Monday, February 29, 2016


Yes I had a very frightening experienced early Monday morning.

I was cleaning up the kitchen when Haiti was sniffing at the door to the laundry so I let her in where she started barking very loudly at the door to the garage.  My thought Oh No a mouse.

I opened the door and there was a man with his hands on the window sill of the garage window.  I did not know if he was trying to get in but that was my first thought.  I yelled for dad but what I should have done was let Haiti out but then if Haiti bite him would we have been in trouble.  By the time dad opened the garage sliding door he was running away with dad's tool kit with his drill set.  Dad jumped in the car and took off after him.  He actually caught up with him going through a walk way and tried to chase after him.  Later there where other things he had tried to take.

Your whole look out on the world changes and I feel suspicious of the people I see on our street and even at the store.  Dad and I both felt angry and victimized.

Things were even worse when dad went to the store to look for a lock for the window and was carrying a new drill in and left the car unlocked for awhile.  Later as we drove to the library we discovered in that time some one had stolen his GPS and charger out of the car.

What a day!

"There are things we do not want to happen but have to accept anyway"
Lessons are often learned with our mistakes and what we can learn from them.

To-morrow I will wake up with a smile on my face and a thankful heart especially for Haiti!


We all feel very at home at Sandra and Randy's home.  Leah and Craig are glowing!

We walk right in and are greeted by the happy black labs.

The new cat is lovely and dad is smitten but I am undecided.

Good to have Ron with us. 

Along way for Tasha and Justice to come too. I missed taking their picture.

Mandy went home on the sky train as she lives down by the water now!


Sunday, February 28, 2016


By boat and by car!

Sandra and Randy will be busy doing last minute shopping and preparing.

Ron Ateah arrived by ferry boat and Rick by car, I think. 

Coming to a big family celebration of dad's birthday and Carol's birthdays.  Others are contributing to the banquet Kim and Leah I know for sure. 
 It really helps when others bring things!

I am up early doing some cleaning up too in case anyone stops by here first.  Cleaning the bath rooms and the kitchen floor and the rug in the T.V. room.  There are always crumbs and dog hairs flying around everywhere.
Sticky doorknobs from me eating honey.  Can't blame the children any more.

Off into the light rain to walk with Haiti on the wild side.

I have really been looking forward to this party but at our age we never know just what we  may feel like.

From is blood test dad may have diabetes or something else that needs further investigation.  He has a headache and upset tummy to day.  Our plans to go early will have to wait for a light snack and a rest.
Happy Birthday to Carol as this is her day

Saturday, February 27, 2016


Too bad several people were sick but dad and I enjoyed the visit at Pat and John's home.  We have known Pat and John for over thirty years.  John went with Larry on a outreach trip to Nicaragua about that long ago.  They went on an outreach mission taking vitamins and other items.  It was a very hard trip with little sleep and rice and beans which are not your dad's favorite.

We met Pat who is on the other end and then Maurice joined our study group which was unique and included the minister who married Mary and Michael John.  The minister at our own church was very disagreeable.  Strange eh!

To answer Nancy we used to have confirmation classes which I thought Larry and I would go to after we got married.  Finding a church was difficult so it was several years later and after four children we found a church in Tssawwasen.  I got involved but Larry was a Christmas and Easter church goer.  Later he would be involved in the outreach ministry.

We started out in the United Church but later would be apart of the Vineyard Charismatic church and later the Mennonite Community Church.  Now we are back at the United Church and one of the reasons is the lasting friendships we formed.

Very creative and fun loving friends that have shared in our joys and concerns.  Both ladies have had breast cancer and have been loving examples for me of endurance and  lasting faith!


As I prepare my coffee and my toast for my prayer time I now like to think of it as a sacred time.  A time to communicate.  A time to trust
that His presence is with me.

Sharing communion at church is a sacred time,
a time of remembering,
a time of   recommitment,
a time of inward grace
a time of forgiveness.

A  time of beauty that reminds us that God is pouring out His blessings on us all. 

A rainbow that is a sign of the promise of forgiveness compassion and love!

My small acts of kindness and generosity become sacred as I give to others the love God has poured out on me! 

There is a quiet beauty in the fall as the leaves flutter down from the trees but if they are like me they may wonder "How do you give shade with so much gone"  -The Sacrament of Letting Go

The sacred can happen at any time, at any moment, when we invite awe and holiness to be present.

Sat. dad and I will be celebrating birthdays with our friends at John and Pat's home.

Friday, February 26, 2016


I arrived home after my morning walk with Haiti to find dad just leaving to drive to the blood clinic to get his test for diabetes's.

 We have the nosiest vacuum, which sounds like it could explode at any moment,  which can get on your nerves as I go from room to room.  Best to do it when dad is out.

After two hours I decided I had better walk over to see if he is okay to drive home.  Walking by the houses on our street was the mail person  delivering the mail I heard many dogs barking as she came to their door, and protecting their homes. 

Dad was very calm and relaxed and would have to be in real bad shape before letting me drive!

I was starving by the time we got home. I reached  up to take a plate down and a second one fell and hit me on the nose.  I got mad at it and threw it back into the cupboard.  Fortunately no plates were broken nor was my nose.

After eating dad took off to Home Depot which I found surprising.  He wants to fix the back pond.  He does like a project. Haiti, tail wagging and looking so proud, goes with him in the car. I am ready for a nap.

 Lets stop beating about the bush and get to the heart of the matter. Evidently the Jewish tradition is about blending heart and head.  I was thinking about old age and realizing the heart of the matter is really about losing our lifestyle more than all the aches and pains and tiredness.  Not being able to do what we use to be able to do and not to be able to eat what we used to love eating. We can feel these at any age, sick and tired,  especially when raising young children.  Parents just never get enough sleep.

In a baby the heart beating is a very important thing and it is something to be thankful for as we grow older!  An amazing sound and sight that Carl experienced.  Dad and I both have had that test.

"Dear God,
May every phase of my life be blessed,
May my thoughts of fear not block Your miracles.
May I age into a deeper love.
In this, as in all things, dear God
may the world not blind me to You."

Marianne Williamson.

"Prayer seeks a heart sense of the Heart of God -  Prayer Timothy Keller

Thursday, February 25, 2016


Reliving adventures through story telling.

This is where dad had his first try at flying a float airplane and nearly crashed it into the trees! No he was not alone.
Thankfully the instructor took over.

We are all unique and our stories influence those around us just like the stories Jesus told had the power to set us free to all be story tellers!

"Myths and stories create a map of the "world within the world" an inner train you negotiate  more through intuition, imagination, and indirect ways of knowing than through direct perception."  Gifts of the Dark Wood.

So why doesn't God speak to us today like he did in the past reading the sacred stories of scripture.  Yet we have all experienced times when we have changed direction for unknown reasons and then you end up being in the right place at the exact moment that you should be there.

There are moments when I meet someone on my walk that I know I took the right path at the right time.  No this is not earth changing but I always feel that each person I meet or talk to during the day is important and I can listen and learn.

Dad is not living some of the great stories that he has experienced in the past but we know that we have learnt that life is precious and everyone has a story to tell.  We relate because we have experienced similar adventures.

Thursday is a sale day at the drugstore dad and I went there again today.  We each had a small basket and things on our minds (me with my list) that we wanted to purchase.  It is a small enough store that dad usually is able to find me quickly.  Once his feet start to feel very painful it is time to leave.  When we arrived home we sat in the sunshine on the front porch and just enjoyed reading and dad doing his puzzles.

Friday dad has his fasting blood test which he has made an appointment for at the blood clinic.  They have a new way of doing things but the atmosphere is not the same friendly one it used to be.  While he is there I will make a lot of noise catching up on my vacuuming.

A authentic leap of faith that may be life changing is often taking each day step by step so that in looking back we can see the pattern of our journey that has taken us to where we are right this moment.  It often does not seem like a leap but there are times when our emptiness an be filled with joy by the news that others tell us.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Leah and Craig are expecting a baby.
What a miracle.!
What an answer to prayer!

Craig and Leah have been struggling with poor health compounded by two bad car accidents and also the loss of job opportunity's  as a LPN.  Craig is working at an Auto Repair place and Leah has taken on a job as a porter in the Children's hospital.

What an amazing couple!  I know who to call on if I need some leaves raked!

I am reminding to renew my own commitment to the processes of life.  Their lives as mine has been building up to this time that holds promise especially because we have been through what we have in our past.

Our study at church was on emptiness and I was thinking about some of the sad experiences that we have shared with them.  Now it is wonderful to share this new life that renews all our hope for the future!

We discuss intuition as the breath of the Spirit moving upon us.  I remembered many years ago late in Nov. wrapping up all my Christmas presents.  It is not unusual for them to be bought but usually I wrap them Christmas Eve. The next day we had a call that Rick and Leah had been in a bad accident so they would not be coming down for Christmas.  Dad and I quickly packed up and rushed to Kamloops to visit them.  Thankfully the presents were all ready to go with us.

They both sustained head injuries and we saw them in hospital.  They both recovered.

Life is full of journeys  like the one that Mary and Michael  John are making to Kingston in nasty weather.  Yes our prayers are with their family.

I know that in difficult times I have had to depend on a power greater than myself!

"We experience the paradox of God's fullness in our emptiness." -Gifts of the Dark Wood.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016


It is amazing how much water there is lying around on the fields.  It makes the birds and the ducks very happy as they glide around so gracefully.

I find making a list in the morning very helpful and at the time it makes me feel a serenity knowing we have a plan.  No we do not always get done what we hoped to do but one by one things get finished.  Right now there is lots to be done in and outside the house.

My morning was spent cleaning while dad rode both his indoor and out door  bikes.  Time sped by and it was time to go to his eye doctor appointment.  This time they had the time wrong and had our appointment as 3:30 not 3 as written on our card.  They had kindly let an older lady have an emergency appointment which was good but made the wait a long time. 

They made dad a make up appointment for the one he had missed which is good.

Dad's eye is looking much better but we do not know just what it was.

Afterwards we had a visit with a dear friend from the church who has had a lot of health problems.  She had a fall and hurt her head and consequently a concussion and now shingles.  Not easy getting older.  She had two delightful little dogs who we enjoyed petting but Haiti was not happy when we arrived home with strange doggie smells on us.

It does feel good to come home and relax after a busy day.  I do some reading sense a peace knowing all is well for another day!

Are we a spiritually starved society as my book suggests which causes the loss of our feelings of serenity?

Monday, February 22, 2016


Too busy to even read my blog!

Actually dad and I have had a busy day too.

Dad did go to the doctor and she gave him the same advice I gave him.  Keep it covered and leave it alone especially in the middle of the

Foggy walk with my walk with Haiti.  Sun was lovely and warm so I did a little bit in the garden and actually cut the grass.  Something I could not do last fall when my neighbor cut it for me.

I had a quick visit as the Seniors Home.  Joyce is still in the hospital I think she may have fractured her hip.  The people at the home do not appear to know anything.  Some one was visiting the new lady so I did not stay.

Both dad and I went over to visit our neighbor Mary who turned 95.  She is a bright and cheerful person so a joy to visit.  I think they got her 95 balloons as they filled her kitchen and over whelmed her, and sitting  sitting room.  There were also some glorious flowers which pleased her a lot.

I am trying to hide some flowers among the rocks to bring some color into the yard.

As dad and I continue to read our Lenten study I think what it is saying,  is for us to be Real!
Real and fully alive as we find our true path! 
Some tough questions about real experiences we have all had!

Boy I am really tired but time for one more walk about with Haiti.
No sign of Haiti.  She usually is beside dad if he is watching T.V. or on the computer.
Found her in the laundry room where she must have followed me in and I shut the door on her.



Sunday, February 21, 2016


Too bad to hear Matthew was having nightmares and hopefully he will sleep better tonight.  Being a parent is exhausting that is for sure!

Dad used to have nightmares and still like most of us worries more at night.  His eye was a bit swollen last night and our friend Vera phoned to say he should go to the doctor. This was after asking what was the matter.

He was too tired to go to church today.  I went and stayed for the annual meeting afterwards.We are learning about being in the dark places in our lives which can be caused by many things like losses, fears and doubts, insecurity and failure and exhaustion, stress at home or work.

I like this story from our book.
Two rabbis  were discussing how as human being we connect to God.
 Are human beings separate from God so that God feels totally other than ourselves.
Or are we connected to God in such a way that human beings might be considered manifestations of God

They travelled a great distance to ask the great and wise Rabbi Eliezer who was a man of prayer as well as wisdom. 

The first man told of his belief about the separation of man and God.
The rabbi gave it great thought and with great excitement declared that he was right.
The second man made his case for the manifestation of God within us.
Again the rabbi gave it great thought and with excitement declared he was right.
Then both protested that both of us cannot be right.
Again he gave it great thought and stood up and announced they were right again.

It appears that our relationship with God cannot be grasped using tools of logic and argumentation.
God is first to be experienced beyond our knowing  but as we realize our emptiness we can then be open to experiencing God in our hearts with the grace of his love and compassion.

The story was told about going in the wood and trying to find an animal but if we crash and make fearful noise we will never see anything But if we still quietly and wait patiently we just may see something go hoping by.

The picture is from our Sat. drive to Langley!

"God created  the world out of nothing
and as long as we are nothing,
God can make something out of us"
.-Martin Luther

Saturday, February 20, 2016


What a perfect day for soccer. 

We have been to lots of soccer games in our life time, starting way back with Ken.  Now the fields are huge with about a dozen fields all in the same area.  In the past we often have parked in the farthest corner from the game we want to watch.

Today was different when what to our amazement we had the good fortune to park only three car parking spots away.  What a surprise to see the green team right there before our eyes and Ben in is dark goalie uniform.  Sandra, Theresa and Morgan were already there cheering on the team.

The sun helped keep the chill from the wind at bay.  It was good to have a chat and get caught up with family news, like who is pregnant and who is not.  Sandra is even in doubt about the cat they are boarding until she has babies.

Animals are wonderful companions and it is tempting for us to have one of our own but I am not prepare for the extra responsibility until I know just how our health is doing.  Dad is not improving and I am still hoping for some help with my problems.

We are thankful for days like this with not only an exciting game but lots of interesting news.

 Ben's team won 2 to 0.  I think he made some heart stopping saves that I could hardly believe.
He puts all his mind and energy into the game with a real competitive spirit.  Reminds me of others and of his grandpa Larry's hockey playing days.

We had the good fortune to grow up in the time we did and have loving parents.  Playing sports added to our enjoyment. We have been blessed with our loving family and enjoy our times with them!

After the game we headed over to The Old Spaghetti  Factory.  The children were then in a hurry to attend birthday parties at a place where they have lots of trampolines so it would be a fun place.

Sorry to have missed the phone call from Ken which I think he made from work or on  his way to work.

I am planning to attend church Sunday morning.

Friday, February 19, 2016


Clumsiness and awkwardness take over both dad and I as we are walking.  Yes a cane is helpful and even more so a walker.  Dad and I are hoping to go and watch Ben at his soccer game to-morrow.

The grass at our park is soaking wet and my feet make squishing noises with each step.  I wonder what the field will be like where Ben is playing.

He has heard that he is on the short list for the goalie position to be trained for the White Caps.  He is very excited about missing a day at school and playing a game for the White Caps as goalie.  We are proud of him and all the extra effort he has put into learning how to be the best goalie.

All our grandchildren and even the great grandchildren seem to be growing up so quickly.

Kim and Carol leave at 3 in the morning for Mexico and they are both excited about the trip.  Kim is sleeping over at Carol and Pantli's to night and Panteli will be driving them at that awful hour to the airport.  Kim is sure she will sleep all the way there and they arrive about 6 the time there.

Haiti has been allowed to stay with us and I promise to be extra careful when I am walking her.

The picture is from our church where the theme is finding the gifts in the uncertain and unexpected circumstances in our lives.

"Get over your clumsiness and inhabit this world with your fullest self."  Gifts of the Dark Wood.

I do not want to dwell on past or present uncertainty even though I know it is part of life.

I know how useless it is to worry about things we cannot change and even more useless to worry about what has not even happened.  Love happens in unexpected ways and is the bridge that helps us cross over troubled waters.

Uncertainty allows for the freedom of new choices when we can realize what we have done wrong or failures in our past that have taught us the need to trust and to hope for renewed strength when we have felt completely drained.

"The Spirit has taught me, Eric Elness, about the gift of uncertainty that teaches us to let go of all concerns but the ones we truly face at this very moment, thus  giving us the power and courage to face them when the time comes."

Thursday, February 18, 2016


We treasure the memories of many happy family times together.

 Dad and I had a quiet day except for the time I spent looking for spiders and cleaning our bedroom again.  This is a nasty bite dad has right beside his eye and maybe a visit to the doctor would be a good idea.

We enjoyed a family birthday dinner at a Greek restaurant with Carol and Panteli and Kim.  We missed Oliver and Sandra who had other appointments.  There was two tables one for four adults and the other a long table for a lot of children.  They were at home there and where very well behaved.  The cutest part was they joined in singing Happy Birthday to dad!

Carol and Kim will be packing, tonight and to-morrow, to get ready for their trip to Mexico. 
They always have a fun time together.  Kim will be taking Haiti to stay with Panteli which I think is too bad as we will miss her.  It will be interesting to see if I do my walks without her.

Dad was pleased with the many phone calls he received and his present of a new footstool. 
Antique so a good match for him.  We are back home again now and ready to wind  down a very happy day and many years of special memories all wrapped up together!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Happy Birthday Dad!

Yes your dad and I have life a life time together
travelling over some rough spots and gliding and coasting along others.  It is very special to have some who shares your memories and experiences.

I think for both of us life is a challenge right now.  I truly believe that dad survived many near death experiences for a reason beyond our knowing.  I am thankful he is still around and we truly need each other for one forgets and another remembers.

Growing up 80 seem so old and yet dad is now turning 81 and still busy writing his blog that may turn into a book on police who are afraid of risking their own lives to save others who are being victums of mass shootings.

Dad, of his own free will and of sound mind, accompanied me to the study today more of a book study than a Bible Study, at Colebrook.  Yes here we are in another study group but one where there is lots of freedom and lots of  laughter.  Our group has grown from a small group to one of about 20 when we are all there.

Yes, I am thankful for all the groups I have been involved with and the wonderful friendships.  One couple offered us a place to stay where our house was over flowing at Christmas time.  They brought me meals when I was recovering from my lung cancer operation and have faithfully prayed for one grand child after another.  Their faith encouraged me to question my own and find out what I truly believed.  Their love supported us in times of troubles.  They made gluten-free goodies for me too! I am so thankful for friends and I know this group will be a wonderful learning experience as well. 

So we are still learning the lessons of life and discovering more about each other.  The important things is to still be young at heart even when our bodies get new aches and pains every day.

Life is precious!  Happy Birthday Dear.  Thankful for all the good times flying through stormy skies with thunder and lightning trying to find a run way, or driving through the mountains in a snow storm although the worst was driving through a blizzard in Saskatchewan from Regina to Saskatoon in an old car with a poor heater.  There was also the terrible heat of driving with the heat on in 80 degrees temperature because the engine was over heating.  That was on a trip from Van. to Saskatoon.  We had tried to get it fixed before we left which delayed us an important day as his mother was dying. You are the best husband as well as a good driver!

Carol and Panteli have invited dad and I out for dinner with Kim and Oliver to celebrate!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


A sunny day is like a gift from heaven!

I had a quick walk early morning walk to the park with Haiti of course.  Had to hurry home to drive to White Rock to see the doctor.  On the drive there small ponds had turned into lakes brimming over with water.  I think a boat may be the next requirement and Larry could give that a try!

Whoops!  wrong doctor and wrong day.  The appointment was for Larry's eye doctor which I had written down correctly but just read it wrong.

We were meeting Lois for lunch so at least we had good reason to be there.  She is a great talker and told us a few tales about being an air-hostess.  One of the girls was sent to charm school as she was a little bit too charming and greeted everyone like long lost pals.  She was a character and came back just the same!

A day to be thankful for the gift of grace.

"A heroic life is not about moving from temporary failure to lasting success, but allowing your next struggle to become your next source of revelation.``  Gifts of the Dark Wood by Eric Elnes.

This is the book that I am off to study this Wed.

We all have our strengths and our weaknesses.  When we recognize this it is then transformation can happen.

Monday, February 15, 2016


It rained hard all day.  No there was a little break when I had a walk with Haiti. Then dark and rainy again.

Basically I take responsibility for my own spiritual growth and the many different churches have helped me in this.  There was a time when I wanted to discover ore about the charismatic gifts so I left the United Church for the Vineyard Church.  Every Sunday there was time for a ministry of laying on of hands and prayer ministry.  For me it was healing.  We made many good friends there and it was there we met Cathy and her family of girls.  Every where we worshiped we always made friends and felt welcomed.

Nancy I will tell you about our church.

We have a lady minister who is very creative and very spiritual.  She has a beautiful singing voice and likes music played a little upbeat.  It takes awhile to get used to her style of worship and her teaching.  She is just with us until June when we decide what to do about our church which has been declining in numbers.

We light the Christ candle at the beginning of the service.  Anyone can volunteer to do this.  Often the young children do it.  There are about 6 or more children at a service.  They are from babies to teen-agers.
But the majority are older folks with big hearts!

We have music and readings to start with a prayer of confession.   Then it is time for the children to come up to the front  and hear a story and then they leave for a Sunday school lesson.   There is always a scripture reading, done by one of the members with a reflection on the readings following.
Yes there is an offering which also includes food for the food bank.
Next time is set aside for anyone who wants to light a candle and say a prayer for some one in need.
We close with music and a prayer of dedication to send us forth to do the work of the church in our own families and community.
It is all a little different right now.  The church is decorated to look like a woods with trees and a water fall.  The tree is brown paper.  The water bubbles over the mighty rocks.  There are foot steps to follow and small rocks for the children to chose from. I will take a picture next Sunday.

The theme for Lent is "The Dark Woods".  Our Bible study group will be doing questions from a book of that name.  I think that our group will have to be a little more serious as the minister will be leading with others encouraged to join. 

"True faith always seeks to understand."  - St. Anslm

Sunday, February 14, 2016


May be just maybe, whether we like it or not. we are connected to something much bigger than ourselves.
Maybe that some one is forcing us to be real, by challenging us to see the world and ourselves differently.

 Some heavy clouds are hanging over us and then dumping big loads on top of us.

So far I have to find a clear spot in the day for a walk.

Dad has a nasty bite beside his eye.  We do not know what it is from.  Maybe he should go to the doctor but we will see how he looks in the morning.  It was swollen up and red.  Kim and I think it may be a spider bite but it looks nasty.

Meanwhile I am washing all bed linen and all his clothes to prevent anymore bites. 

Fundamentally it is not about who is right but confronting Our negativity and affirming Our goodness and a deeper affirmation of life!


Yes this is an old picture of another rainy day at the soccer field a year or so ago.  Those big umbrella's would be great about now.

I hesitated about writing as my brain is a bit sluggish and my computer is rebelling.

I hesitated about going to church as I was leaving late again!
I had to dash in the door through the light rain.  The service was started and I was not surprised to see a small number on the miserable day.  I was glad that I had gone as I enjoyed the service.  It is a bit different that previous but It is good to be open to change so that we do not get stuck in a rut.

I appreciated our mister sharing some of her past experiences of times when she was unsure.  Even when we feel that we are in a dark cloud scripture as well as the
experience of others reassures  us  that God is with us and sometimes out of failure we are forced to be creative.

God's love is stronger than our fears.  Hopefully we may have a life-changing experience like our minister, Kimiko.

Dad had brunch ready when I arrived home and I was very thankful.

It is amazing that Jesus prepares the disciples for the dark days ahead when he will be delivered to the priests and he will be condemned to death.  They will mock him and beat him and crucify him.  The amazing truth is that he will come alive again.  This is in Mark and Luke and Matthew.  They did not understand and scripture says the meaning was hidden from them.

If they heard and understood I would think they would hesitate to continue to follow him.

May the Spirit of the Living God make known to us God's presence
Will go before us
Will be above us
Will be hind us to give us a push,
Will go beside us to be our strong and constant companion.
by Marcia McFee 


Sounds like every one is busy.

This is my valentine card to every one in our family and to those who read this.

.I am sorry I did not mail out cards this year.
The past few weeks have been busy for me which does not take much to make my life confusing.

Sat. I get ready, digging out the toys from the crawl space and dad goes off to search for a chocolate  valentine.  He always remembers the year or two he was too poor to buy one.  Now he can but I cannot eat the chocolates as they are not gluten-free.

He drove in the car to Choices where the manager found him a cookie and a brownie.

I cannot wait to gobble them up.

Sat. was a busy day we had a delightful visit with Desirae and her little daughter Elise.  I ended up giving her my one card and she was so excited saying "look mom I got mail, I got mail!"

Our visit with Sandra and Randy was fun as usual but they did not stay too long.

After everyone left Glen dropped by to watch the game.  No chips but we did find him a beer.  He was happy as they do not have a T.V. and we like the company.

Happy Valentines day!  !  !

Friday, February 12, 2016


A very dark morning with heavy rain.  I will postpone my walk.  Kim has taken Haiti and Haiti is now being dried off thoroughly.  I do go for my walk with her later in the morning with a few raindrops falling on our heads. 

Dad's feet are extra painful and we do not know why.  It will be a quiet day for us.  I am finding it hard to be creative.  I guess  I will blame the weather.

Fortunately the sun did shine and I took a picture of the little bird house Ben created with Dad looking on.  What a great experience for them both.

I am hoping that on my faith journey I will continue to be more compassionate and sensitive to others.  This not easy some days.

I believe it is important to take the ordinary and dull moments of our lives and some how cerate meaning and hope for others.

There is a power within each one of us to create beauty in our different ways. 
Even a smile can lighten up the day for some one.

God reveals His infinite skill and imagination in all of Creation.

Des is coming to visit us to-morrow (Sat.) bringing  her little four year old.
The girls are very good at keeping us in mind.  This is a good way to get to know the little ones rather than at a big birthday bash when there are lots of people and little ones running around.

Thursday, February 11, 2016


I was really surprise when Kim started talking about what to give up for lent.  I do not remember discussing this at all except with my friend Jane.  It was an important part of the religious year for me growing up.  Tuesday was always called Shrove Tuesday a beginning of a time of giving up some thing we value and also a time for more spiritual reflection.

Kim is going to give up watching T.V. and I will give up candy, which is hard for some one like me with a sweet tooth.  Actually it will be better for my teeth!  !

After going for a walk with Haiti and a trip to the library I had planned to go to the home to visit Joyce, my friend from our church.  She is about 94 or more,  but enjoys a visit and also a little prayer I say as we hold hands before I leave.

It had been an effort to go and I hope I will find the answer for my fatigue but time will tell.  I am always so pleased that I have made the effort.

Anyway as I stepped off the elevator there was a younger lady sitting by the fire place and I think to myself she is younger than me so why is she here.  I felt drawn over to see her never knowing what to expect because some people just want to be private or some have mental issues.

She ended up really impressing me.  She had been operated on for a brain tumor and the result was months in hospital and getting rehab.  She woke up with a blind eye and paralyzed on her right side.  Her hold life as a happy capable individual had changed.  She said that she had made up her mind that life was not through with her yet.  She had learned to accept her limitations and make the best of things.  She is only 69.  I believe it took a lot of courage to keep on doing her therapy so that she was now able to walk after being totally immobilized.  She walks with a walker now. It was hard work and I told her I admired her strength and courage.

Came home and are old friend Lois Dunlop phoned to up date us on her life.  Things have not been easy as she is without a home.  She sold her home in White Rock and tried to buy in Van. nearer her two girls but found the prices way too high.  She felt very stress with no place to go, but for now is renting in White Rock.  We will have a visit with her on Tuesday when we are there.

Hero's and happy endings without pain and struggle, really are fairy stories. 

Right from the beginning of scripture we see the messiness of being human; and yet I still look for answers in scripture to give me hope and strength!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


I felt very bad I missed my Bible study again.  Hopefully I will have some answers soon but I am not too hopeful.

It was raining lightly when we arrived at the hospital, right on time, but the sun was shining when we came out so that was a nice surprise.

A handsome young man who did the test made me feel comfortable and the time flew by.  When I had finished the nearest bathroom was occupied so he ran around knocking on bathroom doors to find an empty one.  I made it.  I had only had a small glass of water knowing this would be all I could handle.

Meanwhile   Dad was sitting in the waiting room reading the "Soul On Fire."    This was after he had been asked to moved from the ladies only seating which we did not really understand.  Actually the sign was hidden behind our seats so we had not noticed.

It is a book of many stories and one will see different truth in the words.  Some of it is humorous in the way they talk to God.  Like the man who tells God that he is force to be a sinner so that God in His goodness will have the work of forgiving him.  This is not word for word because I cannot find it again.

Another young couple goes to the Rabbi to ask him to pray that they will have a child.  He tells them he will only pray if they pay him.  Too much the couple reply we will go home and pray for ourselves.  The Rabbi smiles as they leave I believe because this is the answer he wanted.  Dad did not see it like that.

So as we age and change there can be a new authenticity that comes with an inner knowledge.  Exercise of the body as well as the mind keeps us aware that the joy is that after all these years we have finally grown up to be a child again full of wonder and laughter!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


This is the pond at Sandra's house.
The ducks come swimming over hoping to be fed but the sign says "no feeding".

Today was another gorgeous sunny day.  It is hard to remember what day it is because Monday seemed like Sunday.

Dad was energized to go for a bike ride after helping in the garden a bit.  Gardening is sure hard work and soon takes all my energy.  The nice thing is talking to a few neighbors as they walk past.

Every little bit counts and the outcome of any task attempted is as it should be.

Going over to the store was one long line up after another.  I was picking up dad's prescription and this one lady was talking to the druggist for about 15 minutes.  They may  have been phoning the doctor but I think they should have taken her to one side.  Frustrating as I did not even have to pay.

Wed. is my day for an ultra sound.  The only worry is the amount of water they will try to make me drink.  Then we rush from the hospital in White Rock back to the dentist where dad has a good time chatting even with his mouth full.

"We would never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world."   Helen Keller


"Faith is what I call a mind-mover" but not in a sense that we can logically prove any of it but a surrender of the heart to the light that reveals truth.

The mind wants to believe what is true but their are many voices that speak into our lives.  I know what I feel when I pray or meditate and it brings me peace.

Faith changes our emotions from sadness to joy from doubt to reassurance.

"Faith, Hope and Love, the greatest of these is love." 
1Correnthians 13:13

"Where ever you've  been and whatever you have done so far, in your entire life was building up to this present moment.  Now is the time to burst into new greatness."  A  time for me to admit to past failures will a willingness to learn from the past.  A time to say I am not giving up just slowing down.
Try to positive and look within to see your own goodness and without to see the goodness of others.

I am reading two positive books about aging.  "The Lucky Years How to Thrive in the Brave New World." by David B. Angus.  And  Age of Miracles" by Marianne Williamson.

I confess that I see a lot of meaninglessness and corrupting patterns in our world today.

Marianne says that no matter how low you may have descended in God there are no limits to how high you can go.  You are not too old.  You are better than you know." 

Most of the time most of us have done our best.
Looking back its who you loved and who loved you,
and the memories you share.

I am also trying to read a few bits about the Jewish faith upon which Christianity is grounded.

"Light the candle, the aura of the candle defines a sacred place
the life span of the candle defines a sacred time.
Close your eyes and bring the light into your heart."  Kabblists,  a Jewish Faith.

Lent begins on Wed. which is a time to explore our faith past and present through the mind of Jesus.

Monday, February 8, 2016


Thankful for a sunny day and time being with family!

Kim is off to help at the children's festival where she can be a kid again.  Lots of fun and games.

Dad and I are thankful for our family, near and far, and times spent in having fun and giving and receiving hugs.

I especially remember the children carrying a pail full of tadpole's home  from the pond across the street.  Two oldest carrying the pail and the two younger following behind.  I cannot remember what happened to them did they end up in the kiddie pool we had?

Lots of fun time at the beach where I put Ken in the wagon and we walked all the way to the beach.  Once there the children played happily while I lay on the blanket and read.

Christmas and birthdays were fun but more work.

Families teach us to love unconditionally and share the joys and sorrows that we all experience.  As I pray for them I picture them in my mind.

Love answers the question why we are here.

Love is a choice knowing we can make a difference in the lives of others,

Love is forgiveness that restores and heals.

Love means living in a way that brings light and hope in all our journeys.

My church has also been like a family to me, helping me to connect with a loving God, father of all, 
helping me to feel loveable and welcomed.  Encouraging me to live in a way that demonstrates a belief in the goodness of others!

Sunday, February 7, 2016


Judaism speaks of the soul as the spark of God.
This soul has existed from a time before our awareness.
We question because we want to know more than we can see and hear,
more than the Reality we exist in.

I spent a tiny bit of my Sunday reading some of my old notes and also from these two books.  I love the Jewish humour that comes through in these writings.

"Souls on Fire" according to the New York Times Book Review should be read by everyone with the existential question. which is to say every sensitive and thinking human being......It is a work of genius and of extraordinary man's effort to humanize fate.  This book is a delight and an adventure.

Hasidim was a different perspective on religion which is presented in the deeds and stories of the ancient rabbis.  In their communities no beggar went hungry on the Sabbath.  It was a time of physical and emotional insecurity, fallen idols and the scourge of violence, just as it is in our day.

We have a purpose here to learn how to give and to receive with grateful hearts and souls on fire!

Gonzo Judaism is a bold path for  rewiring an Ancient Faith.

A columnist for the New York Magazine writes Rabbi Niles Goldstein reminds us that we need not enter a synagogue to live Jewishly.  We can do it on top of a mountain, at the theatre or in a drink-fueled discussion with friends.  This book should be read by Jews of all ages, "who are willing to buck prevailing trends of our culture and seeking out the true anchors of our great faith".

So between doing laundry and cleaning out my closet and with the T.V. broadcasting the curling and then the football I did some reading.  Dad watched both and is almost back to normal.  Normal?

Dad and I are looking forward to spending the holiday for family day at Sandra and Randy's home.
Kim is working so she will not be joining us.  Her and dad are both cutting out sugar.  She has a calendar on which they can put stars?  I am watching from the sidelines.

Reading page after page I am touched by their simplicity but also the beauty within story after story.

"Time is a gift and a traditional Sabbath  is not a day to do, it is a day to be.
A day for family time to bless one another."

Welcome the Sabbath by enjoying food and drink and music!


To feel confident is to feel happy.

No so easy when you realize that you need to join the slow walkers club and the slow walkers.

"We cannot live the afternoon of life for what was great in the morning will be little at evening.   and what was true in the morning  will at evening become untrue.
-Carl Jung   Stages of Life.

In the morning I can wake up confident of the things I am going to accomplish but by evening  I look at the unfolded laundry and sigh.  I know it is the important things that count.  I did visit Jim and he has been moved to the forth floor where all the people have mental problems.  He is in a small corner in his room listening to the radio that we gave hi years ago and I am so thankful it still works.
Sitting in a dull drab room with a confused room mate and not even being taken  down to the dining room.  Fortunately his daughter is visiting more and even took him out to MacDonald's one   day.  He shows me articles written up about his great achievements as a Helicopter Pilot.

He smiles in the photos with great confidence.

Glen, Cathy's husband came to watch the hockey game with us and have a good chat.  Exciting news that Des, is having twins.  Her husband is having trouble with this knowledge but I am sure confidence will come as they cope day by day.

Dad has an upset stomach so we are not going to church today.

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Hope is born on wings of faith and trust.

Hope shines like  through like the sunlight chasing the clouds away.

And when a whole of sunshine like today happens you just enjoy it.  I had a short walk with Haiti in the morning and am making new friends at the dog park.

Hope is seen in the change of the seasons and the tiny, tiny little buds on the trees.  New growth is always amazing.

More birds are flying high in the sky above us looking for  places to build their nests.

Hope produces faith to strengthen and keep us resilient. 

Dad has found new energy to fix the ceiling and it is looking excellent.

I am deciding to end my visiting career  at least for now.  I am going to tell Jim that I will not be able to come for awhile and I have told Joyce I will not be coming regularly.  Jim has his daughter who is coming to see him and Joyce has a son who comes often.  I enjoy the visiting but like today dad will drive me as it is further away. 

Joyce was a faithful church going so my visiting will be as a friend from church.

My purpose is to discover new purposes and writing my blog is one of them.

It is important we do what we do for the right reasons.
I am hopeful!

Friday, February 5, 2016


Yes Carol and Panteli came with us to view Gannie's head stone.  A wet day for this solemn  and dignified viewing.  We appreciate Panteli and Carol being there with us.

Imagine all the changes she has lived through.  I wish we had asked her more questions.

She had many strong opinions about life and the care of children so she could be difficult at times; just like we all can be.

Raising children is a challenge to us all.

I am reading about a couple who even though they were nearly fifty adopted three children from Haiti.  This gave them another view of life different than the one of successful business people.  Their story is in the book "Both Ends Burning."  Craig and Cathy's heart were touched deeply when they saw the first picture of the little girl and even more so when they flew to Haiti and visited the over crowded orphanages.  Two other children ended up as their family.  The adoption process had been difficult and very expensive so now they are working at changing the restrictions and regulations that caused them so many headaches as well as heart aches.

They were already involved when the earthquake happened in 2010 and were able to bring many children into a safe place into families who really wanted them.  They sacrifice their time together to return to Haiti and continue their new purpose in life.  They tackled these problems with as much hard work as they had done their carriers.

"It has given our life a different dimension rather than just playing golf and living in our own little bubble."    -Craig Juntunen

We can view our lives from the past or be open to viewing our future as still meaningful just by our example and our faith in each other and in our family.