Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Back walking at the park.
A short walk to start with to help me catch up.
Cathy and Glen come by for a visit and a catching up of news.

Both Cathy and Glen have motor bikes and dad is very envious.  Both of them are looking very happy and healthy.  Their youngest Gracelyn also has a motor bike and is traveling all over.  She is working in Smithers,  They came in and watched the girls soccer but they did not play well. 

John and Pat also phoned to keep up with our progress.  Dad has an appointment with his family doctor on Friday so will catch up with him on his new problems and get his advice.

I would say we live in an age of spiritual complacency but I am thankful for the spark of life, that t times seems to flicker, but always is within me.  I believe His presence is always available and I believe that coincidences can even be evidences of His Presence with us.

Taking time to catch up with myself can also be helpful.  This is not a time for self-improvement but to be gentle with all that I am feeling and then letting it go.  I am thankful for the quiet of the morning and the awareness that prayer gives my life strength and peace and a purpose that to me is meaningful.  Negative thoughts and hurt feelings need to be dealt with,  with compassion and forgiveness. 

Yes, I have remembered it is Mandy's birthday.

I am receiving the blessings of all those who are praying for dad and me.  Thank You!


nancy-Lou said...

It sure is nice to have good friends who keep in touch with you, especially when we are ill.
You both have so many good friends who pop in for a visit or call speaks well of the life you have lived, giving and caring for others. I cannot imagine not having any friends and I do know people who have very few.

I have a number of friends who chose not to have children and now in their sixties and seventies they feel very alone. Really sad. I don't judge them for their life choices, but do feel the emptiness they now have and try to see them often.

Larry sure has lost weight, he is thin now. That darned gall bladder sure has been giving him troubles, hasn't it? I always keep you both in my daily prayers and pray that Larry doesn't have a re-occurence and can gain strength and weight now.

A lynx as been seen in the area where we live. Not really unusual, but they are mostly nocturnal and not seen often. We are thinking it was the Lynx that took our son's cat.He is devastated....and his other young cat is missing the daily face washes she gave him.

There was a momma bear and three cubs in our other son's yard last evening. He lives close to us too...on the original Ateah homestead land. The bears are minding their own business and just looking for food. They made their way down to another neighbours where mama destroyed her apple tree. Glad we picked our apples and what was left were eaten by the deer. The trees grow inside our backyard fence, where our dogs go. We always have to look now before we let them out because if the bears climbed the fence and got in...well it wouldn't be a good outcome for the dogs.

So glad you are back walking in the park. thanks for the photos.

Have a wonderful day,
Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Glad you enjoyed visits from two long term friends We hope to be visiting you soon too we will be coming out on the 22nd the day we will remember ing losing Samantha.Perhaps we can have lunch at the golf course the one near you or Northview see how you both feel about eating out now that you both have restrictions. We are having dinner out with Geoff's medical partners from Sandell medical tonight. a special treat. It is going to another gorgious day .Much love Jane.

Sandra said...

Riding a motor cycle has never been a desire of mine. I am always so nervous to have them around me on the highway.

Got the suitcases out from the crawl space and will be packing tonight as we are off to Edmonton tomorrow. I think. Finding it hard to keep track of what day it is this week. Could be because Randy has worked day shift, afternoon shift and graveyard shift in the last 4 days.


beth bennett said...

We have had trouble knowing what day it is too.
I hope Randy got in to see Dr. Nolte for some pain pills.
I hoped I would see some of Haiti's dog friends at the park
but is was empty. I would have liked to say hello.
Have a great trip. Can I bring my camera over for you to take?
I will phone you later.
Love mom