Wednesday, August 31, 2016


Trying to capture raindrops.
One thing about rain it also cleans the air of a lot of dust and everything smells so nice.
Yes dad is still a bit of a rebel when it comes to not being able to eat his favorite foods.
He had to check his computer because he does not always believe me.  Today he was good and the day has ended with no pain so far.  Yes, I thought about calling the doctor but with the long week-end he would still be on a waiting list.  He knows for sure he cannot eat eggs or fatty foods.

Good news that Ken will be arriving on the 19 and dad and I both appreciate Melina kindness in sending him home once again.  Praying that both their surgeries will go well. 

The human body certainly can rebel and produce polys and stones which we do not need. 

My garden is in a real state of rebelling as it is growing so wild.  I tried to clear it a bit today but with the rain coming on and off it was not good. 

Dad and I both set off just as the rain started again.  He was on his bike and I walked to the park.

I seem to be having trouble concentrating on reading and I often get sleepy.

"Can you see the holiness in the things you take for granted-a paved road or a washing machine?
If you concentrate  on finding what is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul."  -Harold Kushner

We are thankful for a good day!  ! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016


I am starting to feel like we are on a roller coaster ride.
Another day of stomach pains and nausea.
Maybe the eggs I said he should not have for breakfast.
We are both not too bright.

I think we are just a pair of complacent old fogies that still have lessons we need to learn.

But in spite of that we had a nice trip to the library.  I picked up a bag of mysteries for dad if he wants to read.  I found this can be helpful. 

On this ride we are keeping moving and each day we get closer to getting rid of this small organ which is acting up and causing so many problems.

"Healing comes when we make room for all our emotions.  Room for grief and anger and frustration for misery and hopelessness and even fear." -  Pema Chodron

Yes joy comes in the morning when the ride is over and renewal and healing help us both recover.


Roses are beautiful but those thorns can hurt!
Life can be a challenge.
Decisions and more decisions.

Dad is extremely happy he now has a set of golf clubs and is going to challenge himself with some golfing.  He likes to look at the second hand store, and some days it just seems like you were meant to go there.

Our biggest challenge now is what to eat and not eat.  Dry crackers are no fun but neither is nausea and pain.  It will be a fishy day to day only Not fish and chips.

I know how hard it is to stay on a diet after years of chronic illness and I too would think I could eat just a little taste.

Raising children was a big challenge for me and also being patient is a even bigger challenge which I feel shows a lack of faith.

Yes marriage has its challenges as do any relationships because we all have annoying little habits.

I am thankful for Christian literature and am looking forward to our Bible Study starting again.

Reading scripture written by those who lived in a different world is a challenge; but the thing is that they had the same problems way by then.

I still believe that religion built on grace can be a force for good.

Challenging yes!

Sunday, August 28, 2016


I enjoy watching Kim taking pictures of our party at Carol and Panteli's.

Heather is sitting with Carol's friend visiting from the Grand Cayman.
Panteli watches dad try to email Melina for any up date on her surgery.
Three bumps on a log!
We suggested Leah should go on some rides at the P.N.E. and see what happens.

Baby have a time schedule all there own

Our two lovely daughters.
Sandra drove us to the party.
Haiti was so happy to be able to come out and visit.
She tries to climb on laps. 
She tried to climb up on dad two bur Kim said No.
Kim is watching Haiti.

Dad enjoys visiting so I am glad he felt better.  Fortunately the pain is control by medication and a rest.  My job is to watch and make sure dad watches his diet.  He does like his butter!

Dad ate a good supper made by Carol and Kim.  The salmon was excellent as well as the rice with vegetables and delicious salad!

Watching and waiting for answers and hoping for good results with surgery!

Good news Cameron is okay and Chris got a new job closer to home. maybe one bus ride

Quiet morning prayer this morning as dad sleeps in.

Love is stronger than fear!


I think that we have to be prepared for he unexpected now until dad's surgery.

I was up early getting some chicken ready for the potluck lunch at the church.  One of the couples is leaving to be closer to family in Calgary.  They were good friends of ours and very helpful and caring.  I knew there would be lots of people coming back after the summer busy times.  They are like a second family to us! 

Dad woke up and complained of some stomach pain and then said it felt more like a gall stone attack.  He watch the baseball for awhile and then I suggested he take a pain pill and lie down.  He  was lying down when Pat and John dropped by to see how we were and to tell me we were missed.  It was a lively affair with some children running around and enjoying themselves.  Our church is very children friendly and we have always enjoyed that.

Kim popped in and out as she was helping set up an open house for the college.  She invited us all over for dinner.  Randy had to go to work but Leah and Craig said they could come.

I suppose if life always ran smoothly it would be boring but it seems like several worries come at once,

No one is immune to the loss of a loved one, financial problems, sickness and disappointments,

Human life is fatally fragile and subject to forces beyond our control.

We all need support if we are not to give in to despair.

"Troubled times can awaken us from feeling we of self-sufficiency into a serious search for a deeper meaning in life.  It is a time for believers to make the journey from the mind to the heart.  It is a time for me to be calm and prayer helps.

But you do not always know Jesus is all you need
until Jesus is all you have."
-  Timothy Keller.


I thought there would be less work in the garden this time of year.
No way so many dead leaves and brown dry areas.
Hidden weeds are now coming into view.

I thought I could look through my books and give away a bunch but I spent must of the day rereading them.  So many different writer have given me a rich variety of what it means to be a Christian and new thoughts about how to live a authentic life.

The study of Christian thought is a study of the spiritual as well as the intellectual thoughts by deep thinkers and philosophers of the day.  They are very important to the beliefs that we hold today as they put into words their thoughts and experiences that would rescue Christianity from being a superstition that is was in danger of becoming.

Jesus planted thoughts that would become seeds that promise new life as we learn to trust in God and live by faith. 

Many have been inspired by the words and thoughts expressed in scripture.

Our individual thoughts motivate us to do what is right in considering others and doing unto them as we wish they would do unto us.

"Be still and listen in the silence of your own heart"

Have a thoughtful and peaceful Sunday!

Saturday, August 27, 2016


I am confused.
I do not think Tyler is visiting us but Nancy maybe you meant Kenny.
That is terrible about you having to have another root cannel.  I am so sorry.

I am easily confused so do not mind me.

I went visiting Joyce at the Senior's place and we had a good visit.  She has a huge fan in her room which was still very warm.  I wheeled her down to sit at the front where there are a lot of chairs and she really enjoyed it.  We had a cup of tea and then back to her room.  She was getting sleepy.  I am happy she knows me when I poke my head in the door but I know she forgets I have visited as soon as I leave.  We laugh at our poor memories and tell her how bad mine is too.

I am not sure what is happening in the next several weeks.  Leah thinks Rick may stay here the first part of Sept. and I know he will want to know how we are coping.  We do enjoy visitors.

Kim may be moving into an apartment not back into our home.  Finding one that will take a dog is tricky.  We enjoyed the two years she stayed here that is for sure.

I make up my mind that the fun has to continue to be in the journey and that if I can try to be my best self in the present moment with whom I am with at that moment.

Dad is having trouble tuning into the C.B.C. radio station on his inter net radio.  They are not being helpful.

"It is a profitable thing,
if one is wise,
to seem foolish."  -  Aeschylus  I do not know who he is either.

Friday, August 26, 2016


Yes our roles in life do change.  Dad and I enjoy company but encourage them to help themselves.
At times we may need to take a nap and if we have no food in the house we have a store near by.

Each of has played many roles in life.
A child or a parent
A mother and a wife
A friend and a companion
A giver or a taker
A lover or a fighter
A talker or a listener
A time of adversity or times of peace.
A  believer or a non-believer.

I believe in a compassionate God who inspires us to reach out to each other.

Today I met Joanne on my walk and I felt we were meant to meet.  She did someone to listen with understanding not answers.

There is a light that shines upon us and deep within that is greater than all the darkness of our past and lights up our future. 

It is hard when I am having a down day to be cheerful and patient but I know that it is also hard for dad.  This were unconditional love is needed.

"If there is no peace,
we have forgotten we belong to each other."  Mother Teresa

Dear God,
I believe in the power of prayer
and also the wisdom that I now have to pray with compassion and understanding.
"May love prevail in us and in the hurting world."
Love is the creative force that produces hope and courage.
Praying for dad, Leah, Cameron and Shandel and Melina and Ken for healing and protection.

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Sometimes it is just a matter of what path to take.

Dad's surgery was  a simple decision and happy it will be Sept/20.

  It should be a simple procedure and it is always good to get it over with.  I wonder if Ken will be changing his plans?

Prayer helps me and the answer may take a while but messages may come within our thoughts, in words we read or advice from friends.  Sometimes plans will have to be changed.  Waiting to hear from Ken.

Feeling light headed and dizzy today so may not go visiting.

We had a nice surprise when Leah dropped by for a visit.

Dad had a good day getting the oil changed on the car and then telling tales to Leah.
She has finally stopped working and now we are all waiting for the big day.

"What ever answer I seek is finding it's way to me."


Yes the date for surgery is all set.
It will be on Sept. 20 the day Ken may arrive.

The surgeon seemed awfully young but was willing to take the time to inform us about the decision for surgery and the risks that may be involved but he has never experienced these things himself and there is always solutions if problems occur.  I asked about fish and chips and he said definitely No.

We went shopping for new sheets for our bed as I have been wearing them out with frequent washings.  Dad lost interest and wandered away.  I could not make up my mind.  Should I buy the really expensive ones?

We both enjoyed sitting out on our front porch and had visits with several neighbors.

Today I plan to go visiting. 

"We all need healing and we are all healers offering strength."

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Dad and I drive over to visit with friends, good friends, Pat and John.
I am laughing at one of tales dad is telling.

Today  dad is visiting the surgeon and we hope a day is picked for the surgery.  He has been free of pain for a week now but one thing I know the human body as well as the human mind is strange. 

Yesterday I had a long walk and dad rode his bike.  I also went shopping for shoes but was tired before I started.  I really do not like shopping and often come home with some thing I did not even intend to buy.  No sandals in my size.

We has a short walk through the park across from John and Pats.
After we sat in their marvellous back yard with a huge garden.
Just like us the wasps decided to come and fly around us.  This never happened before so maybe they came with us.

We laugh at the antics of old age like forgetting what we are doing or saying.
Just like us!

We come home with bags full of vegetables and some tips on how to cook the kale.  Ginger, garlic
onion steamed cooked together.
 I am feeling an urge to plant beans so we will have beans  reaching to the sky as wellof sunflowers!

Nice to have Randy and Sandra home and catch up the Edmonton families!

We like to make God into someone just like us. 
He is more than us and within who He is  a male and female personality
so many do not like to refer to God as He. 
I like to believe when I pray it is to a spiritual source of energy that includes us all!

God is not just like us because He (She) loves unconditionally.

It is up to us to be more like the spiritual source and creator of all life  !

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


We all have our convictions and that is good!

I believe there is much good in all religions but there is also ideas and thoughts that can mislead.  I have at times struggled to know what to believe.  I have changed some convictions over time because I continued to search and strive for the truth.  I believe all religions have spiritual practices that promise to renew our spiritual energy.

The Scripture teaches that before we were even formed in the womb God knew us.

At the very dawn of out life we had to fight over-whelming odds at the time of conception in the womb and in a often unfair world where there is sickness and evil.  We are human beings with the potential to be spiritual beings who live with compassionate hearts.  We would like to be perfect.

As we get older and less able to do things I know I have battled feelings as my role in life changes.  One of my convictions is the knowledge that I am to give thanks and rejoice in all I have been given and in what simple things I can give to others,  Life is to precious to be grumpy, but at times I do get annoyed at things that do not work and people who do not understand me.

I fail and I fall but the amazing truth is that the grace of unconditional love is still with me.

Lord Your word says You perceive my thoughts so even my thoughts have value and purpose.

"If I rise in the wings of the dawn You are there."  Psalm 139

I am going to start reading  The History of Christian Thought  and gain a little more of the background of how our world has been shaped by great thinkers of the past.


What a difference a day makes when a cold wind sends our sunflowers flying back and forth and chases all the warmth away.  A good day for Mary Poppins to sail over the roof tops.  I find it hard to believe these plants have grown so tall.  We can hide behind them to keep an eye on our neighbors.  We spied Gordon climbing up to his roof and were curious why.  Evidently the twin boys had locked them out while they were taking the dogs for an early morning walk.  We were happy to see him climb back down and his wife ride her bike over to her mom's house for an extra key.  He has a bad hip and a fall would have been nasty.

We are suppose to report any suspicious behavior when you live in a neighborhood like ours there often is crazy behavior.

I often think we lock ourselves out more than an criminals! 

What a difference when the sun came back to shine on us all.  I had a short walk and dad thought about riding his bike but he was on the computer too long.

Leah is still working part time and the baby may arrive any day.
What a difference that will make in their lives,

Theresa is busy driving back and forth to Burnaby with Ben and Morgan.  Morgan wants to stay home and play with friends.  They are hoping they will be able to share rides with another family
All Ben's clothes and things have to be moved into his Grandpa Chuck's house in Cloverdale which a little closer to Burnaby.  What a difference a soccer star can have on a family.

The service took place in our coffee room where we sat in a circle.
What a difference songs and prayers make in the atmosphere when a loving family is gathered to share hugs and blessings in the remembrance of a loved one.

I t made all the difference in the service for Samantha.

Monday, August 22, 2016


Our weaknesses as well as our strengths are a part of our destiny as we journey on the path before us.

Jesus calls to us in times of brokenness and stress and we have the choice whether to respond to his healing energy.  Life can cripple us when it seems like our dreams are unfulfilled and thus we can be crippled like the woman Jesus healed in the gospel of Luke.  Body soul and spirit all need love but it is important for that love to be healthy and supportive.  I need to be free to make my own choices as do others.  This creates freedom that in turn produces health and the ability to take responsibility for our own choices.

Sunday was a good day with spending time at church finding an inner calm and renewed strength and renewed friendships.  Yes we have the same minister who continues to challenge us to express our feelings and find our own faith.

Dad and I enjoyed dinner with Carol and Panteli and a visit with Haiti.  She is so excited to see us now.  She watches the squirrels in the trees from their balcony where we sat outside to eat.  They live above a golf course so a wonderful view

Today I will be joining Jane and her family and a few friends at the church to remember Jane's daughter who died a year ago.  She was a lovely girl with a bright spirit but a troubled soul.  She is
missed.  Her name was Samantha.

A day when I had time to still my mind and accept the path I am on.  There has been times od conquering sickness, sadness failures and difficulties with God's grace.  But mostly there has been great happiness.


Our weaknesses as well as our strengths are a part of our destiny as we journey on the path before us.

Jesus calls to us in times of brokenness and stress and we have the choice whether to respond to his healing energy.  Life can cripple us when it seems like our dreams are unfulfilled and thus we can be crippled like the woman Jesus healed in the gospel of Luke.  Body soul and spirit all need love but it is important for that love to be healthy and supportive.  I need to be free to make my own choices as do others.  This creates freedom that in turn produces health and the ability to take responsibility for our own choices.

Sunday was a good day with spending time at church finding an inner calm and renewed strength and renewed friendships.  Yes we have the same minister who continues to challenge us to express our feelings and find our own faith.

Dad and I enjoyed dinner with Carol and Panteli and a visit with Haiti.  She is so excited to see us now.  She watches the squirrels in the trees from their balcony where we sat outside to eat.  They live above a golf course so a wonderful view

Today I will be joining Jane and her family and a few friends at the church to remember Jane's daughter who died a year ago.  She was a lovely girl with a bright spirit but a troubled soul.  She is
missed.  Her name was Samantha.

A day when I had time to still my mind and accept the path I am on.  There has been times od conquering sickness, sadness failures and difficulties with God's grace.  But mostly there has been great happiness.

Sunday, August 21, 2016


Dad and went for a short walk through the Watershed Park.  It was so nice and cool there we enjoyed every minute.  Lots of happy families with even happier dogs.  There are lots of old rotting stumps easy to stumble over but dad and I did an Olympic goal of clearing them all worthy of a gold medal.

I was very active in sports when I was in high school and really loved track and field as well as
basket ball, volley ball, skating and swimming.  In racing I always came in second or third even though I dreamed of winning.  I did well at the broad jump but still was not the best.

For every winner there has to be a loser and that was me.  We quickly divide life up into losers or winners which is a shame.

When my own children became active in sports I was always so proud of them just taking part!

Embracing life for me is making choices and no worrying about the outcome.  To be willing to do the important things which may not seem so important, any way I can.

Grace is seen as life affirming for the losers as well as the winners.

Off to church today and happy to be going.

Saturday, August 20, 2016


I was up early doing some watering sitting in a chair.

Dad was up early too as his appointment with his doctor was first thing.  It was very re - assuring and he did tell him to watch is diet because it is better to be healthy at the time of the surgery.  We drove to Langley to have a look around Chapters and then over to Milestones.  Dad had a hamburger and I had a salad and he seems to be okay.  No chips.  Pick up a few bargains and dad took his book out to the shade deck but the wasps were buzzing all around him and that was annoying.
It is very hot here in the 30's which is too hot for us.  We were suppose to visit Pat and John but have postponed it until next week.

Yes our phone is now fixed it was pulled out of the wall.  Here I am thinking it was everyone else's problem.

"Many opportunities to make choices will come again today.
We will try to be thoughtful and make choices that will lead to wholeness."

Off for a short walk while it is cooler.

Friday, August 19, 2016


Yes Sandra we are still alive just not very lively!

Sorry we did not get to say good-bye and I tried phoning out but thought it was trouble at the other end,  How exciting for you guys to see all the family there,  Give them our hugs and our love.

I am trying to keep my life simple but did not even think about the phone not ringing all day.
Why worry.

Dad goes to his family doctor today just to talk things over.  He is doing good but his feet are more the problem now.  Dad did a huge shopping which means putting stuff away and re-organizing.  We took a quick trip to the drugstore at 7 because it is Senior Day which is 20% off.

Yes I miss many messages because I do not really listen and life gets complicated.


Yes Sandra we are still alive just not very lively!

Sorry we did not get to say good-bye and I tried phoning out but thought it was trouble at the other end,  How exciting for you guys to see all the family there,  Give them our hugs and our love.

I am trying to keep my life simple but did not even think about the phone not ringing all day.
Why worry.

Dad goes to his family doctor today just to talk things over.  He is doing good but his feet are more the problem now.  Dad did a huge shopping which means putting stuff away and re-organizing.  We took a quick trip to the drugstore at 7 because it is Senior Day which is 20% off.

Yes I miss many messages because I do not really listen and life gets complicated.


Yes Sandra we are still alive just not very lively!

Sorry we did not get to say good-bye and I tried phoning out but thought it was trouble at the other end,  How exciting for you guys to see all the family there,  Give them our hugs and our love.

I am trying to keep my life simple but did not even think about the phone not ringing all day.
Why worry.

Dad goes to his family doctor today just to talk things over.  He is doing good but his feet are more the problem now.  Dad did a huge shopping which means putting stuff away and re-organizing.  We took a quick trip to the drugstore at 7 because it is Senior Day which is 20% off.

Yes I miss many messages because I do not really listen and life gets complicated.

Thursday, August 18, 2016


                                                  Never seen it so quiet! 
Not a dog in sight.  Would have been nice to see some wagging tales and happy faces.

The black and white cat wanders through our yard every morning but she is not friendly.

Dad and I talked about going to Ladner and I knew he felt like fish and chips.  So we stayed home and had left overs of our fish and carrots and baby potatoes.

Never will I understand men!  The feeling is mutual as we will never completely understand each other, but we try.  For now I find it hard to understand myself when I do something stupid.  Dad gives me some helpful advice!  Telling me to just relax and take it easy which can be hard for me to do when I am in a strange mood.

He did go for a bike ride but went through the bumpy water shed paths. 
Great for shaking up your gall stones. 

I will do some watering of the garden before it gets too hot to day.  My garden is looking very thirsty.  My back is complaining so  took time off yesterday.

Several houses have sold around us at unbelievable prices.  Lynda will be selling their place and that will be sad.

Never expect your life to be free of problems because it never will be.

Accept each day as it comes to you.
Anticipate coming face to face with impossible situations totally beyond my ability to handle,
knowing  that there is a Love that will always be there for me and you.
-Jesus Calling.

Faith is a refuge that renews the weary and the restless soul.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Back walking at the park.
A short walk to start with to help me catch up.
Cathy and Glen come by for a visit and a catching up of news.

Both Cathy and Glen have motor bikes and dad is very envious.  Both of them are looking very happy and healthy.  Their youngest Gracelyn also has a motor bike and is traveling all over.  She is working in Smithers,  They came in and watched the girls soccer but they did not play well. 

John and Pat also phoned to keep up with our progress.  Dad has an appointment with his family doctor on Friday so will catch up with him on his new problems and get his advice.

I would say we live in an age of spiritual complacency but I am thankful for the spark of life, that t times seems to flicker, but always is within me.  I believe His presence is always available and I believe that coincidences can even be evidences of His Presence with us.

Taking time to catch up with myself can also be helpful.  This is not a time for self-improvement but to be gentle with all that I am feeling and then letting it go.  I am thankful for the quiet of the morning and the awareness that prayer gives my life strength and peace and a purpose that to me is meaningful.  Negative thoughts and hurt feelings need to be dealt with,  with compassion and forgiveness. 

Yes, I have remembered it is Mandy's birthday.

I am receiving the blessings of all those who are praying for dad and me.  Thank You!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


Dad has had three meals with oatmeal again for breakfast and fish for supper.
He is pain free.  He has an appointment with the surgeon for Aug. 24.  He has a nice receptionist so that is a plus.  Now the next thing will be to get a bit of exercise.  Ken phoned on his way into work and Carol stopped by on her way home.  Dad appreciates visits and calls.  He is not feeling too good,
probably needs to get built up.

I began the third day of trying to get the soap smell out of the clothes and sheets and blankets and towels.  Dad is very sensitive to smells and gets a tight chest.  I even air them out doors and changed to a special soap.  Hopefully this will help.

I am reading about a pastor in a gang poor area of Los Angeles.  They declare their church a refuge church and the church is full of down and outs sleeping on the pews.  The worst thing is the smell that they leave of unwashed bodies and dirty feet.  They continue to do it anyway.

I love opening our door in the morning and smelling the garden.

Some one did not clean up after their dog today and I stepped in it.  What an awful smell.  Not the nicest way to start the day.  I will get back to my walking and we will cut the grass to day.

Thankful that I can smell.  Right Jane!

Today I think we will go out for awhile maybe even for lunch.

"Not everything that is faced can be changed
but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
- James Baldwin
Dad is very sensitive to smells

Monday, August 15, 2016


This picture does not do justice to Sandra's back yard.

Carol and Panteli found their garden in poor shape but gardens are like dogs and husbands who need continual care!  I am still doing laundry again. 

Dad had a good day yesterday with three light meals.  He will phone the surgeons office today and either get an appointment or a surgery date.  Yes it may be awhile.  Diet and pain pills and a little gradual exercise would be a help.

I took our laundry soap over to Linda and had a long visit.  I learned that the drug rehabilitation program provides journals for people and they are encouraged to write down their deepest feelings.  I have done that for years.

I have found that the best way to think of God is of a healing presence that wants to be close to us.  He knows every cell of our being and has created us spiritually to be able to receive His love.

"Love is amazingly powerful, even when we cannot see what love does."

I am trying to imagine this unconditional love moving upon dad and within him with every breath he takes.  Bigger breathes slow and gradual will help to heal and restore his soul and his body.

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Life is meant to be celebrated!

Randy the proud dad holds the cake.  Mandy blew out all the candles except one which was a good omen, since she has James as part of her life.
Everyone had fun in the pool'

Evan under water.

Here Justice has capture Ben by sitting on top of his mat thing.
Lots of fun and did dad a world of good.
He had some porridge this morning and has cleaned up the kitchen and will help with the laundry as the soap he picked out is bothering his chest and giving him a nose he cannot catch!

Thanks for the phone call Rick we are hoping for the best.  This will mean an operation in the furture but that will be a piece of cake. 

Theresa and Mikie were at a funeral service.  Very sad, but every life is worth being remembered,
And this was the time to remember with the sad and happy times.

Sorry to hear about Geof, Jane, give him our love.

Now I am off to take a birthday card to Joyce.  She may be 94 or 95 she cannot remember.

Saturday, August 13, 2016


                                    Wonderful sunrise couldn't find my camera.
Wonderful news Ken is coming to visit Sept. 20th.  Yeah!

Dad is about the same.  I suggest he try to eat a little but with a little fruit and juice he seems to be controlling the pain.  He has to make an appointment to see the surgeon about taking out his gallbladder.  I will write on my blog if we have to go to the hospital.  He is looking forward to going to Mandy's party at the party house.  Sandra and Randy of course.

I have been trying to be organized but am failing completely.

I checked dad's pockets before washing his clothes but managed to miss the one with the paper on with contacting the doctor.  I managed to rescue it in time when dad asked for it.  I dried it with paper towel and later through the paper towel with the paper in it into the garbage.  Looked for it and did find it.

I bought a salmon at the store because dad can at fish when he starts eating but left it at the store.
I will get my money back when I go back.

I said yes to the man at the door who wants to do our gutters but he was charging too much so had to phone him back.

I am now looking my denture when I take it out and then panic because I do not have any idea where it is.

I am giving up being organized,

'The struggles and the chaos are a part of life.
But you can accept them with grace and serenity
because they have their own gifts too."  -Demi Lovato

Friday, August 12, 2016


We have so many blessings to count.

Dad had a good sleep last night.
We agreed before pillow that if he had pain we would call the ambulance and they would take us to Surrey Memorial.  If by the blessing and grace of God we have a pain free week-end we will get in to see his doctor.  He is on a liquid and fruit diet which includes Boust.  I am thankful the vegetable store is just a few blocks away so I can get more fruit and vegetables.  It was a hot walk in the sunshine but we are so blessed here to have such warm and calm weather.

Carol and Haiti came over to take me for a walk.  Haiti is happy to lead the way.  I have been missing my walks so a blessing to have some one to go with.

A blessing I am reading is about our relationship to one another.
The capacity to be a blessing and to bless Life is in everybody.
As we get older we can feel that we have lost that ability but the truth is that our blessings become more powerful as we grow older.  We have survived many challenges and sometimes the road has seemed long and hard.  I have learned in this last week that I can be a blessing when I ask for help.
I have given up on trying to fix and rescue others but instead value kindness, friendship and compassion.  Life is not about winning approval but just being yourself and finding where you belong.

Our compassion blesses and sustains the world.
-  My Grandfather's Blessings