Saturday, October 10, 2015


Sometimes I just tell myself hang in there and hope things improve.  Dad believes his painful feet will definitely not improve.  He needs to stay off his feet and rest them when the pain gets worse.get real bad.

Dad and I are off to a funeral but he may just drop me off.  The parking will be bad.  He needs a scooter.

We all seem to need a great deal of courage especial when life gets tough.  Children take a lot of energy and it is also difficult when husbands work shift work.

I am thankful that when I am exhausted I rest and  pray and I can carry on.

It was only through prayer and the wisdom from God my celiac was found and treated.

Courage for me seems to call for an endurance "A certain endurance of the soul".  Courage also is the wisdom to retreat and try something new.  "Wise endurance"  One needs courage especially when the future is unknown.  Acceptance often the biggest step I try the best to enjoy the moment. realizing what matters must. 

"Wisdom is prudent strength"  - Being Mortal by Atul Gawande

Haiti and  had a walk and a visit with Gundy.  She gave me advice on cooking the best turkey!

Sandra and Randy dropped by with some more good advice.

I know I need to pray for courage as well as patience!

Off to the funeral now.


Sandra said...

Tapentadol, this is the drug I was telling dad about. Just had the name wrong of course

Sandra said...

Oh, and sorry I got a little bit passionate. I am sure when I am old(er) and have my aches and pains and have seen more doctors than I can count I will be reluctant do keep wasting my time.

Randy got canceled so he is home tonight. I will go sit with the pregnant momma cat who we have name Periwinkle and do my studying.

beth bennett said...

Thank you Sandra

I appreciate just sharing the worry a bit.

Dad does not want to talk about it anymore

and I must stop being tired,


'ove mom

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, you are always free to share your worry with me....I know it has been difficult for the two of you these last few months and living with chronic pain is extremely hard for both people....the key is getting the right drug to help with the pain. When carl had a lot of pain they gave him Tramadol and it is a narcotic...but a mild one that is very effective at handling pain.Carl has had six joint replacements and has suffered a lot of pain besides this, with living with rheumatoid arthritis.

I do hope Larry gets some help with his is so debilitating and so hard on the partner, too..I know, I have been there.

Feel free to email me anytime.
