of it. I even sit at the stop sign and close my eyes and then pinch myself before some one honks behind me.

I have a appointment for a M.R.I on Sept. 2016 which I think I will just cancel.

Dad did some digging up of daisy roots which is a very hard job.

I need to clear a path so I can walk through.

Both ponds are working very well now.

Looking forward to a good visit.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


I did manage to visit Jim yesterday.  I hope that I am learning that freedom from judgement is a good thing; but a very hard thing.  I found a change of attitude on my I think on both our parts seemed to help.  Jim was pleased to see me.
Pain is pain.  Empathy is empathy.  Lovability or not.

Nice to have Carol drop in for a visit at lunch time.  The wind was very cool so she wrapped herself in a blanket as we sat outside.  This is what happens when you live in the Caymans.

I have a chest that is full of diaries and journals.
I remember as a teen-ager having a sleepover and the three of us girls shared our diaries.  I had lots of romantic hopes and dreams about falling in love with prince charming.  The trouble was I had really spilled my heart out while the other two had written down facts and events.  Of course they wanted me to read more and more.  Yes, today it would be laughable but not then I felt kind of embarrassed.

  Good for you Theresa I hope you have lots of laughs together.

And if you do find your prince charming you soon discover he is off to fight the dragons and leave you to fight your inner dragons!

I am reading that I am responsible for my own happiness.  Jesus said: "The kingdom of Heaven is within you."  In other words the kingdom of happiness.  Look within and let go of fear and sadness.
We have been created to be containers of LOVE.  And it is limitless.  Be passionate. Our work is a gift that requires  energy and commitment.

I wanted as a child to be a writer and as an adult I wanted to be some one who can be helpful.

I also have been keeping a record of thank-you letters written to us.  I put the letter with a picture.  Times have changed now and thank you comes by computer.



“The wonder of life is often overlooked.”

I am walking slowly but it gives me more time to not only smell the flowers but to appreciate the beauty and stop and take pictures.
“The preciousness of being alive,
of appreciating ourselves, each other, and our world is often the last thing we remember in our rush to handle the daily details of  life.”
_ Michael Stillness
Looking at the fragility of a beautiful flower reminds us how fragile life can be.  How fragile the human spirit is and the awareness that each one of us brings beauty into the life of others.  A life of laughter and tears.  My challenge is to live my life to the fullness of the knowledge that in the sight of God I am becoming a masterpiece.

In the past I would become overtired trying to do what I thought I "should." 
I was too narrow minded in my religious approach to life.
This gave me a sense of security that I needed to hang on to. 
I have calmed down so that the stress of being over tired or right is now going
out the door and now the wind of the spirit is free to lightly blow over me and through  me.

P7141679Both dad and I had walks today.  Dad thought he was seeing a wolf in front of him but it was a dog and his owner soon appeared.

We talked about going down to the beach but it is too hot for us, spent time in the cool of the shade deck.

I believe that above all God desires us to be fully alive. 

Sure we are aware of life's realities, war and conflict, floods and fires, and the rising cost of everyday living, health problems that seem to have no cure; but maybe each in our own small world are making a difference.

It is not a time to panic but to find a peace within that helps us trust that there is goodness and love in this world. 

Thanks for the phone call Kim!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Sad,  but also relief,  that our friend Shirley has passed  on to eternity on  Monday afternoon.  Our minister had a visit and a prayer with her and I know she would appreciate that, she was unconscious.  She is now released from all suffering and loneliness.  She was a beautiful soul who will be missed by many.  She was in good spirits right to the end!  She was a good friend!

  In my life I have the community that is family where people come and go, I have my walking community where we do not really know each other but there is always a smile and a short greeting.  Yesterday, I met the Japanese hugging gramma who I have not seen in a long time.  She talked away and I just smiled and agreed.  We hugged and she bowed and gave me the blessing of two hands together.Then there is my neighborhood community where we keep an eye out for each other.  And  yes I have my blogging community, a great bunch of characters.  There is some risk in every community that touches our lives but always a knowing that we are a part of so many other lives.
None of these are competitive or exclusive.  I see shows like survivor and I see fighting and cheating and no sense of loyalty as each person is out for themselves.  There also has been a growth in spirituality that emphasizes the solitary journey of self-seeking.  This can become the work of the ego that continually searches for pleasure and happiness.

All of these groups help me to adjust my attitude at times and to try to live out with action my beliefs.

Yesterday dad and I drove over to see Vera and Howard and also Leah.  Vera had left for awhile
and Howard was fast asleep.  We had a good visit with Leah before she would try to wake him up and feed him and try to get him to talk a little.  Leah put in another application so I hope and pray she finds some steady, better paid work and not have to try to do two jobs.  Her second job is going to the home and helping for a few hours.  They had the music therapy lady there and she had them playing little instruments and singing.  Just watching her made you feel happy.

Right beside them was another room where people were painting and creating masterpieces!  I admire the patience and the energy that is put into these activities.

In scripture we are called God s masterpiece each and every one of us!  Ephesians 2:8-10

We stopped at the Art Naps nursery to pick up one little flower to fill in where the daisies had been pulled out.

 I will go for my walk and take pictures of other flowers.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Much cooler this morning with lots of cloud formations.
I love the early morning so cool and fresh.   do a bit in the garden then head out for a walk.


I am thankful for the community that is my church.  It is there we can share friendship, resources and  support. 
There are the positive and there are the negative as we all have our own opinions about how things should be done and by whom.  We are living in a dream world if we expect perfection.

The Hebrew Bible is built around community and covenant with God.  We can see the problems that arise because of this feeling that their God is the only god and they are the chosen ones.

The New Testament affirms that joining together in fellowship, prayer and worship is important.  Community is a enlargement of family life in which there will be both conflict out of which comes growth; and love and unity.  We cannot expect one without the other.

Dad's eyes seem better in the morning but he knows it will get worse again as the problem has not been solved.

P7121668Enjoyed my lunch out with Lee as we had a lot to catch up on.

Last night as I was watering I saw some one taking a picture of my garden!  That was a surprise!

I know I am not doing well with my blog but I will keep trying.  Your comments make it!