Saturday, August 31, 2019


We were shown into a small room with a love seat and a chair.  Dad and I and Sandra were waiting to meet a special little dog named Spencer.  He is 14 years old and needs a home.  The door opened and he ran into see Sandra.  Yes, a very smart dog.  With a little coaching  he came over to sit in between
dad and I.  We fell in love with the little guy.  We pick him up on Tuesday as long as we have passed the test for good behavior.

We think he will really like our little back yard and our new love seat.

Dad managed to fix the pond that was not working and also put the lock back on the front door. 

There are always things that need fixing and that is good too.

"If you want to go faster go alone
If you want to go further, go together."
African Proverb.

Friday, August 30, 2019


                                                      Guess where we were today.
                                                 Around the corner
                                                 Looking handsome
                                                     A very quiet place
                                                 A lovely drive

                                                      Our new chair

We had a very short visit with Vera as she was very tired and she told us she was just too tired for a visit.

We stopped at the wrong furniture store and bought a new chair.  It was on sale for half price.

We stopped bu Carol and Pamteli's house but they were sailing on a boat.  We could have phoned first.  We enjoyed a tasty supper on the patio at Mario's/

Last stop at grannie's grave.  Dad's grannie loved him very much and he did all he could do to make her last days comfortable.

We know that each day is precious and I will continue to pray for you all.


                                                dAD LOOKS LIKE HE IS WALKING PRETTY GOOD

Thursday, August 29, 2019


Why did we want a new chesterfield?  It was looking sad and the mice kept using it to nest in.  It has now gone and we will see what happens with the visitations of the mice.  Also I thought it was making my back sore but so far the new one has not helped that.

We are going to buy a new front door.  Why?  The old lock was not working and the new lock dad bought today is not working so we need a new door that looks.

Why do I like to add some religious thoughts to my blog?

My faith has given me joy and peace and it is what interests me.

I have found happiness in my search for meaning in the mystery of the unknown that invites us all to be seekers.

There is truth that is hidden in the stories that stay in our memory.  We all know the story of the good Samaritan.

I have always felt accepted and comfortable in religious settings.

 I have experienced life changing awareness of something greater than what I can see or hear but faith gives me  a comfort and a strength.

I have made so many wonderful friends as we have sought to grow and learn together.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Waiting for our love seat to arrive we went and visited the new store in our neighborhood.  Lots of fresh vegetables and fruits.  We did not find it that much cheaper but we need to go again.

We were very happy when our love seat arrived.  I had been busy washing the floor and the wall behind it.  We missed the message from Sandra about going to see a poor little dog who needs a home.

                                                            Dad is talking to Sandra.

I found it very warm today but thankful it is not as hot as it is in other places.

Carol dropped by and we had a good visit.  We are always happy to have visits.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


                                             A great day to celebrate the birth of a new baby.  Maxwell!

I woke up this morning feeling I really felt like being on the road again so why not go and celebrate with Theresa on her birthday.  She was working in Abbortsford so we suggested taking her out to lunch.  Then she suggested we drive out to Chilliwack.  It was then we found out she was going out with friends for an early evening.

Dad went for a quick bike ride and  the plans just were not working so we drove to the River Inn instead.  We sat out on the deck with a cool breeze watching boaters coming and going.  We knew the right decision had been made for all,

I have created a little path through my garden which is fairly easy to get in and out from.  Lots of dead heading to do.  Lots of watering on sunshiny days.

For me as a Christian Jesus is the one who helps me find my spiritual path.  The way to the heart of the Father through my heart.

I am reminded it is all about relationships and love.

Also weplan our days but we do not control how they unfold.

Monday, August 26, 2019


A day of action.  We drop off clothes to the Thrift Store and join Sandra in our search for a new chesterfield.  She deserves the credit for helping us find one a store in Langley.  This was the second place we had looked with her.  Looking actually meant sitting as we tried out one after another.  We now have a love seat which is very comfortable and good for the two if us to watch T.V. which we like to do in the evenings together.  The Lazy Boy Store.  Now according to dad everyone else will sit on the floor, which may not be a bad idea.  But really we will have a couple of extra chairs.

First we had gone to church and stayed to visit with old friends.  The message was telling to inform us we are never to old to make changes.  Our church is still carrying on with a good team work of people.  It was good to remember the times we have shared, sad and happy times, with a common goal and now facing an uncertain future.

There is power and strength  working  as a team that encourages the best that is within us.

Team work is important in sports and in families as well as in our churches.

Saturday, August 24, 2019


We drove over to Laurel Place to have a quiet visit with Vera before her lunch.  We arrived to find Vera sitting in her wheel chair by the front door and were told by her daughter we would be going across the road to have coffee.

I looked at Vera and asked if this was okay with her.  She said she did not know.  Not wanting to argue we tagged along behind them,  The coffee shop was exteremly crowed and noisy.  Our coffee was way to stronge.  The decision was made to sit outside.  Men wereworking on the road and it was still very noisy.  We wait for Louraine to finish another phone dall.

Thw three of us were unhappy so we asked Vera if she wanted to return to her room and maybe even back to bed.  She said yes.

We also realize our parking ticket was expired and feeling very frustrated we all crossed the road back.

It had not been a good experience.

I had found the whole experience very tiring.

It is no surprise that life does not always turn out as we expect.

We returned home to our happy neighbor hood where Tod and the boys are carrying wood around to make a front porch just like ours.  They work very hard until it starts to get dark.

Saturday we planed looking at chesterfields with Sandra. I did not feel up to making any decisions.  So we are going out to eat together with her and Carol and Panteli.  We leave it to them to decide where and when to go.

Dad goes for a bike ride and I am trying to gather up some stuff to take to the Thrift Store.

What  we hope for is to be able to help others as we all search for meaning in our lives and learning the lessons life has to teach us.

Friday, August 23, 2019


I am doing some reading about Religion.
A controversial subject at the best of time.
The author is now writing about her personal story
after writing a very controversial book about 
the gospels which were deemed heretical
and did not make it into the Bible.
Reading about her life of faith and the challenges she had to deal with 
especial the death of her 6 year old boy.
Her story is about personal tragedy and the search for
why religion helps to cope with suffering.

My two friends who I walk with are so different.  Aneta tells me all that is wrong with religion and that is so true I cannot disagree.  It would be not good anyway her mind is made up.  Joanne loves to talk about what she is still learning about what the Bible says and how it is impacting her life to deal with a painful illness.

She has helped me to deal with some of my inner turmoil.

Religion is controversial and it helps to discover the truth from an emotional perspective and also from the intellectual perspective.  Heart and mind!

Today we visit our friend Vera in Hospice.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Yes I am still on Deas Island.

It was nice to walk in the rain early in the morning.  Nice to not have to water to-night.  Just have to put the garbage out.  A lot of life seems to be habit and routine.  It was a dull day outside and I felt dull inside knowing I need to make an effort to find new interests.

Dad worked hard down on his hands and knees to try and fix the plugged bathroom sink in his bathroom.  Finding all the tools to do it was a lot of work going up and down stairs.  He would be able to draw on past experiences to unplug the drain.

That seems to be an important part of life that we can use the past knowledge to be useful and also being aware there is always new things to learn..  I find that it is not that easy to be enthusiastic.

Our church will be closing the end of October but until that time we are being encouraged to share our stories of our community.  People who have left are being invited to come and join in.  

Sometimes I have come to church seeking answers but instead I found I had new questions.  Faith is a learning process and like a puzzle one find the pieces one at a time.

There are days when I feel weary but that is okay.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019


             Our morning went by quickly.  I had my walk and dad rode his bike through the forest.

After lunch we could not decide what to do so in the end we just stayed home content to sit in our back yard.

We plan to make plans early in the day to-morrow and maybe drive some where.

Monday, August 19, 2019


                               Each new day challenges me to find things to feel hopeful about.

Today people who have been living in tents downtown Vancouver are being evicted.  They must feel very hopeless.

A young boy, only four, went missing in Lions Lake  yesterday.  I prayed hoping for the best.  What a relief to hear in the morning he had been found after spending the night in the forest.  Anyone who has had a child go missing knows what a helpless feeling that is.

It is good to hear something in the news that is hopeful.

At church we hear the news that the little Ladner church where Mary was married is now closing.

Some of the congregation came and joined our service.  They actually where sitting in my pew.  I did not mind but it was funny to see them there.

I have experienced feeling hopeless, especially when doctors could not find out what was wrong with me.   Both dad and I were feeling hopeless.   Determination has kept  me hopeful.  I want to believe my prayers are being heard and will be answered in some way at some time.and that renews my hope each day.

It is always important to keep hopeful.  It helps when there is so much to be thankful for.  Not much hope for our football team but maybe the hockey will do better.

We went to the library and to Boundary Airport for a bite to eat.

Home to do the watering as it still has not rained.  I was hopeful it would.

Sunday, August 18, 2019


                                               Our family is getting new interests.
                        A picture from the Deas Island Rowing group that Carol and Panteli are taking part in.


                                                        A beautiful place for a picnic.

They also are taking golfing lessons as well as going golfing with others of like interests.

Sandra is out raising money for the animal shelters who do a lot to rescue distressed animals.  She will be getting some new kittens soon.  She is interest in intuitive eating and has a new group of friends.

Craig has got us more interested in politics and Rick and Carol as well as Leah are supporting him in this endeavor.

I ask myself if I am interested in seeing life differently?

I am trying to express more of the positive interests that I have in my life.

Over the years I have had many interests in various things,  That includes cooking, child care, gardening, health and vitamins, walking and making new friends.

Most of these interests have faded away but I still am very interested in faith and spirituality.  This has brought a lot of joy and purpose into my life.  It teaches one to open your heart to experience another reality.

I pray daily for my family and reminds me that I am not alone but there is a loving presence that listens and loves us all.

Dad did not attend church with me but we had a beautiful afternoon going to see the rowers and to recapture many times we had picnics there.  A lovely afternoon.  Carol invited us for supper but we both were a bit weary.

We look forward to a visit with her and Panteli soon.

Saturday, August 17, 2019


                                             There is not much in life that is black and white.
                                                 Any day can contain a micture of emotions.

The last time we had visited Vera she had been sleeping so we had a short visit with Lorraine her daughter.  This morning we got a call from her daughter wanting to know exactly when we would be arriving.  It had been agreed previosly that coming at 11 would be a good time.  She wanted to know if this was still okay,  It almost seemed like she was saying not to come.

We start out with mixed emotions.  We arrive and she is lying down but not asleep and Lorraine has left to take care of fiances with her brother.  We drive in just as they leave the parking lot.  It seems she wanted us to come when she would be away.

Vera is not doing well.  She admitts her mind is foggy with all the medication she is on now.  At least it is controlling the pain but her personality has changed.

She seems to enjoy our visit but we can tell it is an effort for her to talk.

We leave with sadness in our hearts, tears in our eyes and not knowing if this will be our last visit with her.  She wonders why it is taking so long.

We come home and make some sandwiches together and dad makes coffee for us both.I fall asleep watching T.V. and my cup falls and I am started awake.    It was empty so that was good.

I spill enough stuff on me when I am alert.

Dad is now off on a bike ride and I will do a little in the garden and finish my mystery.  At least read one more chapter.

Life is a precious gift of time but there comes a time when life draws to a close.  In life as in death we are not alone.

Mohandas Granhi  said that physical death is the birth of spiritual life.

I pray for Vera it will be a peaceful transition, a time of surrender

Her love will live on in her family and in our hearts.

Thursday, August 15, 2019


A little light chases away the darkness.
It enables us to see more clearly the goodness that gives us hope.

Today dad and I went to three stores to do our grocery shopping.  One store is better for the gluten free food but we end up at the Safeway because we know where everything is.  The cashiers in all the stores were so friendly and kind.

Early in the morning I went to the 7 Eleven where two elderly gentleman rushed to open the door for me.  I laughed at both of them.

We ate out between shopping as it is not good to go shopping if you are too hungry.  We met a man who lives down our street and it is always nice to see a friendly face.  We sat out side and the temperature was perfect.  We want to enjoy these summer days as much as we can now.

Our intention was to enjoy our day and enjoy the people we meet.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


                                         My definition of serenity is being good to yourself.

Another definition is the state of being calm and peaceful and untroubled.  Feeling at one with my life.

Dad drove to White Rock to drop off the plant to Joan who had some minor surgery.  She had been extremely worried about it.  Everything went well and she was much happier which makes a better visit.  So I sit beside her in a circle of elderly ladies and one gentleman.  All eyes are on me as I come in and sit with them.  They watch all the time I am talking to Joan and then when I go to leave they all wave and say good-bye.  One lady thought I was Joan's daughter and we are about the same age.

We planned to go down to the beach to take pictures and I discover my battery was dead and dad did not feel like getting out and walking.  He is still learning about this camera.  I find just driving along by the water gives one a feeling of serenity. 

We came home and had cake and ice cream.

A day that started in the silence of the dawn and now the day is coming to a close as the light begins to fade.

It is good to find peace doing what you think is worthwhile and blesses others.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


                                           All religions stress being grateful.

             On my morning walk I am grateful for all the trees that give shade and beauty.
Being grateful for the beauty of nature comes naturally.  Then there are times when you stub  your toe and it really hurts.  It can be the pain of disappointment or a sore back these things are hard to be grateful for.  I am trying to be more thoughtful and appreciate the good things I have.

Grateful that in every experience I can learn something.

Grateful that I do not know the future.

Yesterday I came home grateful for my doctor who listens to my complaints.  I think he is grateful for when I do not have any.

Grateful for a renewed interest \n life.

Dad and I have a quiet day today.
Garatful we have each other.

Grateful for honest people in my life.
He has a new interest in camera's since Pat and John where here.  He has rescue his old camera from the shelf and reading about how to use it.

Now we are off to London Drugs to get some helpful advice

Monday, August 12, 2019


Our little people hiding amongst the flowers.
It is fun yo see the joy the little children have when they find them. 

Today I enjoyed a phone call from Thelma Inkster, my old friend from 53rh Ave.  She felt worried about us so decided to call.  Of course we are doing fine now and it was good to hear all her news.  There have been some ups and downs in her family life too.  It took her awhile to adjust to the move to Abbotsford and she is enjoying the grandchildren.  I think Alex has two and Holly four.  We shared many good memories when we lived on the same street.  We are going to try and keep in touch.  Thelma and I attended a neighborhood Bible study time together and became very good friends.

I had my doctor's appointment today and while we were there dad was able to see his doctor too.  I had another good check-up and dad had his hip x-rayed before we came home.  He did not have to wait at all either at the doctor's or at the x-ray clinic.  So we had a good day.

I want to feel more joy in my life and I decided to start by buying flowers to take to the Nursing Home in White Rock as we were going to be there anyway.  I felt that I should also share some with Dr. Nolte.  I thought it was pretty silly but dad said "why not"

He was very happy to receive them.  I think if you try to bring joy to others it comes back to you.

I want to be more positive in my journalling!

Sunday, August 11, 2019


Dad and I went off to church leaving later than usual.  There was no sign of traffic so we were almost tempted to go through the red light.  We already where late and were impatient.  Fortunately we did not as a speeding police car came around across the corner right in front of our path.

For many years Colebrook Church has been a community where we have formed great friendships but more than that it is a sacred place of worship.  We are reminded of God's presence as we begin with prayer and singing.  We have been inspired and touched by the music and by the sermons that we have heard.

Written in our memories are all the good times like the Strawberry tea and the Harvest Turkey dinner and Bible studies that have attended.  It has been for me a place of safety and security.  Problems and difficulties are left at the door and when we depart we feel more able to cope with life.

A time to let go of fear and find the peace of the Spirit.

On arriving home Sandra and Randy dropped by.  They had some fun stories to tell about their adventures.

Later Pat and John arrived for a visit and some vegetables fresh from their garden.  It is a lot of work for them and we appreciate them visiting and sharing with us.

I am surethe Parson family will have many memories to remind them of their visit.  Wales and Airplanes and swimming1

Saturday, August 10, 2019


                                          Sharing our weakness is the only true way we heal.
As long as we keep active we can ignore our feelings'
A lot of energy is used in building a false self.

but as we age we do not have the energy to do the things we used to do to keep us busy.
So for years we have been able to keep our fears and anxieties hidden even from ourselves.

I give a sequel of terror as I am watching T.V. and the mouse runs across the room.  I feel unsafe in my warm T.V. room.  I want to run and hide under the bed.  Why are we the only people who cannot catch mice.  This one is smarter by far than us.  Dad sets some more traps and we try again.

The only thing he likes to eat is my chesterfield!

Happiness takes practice as we accept our weakness in body and spirit.

I am thankful that my faith is built on the security of unconditional love  that touches us in our brokenness and weakness.

Today dad will drive me down to White Rock to visit Joan who is very lonely surrounded by other very lonely people.  I can bring her a little happiness and reassure her that I have not forgotten her.

Friday, August 9, 2019


It has been a day of quiet reflection.

We visited Vera and it is amazing how she has changed the dull room she is in.  We spend a little time with her before her son and his wife arrive.  It is a room full of love and time seems to be standing still knowing that things can change for the worse at any moment.  

Dad and I realize how precious each moment is in all our lives.  

Yes our old green couch is still standing in our T.V. room/  Looking very shabby.

The mouse has now been spotted in the laundry room. Even it has had enough of our couch and is looking for a better place to live.  Guess how will be doing the laundry now?

Dad had his bike ride and I did my early morning walk and some shopping.

We miss having a dog but now all the dogs we meet we stop to pet them and say hello.

We have our favorite shows on T.V. and I have my mystery books to take my mind into a different time and place.

Yes we are at a stand still right now but we know the direction we are still aiming for!

Love will guide us.

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Good food, good stories were a good ending to our day.
Sitting out on the baloney with Carol and Panteli.

We had had great plans for earlier in the day.  I went for a early walk and dad went for his bike ride.  Dad enjoyed lots of dogs along the trail.  I always laugh to myself when I see a young man, extremely tall with a bushy bear with the tinest dog you can imagine.  

Our plan had been to go shopping for chesterfields but when dad returned his foot was very painful mastitis.  He took a pill and laid down for a big rest.  Late in the afternoon we went to one furniture store but just could not make ant decisions.  We will keep looking.

I  hope the mouse has gone.  He does  not like anything we put in the traps.  We do not want to kill the tiny little creature but he needs to find another home.

We pan to visit Vera at Hospice today.  She is very frail.  Her daughter is with her now so that is a blessing for her.

I have mailed all my August cards away so happy that is done.

Sometimes we need to just be still and let the goodness of God touch our hearts and our souls and our bodies!

There is a healing presence waiting for us.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


To know the spot of inwardness, the place deep within our soul that is free of expectations, free of ambition, free of fear and worry is to see ourselves as we really are, connected to the infinite spirit of grace and truth.  A sense of sacredness that transcends all earthly values and goals.

Our plan for this day was to go looking for chesterfields to replace the old shabby one that seems to invite mice to come live within it.

Instead we are visiting two old friends that we have been invited to visit.

Terry is a controller who worked with dad for years.  He is now living in a care place due to the condition of his mind.  He is now on new drugs and improving a little.

Doug is in the same home and is battling the final stages of Parkinsons' disease.  He is very frail and weak but would like to have a short visit from us.  He is a friend from church who we have known for years.

We live on a street of many cultures, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Hindu.  We all respect one another which is how it should be.

"Each person is born with an unencumbered spot deep within that is free of ambition, fear and worry embarrassment but on our journey through life we learn to value all our relationships.

There is beauty within us all that waits to be discovered.

Monday, August 5, 2019


      Carol and Justice play ball.

Dad took this fantastic picture,  I think it captures the beauty of motion and the joy of play.

Faith can capture the imagination that sees beauty in the trust we put into life as we reach out to one another.  Faith also involves risk.

I had a long talk to my brother Brian after Rick left.  He is so happy to have Traudle home again.  This was after they both rode in an ambulance to the Cranbrook hospital for a cat scan of her head.  The report was that all was fine.  She still had to be returned to hospital in Invermere.  It appears that it was a reaction to the drugs that cause her confusion and anxiety.

She is feeling very weak  but more like herself.  Life has changed for them both and a nurse comes to visit every day and they will get any help they need to keep them in their home.

Dad and I can relate to wanting to stay in our home and I see us getting more help in the future.  We can do a lot with the both of us sharing the tasks but a deeper cleaning would be a good idea.

When we marry some one we are trusting them with our future and our happiness.  There will be times when the water gets rough but as long as we pull together all will be well.  We are supported by a force that nourishes us  when we respond with gratitude and grace.

We both have the potential of becoming stronger even as our bodies become weaker.

Today we went to the Pharmacy at the Safeway as dad's eye medication was mixed up and the wrong ones where ordered.  A sweet young girl listened and promised that the order would be changed.

I am thankful tonight for a bit of a breeze.

I walked very early in the morning and dad rode his bike when it was warmer but at least we both got some exercise.

It is difficult to hear the news of more mass shootings and also the re-action of those who have the power to change the gun rules.

Faith is a journey.

Sunday, August 4, 2019


The perfect place for a fun and relaxing party is at Sandra and Randy's.  It is amazing to see how well all the children do in the water.
                     We were pleased that Chris was able to join us as he had a day off.

                                                Astrid is a little shy at first.
Little Walker has a great time jump in and out.  Lots of hands ready to catch him.

Ophelia and Astrid have a great time too.  She tells me she is swimming and she loves it.
                                 Astrid laughs at Walker.  All the children have a great time.
                                              Ben and Justice make a big splash!
Rick joins the other dads in the pool.  Great fun being a grand dad.
Theresa and Tasha enjoy a visit.
Nana takes pictures of the grandchildren opening presents.
Lincoln and Seeley are impressed with their birthday cakes.

It was great fun but a lot of work for Sandra and Randy
and Stephen and Shawna!
It is good others help by bringing salad etc.
Morgan the typical pre teen!

Sunday morning we had a relaxing breakfast with Rick before he headed home.

Dad went for a bike ride and then we went to the ball park to watch Paten play.  An exciting game and we all cheered loudly when they won.

Too hot in my computer room.

Good news from my brother Brian Traudle has been sent home from the hospital after the pills she was taking confused her.  An upsetting time for them both.
She is recovering slowly.  Both are getting more rest.

Saturday, August 3, 2019


                                          Rick surprises us by coming a day early.
                                     Carol and he go off to help Graig add more names to his list.

                                  Hamlet looks serious.  Kim is confident they will make the ferry.

We enjoyed a good visit with Panteli.  Everyone seems to be reliving their past adventures!

Dad had another bad night with an asthma attack.  I suggested he go to the emergency.  He says he is okay.  We decide not to go to the ball game at 11 because it would be too much driving and rushing about.

We are looking forward to the big birthday bash with Lincoln and Seeley and Walker.
They add a lot of fun to our family party.

Yesterday had some tough moments.

Everybody has tough moments when we disagree but if we are willing to forgive and forget we will become stronger even when our bodies feel weak!

"God never gives up and us"

Asking for help is important.