Sunday, February 21, 2016


Too bad to hear Matthew was having nightmares and hopefully he will sleep better tonight.  Being a parent is exhausting that is for sure!

Dad used to have nightmares and still like most of us worries more at night.  His eye was a bit swollen last night and our friend Vera phoned to say he should go to the doctor. This was after asking what was the matter.

He was too tired to go to church today.  I went and stayed for the annual meeting afterwards.We are learning about being in the dark places in our lives which can be caused by many things like losses, fears and doubts, insecurity and failure and exhaustion, stress at home or work.

I like this story from our book.
Two rabbis  were discussing how as human being we connect to God.
 Are human beings separate from God so that God feels totally other than ourselves.
Or are we connected to God in such a way that human beings might be considered manifestations of God

They travelled a great distance to ask the great and wise Rabbi Eliezer who was a man of prayer as well as wisdom. 

The first man told of his belief about the separation of man and God.
The rabbi gave it great thought and with great excitement declared that he was right.
The second man made his case for the manifestation of God within us.
Again the rabbi gave it great thought and with excitement declared he was right.
Then both protested that both of us cannot be right.
Again he gave it great thought and stood up and announced they were right again.

It appears that our relationship with God cannot be grasped using tools of logic and argumentation.
God is first to be experienced beyond our knowing  but as we realize our emptiness we can then be open to experiencing God in our hearts with the grace of his love and compassion.

The story was told about going in the wood and trying to find an animal but if we crash and make fearful noise we will never see anything But if we still quietly and wait patiently we just may see something go hoping by.

The picture is from our Sat. drive to Langley!

"God created  the world out of nothing
and as long as we are nothing,
God can make something out of us"
.-Martin Luther


Sandra said...

Sorry, I did not read the blog yesterday, right after the walk Randy shooed me out the door. First stop the Home & Garden Show, then off to North Vancouver where he bought a car, then over to see Mandi. Then he dropped me off at home to start the fire (it was so cold and rainy as we were driving home it is all I could think about) and he did a bit of grocery shopping.

Is dads eye still bothering him? Is he going to the doctor? It is so close there is really no reason not to go.


nancy-Lou said...

yes, for sure, Larry should have that bite checked...being in close proximity to his eye. Go, Larry! It must be pretty sore.

Poor Mathew, having nightmares...they are so real to little kids. Hope they go away.

so glad you are able to extend your walk a little further, Beth. I am going to start walking daily with the dogs once this cold weather is gone. It was too cold for them after they were shaved down when they were groomed. Especially their paws.

Those were interesting stories from church, Beth...the Rabi one was very good. That is the great wonder, who is God? Right? Do you think when we die and go to another life somewhere we will find out the answers?

There was a large black wolf in our neighbours yard last evening... unfortunately, they feed the deer and it attracts the wolves. So we have been going out in our fenced back yard with our dogs. The snow is pretty high and we worry that the wolves may be able to jump in from a snowbank so are going to shovel around it. I am not afraid of the wolves...have met them on walks...they are more afraid of us...but when it comes to our pets...well they have taken quite a few.

One of our neighbours had his new snowmobile or (sled) as he called it, stolen right out of his yard the daytime. He says they came into his house and took the key...but I think he left it in the snowmobile and is covering up so his insurance pays. Anway, these type of things don't happen very often out here.

We are off to Winnipeg again tomorrow, Carl has a nuclear heart scan.

wishing you a great day,

Love, nancy

Anonymous said...

Should be the last hot day of summer here . 39C . I woke at am and it was already 28c. Melina working tonight . May eat out as its too hot to cook inside. I start a run of late shifts on Thursday.