Saturday, July 16, 2016


 Yes, I am on vacation.

First of all I am taking a vacation from the news.
It is all one tragedy after another.

I am going to sit on my front porch and watch
the birds and the bees flying to and fore.  I may read for an hour or two and let the dust bunnies chase each other around inside the house.

I am doing as little as possible and enjoying every minute.  I hope it gets a bit warmer but it is warm enough.  I can pretend I am on the deck of a boat wrapped up in a shawl.

The neighborhood cats stop to drink from our fountain and stare at me.  There was a new gray one that actually came into our house.  Sorry no mice to be chased I  have asked them all to leave.

We went to the library and I brought home two Anne Perry books, historical mysteries about
London in the late 1800's.  they can be a bit dark..  Also a Bess Crawford mystery about a nurse in the 19l6's.  It is written by Charles Todd. 

Early morning reading will take me on a spiritual journey about God and prayer and compassion.

"God cannot alter the past but historians can."  Samuel Butler

"When you have made good friends with yourself,
your situation will be more friendly too."  Pema Chodron.


Anonymous said...

Hope your teeth are easy to fix. Dad doing ok ? the USA Vice president is in town. Going to a cancer clinic. Last early shift tomorrow. Enjoy your vacation.

beth bennett said...

Thanks Ken.
I just need a new impression and am without
two teeth for several days.
Those early shifts are terrible
so good you be doing the last one.
How is Melina.
Dad is slowly getting better
but still lacks energy.
Take care.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Vacation...I wish you a relaxing time on your vacation Beth! Just close your eyes and you can be anywhere in the world! Maybe in France visiting the Louvre. Or in Hawaii, on the beach, listening to the rollers come in.

This is our busiest time of year and the time when we need to work hard to earn a living, when you live in a seasonal resort. Wintertime is our vacation time....and it is a long one!
Everyone hustles. People are everywhere...even coming out of the bushes from picking berries on our property.( not Roxie...she has permission to pick anytime and her pie was delicious.)

They ride bicycles right down the highway, instead of riding on the paved shoulder and there was an "almost" accident yesterday, when the large semi pump out truck had to slam on and hit the jake avoid killing a cyclist...he had no other option with on coming traffic...boy he was boiling mad.
There was a serious accident on the highway last week where two people were thrown from their vehicle ( there weren't wearing seat belts ) and one died, the other is in serious condition. The one person must have been hurled down the highway while bleeding out...I have never seen so much blood on the highway before...we seriously need a divided highway.

We are laughing at the chipmunks...they are having a scrap! One is very greedy and bossy. I put peanuts on our round patio table and the only way they can get up on it is to climb the legs and pop out the hole in the middle where the umbrella should be. There often is on waiting and scrap is on...big time! haha. I put the table, the fountain and the hummingbird feeder where Carl can see it from his lazy boy chair. He spends most of the day there and it keeps him entertained.

Had a super teens class yesterday along with one old friend who is about my age. She loves to come and paint with the teens...she is a kind and caring person and very creative. She works in a kiosk which is located along the boardwalk at Grand Beach...she wears long colourful flowing dresses, and lots of earings...and she is about 70. Together we started an artist's co-op store for the artisans in the area. It ran for a few years...but sadly closed. We couldn't find a good location to as out of the way.

I am glad to hear that Larry is beginning to feel a little better. Do you both take vitamin B12? Us older folks are often deficient in it and it makes one very tired.

Gosh we turned on the TV this morning to hear about another shooting of police officers in Baton Rouge....some are dead. I really am afraid for the Americans...there country is filled with hate and discrimination and it is all boiling over. Casey Ateah and her partner, Jim will be arriving here for a week and I look forward to hearing what they have to say about it.
It makes me very thankful to live in such a wonderful country as CAnada....we truly are blessed aren't we?

I love the photo of the orange nasturtiums. I grew them in a large hanging basket this year and they are sure pretty...The hummingbird moth loves them as does the hummingbird!

My zucchini are prolific I put a table out by the road with some small zucchini and cucumbers and sold them all! Now I have more along with some lovely will put out another table. The cottagers appreciate fresh produce. Next summer I will grow more...

Wishing you a great day today,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Nancy Life does seem a mixture of careless people with the caring ones.

Did you know Ron Ateah is coming there too?

I believe it is to remember David Ateah, who we did meet.

Yes we did meet Roxy too.

Nature sure is a blessing that we all can enjoy!

love Beth