Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Yes it is getting much cooler in the mornings here.

Kim and Haiti make a cute pair as they return from their early morning walk.

I intended going for a walk but got busy cleaning up and moving a softer rug for dad into the T.V. room.  Nothing seems to help but we have to keep trying.

Carol drop by for a visit and we discuss thanks giving which was one of a kind.  Actually the ones Carol does best.

Dad drove me to the church for our study on :Women of the Bible'  I do not like to drive if my head is a little fuzzy,

I think it is a good study when you leave laughing.  We have several ladies who could be stand up comedians.
Yes we do our readings but then all sorts of stories come to our minds,

Some are very sad while others are hilarious.  Our study is about affirmation and celebration of life in all its variety of emotions.  For us it is about travelling from the head to the heart.


Sandra said...

Why are you fuzzy in the head? Is the purple rug in the family room now?
I need to find some gloves to wear in the morning, I lost one at the end of last winter.


beth bennett said...

Yes it is cold enough for gloves. I have some somewhere,

Yes the purple rug is in the living room and will need to be vacuumed daily.

\maybe that will be my walk.

I do not know what is wrong with my head it is easier to figure out your heart!

love mom

Unknown said...

I don't like drive when my heads fuzzy either:)

Sounds like you have a great study group grandma!

Hope to see you guys soon!