Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Lots of decorations around for Halloween.  Our neighbors will all come by I expect.

I could have worn my pajamas to the store today as the clerks where all dressed up.  I would have fit in!

We have to look on our water pipe breaking as a learning experience.  It has depressed us a little as the first fellow did not seem to know much.  In the afternoon an older man and a young boy came and seem to be more knowledgeable. We are hooked up to our neighbors water so we do have water.  So others in the family have had this too but our yard is a real mess but we are not too concerned about that.  We just want the water to be hooked up.  Right now all the holes are filling up with water.

Just think of those other people with no electricity and no water.  So sad.  How do you stay hopeful with those conditions.\

We were delighted to have our first little puppy dog come trick or treating.

She is going to be a writer!

Hopefully the water pipe will be fixed soon.

                           Dad goes to the dentist to-morrow and hopefully his mouth will heal up soon.

Hopefully at the end of the day we remember what really matters.  Loving others!

Monday, October 30, 2017


I would describe our day as illogical. Our drainage system is not where it should be.

We were thankful for a sunny warm day as the guys came to shut off our water main and actually hook onto our neighbors water tank so that we did not have to shut off our water.

After they left we hired a man to dig down to shut off the tap that was leaking.  The hole has been getting deeper and the expense rising with no results at 7 o'clock.

The whole thing is illogical as he cannot find the leak.  Dad tried to help him for awhile but his feet are just to painful.  His mouth is also painful now too.  He is very tired.  Last night we went to bed at 7 o'clock and fell asleep listening to the radio.

Dad needed to move his car inside but both of us could not find his jacket with the keys.  We hunted high and low and fortunately Kim came and found the jacket hanging on his bike in the garage.  This was an amazing discovery!  I can not believe I did not see it.  Illogical!

I had several walks with Haiti.

It was a long day.

Now the water appears to be cut off and as illogical as it seems the neighbors hose had a kink in it that may have stopped the flow.  Poor dad is out in the dark checking everything and he may have solved it.

Sunday, October 29, 2017


This is still from North wood Golf Club

Did not get far on my walk as there was a big stream of water gushing out from our yard.  Yes, we have a broken water main.  A nice man came in answer to our call but could not turn it off.  Todd our neighbor came over to help and he knew more than the guy from the Water Department.  We will have to get some one to dig up the ground and fix it.

Dad drove me to church because he does not want me to drive.  I take notes at church because I never can remember what the message was.  Today we reflect on the actions of Martin Luther when he nailed and listed the abuses of the church with a list posted on the church door.  It was the beginning of the reformation of the church and the beginning of Protestantism.  The problem is that the church still needs to reform and take the gospel message to heart.  

The word of God, a reflection that challenges us to live a life of authenticity.  To love because we are loved even in our imperfections.  

Monday will be taken up with fixing the water main.  

Today we sat our side with leaves falling like rain all around us.  It is suppose to be windy to-night and the tree will soon be bare.  Even the bare branches are beautiful in shape and form!


As dad and I sat outside on our front porch I listener to Jimmy tells us about the bad accident his 80 year old mother has experienced.  She now is lying in the hospital with broken bones and ribs etc.
I wonder is this a message I need to hear in my looking for answers?
I do not know if dad will go to church today but I know I will.

Two men seek out Jesus.  A rich man clothed in wealthy splendor comes confidently clothed in his righteousness while the poor blind beggar cries out from the roadside asking for mercy.  Knowing he is unworthy and empty he asks Jesus to heal him.  The rich man leaves unchanged while the beggar is healed

Sometimes it is just simply opening up to the love that Jesus has to give knowing he knows our hearts and our needs.  We are all different and his word to us is unique as he desires for us to see ourselves as we really are.

Friday, October 27, 2017


Yes Shawna and Stephen and the boys will be waiting.
The pond across the road.

Dad and I enjoyed our visit with Sandra and Randy Friday afternoon.
The new bedroom looks good all ready for little ones to arrive.
All ready for the next litter of kittens in the New Year.
I tried out the bed and I would not mind sleeping there!

Dad and I have been talking about some of the coincidences that have happened in our lives.  Several stories are when we have been travelling and actually meet an old friend.  Every morning when I set out for my walk I never know who I will meet or greet.  Today I met a lady who noticed my slow walk and stopped to chat with me.  She commended me on the effort I make even though it can be tiring.
                                                    Early morning at the park!

                                          I often find myself waiting for something special to happen
but I am learning that the waiting is just as important.  Finding beauty in nature and in friendly faces and loving visits with family all make my ordinary moments worth waiting for.

Thursday, October 26, 2017


Confidence is something I find I am lacking as I get older.
Especially with my walking.
Nice to have Haiti to go for a walk with me and a visit from Kim.
Nice to have a phone call from Kenny as he drives to work having near misses.
Poor drivers there too.

Looking back I can see times in my life that I handled with great courage and inner strength.

Fortunately dad had confidence in his dentist that the procedure would be done efficiently and successfully.  He is not having a lot of pain and the Advil is helping when he does have some.  He wanted to go our for lunch on such a beautiful day so we drove to Northwood Gold Course.  I love going there just to take pictures.

 Knowing the trees will be changing color allowed me to be confident that I would take some good pictures.  The sad thing is the fact that the frees are now starting to lose their leaves.  Still lots of beauty.

Dad was working on a letter to the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles putting down all the facts and dates of my compliance with the rules.  I am claiming that my license should not be cancelled.  I do not expect to be doing a lot of driving but would like to have the choice.  He was also trying to get through on the phone.  We will go to their office to-morrow and get things settled legally.

The trouble is I woke up from a bad dream when I lay down for a nap.  I came to a stop sign and saw three girls waiting to cross but they appeared to be just standing there so I started to drive.  As I drove I glanced to the other side where a young boy was standing wanting to cross.  I literally fr ooze because I had not seen him and what if he had run across just when I started to drive.   This is my greatest fear that I may run over a child.

I think this dream is telling me I lack the confidence that I need to be a good driver.

When Jesus talked about repentant did he mean to wake up and face the truth.

Be confident that things will work out for the best!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017


Lots of green grass at the park.
It rained again Tuesday night and the air is milder this morning.
I had time for a walk while dad takes his pills before going to the dentist to have two teeth implants.
When I return from my Jet Lag Bible study he is home with a swollen jaw.  He says it went okay but was a very long drawn out procedure.  He had a bit to eat and then he started feeling pain.  We both laid down for a rest.

A challenging day for both of us.  I was leading the study and even though we laugh and have fun it is also a time to learn more about the Bible and how it relates to our world and our lives.Our topic was the letter Paul wrote to the Corinthians, a very corrupt dysfunctional city trying to change there lifestyle.  They have to learn how to correct those who are weak and immoral  and still not free from their old ways of doing life.

The question we ask ourselves is what are the areas in our lives that are weak.  Paul in his letter bares his soul and shares that in our weakness we can find new strength.  Truth can liberate us if we are willing to accept that our calling is to reach out to the poor and brokenhearted.  Paul desired relationship that would heal some of the misunderstandings that had brought pain to both himself and to those he was writing to.

Paul is a deep writer and there is much to be learned about the time he lived in.  A time of economic oppression, injustice and rebellion.  There is freedom and liberation when the desire is for reconciliation and healing.

"Be in harmony with all things but most important be in harmony with yourself first.
A lot will go on in your life, some good and some bad,
but that one word harmony, will help neutralize any problems
and help your life to become beautiful."  -Brave Heart

Life is a challenge in many ways. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Adversity has the power to shape and mold our character.
This is the message that is the subject of our study.
Just like pottery is shaped and brought to life to create beauty and usefulness so our lives are being shaped.  What begins with a lump of clay has to be worked and worked until it bends to the demands of he hands that are shaping it.  I have never done this except way back in my childhood I took an art class and we worked with clay to make vases.  It was one of the most rewarding experiences of my young life.  I was so happy with my creation I even dreamed about going to pick it up the next day.
We had to leave them to dry and go they were put in this big drawer.  I can still remember going into the empty room and opening the drawer and it was gone.  I was crushed
  What a shock.
I was too shy to tell anyone.
The human spirit is fragile and even small memories that are not really that important leave a  scar.

"So in the end every major disaster, every tiny error, every wrong turning, every fragment of discarded clay, all the blood sweat and tears-everything has meaning.

I reuse, reshape, and recast all that goes wrong so that in the end nothing is wasted andnothing is without significance and ceases to be precious."  Harriet March.

Yes, life can be bloody hard but you cannot create without pain.  Our lives are a creative journey that takes us through hard and disappointing experiences.

The reality of old age is that you can no longer do what you used to do.  

Dad rode his bike yesterday but he is not experiencing the joy of being alive because he is not as confident as he was.  

Forme it is a time to find my strength in my weaknesses allowing old scars to heal and theinnerspace within me find comfort in the grace of God's love.

Adversity comes into all our lives in different ways.  

Monday, October 23, 2017


My life seems a little off kilter.
Sometimes I just feel I need a little help especially in making decisions.  I often seem to make what seems to me are rational  decisions, but they are not the right decisions.  Our individual experiences become the stories of our lives.  There are many days when I look back at the end of the day and
see how I could have done better.   I need understanding and patience.  I like comfort and encouragement and acceptance.

Sometimes I hear but I do not understand.  We are all like that a bit.


                                         Flowers still giving color.

The early morning sunrise
Family visits.
In person or by phone or by comments on my blog.
A long way for Rick to travel.

My first hug from Ophelia!
A phone call with a friend.

Sharing time with dad, some timesagreeing, sometimes not agreeing.

Thankful Rick's one kidney is working well and he is getting help with other issues.

So we all have problems big or small that at times we need help with,

We are being shaped like a piece of Kim.s clay and in the end we will be beautiful.

I believe that through the presence of the Holy Spirit God is my helper!

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Sunday morning I would have liked to go to church but stayed home and went for a walk with Rick.  I walked twice as far as he did with my little steps trying to keep up with his big ones.
Rick worked on his papers and I did my Bible study for Wed.  
After lunch Craig and Leah and Ophelia dropped in to visit us.

This is a picture of the four generation.
It was hard to get Ophelia to sit still and for grandpa not checking his IPod.
We had a great visit with them all.
Rick hoped to leave about 2:30 but Crystal was delayed so it was after 5 when they got very thing finished.

I have an early childhood memory of going to the farm at Lipton with my mom to visit cousins.  They had an outdoor pump that you pumped up and done to get the water to come up.  I found it fascination and remember it to this day.  I also remember the out house which was very, very stinky and scary.

In Biblical times well, and springs, oasis, were sacred places where God seemed to dwell.  A place of renewal and hospitality as well as spiritual visions.

The Bible talks of the well of salvation which for Jacob was depicted as a ladder going up and down to Heaven.  Jesus comes to this well of Jacob and offers living water to the woman who found forgiveness and new life that was healing and uplifting.

We all have an invitation to come with prayer to experience this awesome love of Jesus.  A place of strength for times when I feel dry and unsure of my way.

Saturday, October 21, 2017


Sandra delivers the farm fresh eggs.  The problem of not enough eggs is now solved.

Dad now has a cough and a tight chest.  Both Sandra and Randy both have the cough too.  Dad will take it easy today and we released him from omlet duty and Rick took over cooking the eggs.
Randy and Sandra have a busy day today with lots of stops to make.  Time to leave.

 Rick and Crystal have their own problems to solve.

It seems that there are many problems that need to be solved with religion and even spirituality.
Who  are we even talking about when we talk about God?
Different churches have different ideas but if we focus with the goal of being better educated , and serious about our reflections we will be able to solve some of our problems.

There will always be problems that need to be solved.

"To trust that there is a divine being who cares and loves and who guides can fell like taking a leap across a deep ocean. ".  -Rob Bell

I believe it is a problem worth disguising and joining with others in the search for answers.

Friday, October 20, 2017


The day has just gone by very quickly with Kim dropping off Haiti on her way to school.  It was raining so Haiti followed me all around the house with the expectation she and I would go for a walk.
Yes the sun did come out.

We were headed to the park when  Haiti stopped dead refusing to move.  I couldn't figure out what was the matter until I heard the fire crackers going off.  She is very frightened of the noise.

Such a happy pair!
  My brother also phoned me and he described his birthday as going to the doctors and to the drugstore.  The good news was that the pills did help and he is feeling better now.

Rick has arrived driving down from Kamloops to work on Crystals case.  It has become a lot of work but he is doing a good job.  

We had a quick visit with him and Kim and then it was time now for bed.

"Nobody is perfect.
As long as we continue to strive to be better
our imperfections are a part of our journey".

Good news when you get make a wrong decision like I did today.

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Astonished  at how powerful the wind was but thankful  it did not do much damage here even to the outside decorations

Dad and I are still astonished to see Ophelia walking into the house after she looked at the flowers in the garden

Dad and I had planned to go to the library and were thankful we had not left earlier so we where home when Leah and Ophelia came by. 
Dad very kindly made us an omelet, one of his specialties now.  He keeps forgetting that Leah cannot eat milk products or else it would have been a grilled cheese sandwich, 

 Their visit brought both of us a lot of joy!

"Gratitude is the key to happiness."

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


They say old dogs can learn new tricks but that does not mean flying over the handle bars.  I think I have not even learned  the old tricks yet.  Like dad says the shortest bike ride in history.  Should make Ripley's Believe it or not.

Very quiet here except for the rain beating against the window and the big gusts of wind blowing the tree branches back and forth,

I have washed the magic out of my magic window cleaning rag by putting it in the dryer,  Not the first time I have put things in that I should not have,

I tried to read my new brain book but it is too difficult for me.  I will take it back to the library for some one else to read.

Finding it hard to read and fortunately dad tells me they are light tinted sunglasses.

Yes we do need help at times. 

It is a good day to be safe and warm.
Although our power did go off for about 20 minutes.
Just time enough to find the matches and candles.

Looking for some happy quotes but the one I liked best was I cannot expect to be happy all the time so just except what is.

"The wisest people are those who although relenting in their quests for answers will trust some of their problems in the hand of God who knows all."
--Rev. Turns

Now I must finish reading my book as it is only a 7 day loan from the library.  It is a long book and I am almost tempted to skip to the end

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


The wind nearly blew me away as I opened the door to grab the struggling paper girl coming up the walk. It was also raining very, very hard.  It was too wild to be captured by the camera.

I figured it would be a day just to stay in and read but by noon the wind and rain had stopped and the sun was out.

I had a short walk and dad decided to go for a bike ride. He never made it out of the driveway.  It started going too  fast and he put the brakes on and it stopped suddenly, too suddenly sending him over the handle bars.  A bloody elbow and knee and hurt shoulder was the result.
He stumbled in the house in shock and disappointment.  Very traumatic!
Instead of a wild ride in the forest he spent the afternoon reading and so did I.

We watched the baseball and now the hockey.

We are suppose to be getting more wild weather.  It is amazing how the weather can change in one day.  We have to continue to live with hope and patience and a willingness to keep trying.

Our lives, our world is changing.

Monday, October 16, 2017


Sandra's garden!

I like to believe that praying is good for your brain and can lift your spirits.

I talk tomyself so I might as well enclude God in the conversation!

Living Water Source of Life in whom we live and have our being, who quenches the thirst, refreshes our weariness, baths and washes and cleanses our wounds, be for us a fountain of life and for all the world a river of hope springing up in the midst of despair.  We give you thanks.   --Church bulletin

People who make the world more beautiful with gardens of color and fragrance and beauty refresh the soul as does prayer.

We are an answer to each other's prayers in many different ways.

Our thoughts and prayers and words are living energy that create in us the desire to make the world a better place.  Prayer takes us into the mystery of a higher energy and light. 

 I tried to find where some one says prayer is good for your brain but so far I cannot find it.  I believe it is so that is what is important.

It was great when dad and I could do things like help at the food bank but those days are over and we had fun doing it.  Handing our food to those struggling was an answer to their prayers.  Now we are at a place in life that if we need help we have to ask for it.

Dad drove me to visiting at the Senor's Home.  The mystery of my driver's license has not been solved but dad has a plan to discover what is going on.   Anyway a interesting think is happening with my visits with Joan.  We are becoming friends and she is now interested in my life.  This has been a slow process but well worth the effort.

I was happy that dad wanted to do the shopping for groceries on our way home and he had fun trying to get some pears into a bag as they kept on breaking and rolling all over the floor.  That is when I  would be thankful no one I knew was near by.

The Bible does speak of the mysteries of God that can be revealed through dreams and prophecy

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Early morning sunshine puts me in good humor for the rest of the day.
Going to church and talking to neighbors and a visit from Sandra helped.

           Our minister is now bringing a lot of humor into our services making us feel comfortable.
It is too bad the church has often been seen as a place of "thou shalt nots".  It should be a place that is inclusive and tolerant.  The music has a happy beat and the spirit of the service one of joyful thanks giving.
Sandra drops by and I am paying her off for the fresh eggs she is delivering from a man at her work.
Sitting out on the front deck sends dad off to search for sunhats.  I was thinking of putting them away. Dad ends up with several, making sure he is well covered.  Her visit also puts us in a good humor.  She is going to drive me over to see Jane which I really want to do.  Dad is definitely not wanting to drive unless he really feels up to it..  We had planned to see the place for sale near Carol's town house but where unable to find it on our map.

We started to drive to Langley to Chapters but the road was blocked maybe because they are shooting a movie.  We joined a line of cars turning around and detouring.  We just drove back home to Brown's.  Dad had a pizza at Brown's and I had a salad.  Right across from our window a lady was holding a sign saying she needed money for food.  Nobody paid any attention to her as they drove right passed.  You do not know what to believe but we gave her a little bit and she was most grateful.

Interesting that it  was world food day.  We collected a lot of food at church.

I had a short walk around the block and talked to several neighbors.  One girl named Sandy mentioned she had missed seeing me on my walks lately.  I will get back into my routine to-morrow.The day the power went out Sandy was locked out of her house.  She always goes in through the garage and had no key for her door with her.  She had a friend she could spent the night with.  Her husband has gone back to another country to work.  I reminded her she can ask us for help.  She had not been feeling well and found out she was low on iron so we have that in common.

I find just getting out and talking to people is a great help to my brain.

I must start going back and reading over my blog as I am making mistakes.

Spiritual awareness enables us to touch the lives of others in many small ways with grace and humor!

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Spiders are amazing.  So busy creating a perfect spider web.
It is a cold and dull and dreary day when even watching this spider fascinates me.
I like to know where he is so that he does not come any closer to me.

I had a short walk on a cold day when warm smiles greeted me on my way.  Dad did not sleep well because of his cold, yes he has it now.  We were planning on doing some shopping but got only as far as Winners where we looked around for a brief while.

I thought if I got some yoga pants I might be more inclined to go to yoga.  Instead some new blue jeans and even a skirt.  I am afraid to try them on thinking I may have gotten the wrong size.  It is close enough and they are good at exchanging so I am not worried.

I get ready to do some heavy reading while dad has a nap.  Every day new things are being learnt about the brain.  It is amazing how we have evolved from cave people drawing on their walls to developing a spoken and then written language.  All just so we could tell our story, express our ideas and communicate with each other.  We are creating more and more ways to do this. 

So if we communicate with others through our brain then we can also communicate with God, the creator and sustainer who gives to each one of us the ability and potential to grow and learn.  A process of evolving and adapting and reshaping.

It is important to continue to have expectations even as we get older.

We cannot expect our memories to be perfect, 
 no matter what our age,but the most important thing is to learn to be calm about imperfections.

Each one of us has a unique story and as we share with one another it is amazing the benefits to the one telling and the one listening! 

Friday, October 13, 2017


I read this title and I thought it just fits me.
Only she had brain freeze from looking in the freezer for something to eat.

I woke up this morning to a very cold messy house.  Candle wax every where which I think means I do not busy good candles, actually I buy them for the color.  
This one burnt right down to the bottom.

I decided it was a day just to stay home and clean up.  I have been putting off going through my books and giving some to the church and others to the Second Hand Store.  I am sitting on the floor surrounded by books and I keep wanting to keep them all.  Yes, I do often pick one up to reread or to look for quotes.  I know without a doubt,  the one I give away will be the one I want to-mmorrow.

I open my trunk thinking I can sort through all my little treasure.
How can I give away "the world's greatest grandma" even though I know the torch has been passed on to others in my family now.  Then there is the I love you flower which brings back many memories.  I will have to show it to Ophelia when she gets older.

Dad worked very hard cutting the grass and stimulated his brain on the computer.  

Had a phone call from Rick still having dizzy spells.  Yes, I can relate to that too.

Trying to think of what to write about has been difficult.
Time to read "How to Create a Mind."

"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is a drop in the ocean.
But the ocean would be less because of our missing drop."
---Mother Teresa


What a perfect fall day to invade the countryside and celebrate your anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Sandra and Randy!
Sorry we did not make it over to your home yesterday.  I had the car full of newspapers, and your card, and some fruit and lemon yogurt!
I confess I have now eaten it.
Yes our power went off yesterday about 5 but came on at 2 this morning.

Early in the day we had invaded the library and came home with a massive collection of books.  Books on health and healthy eating, books on the brain, a humorous book and several mystery  books.  We ate a healthy lunch and settled in to read our books while watching sports on T.V.  Baseball and hockey.  I was just telling dad what book he could read when the lights went out.  It was fun for awhile and then we did some texting and went to bed early.

Love is awesome but challenging.

God's love invades our lives in unexpected times to comfort and to guide us.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Peanut knows the way to go.

Have you ever wondered if you were on the right path?  Or if you know the way to go.

I brought this question up at Bible study earlier in the day.  I did well getting all the questions right,
The truth is there are no wrong answers.  We continue to learn more about each other as we study together.  We continue to learn more about Paul and the reason he wrote certain things in his different letters.  We talked about how we deal with pain and suffering in our own lives and in our own way.  

Over the years we have had many insightful conversations, always supporting each other by listening and with prayer.  We always stray off the subject and always find things to laugh about.

Dad did drive me as he thinks I am not legal.  There is a day care in the back of the church so lots of cars were coming when it was time to leave.  I nearly got in the wrong car but they all look alike to me especially if when the color is the same as ours.

I am fighting off a cold which made me a sissy about going for a walk early in the cold morning in the early morning darkness.  Every day seems to be changing but I am sticking to my same way so no worries about getting lost.

I could have mentioned the thanksgiving we spent at Sandra's home where a surprised wedding was planned.  Both Sandra and Randy looked very smart and happy when we walked into their home.    A lady followed us in the door and she would not tell us who she was until it was announced she was a performer of marriages.  Dad and I were speechless but so very thrilled for them both.

Image cooking a turkey on your wedding day!  Those two are amazing!

They celebrate their anniversary on Friday with a day trip together.

After the hail in White Rock today that causes many traffic problems we do hope the weather improves.

The early followers of Jesus were called people of the "Way".  The aim is not just to attend church but to follow the way of Jesus,  to identify with his lifestyle to. the best of our ability.  We are only human and often lose our way but love always walks with us.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


I enjoyed the short walk Sandra and I and Peanut took around her little pond ares.

What day is it?  It feels like Monday but I know it is really Tuesday.

 Have we missed a cancer clinic appointment?
The answer was yes after a phone call was made.

Who was smarter dad or I?
I went out in the pourin rain for a walk but he waited for the sunshine and went in the afternoon.
He did have a problem riding his old bike and actually took a fall.
A fall sure shakes us up and he hurt his elbow and shoulder.
Are you okay? Two ladies driving by in cars stopped to ask him.

Our lives are lived out daily as we face difficult questions?

What helps to find answers that contribute to a sense of worth and a sense of hope for our future?

How does my story fit into the bigger story surrounding us all

Still questions about Rick's health?    He had his stint removed  very painfully removed causing him to feel faint.  The situation is very grave with only one kidney.  More blood tests and another appointment in two weeks.

How do the stories or parables that Jesus taught inspire me to be more accepting of life with it's ups and downs?

Jesus promised to give us the gift of an abundant life, a life worth living, a life where even the smallest act of kindness is a blessing.

I do not have a dog but I can pet the dogs of others I meet on my walk and that always makes their owners happy.

Why did Jesus have to die on a cross?

What does his resurrection mean to me today?

Life's deepest treasures, for which we are all thankful, are the love and security that comes with belonging to a family.

Jesus does not offer us a super natural escape from the difficulties of life but promises to be with us with love and comfort and guidance!

Monday, October 9, 2017


I am telling Randy growing up my dad always cut the turkey in the dining room at the table.  It was a real ceremony.  Randy is doing a great job of it right there in the kitchen.

Sandra busy with last minute stirring and mashing.

Justice is busy doing a big puzzle.  500 pieces?

Dad and I have enjoyed celebrating Thanksgiving in both a non traditional vegetarian dinner with a group of about 20 and then a more traditional lunch with a turkey and a small intimate gathering.

Over the years we have had many different celebrations.  One year we took Rick out for supper while another year he cooked the turkey.  He seems to like to do this,  We have had barbecues and even picnics which were great fun too!

Our family has different opinions and views on many different subjects which everyone joins in to discuss.  A hot topic Sandra brought up was marijuana which brought out some strong opinions.

Our traditions and our beliefs have the power to shape us and change us from within.  Some of the traditional religious dogma need to be revisited so that we can place our trust in God's love and redemption.  

Yes I found my journal.

I know that  have been naive but  knowing that I have found a place where I belong in my family and in my Christian family has been a blessing.

Bloom where you are planted and find hope in each new day!