Thursday, October 1, 2015


It was a real adventure to drive into the big city on such a beautiful day.
So many huge bigger buildings.
It is hard to image the Sylvia use to a  high place where you could dine in the sky!

It is amazing how tangles up a small recording wire can get sitting in a drawer.
I could not make so many knots if I tried very hard
Yes I am cleaning out drawers and cupboards, even some of the children's toys.  This great grama is fading away and not as much fun as the younger grandma's.

Dad is having a lot of pain and is discouraged which is understandable..  He tried blowing off the sidewalk and fell into the rose bush.  Actually he grabbed hold of it which was worse.  He got a bad prickle in his hand which went in real deep.

He  did decide to do some grocery shopping at least the buggy is a good support.  I was feeling extra tired and he loves to do a huge shopping.  I have been going over daily to get a few things but gradually you need more than a few.

I am still having pain in my shoulder.  It hurts to type etc.  I try to use it as much as I can.  It hurts to get dressed and to do housework.  But I think it will get better in time. There is lots we can do if we do it carefully and especially we enjoy going to parties.  Dad is always the life of the party with his unbelievable stories!

I did not go visiting so that is how tired I was feeling.  I was making some progress in untangling messes.  The good thing is I am slowly making progress.  I did plan on doing things in the yard but I took Haiti, who was here for the day, for two walks.  Kim is dog sitting in Chilliwack.


Sandra said...

Does not sound like much of a fun day.

Today seemed to drag on forever at work. It is hard when you know it is the last of the nice weather and you are stuck inside.

Don't forget I have a BLUE door. : )


beth bennett said...

I looked on face book and did not see a blue door.

I think Friday should be a better day. I want to try and

see if I can walk further but my body will let me know.

I think October should be good too!

love mom

Sandra said...

The door is not on Facebook, I had just mentioned it here.

nancy-Lou said...

AWE.....sorry to hear Larry's feet are so sore....must be awful when we need to rely on those feet to carry us around. What a bad tumble he had in the rose bush...prickles are my nemesis too. Nettles and roses bush prickles...ouch!
Sorry too, to hear your are very tired....I hope you both feel better today. Your painful shoulder must make it difficult to sleep....hope it gets better soon.

This 'getting old' is not for the faint of heart is it?

I find jewellery too, can get so tangled that sometimes I just give up trying to undo the chains.

I am wishing you a much better day today,

Love, Nancy

It is another gorgeous day...just wish I could go for walks with the dogs...but we are warned by conservation to be super it will have to wait.

ahh...a blue door...sounds very welcoming.

Anonymous said...

How brave of you to be tackling draws and cupboards something l do not enjoy doing but it does feel good when the job is done. l think my life is a bit like an untidy draw at present. There are so many things to be sorted out.Fortunately the family and professionals are very helpful and our church community and friends also .So we really can count many blessings . Love, Jane

beth bennett said...