Monday, February 29, 2016


Yes I had a very frightening experienced early Monday morning.

I was cleaning up the kitchen when Haiti was sniffing at the door to the laundry so I let her in where she started barking very loudly at the door to the garage.  My thought Oh No a mouse.

I opened the door and there was a man with his hands on the window sill of the garage window.  I did not know if he was trying to get in but that was my first thought.  I yelled for dad but what I should have done was let Haiti out but then if Haiti bite him would we have been in trouble.  By the time dad opened the garage sliding door he was running away with dad's tool kit with his drill set.  Dad jumped in the car and took off after him.  He actually caught up with him going through a walk way and tried to chase after him.  Later there where other things he had tried to take.

Your whole look out on the world changes and I feel suspicious of the people I see on our street and even at the store.  Dad and I both felt angry and victimized.

Things were even worse when dad went to the store to look for a lock for the window and was carrying a new drill in and left the car unlocked for awhile.  Later as we drove to the library we discovered in that time some one had stolen his GPS and charger out of the car.

What a day!

"There are things we do not want to happen but have to accept anyway"
Lessons are often learned with our mistakes and what we can learn from them.

To-morrow I will wake up with a smile on my face and a thankful heart especially for Haiti!


Steady-as-rain said...

Oh dear - how dreadful!

Did you contact the police? Warn the neighbours?



beth bennett said...

No Rick dad did not want to inform the police but we will let the neighbors know.
Good advice.
Hope your drive home was uneventful.
Nice to see you.
love mom

Sandra said...

Sounds like a pretty depressing day. Maybe you should actually start locking your front door, even when you are home. That is good that you had Haiti to warn you, but it is good you did not let her chase the man, not so much because she might have bit him, but more so that he might have hit or kicked her.


No, they will not be able to do anything, but they track these things and if there are 20 people in your neighborhood having minor break ins they might add an extra car in the area.

It might save someone from even worse thing happening, like what if mom confronted the man and he punched her or pushed her down.


Sandra said...

Looks like you can do it all online.

Sandra said...

Oh, on reading further I think you still need to call in.

larry bennett said...

A nice young man came by - mom may go look at pictures

nancy-Lou said...

Well that sure was an awful surprise for you Beth. I am glad that he wasn't aggressive towards you and chose to run. Also glad to hear that you reported it to the Sandra said, it will help them solve other crimes in the area too.

Too bad someone stole things from Larry's car too. The number of people using illegal drugs is on the rise and they are desperate to steal and sell to get money for the drugs.

Our age group is far too trusting. We come from a different time where we didn't lock the house doors...even at night. We always left the keys in our vehicles....but now..we must be a lot more vigilant and a lot less trusting. Really sad isn't it? So be sure to lock your doors and secure your windows.....even in daytime. Maybe get an alarm system for the house.

We will be doing the same thing!

Good girl Haiti! isn't is a good thing she was there?

Our nephew's garage was broken into and they stole his new snowmobile, tools and a tablet. Our area has been targeted lately with some bad dudes who are driving around in a noisy truck in the wee hours of the morning and stealing.

Also they have done two home invasions in broad daylight.One man was sleeping on his couch in the afternoon and they entered the house, stole his laptop, phone, expensive jacket and other things ...all while he slept.

There is a gang on the reserve who are terrorizing the local people there as well as doing a lot of crime etc in the beaches area. The RCMP know about it and are watching them closely. Sure hope they can arrest them. people on the reserve said don't fool around with them, they will think nothing of shooting you. We have many friends on the reserve and quite a few are employed in this area. Awful for them too, to be so worried.

Tired tonight...we had to leave at 6:45 am. Carl had prostate surgery this morning and is doing well. They kept him overnight. I will drive back in to Winnipeg tomorrow and pick him up. He looked amazingly good after the surgery. The spinal didn't work so they ahd to put him to sleep.

Take care, my friends and be sure and lock your doors and your car too!

Love, Nancy