Friday, July 31, 2020


Very pleased it is a bit cooler!

Pleased to hear from my brother Brian.  He remembered my birthday when he went tout to pick out a card for his grandson.  I was pleased he remembered but even more pleased his remembering his family.  I know that Traudel was the one who remembered the grandchildren.

I have sent all my cards for August but the mail is very slow everywhere.

Rick is continuing to have tests.  An Echo gram.  Pleased he is feeling a bit better.

Dad is still having stomach problems.  I have cleaned out all the cupboards of thing he should not have.  We are eating at home but I am not sure my cooking is better than the White Spot?

We did a bit of cleaning up in the garage.  Neither one of us has a lot of energy.  Pleased to sort out a few items to get rid of.

I am reading two books.  One about miracles and one about suffering.

We are pleased to hear stories about amazing miracles but the reality is they do not happen to every one.

"I think miracles exist in part as gifts and in part as clues there is something beyond this world that we cannot see."  -Peggy Noonan

Thursday, July 30, 2020


We are being told to remain calm.  When I look outside at our place or at Carol and Panteli's the trees and flowers have a calming affect.  My world seems calm when I let go of worrying and fretting. 

I feel better about the future when I look back and see all the situations we have survived.

We have survived the miracle of birth and many illnesses and accidents.  Love has survived even when the fairy  tale of  living happily after did not happen without an effort to do our part.  We need to be forgiven and forgiving to grow and be happy.

For me prayer has been a help to calm my soul and my mind.

Thankfulness keeps me hopeful as well as calm.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


                                            I worked very hard getting the shade deck all cleaned up.

It was not so hot today so dad did not even go in it.

I also cleaned up the patio and it was looking so much better.  We had our lunch out there.

Later I look out and see a rat running around under the table.  I was very annoyed and unhappy.

I also messed up a whole load of laundry by putting  in the wrong thing.

I started out the day feeling good about getting things done but I will have to do the laundry all over again.
                                             A new rock has turned up in my front yard.

                                             So there is always something to smile about!

Monday, July 27, 2020


I find that I believe faith has a role to play in each one of our lives.

It has been wonderful to receive many phone calls from old friends.  Jane and I have many memories to share along with our July birthdays.  I believe we were meant to be friends and we have supported each other through difficult family wories.

It was funny when Pat phone as both the cell phone and the home phone rang at the same time.  I decided to wait to hear if they left a message.  Yes Pat did.  We had a good laugh over the phone calls.
We have known her and John for many years also.  Both dad and I liked her and John the first time we met.

With good friends like these and also the support of our family we are able to keep positive.

I gathered all the old paint cans and broken items and got them out of the shed ready to take yo the depot.  I knew I needed dad's help but he has not been feeling well enough to do much.  I was very surprised this morning when he suggested we do it right then.  Once we got there the traffic was terrible with cars back in and out and going different ways.  Dad is a good driver so we handled it well.     We both felt better after accomplishing this task.  There is still more to do and that is okay.

"Faith is the radar that sees through the fog".
Corrie T.

"Your future is as bright as your faith"

Sunday, July 26, 2020


I was overwhelmed at all my birthday wishes.
Cards and phone calls from friends and family.
What a blessing!
Will we ever forget this year of wearing masks.
We were a small group but that was okay.
Sandra and Randy joined us.
Haiti is frightened by a noise.
Sandra comforts her.

My favorite dinner and cake.
Also some goodies to take home.
Muffins and cookies.
My birthday wish is for Rick to regain his health
and also dad's stomach aches to stop!
Flowers from my good friend Jane.

My brother did not phone which was not unexpected.
I wish he will find comfort in this time of sadness.

Many things are changing.  Smaller groups recommended.  School and work on line. Fewer games for the Canucks.  No fans in attendance.  Games in Edmonton.  We will always remember this time.

We can let fear overwhelm us but instead follow the guidelines to be safe and to be calm.

Yes I fell very loved and overwhelmed with kind words and caring deeds.

Friday, July 24, 2020


             My day starts with watering the flowers and cleaning up the shed in the back yard.

Every year I put things out for people to take after they have been sitting around in our shed for years.
Believe it or not this year is the same as every year I take it out and dad wants it back.  We may use it one day he says.
                                           Spenser wants to get going.  Believe it or not.
                                          I am fortunate I have strong legs and knees.
                                          I start to walk across the road with the light and a lady offers to help me.
                                          I am very careful and slow to step down off the curb.
                                          I laugh and say I am okay just being careful!
Kim's favorite flower, the sun flower.

We walk by Jan's house.  Jan the muffin lady!
Yes we soon are at the park.
We stop and look at the book place.
I have found some very interesting books here.
Even found one dad liked to read.
Lots of beautiful flowers.
I look at all the different houses.
Every color you could image.
I like them all.
Nearly home.
A cute sign.
Our friend Angela's house.
Our neighbor's house is brown and white.

Spenser and I have a rest and then dad drives us to Art Nap's to buy me a birthday surprise.  His stomach is upset so he waits in the car.  Dad is having stomach problems again.  Not good.

I pick out my own top and will surprise dad to-morrow.
We are invited to Carol and Panteli's.

We arrive home to receive a phone call from Shandel and Cameron on their way to Jasper.
Her birthday is just after mine.  Jane also has a birthday a day after mine.

We have an exciting time ahead getting our cherry tree cut down and the house painted.

I cannot believe we have finally decided to do this!

Thursday, July 23, 2020


I was surprised to wake up from an afternoon nap to find a container of blueberry muffins on my door step.  I thought I heard the door bell but dad was around in the back so he should hear it.  I was wondering if it had been one of my children.  They all know I like muffins and blueberry muffins especially.

Then I remember while walking with my friend Jan and her dog I had mentioned I was tempted to eat some of dad's.  She brought G.F. free and regular muffins.  I am pretty sure it was her.

The girls from church are trying to arrange a get together at the park.  I said decide on a day and I will come.  Well the day they picked I was having a test.  They have done a lot to try and arrange a day for all of us so I hate to tell them I cannot come.  It would mean phoning every one back again.

We were to bring our study books and I cannot find mine.  I think I put it in a safe place.  This is not a good thing to do when you are becoming forgetful.

I will look again after Spenser and I have our walk and I water the garden.

It is going to be another warm day.  We enjoy sitting out in the back patio reading.

It was wonderful to be surprised!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


My life feels like a train wreck
when I am shut out of my own blog.

Dad and I went to the City Hall to get a permit to cut down a huge cherry tree.  The doors were locked and no one was there to help.  We will phone before we go today.

I spent hours trying to get into my blog.
I went to bed unsuccessful.
Dad and I were worn out trying.

I nearly got up in the middle of the night to give it a try.

I wake up this morning willing to keep trying.
It appears that only after doing it wrong many many times I finally succeed.

My morning is transformed  when I recover my blog.

Dad's recovery seems slow but  we trust that  he will regain his strength and his courage.

Faith will become stronger when we have faced struggles and failures and find in the midst of both pain and suffering and joyous new beginnings we are willing to move outside our comfort zone.

Deep inside our souls we carry a mystery that is called God.

Each day a new beginning!
A power greater than ourselves gives us renewed strength and renewed hope in the transforming power of recovery that is a gift of grace!

Dad has found with my help a lost letter that another grandson had written to his grandfather.
Some one dad had not known about.

Yes he had put it in a safe place
which we often do as we get older
but then we forget where we put it.

Recovering it was priceless!

Monday, July 20, 2020


Yes we are an odd couple.

Getting ready for bed dad plugs in his heating pad and I put on the fan.\

In the morning I love the cool morning air and dad finds it too cold.

I am discouraged with so much that needs to be down in the yard but dad does not even notice.
The leaves make a mess of the patio.
We finally get the blower working.
And dad blows it off.

I guess all couples have their differences.  I think that is good. 


We are looking for a lost relative.
A request from a family member unknown to us.
Out came the photo albums and the search was on.
Carol and Theresa doing the looking.

This is what happens when people look into their family history.

It is more difficult when some people have been hidden and not talked about.

Also there have been adoptions.

One picture we receive from the searcher looks like Theresa.
Also Uncle Buckie looks like some one too.

This is what we were doing on Sunday morning.

In the afternoon Carol and Theresa would attend Morgan's dance recital.
 this is the first one we have missed.
Only a few were allowed to go.

Dad and I had a quiet day.
Theresa had sent over some salads from the party
which was good as we did not feel like going out.

I had a phone call from my brother
he is going through a tough time.
His boys are a great help to him.

I am thankful that his faith in God remains strong. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020


A perfect day for a pool party.
This is Carol and Morgan
Justice and Ben had fun jumpimg in.


Searching for solutions.
Sometimes we just need to rest.

I have been very frustrated because both camera's were not working.

We went to the store to get some expert advice.
This was not easy.

The first store a lovely young girl waited on us but she lied to us by telling us they had no cheaper camera's.  She was not helpful.

The next store the young man acted like he knew everything and the camera we bought was not what we wanted.  He had not listened to me.  What good is something that you cannot just go home and use.  We find out we needed attachments.
We return that one.

The third store with the kindly older lady was extremely helpful.  She sold us a new battery not a new camera.  A rechargeable battery all ready to take to the pool party.

It is important we know what we want in life.

Sometimes the solutions are not always helpful.

We knew there would be a solution to our expectations finally.

This time of Covid-19 will pass if we do all we can to stay healthy.

Yes it seems wearing masks is one of the solutions.
as well as keeping your distance and keeping clean.

Friday, July 17, 2020


Yes we certainly think Leah is a hero.

She is a nurse to the drug addicts on Skid Road.
It is now more dangerous with the Cevid 19 virus.
She is very brave.\
She is a real hero.
She is very cheerful too.

Dad was my hero last night.

We had had a tiring day trying to buy a camera. It was not what we wanted when we tried to set it up last night.  We find shopping very tiring.

We both fall fast asleep .  

I wake up dad to tell him I think I am going to be sick.  And I was all over the pillow.

  Next I try to make it to the bathroom I am sick all over myself.

What a mess. 

Dad took care of me.  He cleaning me off and brought me clean P.J.'s

I was so very grateful.

Yes we made vows to love each other in sickness and in health.

We had no idea what we were getting into .

Very are both exhausted today.

Thursday, July 16, 2020


This is from 2020

I hope all their dreams come true.

Happiness is still having dreams.  Like yesterday sitting out on the deck of the River House with a view of the water and all the boats anchored there.   A perfect day just to enjoy being alive.  The food was excellent and dad had a Turkey Club not fish and chips.  I had a salad instead of what I used to have,  The menu has changed.  We have to give our name and phone number in case we need to trace our activities.

Dad had dreamed before we got married of moving to B.C. and now we are here.

My dreams were of family and of new friends.  Now I have both.

None of us would have dreamed that This Covid-19 would be such a miserable thing.  

It now controls our life and want we can do and who we can be with.

I dream of the day it will all be a thing of the past.

We never dreamed of having a dog again but now we enjoy Spenser and his cute little ways.

Yes my camera is not working, the battery is dead as a door nail.

I am dreaming of taking pictures again soon!

Theresa has nominated Leah as hero of the week on Global News.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


We love sitting outside in our yard.
Yes the trees have taken over.
We spent the afternoon on our front porch
taking to a new friend who was walking his dog.

We arrive a little late at Sandra and Randy's because we left later and missed our turn on the way their.

It was a beautiful evening to sit by their pool.  Mikie and Theresa arrived after us.  They are learning how to take care of the pool.  Seems like a lot of hard work to us.

It was hard to resist all the good food put out on the table for us.  Dad had a painful time when he went to bed.  This is miserable.  He ate a little late and a little two much. 

Today we are planning to go to the River Inn to eat lunch.  It is a beautiful place. to sit outdoors.

I was trying to google it to make sure it is open and somehow I rented a room at some Inn somewhere.

As we grow older we continue to find it important to make wise choices.

Monday, July 13, 2020


I made my last trip to the Post Office today.
I hope all July birthdays are covered.

The two ladies came to clean our house today.
It smells good and fresh and everything is shiny.

The paint people will contact us and we just need to pick the paint.

The tree man came and dad and he agreed on taking the one tree out 
and trimming the other.  

This is amazing progress!  

Dad did too much walking and taking so his back is painful tonight.

This progress of healing is very slow.

Before we got old we were more certain of everything.

"Embracing life (at any age)  is actually a choice."  

We can choose to progress at our own speed and be happy
and thankful for all who help us. 

Sunday, July 12, 2020


                                          Nature brings new life and new beauty into our daily life.
                                          These are the flowers that I gave to Carol to plant in her yard.
                                          These are my neighbors and I hope my are this beautiful

The beauty of the sunrise was a surprise this morning.  I thought it called for rain and cloud,

We enjoyed a visit from Carol and Panteli Saturday morning.  They were on their way to home depot.

Seems both them and Sandra and Randy are fixing up or painting their homes.

Sandra and Randy brought some paint colors for our outside paint job.

Dad seems to be happy and excited about getting the house painted.  Looking at all the different colors.After they left dad and I worked in the yard.  Found it very tiring.

Dad rode his indoor bike because he needs to get his strength back.

Faith in the power of love and the power of prayer and the beauty of nature
helps restore my hope for the future and it colors my world with beauty.

I left this for too late in the day.  Off to bed now.

Saturday, July 11, 2020


Yes I am getting mad at the mouse or is it mice.  Having to move the furniture in the dining room was hard work.  Dad helped with the vacuming and I washed the floors.  What a mess!

We will get another mouse trap or use more drastic measures.

Their days are numbered.

As I cleaned out the china before moving the cabinet I thought I sure wish I could give Kim some dishes to help them start out.

Kim talked to us on What's Up and we saw her new place.  It looks wonderful so bright and cozy.

I know this is a small problem compared to all the big problems facing many in this world of ours.

I am reading some jokes to get a laugh which is much needed.

"At evening service tonight the sermon will be "What is hell".
Come early and listen to the choir practice."

"Honk if you love peace and quiet."  A bumper sticker.

Thursday, July 9, 2020


It is a rush for dad and I to get out of the house by 9 in the morning.  I hurry Spenser along on a shorter walk with  limited sniffing.  The positive side was dad got right in at the eye doctors.  She is pleased with his surgery.  Dad did not have a moment of awe like some when they have this operation.  His has been a gradual change.

There was no time to phone the doctor about dad's bladder infection.  He and I both know it is getting worse.  It seems a little thing to go to emergency about but it can cause damage if untreated.  Either we do that or contact the doctor.  I was very firm.  As we go back his family doctor's address I say turn back and I will see if I can talk to anyone.

Dad's doctor was away for a week.  It seems both the patients and the doctors find this new procedure stressful.  The nurse said she would contact the doctor in the walk in office and have him contact dad. He did.  A form was also sent out to get the medicine.

I really stressed my gratitude to this nurse.

He now has started his medication after we took turns waiting for it to be filled.

I was saddened to hear a dear friend has a brain tumor and only has a month or two  She cannot talk or use a computer.  I wish I had got to know her better. 

I am reminded how important friendship is and it is worth the effort it takes.

For me it felt like a stressful day but now I can just sit and relax and enjoy a T.V. show.

I find evidence of a mouse in my dining room.  They are going to stress me out as they go from place to place.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Yes 62 years ago our first child was born.
It was a happy and exciting event.
It was also a little scary.
Would I know how to deal with this wee one.
I want him to feel secure as well as happy.

I want him to be healthy as well as happy.
I want to protect him from any bad things that could happen to him
We would have a lot to learn.
We would have to be brave as we took on this responsibility.
We feel very anxious as he is facing serious health concerns.

Happy birthday Rick.  We love you.

I remember in our other house we had a long driveway and after having several break ins we put a gate at the top of the driveway.  We did feel more secure.

Yesterday  dad and I did some work in the yard.did some work in the yard.
By night we both had sore backs.

Spenser looks clean and a lot smaller after his hair cut.
                                                He smells good too!

Life is about making good choices and putting our heart and mind and soul into all we do each day.

                                              Spenser before haircut.visits the neighbors.

Monday, July 6, 2020


Lots of work gardening.
Every effort counts.
I believe in equal opportunity.
Sandra arrived on Sunday morning with garden gloves and tools and a very determent  look on her face.  Yes it was time the forest that is my front yard needed  weeding and pruning.  Plants take route every where they feel like it.  I am pleased Sandra made some paths that I can with great care walk along.  She started to bag the lot when I said she had done enough and she go home to her husband.

As soon as she left our friends Pat and John came for a visit.  When I heard they were on the way I tried to clean up the back patio with the cherries covering the ground.  Yes the cherry tree has grown too big.  

As they were leaving Carol and Panteli arrived with Haiti.  Haiti is very special to us.  This time Spenser had to stay in the house and at one time they looked through the window in the door at each other.  I still believe they can become friends.

We walked Haiti then Carol started filling bags.  Still lots more to do so she came back in the morning.  Both girls worked very hard and I appreciate all they did.  Thanks girls.

I was thinking how old growth has to be removed to allow new growth.

Dad and I are in this process now.  New strength and courage is needed to replace what we used to be able to do.  This can cause discomfort like any change can do.  We take it a day at a time.  Dad cut a few branches down today and we took turns cutting the lawn.  Dad did one row and I did the next.

Ready for bed and a fresh start to-morrow.  A walk with Spenser and then he gets a wash and a hair cut.