Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Before I went visiting to see Gundy, Sandra dropped by to see us.  She was on her lunch break and with the new road they have put in connecting to River Road she can come here in 20 minutes.  Dad and I always enjoy a visit but I am always more aware of my deafness as she has a soft voice.

I have found reading my book about the brain it has given me a greater sense of admiration for all it does.
We live in such a beautiful world so much to see and feast your eyes upon, and so much for the brain to process.
I am out watering and discover the cat in the middle of my bushes asleep.

WOW my brain book tells me “If you remain alert, a healthy brain will continue to serve you as you age.”  “Expectations are powerful triggers for the brain.”  The key is to let go of the negative and grasp hold of possibilities of the positive.

I was amazed as I was walking today a young girl passed me, not that that is unusual, but she turned around and came back to walk with me.  I have been feeling so old with my cane and my slowness in doing everything, and thinking how old I am looking.  This young girl said she had missed me seeing me and she appreciates my picking up the odd junk that others just throw away.  She also said how young I looked when I told her my age.  She was impressed that I even walk in the rain.  She made my day!  !  So nice when some one takes time to say kind words.
Dad rode his pedal bike today as he does not have his new electric one for several weeks.

If you become passionate and excited about learning again you will improve your memory too.  Writing in my blog is a passion for me and I keep trying to learn new things to share.  I also try to share my mistakes and failures.

I have the deepest admiration for all my children and the passion they have for life and contributing in different ways.  All so different but all so amazing.  I am proud to be your mom!  It is good for the brain to remember the good times and to keep remembering.

Today dad and I are driving out to Chilliwack to see Morgan on her birthday.  We will not be staying for the picnic at Cultus Lake but just have a short visit.



Sandra said...

I guess I have to work at speaking louder, I am always having to yell at Randy too as he is pretty deaf having worked in noisy factories most of his life. That was very nice for that girl to walk with you. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Just to say how much l appreciate your writing ,lovely pictures, and all you share do for others .much love Jane.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like the girl was a messenger from God. We all admire your dedication to your walking and your trash collecting. It's cold and wet here today no way I am going for a walk.
We had a great time in Sydney, the weather was fantastic, sunny and 20c , not bad for winter. We had a little hi cope with the flight home. We had to buy new tickets on Qantas as Jetstar wouldn't believe Melina's ID .
We made it home in the end and landed in Melbourne , wet and 8c ....ugh

beth bennett said...

Ken that was not a good ending to your trip but I hope it was enjoyable. Melina looks great and the children happy settling in their new room.
love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

That was nice of that young lady to walk with you and compliment you.



Theresa Rose said...

I like that story grandma :)