Sunday, July 31, 2016


Today Rick and I are up early and go for a good walk.
We get home and dad makes breakfast.
Now it is very quiet as I wander around the house.

Praying for a safe journey home for
Cameron and Shandel and for Rick.

Seems a bit cooler.

Carol took the longer but more interesting route over to Susan's on the North Shore.  The streets seemed very crowded with tourist and shoppers.

There are always a few poorer people mixed in with the crowd.  Sad to see.  I am always reminded that we all have a story that shapes our lives and maybe they just took a wrong turn somewhere.

Carol asks me questions about directions but I am no help.  We drive down Granville and by Stanley Park.  It has been years since I have been over the Lion's gate bridge.

Sandra and Cameron have help from a three year old blowing up balloons.  She had great fun playing with them.  Sandra did the decorations and made up the game.  No, neither I or Carol or Rick won a prize but Chris did!
Our little helper decides Leah is not opening presents fast enough.  She speeds up the process by grabbing the paper and getting it out of the way,  We have not seen her since Leah's wedding shower and right now I have forgotten her name.

Shandel has a great time and Cameron was a good sport even coming.
This is Rick and Tasha and Chris. and Carol.
Tasha writes notes on diapers for middle of the night encouraging words!  Yes Leah is carrying  the baby far to low. She has a girdle thing that helps especially with painful walking with pelvic bones separating.  Both her and Craig are very happy but also a little nervous.  All our prayers are with them!
Sandra has been very busy helping with this party and visiting with Shandel and Cameron.

Rick is ready a book on prayer so he will have all the answers now.

Sunday morning we spent with Rick and Pat and John came over bringing jelly and vetables from their garden.  Very hard workers.

The "Yes Prayer";

Please show me You are there
when I feel tired and troubles.

Send troubled souls my way
so I can comfort them.

Daily I pray for your wisdom to guide my thoughts and help me do my best to serve and understand others.

Send me your tranquility in troubled times and calm through suffering and harm.

Forgive me my sins, when I fail to live by grace and because we all make mistakes may I always be willing to forgive.

Reveal the meaning of my life and reason for my troubles  and the purpose for this day and for the rest of my life.

-Taken from the book by Anthony Destefano

Saturday, July 30, 2016


Life is a series of a thousand little miracles.  -Greenberg
You are one and I  am one and we all our ones!
What is important is the amount of love you can accept from God, and along with that passing this love to other people.  Today we are surrounding Leah and Craig with love and thankful hearts knowing this little baby is a miracle too.
Julian of Norwich, a fourteenth century female English teacher mystic saw the struggles of life as coming to see we are "clothed in God's goodness".  There is a great pull within us to connect to each other and to nature and to vibrations of spiritual awareness.  We are all a collection of our own experiences of life.  There have been happy times and there have been times of bitter disappointments.

"Human joy and suffering in everyday life are always on hand to build and shape our outlook on life.
That is why the prayer of "Thy will be done" is so important as we leave our problems in the hands of our Creator.  At times life seems hopeless and we are helpless but if we can only keep trusting in the unconditional love of God a way will be found.  Not in a day or a month or a year but when the time is right.

Believing is not always easy.
And accepting change can be a miracle.
The game of life is unpredictable like any game where a team can be wining but in the last minute the other team scores and wins.  The losers never gave up.

I am happy to be attending this party for the new little one.

I am happy that my family loves and supports each other even when we do not agree but we can agree to live with integrity and honesty and  loyalty and love!

You are my miracles!

Friday, July 29, 2016


Meditation for me can partly be memory and also words that create pictures.
Times of pure silence.

I was thinking of the many family times we have had at the beach
a lot of them at Cultus lake.
There are also the times down at the beach.
Lots of good memories to meditate on.
I am meditating with thoughts of being at the lake.

"In the early morning mist I sense a stirring
in the stillness of the lake I felt
Your Calm.

A solitude surrounded by such beauty
spoke volumes of the mystery You are!

The sky at night wove more magic
the mired of stars in the deep blue sky
the milky way amid the splendor
spoke wonders of Who You Are!
A Majestic Presence.

You fill the sky with awesome endless beauty
touching a soul with such amazing Grace."
-author unknown
Church Bulletin
Thanks Jane 

Sometimes when you read something you just want to share it.

No meditating yesterday
too busy shopping.
Dad even got a new hat.
He believes one can never have too many hats!

Thursday, July 28, 2016


  I think that is dad walking away and manages to get to the car minutes before our time was up.  The ticket takers came driving by.
I think we all have experienced the unexpected that has forces us to change our plans.

I was up early as usual.  Dad and I live two different lives.  I am up and doing things usually a walk or gardening.  He starts getting active once he has read the paper etc.  Yesterday I had great plans to really get caught up on some gardening and had three projects on the go.  I decided to cut back a few flowers so ventured with my cane into my rocky front yard. 

Before I knew it I was flat on my face right between a rock and a big bush.  I felt very foolish.  I felt like the scare crow that is suppose to be on guard but is just a heap on the ground.  I was not badly hurt but very shook up.  I could not get up.

A neighbor man came along and persisted in helping me to my feet.  I was afraid he would fall.  It was better that he helped me than dad or we may have both been down.

My plans for the day ended with a sore shoulder and a bruised hip and rest in bed.

I am so thankful that this day is a new beginning and I have high hopes for a better day.

Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds and shine.  -Buddha

Use your inner light to light up the world with a smile or an encouraging word!

Today maybe shopping

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Yes I am finding I have to conserve my energy
so that I have enough to last all day.

I started working in our back yard instead of going for a walk.  What grass there is seems full of weeds and brown spots.

I was planning on bringing my friend,  Eve,
back after we visited Margaret.

I had planned to have a cat nap before we went but this did not work out.

We had a great visit. When you go to one of these places you have to have a code to get in and out so it is helpful to have some one along that knows what they are doing.

Everything went well until we tried to leave and kept punching in the code and nothing would work.  Finally some one who was coming in let us out but she gave us a funny look as we left.  We are two gray hair ladies who do not look much older than the ones we have been visiting. 

Nobody is perfect.
As long as we strive to be better
our imperfections are part of the journey,  -Demi Lovato

While I was out with my friend dad went shopping to buy me a new dress.  He did pick the one on the model and he actually picked out two and I like both of them.

His lip looks better so he is okay with going out in public.  Also it feels better too!


Mitch is very happy working outdoors for the telephone company, making good money and keeping strong.  He has also joined the ranks of the gluten free which is a huge challenge.
Great to see Shandel and Camron so happy and hear some of their futures dreams and plans. 

Randy and Sandra were also taking pictures.

Sandra the proud mon and amazing organizer!
We are actually standing in a wading pool with the sign behind us saying keep out.  It felt so good.

I guess it is never to late to be a rebel!

My morning began with a good walk meeting an old friend and it is great to have someone who understands some of the aches and pains of maturity.

At home there was an e-mail message from Hobey, Jasmine and Matthew.
Matthew will be celebrating his birthday today.

Ron Ateah phoned as did Rick and John and Pat. 

Kim dropped by with an Aloe plant to keep me healthy.

Dad wanted to take me out shopping for a new dress but I was ready to rest and relive my day and some memories.

I have stood up for what I believe in and lived a life that as meaningful to me
and in my small world tried to make life a better place.

Monday, July 25, 2016


Cameron and Shandel enjoy the pool, with Mitch, James and Mandy.  Randy was sitting by us relaxing when the boys grab him and the chair and he was enjoying the pool too!
Two sunburnt happy visitors with Daisy their dog.
Randy reveals his secret project to his daughter Mandy.

Seventy-nine years ago at 6 p.m, I was born at Kindersley Hospital
to my parents Elsie and Albert Bowron.  It was a Sunday!
I was 6 pounds and eight ounces.
I had a brother Brian 2 years older.

Yes it is my birthday!
I am excited about going to Queen Elizabeth Park!
We will be celebrating Shandel's birthday too.

"Be yourself everyone else is already taken.  -Oscar Wi;de

Sunday, July 24, 2016


                                        What a beautiful name for this community garden
                                                where we watched the play Robin Hood.
Somethings are hard to put into words but maybe pictures help you experience our wonderful day.

                          My heart would like to express with gratitude the love that surrounded me!

We meet Carol and Kim there after first joining a wedding at another old house and next driving to the beach.  This is when cell phones come in handy.  We are there to enjoy, and indeed we did. a play written and produces by a exceptional group of young people.  This was a story about Robin Hood.  It starts will his three merry men and women waiting to be hanged.

Before rescuing them Robin is caught and is only set free by the mean King.
He is sent to a distant place but along the way bumbling  along in their quest thinking they are going to be set free when  they find a princess for the King to marry.  We actually take a tour through different garden patches with wild flowers and vegetables and bushes and trees.

It was a perfect day sunny with a little.  Kim carried folding chairs for us as we moved in among the different paths where characters would jump out to kidnap the outlaws.  This had to be done in a way not to look like it was the king's doing because Robin was so popular will all the poor people.

Carol has her new camera taking pictures too.

Great fun.

There was dancing and singing and lots of laughter!  Robin and Maid Marianne.

Before you know it time to travel on to Carol and Panteli's to have a birthday celebration for me.
Carol had invited a wonderful friend, Joyce Manary whose husband had been a controller with Dad.  He has passed away.  Her daughter Carol was there too as she and Carol had gone to school together.  Yes there is one candle on the cake which I blew out to the tune of Happy Birthday!  Lots of storytelling and trying to remember names from the past.

Yes, sometimes dad and I need to step out of our comfort zone knowing we need the love and companionship of others.

"People need people
we are all in this together!   -Demi Lavoto

Time to get ready for church!

Saturday, July 23, 2016


I have changed my sleeping habits and am back awake early.  I do enjoy the early quiet mornings.

A early morning phone call changed our day from quiet to  fun and games.  Jazmine is here from  Quebec.  She is helping Desirae with the two little twins and an active 3 year old.  Her little boy who us 4 enjoys coming to our house and had fun blowing bubbles, looking at books and stickers. Yes we did spend the afternoon on the deck.  She is the oldest of five girls.  Dad and I enjoy their visits.

Today Carol and Panteli are  treating us to a play out at the heritage sight where they have a garden and then to their home for supper.  They have also invited some old friends that still live there when we did years ago.

Received some birthday cards in the mail with loving thoughts and kind words.  Even some new herbal tea to try!  Yumberry blackberry!  Yah!

Change is apart of life and for you Nancy it is the arrival of summer visitors with bad manners especially with their driving.  Thankfully you were not hurt but having to veer off the road like that with all the line up of traffic must have been very frightening.

You were asking about Gunty.  She is in the Nursing Home and her home is now empty and up for sale.  I only visited her the once as it is a fair distance to drive and very hard to find, and she does not know me and is failing very fast.  The family did not encourage me to visit.  I did help her through the difficult days when she lost her husband but things have changed for us both.

Change can mean growth and adjustment and life continues to teach us new lessons, some more difficult as we grow older.

Growing takes courage at times and inner strength and bravery. 

Dad's lip is slowly improving still with a little pain.

I guess we are never to old to experience daily challenges to change and that keeps the youth within us alive!

"Change your thoughts and change your life".  -Laz Tzu

Friday, July 22, 2016


                                          Yesterday was a definite sign summer is here.

Claps of thunder woke me up this morning and the sky is gray.  Some places will be getting rain but not here.

Yesterday dad and I had a smooth journey to the hospital and even got parking.  Dad's doctor is Chinese and very kind and very young.  The P.S.A. is the sign of cancer returning and his number is up a bit so he will go back in three months if the blood tests keeps getting higher.

Visiting the 5 story nursing home was tricky as they have numbers to punch to get from one area to another.  The elevator works only if you push two buttons.  We were pleased to see Margaret looking better even though she has lost her hair.  She gets around in her wheel chair very well and her room is very homey with pictures from home etc.

She was a school teacher and you can tell from the way she talks she still has the way about her.
Her future is uncertain but right now she is building up her strength.
A lot of walking for dad to do but he coped well.  What a gift to be able to cheer another person up.
A sense of humor makes the visit fun.

Yes each of us has our own struggles and for me a holiday was freedom from routine and sitting in the garden reading. 

"It matters not how slow you go, only that you do not stop."  -Confucius

Thursday, July 21, 2016


TA very talented singer and writer.his is the name of the record that Hobey Bennett the youngest son of Ken's first family., produced on his birthday.  His stage name is Hobart Curtis which was the middle name of my mothers and also Hobey.  The voice and music is good but I couldn't really hear the words.  Good on you Hobey!

I think this is a question we have all asked ourselves. 

Well the trouble with vacations is that they are over too soon but we welcomes this happy couple with their adorable little one.
This is Tavia and Shawn who came over to supper yesterday.  A happy occasion but I worried about having  enough food and we had far too much.  They are amazing parents but that time of day is his fuzzy time.  His name is Oliver.
The twins have arrived and are now a week old.

Tired to day but what fun!

Dad is off to the prostate cancer doctor as 2 this afternoon. 
Expecting good news.
We will visit our friend Margaret at the hospital while we are there.
Jane will be home to-morrow.

Yes I will take a picture when he is finished.

"If on the morning I walked on top of the Potomac River,
the head line would be
"The president can't swim."
Lynden Johnson

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


A quick walk over to the dentist and my partial was fitted in place.  I must have been nervous because I nearly bit his fingers.

I also had a good walk with Haiti and met a old friend who walks early in the morning like I used to do. 

Dad worked hard putting his brick pieces together and will finish it today.  He got so warm he retired to the shade deck to read.  He is reading Dark Assassin about a disaster that happened in London
in 1864 with the building of tunnels for a new sewer system.  Later he will come in and check the street names and any facts  he can on the computer.  Anne Perry is pretty good at getting her facts right.  Amazing how same problems crop up centuries later.

Carol dropped by to pick up Haiti and we had a short visit.  Haiti followed me around and had a nap beside the bed when I had mine.  Where ever I am whether cooking or eating there are always crumbs~

Jane is much better today but very weak.

Tavis and Shawn and baby Oliver are coming over at six tonight.

Ben  will be leaving for Mexico on Thrusday and Theres and Kim will be on Salt Spring to look after the farm while Ron flys back to Winnipeg Beah.

"The best portion of a good man's life is his little nameless, unremembered  acts of kindness and of love."     W.  Woodsworth


Tuesday, July 19, 2016


A very wise woman once shared with me that
when she asks God what she could do for Him
He said very clearly be my companion.

God has given us the gift of being able to
create, to visualize, to even imagine what
we see and hear and feel about God.

I believe we have a human ability to envision God if we are curious enough to make an effort.

There is no way to think of God without metaphors. A powerful mystery that can be expresses as a comforter, a law giver, a source,
a shepherd, a woman looking for a coin, a giver of life and creator of the Universe.

We all have our own views but it is okay to hear what others may think or believe as long as they do not try to convince you they are right.

I have changed my relationship with God over the years and when I read about the dancing presence I thought that is a good picture because God moves and is a joyous presence that delights in me.

For today I am off to the dentist to have my denture put in and will be taking Haiti for a walk even is it is still raining.

Dad is making a path of bricks that lead to the side gate.  He likes doing this but it is heavy work.

"We are put on this earth for a little space that we might learn to bear the beams of love,"
-William Blake

"Your only hope is to look up and see the Light of My Presence shining down on you."
Jesus Calling  - Sarah Young

Be curious as a cat who has to jump up on Sandra's lap to see what is going on.

Just received a phone call from Jane who spent the night in hospital with severe stomach pain and is now nauseated.  She would appreciate prayer.

Monday, July 18, 2016


It is always fun going to Sandra and Randy's
and having Carol there turned the conversation around to dreaming.

Carol has lots of imagination and loves to see others make their dreams come true.  They are planning a trip to Australia in the near future.

Sandra is dreaming of her retirement home in Spruce Grove but that is about 10 years away.  Sounds like a perfect plan to be hearer family.

Dad and I will have settled in somewhere else by then. 

I do not like your gate being open and footprints on the grass, Sandra.  It is a same but it seems we really do have to lock up our yards and homes.

Sometimes the answer to my prayers come from unexpected places in my brain.

Today it was "You are braver than you believe and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think."

Sounds like Christopher Robin talking to Poo Bear!

Sunday, July 17, 2016


Our bird house has become a feeding station.  It is great fun to see the little birds flying around.

I went to bed feeling very happy and content after my day of vacationing. 

Dad and I were both started awake by gun shots followed by a helicopter circling around and shining a very bright light down on the parking lot of the Safeway.  We heard one police car arrive and then there was dead quiet and about 10 minutes later the helicopter flew off .

Too close for comfort.

Took awhile for me to settle down.
  Anxious thoughts float through my brain.

Courage is needed in life to do any type of good, taking a risk, or to over come temptation or evil.

C. S. Lewis said that courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of virtue at the starting point, which means at the point of highest reality.  Courage is needed to overcome all the obstacles that like puts up in front of us.  In other words it takes guts!

Yes I often have prayed and still do:   God give me courage.

I think it would be a better world if people just left their guns at home.

Saturday, July 16, 2016


 Yes, I am on vacation.

First of all I am taking a vacation from the news.
It is all one tragedy after another.

I am going to sit on my front porch and watch
the birds and the bees flying to and fore.  I may read for an hour or two and let the dust bunnies chase each other around inside the house.

I am doing as little as possible and enjoying every minute.  I hope it gets a bit warmer but it is warm enough.  I can pretend I am on the deck of a boat wrapped up in a shawl.

The neighborhood cats stop to drink from our fountain and stare at me.  There was a new gray one that actually came into our house.  Sorry no mice to be chased I  have asked them all to leave.

We went to the library and I brought home two Anne Perry books, historical mysteries about
London in the late 1800's.  they can be a bit dark..  Also a Bess Crawford mystery about a nurse in the 19l6's.  It is written by Charles Todd. 

Early morning reading will take me on a spiritual journey about God and prayer and compassion.

"God cannot alter the past but historians can."  Samuel Butler

"When you have made good friends with yourself,
your situation will be more friendly too."  Pema Chodron.

Friday, July 15, 2016


Catching up on the visit of Carol and Rick and Morgan on Sunday.  They dropped in to cheer dad up and it certainly did.
This is the book that contains all the letters we wrote to Morgan about what a treasure she is to us all!
Morgan reading some letters to us.  This was during the visit last Sunday.
On Thursday I caught up with some visiting at the Seniors Home.  I met a new lady from Norway.
She lived a most interesting life growing up there.  She is younger than most people there but loves old people so she feels right at home.  She never married and has no family here so she loves the activities and talking to people.

I caught up with my brother Brian.  They drove in the rain and the fog to the hospital.
They worse part was the big needles they put behind his ear and in his jaw.  He called
a female a nurse which offended her as she was a doctor.  They were able to laugh about this.
They went really deep so I wonder why.  He is not in a lot of pain and they are glad to be home
and have it over with.

I had planned to catch up on my garden when my partial in my month broke so I rushed over to the dentist.  Is patched up for the week end but it will have to be sent away on Monday.  I was upset but I am okay now.  Fortunately the dentist office is open until Tuesday and then closed for 3 weeks.  I am glad I was not out with others when it happened.

Leah dropped by for an afternoon visit so she is always a cheerful visitor.

Never trust a man who says frankly or to be honest.
He probably is none of these things.   Roger Simon

I was thrown out of college for cheating on a metaphysics exam.
I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me.  -Woody Allen

Thursday, July 14, 2016


Kim dropped by to return my camera which
made it to the party.  Excellent pictures.

Dad and I were so sad to miss what was another excellent party.  The sun peeked out and there was a lot of splashing in the pool.  No picture of Ben and Justice maybe they were still diving and swimming.  Morgan stayed in a long time too.  Carol and Panteli had already left so no picture.

Thanks Kim!