Tuesday, August 9, 2016


The human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it and this is a comfort when times get tough.

Dad and I know that if you have to make life changing decisions.
We can do it.  Pain is a good motivator.  Laughter and tears all a part of our human experience.
This morning the pain is back in a mild form.  Dad had felt full after eating a salad for supper last night.  We all know that there are many ways that pain makes our lives change.  We know a family that has just experienced the tragic death of a child.  What agony.  My prayers go out to them.
I am off to the dentist.  No I cancelled.  I did not want to go anyway!

If the pain gets worse we can go back to the hospital,
It appears diet is nor enough but an operation may be the only choice in my opinion.
I feel like we are having a baby waiting for the pain to get worse and I bet it will in the middle of the night.  I have to go to the store to get more fat free food.

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship--Louisa May Alcott


nancy-Lou said...

I send you strength and wisdom to make the life changes you are contemplating. I know it is very unsettling to let go of things that we have become so accustomed to and love. Once the decision(s) are made it will make things a lot easier for you. I keep you in my prayers.

We too, will be facing these decisions in the near future.

Gosh, that is too bad Larry's pain returned...those darned stones in the duct can be so painful and the nausea is overwhelming. Had that many years ago and don't want it to come again! I hope he receives some help and you don't have to make anymore nighttime dashes to the hospital Beth. I am so glad you keep us updated here...I worry about you two!

It was another stormy night here, with strong winds and tornadoes in western Manitoba. It ushered in much cooler air today,so fresh after the stifling humidity.
It is Carl's Birthday, 78 today. He didn't want any fuss, so I am BBQing chicken and veggies and inviting our sons for supper.

I am off, to take the doggies for a walk and then get started on marinating the chicken.

I wish you both a day with no pain or hospital visits!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you Nancy love beth