Monday, October 5, 2015


This is 4 o'clock in the afternoon.  Haiti and I take a walk to the park.  Every afternoon there is a young boy about 10 practicing kicking the soccer ball into the net.  I admire his determination to improve his skills.

The fence is now completed so Haiti will be able to go out into the back yard again. 

"A man was riding his motorbike along a California beach when the sky clouded over his head and in a booming voice the Lord said:  "Because you have tried to be faithful to  me in all ways I will grant you one wish,"

"Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can ride over any time I wish"
 the man asked.

"That is too materialist."  the Lord replied.

The man thought about it for a long time.  "Finally I wish that I and all men could understand our wives.  How can we make them happy?  How can we understand their moods?  How can we know what they are thinking.?"

The Lord replied: Do you want two lanes or four on that bridge."
The truth is the same if we try to say we know God who is far beyond our understanding.


Sandra said...

The fence looks good, should stand up to any winter storms. Hopefully we dont have to put that to the test anytime soon.

I do not know, are we really that hard to understand?

beth bennett said...

No it just takes some effort.

The fence is very well made and should be done today.

Haiti is very curious about it all.

How are you doing with your studies ?

I plan to look through the toys today but will set them aside for you or Carol.

love MOm