Wednesday, July 31, 2013



I was wild and crazy yesterday morning deciding to make a fritata and yes I looked up how but from then on all went wrong.  I made enough for a Russian army and then burnt it.  Managed to get some not too bad for dad and I.  First he said it tasted funny. and I said well it has good things in it for you.  A little ketchup saved the day.  Dad being a good sport ate it all!
Good job Ken is a good cook and will know what the children like.  Everything will taste different here.
Two sets of eyes look at me through the glass doors into our back yard.  Very cute but also very wild raccoons look in our glass doors at me.  They are wild  because they fear us and may react aggressively.

I am reading three books right now all a little wild and crazy.  One a rare and honest look into the heart of the Vineyard movement.  The other two are about women so different than me and yet facing so many of the same problems. 
The one actually called “Wild” about a woman who starts  out to conquer the Pacific  Crest  Trail after the death of her mom and her marriage.  Ultimately her journey strengthens and heals her.

We all have so much in common!  In their stories I recognize my own humanity.

I truly believe that the Spirit of Creation was and still is wild and free with an amazing love for all creation and especially each one of us.

My beautiful bold birthday flowers!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Dad and I look in wonder and amazement into the mysterious world of baby Parsons safe inside his mommies womb.  Yes, Shawna was kind enough to enclose pictures with my birthday card.  We think he looks very wise and very content.

The wonder of life is often overlooked and I am reminded how precious each day we live is, a time to appreciate ourselves and each other and the whole world of which we are but a tiny part.
After surviving two near misses on our first outing of the day dad and I drove into visit Eileen.  She is keeping comfortable and enjoys looking out her glass doors to see little animals scurrying by, which include a family of skunks. She definitely has a mind of her own!

The first miss was the one that had dad and I looking at each other in disbelief as a speeding car races through the intercession on a complete red light.  Thankfully we had not advanced quickly when the light turned green.  So many things in life we are not in control of the timing and it is important to recognize moment-by-moment the gift of life.

New life comes to us spiritually when we accept the unconditional love of our Father in Heaven.  Jesus speaks of Abba which means daddy a very endearing term. 
Here we are safe back at home and our new little car smiles happily.

Monday, July 29, 2013


I think I have always taken life too seriously.  I come by it honestly as my parents certainly did too.
Going to school I worked hard to get good marks and did my homework without being told.

When I got married I took this seriously thinking  I should always be up and make breakfast for your dad and also make him a good lunch every day.  The house should be clean and the laundry done.  I thought I was being very wifely grown-up and loving. I wish I had read some funny books that could have lightened up my expectations

We all need time to smell the flowers and appreciate beauty.  "Don't hurry, don't worry you are only here for a short visit."  W Hagen    So now we eat at any time and whatever we feel like.

I tried very hard to make perfect pies but never really succeeded.  That is why lemon pies became the family favorite, also flapper pie and peanut butter cookies.

Yes, having a baby was a very serious task too.  I read lots of books on the right way to take care of your baby.  The important thing was to have a routine so I did that very seriously.  Then I discovered babies teach you how to be silly and have fun!

Then babies become children who become a part of you  and teach you about  laughter and fun!

Panteli looking very serious but thinking of his next joke!

Take time to laugh-it is the music of the soul!    -Old English saying.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


                                                     A day to feel young! 
Our children are us in the tomorrow of life
in them we remain here and so it will be with their children’s childrenP7271978
"I would be a sad man (woman) if  were not for the hope I see in my grandchildren’s eyes."  Chief Dan George



P7272034 Be in harmony with all things, but most important be in harmony with yourself.
"A lot will go on in your life, some good, some bad-but that one word harmony, will neutralize any problems and help your life to become beautiful."  Molly Larkin

I pressed publish before I was finished.



I walked into a garden of love and was "crowned" with happiness with all your kind and thoughtful words.  I really do not deserve but I will treasure them forever.  Continue to see the goodness in each other! 

What a surprise to see so many of our families all gathered at Sandra and Randy’s home.  They are so creative, charming, beautiful and they made my day fabulous. Every one is here in the picture except Randy's son-in-law James who took the picture.
Ben and Morgan present me with this huge card with all your messages written on it and decorated so beautifully. 
Ben and Morgan help me read it.  Very touching words that remind me that good memories live with us always.  I am speechless!
Both Kim and Theresa had such loving words of appreciation so wonderful to hear.

Sandra and Randy worked so very very hard getting everything from balloons to the tables and the food all set up.  Wonderful gluten free!  You two are the best!

What a pair of characters.

                                    Good James and Mandy could join us.

Dad gets spoilt by being served after his sore feet from the day before
P7271992                                                               Keith is a good sport
                                                   as Morgan takes his picture.

P7272010Ben enjoys the hammock Randy fixed.  He is a real little actor
performing a pretend spill for me.

Panteli's  picture disappeared. I will get it back.

P7272014Caught Morgan going to climb the tree fort.  I am having trouble so will continue another day.  It was the best birthday in all my many years and I have had a lot of fabulous ones.  Love to you all.  I feel very blessed!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Just a few pictures to show you and Melina what I am thinking of
.we would give you the big bedroom and the children can sleep in there with you.  Is that okay ?
Jesse’s room.

The living room can be the toy room.
You can change things around if you want.  just think of this as your home and relax . 
I loved Matthew and Jasmine singing Happy Birthday that was beautiful.   Hope we can figure out some camping.  Lots of places to go and do things here. 


Summer is flying by so quickly and the brown grass is evidence of lots of sunshine.


These are all pictures of my early morning walk.

One of the amazing things I discovered at the Vineyard Church was that they encouraged you to have a prayer journal and write your thoughts and prayers.  I have been doing this for years ever since my children were teen-agers and I lived in fear of the unknown and that they were beyond my protection and beyond my understanding.  I cannot count how many journals I have completed.

"This is particularly striking to an anthropologist because some anthropologists and historians have argues that it was literacy and eventually print culture that enabled science to emerge by creating a source of truth and memory outside the fallible human mind."  from the book about the Vineyard Church by T. M. Luhrmann

The supernatural becomes real as we process our thoughts and ideas through struggling to write them down.  Some decisions are hard to make so I try to listen to the inner voice of wisdom that can speak through my inner dialogue.

Learning to recognize God's voice in your everyday thoughts and experiences.
Taking time to be still in a quiet place.
Listening to dreams and the pictures that can float through your mind while doing this.

One of  the most beautiful things about religion is that it has the potential to make us aware of our faults, make us aware how vulnerable  and sensitive we all can be, and as we offer this brokenness that creates in us a sense of failure we find that not only does God offer forgiveness but also new life!  A new beginning.

After driving in to the car lot on Thursday and looking at cars I was very content to organize a few things at home.  I was pleased to have Carol drop by and give me some helpful advice and also a delicious rhubarb pie.  We were both hot and a little weary so did not attempt too much moving things about.

Dad has bought a car a CRV Honda 2010 and it looks like new and we both are very happy with it and now just have to learn to drive it.

Jane and Geof. dropped by for a visit out on our back patio.  It is amazing it can feel so hot and then cools right down.  Enjoy your birthday on Bowen Island Jane.  We will both be partying today! ! Yah!

Yes I agree we have to learn by making our own mistakes.

Friday, July 26, 2013


Birthday wishes expressed in many different ways!  Some said it to me personally, some on my blog, some sang to me on the phone and others on e-mail, some sent cards and some say very touching  wishes on face book.  Many of your words that were written or spoken brought tears to my eyes and I will treasure them all equally.

We live in a world where we dream that one day there with be equality between people, nations, religions, race, gender etc

I am reading a chapter on dancing and I have to laugh, yes out loud, as she describes how anxious she gets at dances,  afraid someone will ask her to dance.  Boy, that is me.  I love music and I love singing and dancing but just at home alone.  Only then can I be wild and crazy and horrible!

Insecurity is a part of being human right?  We are equal in that area I believe to some degree.

DSCN0321Writing has become a way of sharing my humanness because I can only hope that it helps others feel worthy and not helpless.

 Even angels with one wing are important.
because they can still keep dancing.  Things happen in our lives to make us more aware of what is important, our love for one another.

 Within each one of us is a :
 a heart full of love,
a soul that wants to burst into song,
 a spirit that dances with delight,
eyes to see with wonder the display of  nature's color
ears to hear the music that is singing a new song to  help us overcome and keep persevering.

I have had a birthday worth remembering even without a party or a cake, which I am looking forward to at Sandra and Randy's home on Saturday.

  I really feel loved!  !  !.

Step into life just as you are!  Remember that within  our own being we are all equal.

Absorb the wisdom of others by reading and listening.

Thursday, July 25, 2013



                                       Yes another year full of beautiful happy memories.

Yes, there was sadness and loss, and sickness and worry but on the whole a good year. NEW LIFE! !

Yesterday was a perfect day for an early morning walk through the park.  Just me and an older fellow throwing a ball for his dog.

I have a new friend, the orange cat is there when I open the door and head out for my walk and is there waiting when I return.

Did some shopping for sheets and got some bargains.  Always fun.
Then dad and I went in to visit Cousin Eileen at the Hospice.  She looks so small and frail but is still able to joke with us and the nurses, most of them, that is.  They are watching her diet at the moment and will see that she can have some food she prefers.
We had supper out at the pub in Ladner and it so good to eat out on a deck and watch the boats going by.  Dad also remembers landing his sea plane on which he was taking lessons there.

The gang have gathered to ask “Are they here yet?   Soon very soon our house will be filled with happy voices excited to finally be here and give us real hugs and kisses.

So the day ends with a clear sky and a sense of awe in this world with so much magic  and also so much love.

Grief and pain are like joy and peace, they are not something we should snatch from one another.  They are apart of each persons journey.  Sometimes it is just being present like we were today with Eileen.
We have the power to heal one another if we see beyond our weaknesses and grow in compassion for others.

“Hope is the door each one must open for themselves.”   G Melton
I feel very hopeful about the year ahead.
So good bye 75 hello 76!   Enjoy my day!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013



Waiting at the bottom of the stairs knowing it is time for our walk.

                                                 She sniffs the flowers I take a picture
I get ideas for my garden

We come to a strange place we have never been before and does not appear to be leading us home, yes another dead end.

I think  we have been past these bushes before.

                                          I could stop and ask for directions.

Finally we are back home and I see the big black and white cat ahead of us.  He freezes and sits very still and Haiti does not even see him; but any squirrel or bunny rabbit that runs by he wants to chase!

Tuesday I just did a short walk as I left it too late and it was getting too warm.  I went over to the store and then back over to the Post Office.  Stopped in to see Mrs. G. for a visit.

Got home and realized I had forgot what I went for so back to the store.  Meanwhile dad sets off for a walk in the water-shed park where it is easier on his feet.  Yes, his feet are very painful all the time and I just try to encourage him to walk a little or ride his bike a little to keep active.  He took a pain pill last night which helped him get a bit better sleep.  He misses things like golfing but we have to be thankful for what we can do and for our amazing family that continue to bless us everyday!

"In beauty may I walk
all day long may I walk
Beautifully will I possess again;
Beautifully birds
Beautifully joyful birds.

With dew about my feet may I walk
With beauty before me may I walk
With beauty behind me may I walk
With beauty above me may I walk,
(Wandering on a trail in the forest even in old age, may I walk)
In beauty may I walk."   -from the Navajo

Alone but not alone.