Saturday, October 31, 2015


I think he is kinda cute.  I took this picture on my short walk around the block and also picked up lots of fun leaves.  I find it helpful to wake up and go for a walk first thing,  It was raining a tiny bit but the air is so fresh and wakes up my spirit.

I am going to need help with some things especially with remembering birthdays,  I was in tears when Sandra and Randy left and I was reminded of Shawna's birthday.

I rushed to the mailbox with her card.  A dear lady caught up to me and asked me if I needed a ride.  That is the second day in a row I have been offered a ride.  Yesterday I was carrying to parcels from the Safeway.

I daily ask for help in my prayers for myself and my family and friends.  I take time to be reminded of His presence and the privilege and power of prayer.  I choose to be confident that I am being heard and that I continually must be patient when waiting for answers.
Dad has gone for a bike ride, the sun has come out from hiding.
Carol is stopping by to pick up Haiti because she is fearful of the fire works and last year we had a lot. 

My leaves.

Friday, October 30, 2015


Home from the doctor's office where dad had a good talk with his doctor.  He has given him some pain pills which we hope will work and ease the pain a bit.  His stomach was a bit upset and he nearly cancelled.

I do not think I am a perfectionist but I do like to keep people happy if I can.  I do like to keep things up every day so there is not a huge bunch of cleaning or laundry or shopping to do all at once.

Thanks for the kind words Nancy good for me to consider and recognize myself as maybe others see me.

Haiti wants to go for a walk as Kim has gone to work.  She will walk her when she gets home about 11 but it is hard to explain this to a dog.  I asked dad to take Haiti for a car ride to pick up the meds. at the Safeway so that will make her happy.

Hope is such an important thing to have during times when we feel a little discouraged.  It  is the light that helps us see in the darkness.

I took my frustrations out on our old, old worn out chair in our T.V. room.  It had to go out into the shed and then to the dump.  It was extremely hard work to drag it outside but I took my time and inch by inch I did it.  Yes, my back is complaining but I feel so happy to have it gone.

Hope is what keeps us strong and hope is a gift we can give to each other.

I am feeling very hopeful!

Thursday, October 29, 2015


I am coming to accept that I will not be feeling anywhere near my best for a while.  I have been feeling very irritable and frustrated because I feel so weak. 

Today I cope okay by having a walk around the block before breakfast, then an hour nap, then off to buy some groceries with dad's help.  Home for lunch and another hour nap.  This is not just resting or reading it is snoring and sleeping.

I went visiting for an hour and was thankful dad drove me over and waited patiently.

  The sad thing is that there are several  90 year olds  spry and full of energy.  Also a few of them have some new parts so maybe that is all I need.  They do love some one to talk to.

My walking friend Joanne dropped by to see me as they have been missing me.  She volunteered to walk with me and she is a slower walker and knows what it is to have health problems.  I said I will see next week as I really am not going far but it is more fun when you have some one to walk with.  She said a little prayer for me and then got back to her walking.

Maybe if there was a big picture we could see it would help us understand.  But the future is not ours to see so we walk by faith.

I remind myself that timing is everything and that there is a right time for things to unfold.

I trust that there is a higher power that knows what is best and can stand by me until I can look back on my path and be grateful.

I know my writing is not good but it is good for me to do it.

Off to the doctor with dad in the morning.  Do hope he can find some help and some answers.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


I had a chance to try out my new rain boots!
but had to watch out for big spiders hidden in the grass.

I had to send my regrets to our Bible study group as I was feeling very tired.
I really appreciated Vera doing the leading as it actually was my turn.
The lesson was about Mary the mother of Jesus.  It is hard to imagine what it would be like to be alive at that time of history as a Jew for whom their lives revolved around their religion and the covenant relationship they felt called into.  And Mary could be stoned to death when it is discovered she is pregnant.
Can we believe what seems impossible?  A virgin birth?  A holy love so powerful that births new life within not only Mary but each one of us.  
"When it is this bizarre  you know it is the hand of God"   - C.  Myss
P.S.I am reading a book about dreams!
"Live your dreams, not your fears."   Albina Hunt..

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


I will always make sure I have lunch or coffee with Jane and Geof after going to the doctor.
we always have such a fun time laughing together!  I am so thankful for friendship!  Life is always hopeful when you have friends and family to laugh with you.

I am happy to have made an appointment for a complete check-up not for me but for dad.    I keep hoping there is something that will ease the pain.

I told the doctor right off the start I was feeling lousy.  Also I had all the facts written down ready to hand to him.

I will be seeing a urologist and also getting my head examined again!

I will be having my B12 checked in a couple of weeks.  It was high.

I have a prescription for an anti-depressant but I do not think I need it now.

Life is difficult and we all have our problems but life is precious when shared.

Monday, October 26, 2015


We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful world.  I am thankful for my morning walk with Haiti.
After doing a few chores I walk done to see Gundy.  The neighbor and his son were out doing their lawn, this is the bot who plays hockey on the street all the time, so as I was talking to them I asked if the boy Matthew would cut my front lawn and I would pay him. 
He was happy to do it but would not take any pay.  I am wondering if dad may have some hokey equipment they could use.  Neighbors helping each other is the way it should be!
I did some raking leaves in the back yard  they are coming down in huge piles.
Dad is not feeling well.  He has a stomach ache and headache as well as sore feet.
What a pair!

Thankful for good neighbors!
 OFF to the doctor with my hand written note.


There were lots of hungry birds waiting for Kim and her three friends
at the bird sanctuary.  Kim fixes lunch for them all her friends and the birds,
Dad and I had a quiet day mainly looking for I pad
So sorry thought to be sleeping when Geof. and Jane came by,
So to all my family and friends.
Youi deserve the best
May all the good thingd you have brought to others be returned to you.
\may your steps be guided through all of life's challenges and your heart remember it's true calling.
May your future be filled with love.

Sunday, October 25, 2015


A nice path that goes right around the lake.

Even if we had had dad's walker we could have gone a little way.

Maybe next time id we get out to Pental's birthday party.  We sure want to go.

I was very disappointed to be sleeping when Jane and Geof came by.  I had been thinking of them and wanting a good chat.  I would have dearly loved to share that fantastic chocolate roll with you. and Geof!

What dear, dear friends.  Angels pop up when you need them!

We got busy looking for dad's lost I-pad and it is not to be found.

I feel the day felt lost not going to church.

I know You are here too Lord and are helping me let go of the unimportant things,  Help me find my way again.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


View on the rocky shore of Harrison.
If it was up to me I would welcome the views of robots.  The more comments the better!
Dad and I are doing much better today.  Myself I am not so irritable so I could have a cat and it would not be in danger of me kicking it.  No I would never do that no matter how miserable I felt.  I think it is just an expression.
Dad got busy repairing Kim's vacuum before even reading the paper.  It is all fix ready to be used and with Haiti being so generous with her hairs it keeps us both busy vacuuming.
I was up very early enjoying the quiet before starting my prayers.  I honestly had to pray for the willingness to enter in to this deeper space.  It is more than just quiet emptiness it is the patience to wait for the presence to be with me and help me find the words to say.
Yes I believe in angels that the Bible refers to a messengers of God.  The loving grace of heavenly beings can be anywhere at anytime.
Carol came for a visit so we did have a visitor after all.  Dad had suggested Desirae come another day when we both were a little brighter. 
Carol walked Haiti and I to the park and Haiti was ever so proud to be talking us there.
Dad and Carol had a father and daughter lunch which was great for dad's spirits.
We phoned Sandra and Randy but they were out bike riding.  A little cool but great to be riding bikes!
Truly there is so much more to life than any eye an see but I am going to keep looking.

Friday, October 23, 2015


So many quaint stores in Harrison.

This one even sold Kangaroo burgers.

I looked around at several interesting stores that had everything but the kitchen sink in there.  The workers delighted in having people come in to chat. 

Dad found an older fellow with two blood hounds sitting on the dock and they had a good visit on their own.

Too bad dad's feet are getting more painful. He could try and see if there is anything that can help.  We all have to keep trying.  No one has been told "there is nothing we can do for you " than me. 

I was already on the way to starving to death so that is what I would have done.

Somewhere someone must help dad to try, at least try.

I am not brave and my emotions are very low right now but I carry on.

The mere act of loving another person takes a lot of courage to overcome hurt feelings and misunderstandings.

Kim is starting a new job today.  Good for her,  She is a very brave hard working and ambitious girl!


Remember the power of prayer.
There is always hope because there is prayer.

I said a prayer for you and me today.

When we pray we are offering ourselves to the goodness and healing power beyond our knowledge.

We are acting on faith.

My prayer for you is that faith will show you the way

that light will shine a light on your path

may prayer begin the gift of healing to bring new energy and deep abiding love.

"It is often through our deepest pain that we experience the greatest times of spiritual growth.
We are called to be more than we ever imagined.
We discover an inner strength."

I write this hoping the right person will read and find new hope and comfort and healing and peace.


What do two delightful old fools when feeling a little down.
Take to the road of course.
We  set out to drive to Harrison Hot Springs it was a perfect day for a splendid drive.

We found that by Rose dale we where tired and I was starving.  Dad knew the pub where Kim had worked at for a short while so we stopped there.

It did not look too inviting but her ghost would still be there and so we would make it a fun time.

They were in the mood for being spooky as the decorations hang here and there.

We were feeling a little more doubtful but too hungry and not knowing if there would be anything better we stay.

What a delightful surprise the waitress was a cute young girl and very helpful.  I had an excellent salad very tasty and fresh.

Dad had an onion ring burger and I took a picture for Ken.  We can go there next time.

  We had a great day and always are happy to be home again.

            Time for morning prayers!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


There is always a next time and I am thankful.

Dad went to the dollar store and always buys crazy funny things.  I am still feeling washed out from very little sleep but tonight should be mush better.

Thanks Ken for the phone call.  Melina must feel miserable when she is dizzy.  I still think doctors can do better and rarely really listen.

Religion is sometimes described as energy and but it is something you live,

A proactive idea is whether religion can exist without God?

There needs to be intelligence and soulful thought, which feeds the mind and the heart

"So if I am comfortable inside my skin (wrinkles and all) I have the abikity to make others comfortable in their skin!"  Maya Angelou

Thanks  Carol for dropping by I hope you got your lights fixed.

Thanks Panteli I am  pleased to have my camera safe at home here.

Early bed to night.  All will be well!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


A calm and a light sun shinning down on world of color and peace.  Our Saturday at the beach!

Two bumps on a log and my face is thankfully hidden.

I believe  my old  old wrinkled faces scare small children.
I can understand.
No masks need  for me

We had hoped for fishing chips but they were closed for the season.
What a perfect day for hot crisp fish and chips they taste so good on a colder day,

Instead drove around the little Ladner and found a new little place.  Excellent.

Not many people at the beach, but evidently one rode a bike, just like
Carol and Panteli do and take a picnic to enjoy the last few warm and sunny day.

We found this cute little café juast perfect for the two of us.
Dancing lessons upstairs too bad organ was nor with us to take pictures.  One of the smaller camera's.

She is better than me at taking picture than I am.  Good aim Morgan!

Monday, October 19, 2015


Fortunately Kim went to vote early and phoned to tell us it was quiet and a good time to go.
Fortunately there was an extra handicapped parking near the door so dad did not have to walk too far.  Yes, we have all voted!

I now realize the events that trigger a mini stroke.  Stress and over-tired which produces headaches.  I am so very tired I desperately want to sleep.  Instead of sleep I feel like I cannot move and actually do not care.  The next day I slur my words and have difficulty walking.

I am sharing this for my family to understand why if asked how I feel I wouldn't know.  I would like to go to a stroke prevention clinic but in reality I know what I should be doing.  Realizing I cannot do what I used to do and for dad and myself this is so frustrating.

The danger then is for us to feel useless and incompetent.

I am glad to be alive and be able to cause some trouble too.

 My family is my greatest strength and I hope I add a little joy to theirs!

God bless us all!  We fortunate to have each other for how long we have.

Sunday, October 18, 2015


The church is a community
 of friends, who meet together regularly to share friendship , and also to try to reach out to those in need..
A group of people with different personalities and different gifts

There will be some who will take on leadership roles and good leaders who draw out the gifts others have is important..  There are others withe gift of hospitality and service

We are far from perfect..

Dad and I went to church today and enjoyed talking and just being with old friends.  There was a new little new comer only a  babe only three days old, so precious and so tiny, few days old.

We are fed spiritually by feeding others.

I can relate to those do not find sermons interesting.  Honestly I sometimes think the last thing I need is to hear another sermon!  On the other hand words of hope and faith are always needed

I do need lots love  and laughter and hope and   I received just that when dad and I went over to Sandra and Randy's for a delicious supper.

Managed a picture before Randy had time to make faces.

Saturday, October 17, 2015


We had such a beautify day sitting at the beach looking at tiny ripples on the water.
Relaxing and spiritually refreshing !
We come home to see bags of groceries on the table and Kim busy preparing food for us all.
It is always fun to have the great grandchildren sleep over.  Kim did an amazing job getting the beds all fixed up so nice. 
Too bad Morgan had a stomach .ache.  I really felt bad for her as I have had so many days and nights in agony over stomach pains  . I cuddled up in bed with her and read stories but I guess she was over tired she finally went to sleep in a bed near Ben.  Ben is a great help and a joy to be with.
Then the next day we enjoyed the soccer game.  Their team needs to score more goals as Ben had so many shots on his goal it was continuous.  He is the best goalie of them all!.  After the game Ben was going to be a referee. and actually get paid.  He is going to take grandpa out for breakfast with his own money.
Morgan leads the way.  We parked illegally and got a ticket of course but it was worth it to be so close and see the game.

He is so intent and makes many amazing moves!
I am glad Sandra and Kim and Theresa and Leah and Craig had a visit with Tasha.  It takes  while for a family to get to know each other.

Friday, October 16, 2015


Yes we have our good and bad days,

There is a lot to be done around here in the yard and in the house

Leaves now cower  the ground  and still look beautiful.  A very warm day for a walk to the park with Haiti. Usually Haiti is so anxious to go for a walk with me, even though she has been for a long one with Kim., but not this morning.  She wanted to dig under our porch

We realized once we smelled the skunk smell  what she was trying to catch.  She did not want to stay at the park and tried to run all the way home.

Now we have a skunk  smell at the  front door.  Yuk!

A good day for  a bike ride for dad.  He is finding new places and meeting new friends.

Afterwards dad I decided to cross the border at Pt. Roberts  Our plan was to get some gas but not sure if it would be cheaper.  Our gas was already running on empty when we came to a sudden stop with a very long wait.  It was time for a change of plans and we drove to Boundary Park instead.

We also drove around Ladner such a quaint little place.

When we got home to our surprise we learn Ben and Morgan were going to be sleeping over
What a happy surprise!  It ended up a very good day!

Thursday, October 15, 2015


There are many things we are certain about.  The change of the seasons seems to be one.  This is the row of trees that was so full of color just a week ago.

I wonder what people want to make their faith come alive and be important in their lives.


A certainty that what they believe is important?

A more joyous worship?

A willingness to take risks and speak out against injustice?

A safe place of community where people actually care for one another?

For some it has been a place of being able to pour out their feelings .  Emotion openness.  ?  Certainly I feel there should be a passion that accompanies commitment.

No one aspect would appeal to all because most of us our very private but also value creativity as well as intellect.

There are no easy answers and no certainties.

Dad had his bike ride and then drove me to the Seniors Home.  Jim is failing and said to give the milkshake to someone else.  Joyce was more alert than she has been and always asks about the church,


Such a glorious day so off for a walk.

Since our faith has grown out of an ancient faith it is interesting to see the changes that have taken place.

The Enlightenment, a complex historical event,. opened the eyes and minds to new truths.  Truth about reason and science but sadly it also closed the heart of the soul.

Most forms of faith were replaced by advances in industry, technology, social structure and even medicine, also knowledge about ourselves and the universe.

Religion was dismissed as mere superstition.

"Religious institutions were gutted of any deep emotionality and instead became some form of cerebralism."

Liturgies became statements of creeds rather than expressions of yearning, sermons became rarefied and highly intellectual, often referring to God in a distanced, detached way.  Robes became a symbol of leadership.  Sermons were delivered from a high pulpit and the message was we were miserable sinners

We all made mistakes but Jesus brought us the message of salvation and forgiveness.

A message that does not become true because of our faith in it but a mystery to be discovered that holds the secret of JOY!

/Dad is going on his bike ride and I will go visiting..

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Yes it is getting much cooler in the mornings here.

Kim and Haiti make a cute pair as they return from their early morning walk.

I intended going for a walk but got busy cleaning up and moving a softer rug for dad into the T.V. room.  Nothing seems to help but we have to keep trying.

Carol drop by for a visit and we discuss thanks giving which was one of a kind.  Actually the ones Carol does best.

Dad drove me to the church for our study on :Women of the Bible'  I do not like to drive if my head is a little fuzzy,

I think it is a good study when you leave laughing.  We have several ladies who could be stand up comedians.
Yes we do our readings but then all sorts of stories come to our minds,

Some are very sad while others are hilarious.  Our study is about affirmation and celebration of life in all its variety of emotions.  For us it is about travelling from the head to the heart.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


I really appreciate it when an old friend calls and asks you out to tea.  Cathy is still waiting for news of what her future cancer treatment will be.
They are doing one more tests before they decide.  I meant to take her picture she has recovered well from the surgery on her feet and on her breast.

Over the years Cathy and I have shared many good and many difficult times.  She is a very good friend and we have prayed together when times got tough.  I was pleased she asked me to go to her next doctor's appointment to be a support.

Doctors sure make things confusing.

Wed. at Bible study we are reading about Mary going to see her cousin Elizabeth and they rejoice in their mutual pregnancies.

Yes I am so thankful for my health, which will keep improving, and for being able to enjoy the rain or the light sunshine.  I am thankful for faithful friends who are there when I have needed help but also knowing they can ask me to help them.
Also we have had great moments of laughter!

"It is imperative that a woman keep her sense of humor intact and ready,
' She must see, if only in secret, that she is the funniest,  looniest woman in her world, which she must also see as being the most absurd world of all times."  Maya Angelou

Monday, October 12, 2015


According to Atul Gawande  life is meaningful as a story.
A story that has a sense of the whole and its arch is determined by significant moments.

'"We have purposes larger than  ourselves."

We have a self that is experiencing all the ups and downs we go through but we also have a self that is a remembering self.

And in stories endings matter.

"Yet certain pleasures  can make enduring suffering worthwhile.  In life there are things we fear and things we hope for.  We want to make the choices for any treatment of our illness be such that there will be good moments to be enjoyed with family.  If a procedure seems risky it should be thoroughly discussed with a patient.  Also the outcome should be also told."  -

For myself I value the peace I feel with God and with my family.
That does not mean that I never experience hurt feelings or disappointments.
I do!  Often we unintentionally can wound one another.
But I want them to know that each one of them are special and deeply loves.

Things often work out for the best!

I realize that a large part of aging is just letting go; letting go of all the things one sued to be able to do.  Starting to have times of incontinent seems to be one of the last straws.  My worst fears are losing my balance, being in pain  and losing more control of bodily functions, getting weaker and losing what little mind I have.

The truth is that  have come a long way overcoming some of the problems after my fall and illness,

                                          Every good day is a blessing in some way!


So thankful for my family especially Panteli, Carol, Theresa and Kim who took such good care of me when I was having a bad spell.

Too bad we had to leave before the most beautiful turkey was taken from the oven.
It smelled wonderful and I know everyone was waiting to dig right in.  I am not sure who carved I think maybe Mikie. We had dine very well on the vegetables like squash, beets, Brussels sprouts all prepared by Kim.

Sandra had to leave early to check on mommy cat and her kittens.

Doing much better today had a walk in the rain.

Too bad Theresa had a swollen, hot arm.  She says it is better today.

All quiet Kim is resting and dad fell asleep watching baseball.

Later Kim took Haiti for a long walk in the pouring rain.

Sunday, October 11, 2015



A very good day. I felt bad not having a visit with all!  Missed Rick saying with us too.  But times change.

 Our friend Diane brought over some ointment that may help dad's feet.  I am praying it will at least ease the pain a little.

Mikie and Ben had a visit with us before going to Carol and Panteli's.  It was born the tiniest horse.

Carol drove Kim and Morgan down to see the littlest horse in the States. It was born the littlest

Meanwhile the turkey was suppose to be put in the oven but Rick and Panteli were busy talking politics so it was a little late getting but it turned out delicious and people ate in two

It is late and I have a headache so off to bed.