Sunday, September 29, 2019


      Yes we had a quiet day just being thankful that we have made it through a difficult year.

We started out with big plans.  How about a drive to Bridal Falls was dad's first idea.  I said well maybe just Fort Langley?  So we drove to White Rock to have a quiet lunch and then I stopped in to see my fiend Joan.

I should have paid more attention to the sign in the door warning of sickness.  There was a lot of cough and even Joan had a nasty cough. the worst people were quarantined in their rooms.

I believe this year is full of great possibilities.

Each morning a day to welcome a new day of new beginnings.

On Monday dad goes to see the eye lid specialist.  We do not know what to expect.

The building is right beside the place where Vera is in hospice.  She is failing but still has the odd time when she is alert enough to talk. 

A brave young woman saw how the dying were suffering and she started the Hospice movement,  Her name is Dame Cicely Sanders and she believes we need to take care of the dying with special care and attention.

A quiet day with a beautiful sunset.


                                       No greater joy than spending time with our family.  
What a surprise to have Theresa and Ben waiting at our house when we got home.  

Ben had been playing soccer at U.B.C;
Play against Salt Lake city and won!
He will be traveling again soon.
Thurs shares some of the news about them moving to the Island.  All their plans seem to be failing in place.  They are an amazing family.  Keeping busy.  We will miss them but plan to enjoy many more happy times with them all!

It is our anniversary today.  No greater joy than finding some one to love and start a family with.

It was a lovely fall day on the day of our wedding.  We were both a little nervous and excited to be moving to Vancouver where dad would start his career as Air traffic controller and I would become a mom of our four children.

My best friend from Saskatoon, Lynn Holland, was the maid of honor.  She made her own dress.  The other two girls were my best friends in Regina.

I certainly remember how happy I was and full of excitement.

We had many lessons to learn especially about unconditional love.

I have had to learn to love myself just as I am and not compare myself to others.

We had many great adventures driving back home to Saskatoon and then Calgary and also to Edmonton.  

We also had adventures flying in his small plane to see the Dominican Republic and the Bahamas as well as short trips in Canada.

We are challenged to live life with joy and thankfulness.  

"Effort leads to grace"
Henri Nouwen

We are going for a drive to celebtate.

Friday, September 27, 2019


                                            Waiting for these leaves to turn color.

Waiting for a phone call back from Lorraine, Vera's daughter to let us know if she is up to a visit.

We know the answer when Vera phones to say she is not doing well.  She can barely talk.  We tell her we love her and she is in our prayers.

These last months have been like a gift of grace that enabled her to enjoy visits and our friendship.

Her daughter is with her now and her sons and grandchildren will be with her.  We know this time was coming and it was time to say good-bye.  There was an unspoken understanding that goes deeper than words.

We feel very sad.

We watch some CNN and then I read and rested  a bit,  before taking Spencer for his walk.
It seemed very cold and windy.

I remember the difficult time of seeing my mom so incapacitated by her stroke.  I remember she seemed very unemotional and distant and the failure to be able to talk made visits difficult.

Our visits have made me feel introspective about the past, thinking about mom and dad,  and the sadness and grief through many difficult days.

The past has gone and now we face the future with the strength and courage of all the love we have shared
\Waiting to celebrate our anniversary

Thursday, September 26, 2019


The blessings of journaling.

I have found it a blessing to write my thoughts and my prayers down in my daily journals.  I call it praying with a pen.  I also like to look up quotes to put some of my thoughts on my blog.  I do like reading comments of what you are doing too!  I am always pleased to see that people have cared enough to read my words about what dad and I are and I are doing.  

So at times it has been putting down the hard stuff but it was a healing thing to do.  Looking back I can see prayers that have been answered in unexpected ways.

Spencer and I had our walk around the neighborhood and dad had a bike ride in the park.  We are thankful his shoulder is better.  We did shopping but as usual I forgot something, so it will be back to-morrow.

We end up tired and weary but also happy and content.

I am thankful.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


            Mushrooms are popping up all over the place.  Different shapes and different colors.

The raccoons are tearing up the lawns looking for grubs to eat.  They sure can make a mess.

Every morning Spencer and I see the children going to school.  They are laughing and talking and enjoying life.

Everyone who meets Spencer thinks he looks very smart and healthy.  We have a longer walk in the morning and then a short afternoon to the park.

Early in the morning a long line of bike riders went by with a police escort.  Maybe it was a Tour De Delta.  Very exciting to see.

We got invited into Kim and Hamlets for supper but dad has pulled a muscle in his shoulder and he is in a lot of pain.  He and Spencer hung out together.  Both have been very quiet.

The study at church was poorly attended.  Our lives are changing and attending can be harder.
I tried to read with my glasses on, forgetting I now do better without them.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Theodore Roosevelt

Where ever your neighborhood is.


It is no secret happy stories help to make us feel happier!

Kim is in demand for substitute teaching.
Can be stressful at times/
Hamlet will be starting his practice in Nov.
Waiting for Kim's interview down east to allow her to live in the States.

Carol won a scholarship to go to Portugal.  It was not a secret but we just found out.

We have been invited back today for them to cook us supper.

Dad is riding his bike now that the weather is mild and sunny.
He has discovered a secret rock smooth enough to sit on in a quiet place.

I will be going to Jet lag Bible study with my good friends.

"Put your troubles in your pocket with a hole in it."
-un known

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


                                              Do we have an appointment with destiny?
We went to Northview Golfcourse for a late lunch.  I thought the leaves would be more colorful.  It is a beautiful place where you feel calm and peaceful.  The dining room was quiet with only one other table being served.

Dad had a salad! ! !  You may have to read that again.  He felt so much better than eating fish and chips and feeling stuffed afterwards.  We both realize how important the food we eat is for us both.

Both dad and I have eye appointments in Nov. and Dec.  They confuse us by changing the dates.  We are pleased that dad will be going the end of Sept.

We had a long talk with Cathy our old friend from the Vineyard Church.  She is busy writing her Master's.

I was touched to hear she is now visiting a old man who was living in the streets and after having a stroke has been place in a Nursing Home near her.  She said that she had been impressed by the visiting that both dad had done in the past.  She had even gone visiting with me once and the experience touched her heart.

Dad took Spencer out to go pee last night and they both stand and look at each other.  I tell him he hast walk along a bit.

Dad put cheese in the mousetrap and Spencer was curios and set it off.

Spencer usually gets up with dad but he is slow this morning.  We worry about his cough.

"Grace wears down the face we wear to the world and our masks are removed slowly as we walk in faith and in trust.

Monday, September 23, 2019


"We enter the sanctity of our being in the simple moments of grace that live in all we do and all we are."

Yesterday was not a good day.

The heavy downpour of rain.
a scurrying mouse started me in the laundry room.
a barking dog
a headache
a back ache
worry about dad not feeling well.
unhappy with my blog so changed it
all in all I was miserable.

Thankful today is a new day and is is not raining at the moment.

I will wake up Spencer and off we go.

"Gratitude opens us to grace."

Sunday, September 22, 2019


                       Sunday morning thoughtfulness begins with prayer and thankfulness
                                                          This was taken yesterday! !

"It is not our job as parents to toughen our children to face a cruel heartless world.
It is our job to raise children who will make the world a better place, less cruel and less heartless."
-L. R. Knost

This what dad and I have accomplished and we are thankful for our children who are all kind and caring.

We are here in the here and now to love the mystery of love that brings light into our hearts.

It is always a joy to eat together so dad and I were very happy to be asked out to the White Spot at lunch time.  We arrived late but our order arrived first.  Even the waitress laughed about it.

Dad seemed to order the wrong things again and his stomach re-acted last night.

We went shopping to the Thrift Store later in the day.  They have a lot of interesting things but we do not really need anything and we have to sort through what we need to get rid of.  I bought two books and dad bought two mugs.  We felt tired so we headed home.  Spencer was so happy to see us as we were to see him.

We will be off to church but decide it is raining too hard for a walk.  Spencer agrees.

I am thankful for the good friends I have made there.

I am thankful for the healing prayers we say for one another.

We are all very different with different backgrounds and experiences and personalities
We have different gifts to share to show we care.

Yes I am being thoughtful.  Maybe even mindful.

I did not get to church afterall.

Saturday, September 21, 2019


Life is like the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.
Crowfoots last words  1890

It is not easy to visit our friend Vera who is dying but we are happy we are able to be with her for short visits.  We know she likes bright colors so we put on the brightest pinks and yellows.  We phone before we come because we know she likes to be sitting up in her chair and she always greets with a brave smile and a loving heart.

"Our life is a short opportunity to say yes to love."  -Henri Nouven

We come home and talk about the death of our parents and for lives we lived with them.

Yes life lives on after death.

Death is a gift we receive at the end of our journey.  Our tasks have been completed and it is time for others to carry on.

We do not want to be a burden to our families but we are thankful for their love that gives us strength and hope.

Friday, September 20, 2019


                                                Embracing life is a choice.choice.

I ask myself if I am making the best choices I can with each day I am being give?

Am I being faithful to the teaching of Jesus and the teachings of my church"

I am thankful that our church gives to the poor and needy by giving donations of time and money.  They have raised funds for flood relief while still caring for those near by through giving food to the food bank.

My church community has brought people into my life that want to help and want to keep learning how to best follow the example and teachings of Jesus.  I am more of a Mary now than a Martha.  Both are needed in this day and age. 

I am thankful for hose who have studied theology and are able to give me deeper insights into the heart of the scriptures.

I am thankful that I can pray for others as they also pray for me.

God does not answer all my prayers but he will show me how to be an answer to the needs of others.

Today we are visiting Vera.  She is thankful to have her daughter Lorraine at her side.  She is receiving medication to keep her pain free.  She is getting weaker but still able to be cheerful.

We are looking forward to sharing an early Thanksgiving dinner with our family at Sandra and Randy's home.  We will meet Maxwell the newest fairly member.
I support a charity that helps supply food for those who live on the streets.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019



It is easy to see the signs of fall with the rain and dull dreary days, the flowers are dying and the leaves on the trees changing colour.  Today the sun is shining and it brightens up our day.

There are signs in our bodies, that is dad and mine, that old age is creeping up on us.  This is tough to admit but with hearing loss and changes in our eye sight we have to adjust.  Night driving is difficult.

Thankfully Spencer was wide and awake and ready to go for a walk in the morning.

He snuck out the door when dad went out and starts walking away.  He will not come when you call him so that is annoying.

Dad went to Home Depot and then worked on the front steps.  Nice to have a sunny day.

Our day takes on a pattern of daily routines.  Shopping, cleaning. eating and cleaning up again.

"Prayer is the best path to both humility and holiness."  Abba Poemix

The purpose of prayer is to help us see the signs of a spiritual reality all around us hlping us to change.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


                                          A heavy morning rain.  I went for my walk alone,
Spencer did not want to wake up which worried me.  Thank goodness we had the vet appointment.
She thought he looked very good so that was reassuring.  It is hard when a dog or a child cannot tell you if something is wrong.

I think he was just feeling old.  Something like me and dad or should I say dad and I?

Carol invited us again but dad was worried about his stomach and did not feel up to driving in the rain.

We will go to the Health Food store to-morrow and find out about magnesium.

Embracing life means making an effort to keep on trusting that the sun will shine again and we do not need to worry about getting old as it happens to all of us. 
As long as we can do our best to do the important things in life and keep smiling!

Monday, September 16, 2019


"The question, the primary question, it is not about what you do with your life (as important as that may be) but rather something much deeper who do you become while doing it?

It is a question of your character rather than your career."    Steven Chalke

We all have heard of the Nobel Prize.
Alfred Nobel was born in 1833 and when he turned 29 he was devastated  by the death of his younger brother and four others who were killed in a nitro-glycerine explosion.

After hard and work and study he invented dynamite.  He went on to make a multi-million dollar business.

Later he stopped to reflect on his life, as there was a lot of criticism of what he had done, and now how he wanted to be remembered.  He changed his will to leave 250 million dollars for the creation of the Nobel Foundation to those who have conferred the greatest benefits on mankind.

In a less serious tone Spencer is a bit of a character.  We are learning to figure out what he is backing about.  He barks at the refrigerator to say he is hungry, he barks just to get our attention and has now found he can look out the little window in the front door to watch for us to come home and he e barks when we leave but I hope he does not bark too long.  He is know learning we always come back.

Dad and I worked in the yard cutting and trimming the grass.  It turned out to be a very pleasant warm day.

Today dad drove me to White Rock to visit Joan and her friends in the Care home.  It breaks my heart to see many of the people there so helpless and hopeless.  Joan is overjoyed to see me and I even make her laugh.  I promise not to stay away so long next time.

Carol had left a message about coming for supper but we did not listen to it until we came home.

Spencer goes to the vet at 11 to-morrow and we did to get some food afterward.

It is good at the end of the day to have things to smile about and be grateful for.

We certainly have lots of characters in our family which is great


                                                The last time we were in White rock.
                                                       So many good memories.

Sunday was a day for memories as we had a visit from a minister who had grown up in Colebrook Church.  I would not have recognized him but I would know he looks familiar.  I was amazed he remembered me.

The message of his sermon was about moving forward into our future and discovering more about the inner strength we carry from our past.

Scott shared many memories of his young life in our church and mentioned that he had enjoyed the time when Larry Bennett had taught him in Sunday School.  Too bad dad had not felt up to going to church.

The stories in Scripture teach us lessons of the past, especially the weaknesses and failures of many hero's.

It is now the time to create new stories even as we face the future with some anxiety.

Love lives on in each one of our hearts! 

Saturday, September 14, 2019


Two of the kittens try to sneak up on Spenser who is afraid of them.  He is even more afraid of Missy the bigger and older cat.  it was a fun time.  We enjoyed the visit with Sandra and the tasty matrimonial cake.

                                                             Kittens are adorable and curious.
Lots of happy faces watching all.

We allow Spencer to sit on the chesterfield but I too am a light sleeper and would worry about him sleeping on our bed.

He loves to go in the car so we have a new harness for him to sit in the back.  We just have to figure out how to put it on.  Maybe we can get him a cushion to sit on too.

He tries to sneak out the door to go for a walk by himself.  Yes he did make it once and two neighbors brought  him home.

He now has his favorite chair in the bedroom to sleep on as well as his litle bed.

We go for one long walk in the morning and a shorter one later in the day.  He gets up with me but then goes back to bed.

We are happy to take this little guy who was abandoned in to live with us. 


We live in a world of great beauty but also of great suffering.  Every relationship will always have great meaning because each one of us is precious.  Every relationship takes effort.

Dad and I leave in the morning to visit Vera at the Hospice.  A world of pain and suffering but also a world where there is compassion and caring.

At the front door there sits a lady with no legs in a wheel-chair.  She helps the people who come to the front door who do not know how to open it.  She is able to tall them all you have to do is open it and then the next feel doors will have buttons that need to be pressed.

A simple act of kindness from a woman of courage and strength.

Vera is sitting up in the chair and greets us with a joke.  She tells Larry she expected him to be wearing a pink shirt.  She loves bright  colors and she has lived a colorful life.

We talk and laugh for a while and then she starts to fade and feel dizzy so the cheerful nurses come to put her back to bed.

Both the lady at the door and Vera remind me that laughter and joy, compassion and gentleness and truth still have meaning in our lives.

Life takes effort especially when one is facing suffering.

Human relationships are important as we share time to be with one another.  We all need to feel loved and we all need a helping hand at times, especially when we are suffering.

The gift my church has given me is the gift of authentic and honest friendship even with our imperfections.

This is true of the relationships in our family.

Friday, September 13, 2019


Some times the world seems a bit crazy 
even up-side down.


Carol and Pantel's canoe turned up-side down in the river.  You would think there would be enough room for two canoe's.  The water was cold and it was tough trying to get back in,

Dad and I struggled to put on Spencer's new rain coat.  Did we have it up-side down or inside out.  Spencer did not help as we refused to co=operate with us.  He refused to go out in the rain.  We left hm at home and went into have a visit with Carol and Panteli, Hamlet and Kim, Ben and Theresa.  Ben was flying off to some soccer tournament.  They came him a last minute message.

Dad took him for a walk when he got home.  He sure had to go pee.

Churches that were full of people have now become very empty.

The cross upon which Jesus died reveals a God who suffers with us and enables us to make sense of the mess that makes our world seem up-side down!

Jesus came to heal and guide us into the truth that touches our lives  in different ways!

There are many religions with good messages that teach us to live with humility and kindness while continuing to search for the truth,

Why is Friday the 13th been called unlucky.?  That is superstition!

One little dog has turned our life up-side-down!

Thursday, September 12, 2019


There is no question that Spence loves his walk and loves to meet other dogs.  I enjoy walking him but last night after Bible study I was too tired so I asked the young girl Cloe across the street if she would like to walk him.  She walks with her friend who has a little bull-dog.  I guess I could offer to pay her.  I forgot to give her a dogie bag but she knew where to find them.  Her mom Amie walked with her so I think she would not be allowed to walk alone.

A Good thing for a mother and daughter to do to ether.  She walks her to school every day.  Either her or another mother.

I know people question the value of going to church.  Our church is full of caring people and I have made good friends there.  There is a special atmosphere that to me feels like it is a safe place to be and I feel very loved.

My church has more questions than answers so I have to keep thinking.

I have been blessed to have the support of my family, my friends and my community.

At our study group our answers can all be so different.  We have heard the same sermons and met together for years but we still have different opinions.  Sometimes that causes clicks to form so that is not good.  There have been issues but it is a time to respect the opinions of others.

Our lives are lived on different levels.  We have the experiences of our own story and we develop our faith through asking questions and seeking honest answers.

It is all about the movement of the spirit that can awaken us to a higher power that knows the answers that we have not figured out yet.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


These trees may not be useful for giving fruit or building a house but they are useful because their roots provide stability.  They give shade and beauty.  They are useful in different ways.

Being busy and active creates feelings of usefulness but my life has changed and is slowing down.

I can remember as a child being told to make yourself useful.

Wards can be useful to help us gain knowledge and understanding.

Words can be useless when we try to change each other.

"All we have to be is what we are."

Our study group starts to-morrow.  It is good to get together.  It is hard to get back into trying to answer the questions in our book.  It is useful to share our opinions and our difficulties.  Every person answers from a different place in their life and there are no right or wrong answers.

We welcome the ebb and flow of each season of our lives that will continue to change us.

It feels like fall and the colors of the leaves will gradually change.  I am thankful for each sunny day.

Monday, September 9, 2019


                                   A heavy rain made a lot of noise in the early morning.

                                    Dad is complaining I am turning up the T.V.too loud.
                                       His hearing must be better than mine.
                                         But if I put mine in the T.v. is too loud for me.
                                     I am thankful most of our problems are small.

Aneta came by to say good-bye as she is moving into town to-morrow.  We volunteered to look after Lucy her dog but another family is going to do that for her.  A stressful day for her and for Lucy.  We will miss both of them.

I have found most dog walkers are friendly and now with Spencer I am making new friends.  I ended up taking three walks today.  A short one with Spencer and then my longer one and then another one with Spencer.

We left the T.V. on when we went out today and he was happier.

Noise can be a distraction especially when I am try to quiet my brain but it is also good to be able to hear the sounds of life all around us.

We did not have supper with Carol and the gang as dad did not feel up to going.  He had plans to ride his bike but he procrastinated until it was too late.

God is the presence I need to hear as the source of all goodness and strength and stop listening to myself!


It is a big adjustment having Spencer follow me around every where.  I am trying to get him to understand the word stay when I am going up and down the stairs.

We are so happy he likes his new bed.  He now knows he cannot sleep on our bed.  It is raining very hard and I do not know if I should take him out.  He has a little coat but it is a little big.  We will do a short walk to the park.

It was great to have Carol and Kim and Hamlet attend church.  It was a happy service about choosing life and our attitude when we have to make adjustments.

It was wonderful to have our friends Jane and Ev join us at church for the special tea.  Jane has had to make so many new adjustments moving to the West Shore and then her husband Jeff passing away.  We miss each other but at least we can keep in touch by phone.

I am up early as usual because it is so much easier to write and pray when it is quiet.  Noise can be so distracting.  Trying to quiet my mind is very hard.

"Silence is my salvation"   writes Thomas Merton.

"My life is listening and God's life is speaking into that silence."

Saturday, September 7, 2019


We arrived late for both events.  Randy and Sandra were a big help in smoothing the way to adopt Spencer.  He has been through a lot since he has been at the shelter and everyone there really loves him.  We will have our hands full making adjustments. He likes our yard but he is barking when ever he is alone.

                                              Spencer was ready to leave and start his new life.

We were also late for Ophelia's birthday party at the park.
She was happy to see us.
She has fun playing with her cousin.
Her long dress does not stop Opejia from running and climbing.

He makes a new friend with Astrid.
She leads him around all over the place.
Astrid bumps her head and gets a little coudle from grandma Germaine.

A long day for grandpa Rick who drove down and back all in one day.

Dad was ready to cme home before the present opening and the cake eating and happy birthday singing.  We say good=bye to Lean and Craig and Susan and Germaine and husband Willey.  
I was not happy with a lot of my pictures but this one is okay,

Astrid is a great dog walker.
A happy birthday for Ophelia

We arrive late and leave early but we where there and enjoyed the visits we had.

Now I am wondering if we can teach an old dog new tricks.


Spencer has captured our hearts from the first time we saw this little guy behind the wired door looking very sad and lonely.  We know that our lives will change as we become responsible for his care and his need to be in a safe home with lots of love.

We are starting on a  richly rewarding  journey as we get to know each other.

We will take him to the pet store to purchase a bed for him.

I will take him for little walks over to the park.

We stopped on the way home to go the the grocery store.  I was touched by the kindness of a stranger who took my basket from me and carried it to the check-out and then carried the bags to the car.  So many kind hearted people around.

We went to visit our friend Vera and when we first arrive she too looked sad and lonely.  When she saw us she looked up and smiled and her smile touched our hearts.  I know what it is like to be unable to walk and to be pushed in a wheel chair.  I am so thankful that I can do my daily walking again.

Looking forward to having fun at Opelia's party  and visiting with her family.

My morning stars with prayer as usual.  This is a heart to heart experience of love that is unconditional.  I think it of it just like the plants in my garden that look wilting flowers but I can see them change and respond to the water that I am pouring on them.

I respond to the love that God is poring out on all of us.

Thursday, September 5, 2019


                                              Yes another lovely day.

I was enjoying the quiet morning even though it was still dark.  The word that kept coming into my mind was "Yes".  I knew that everything was going to be okay.

They had to make sure Spencer was in good health before adopting him into a family.  Yes he had cancer but he had an ultra sound to show it had not spread.  He will need another one in a year.  His teeth were very bad and some had to be pulled out.  He is getting his shots today and if he does not have a re-action he will be ready to be picked up on Sat. morning.

We will take him to Ophelia's birthday party at the park if he is okay.

Yes, we had started to have mixed feelings but they have all left now.  We know he needs lots of love andattention and that we can give him.  He has a cough so he has to have that checked in a few weeks.

It was good to talk to Brittany the pet Vet. with lots of energy and a real concern for his well fair.

I wanted to visit Vera today after talking to her on the phone but dad did not feel up to it.  He worked out on the front porch too long and got too tired and too hot.

Craig is coming by to pick up Leah's birthday card which I addressed wrong.

We will be joining Carol and Panteli for supper.  Hamlet and Kim and Ben will be there.  Yes we said yes to their invitation.

Christian spirituality encourages us to say yes to life.

Yes God is truth expressed in the beauty of mystery and affirmation.

Praying for the Bahamas.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019


We are feeling anxious waiting to get the approval to be able to bring Spencer home from the animal shelter.  We are having trouble getting a hold of the head lady who will give us the approval we need.
They asked what Vet. place we had taken our animals to and dad without thinking said Ladner.  We definitely are more forgetful these days.

The meeting at church was lively even though we knew it is our last get together.  I gained a lot of self-confidence taking on responsibilities at our church.  Learning how to run a meeting was a challenge.

Four of us went out for lunch after the meeting then Jane and Eve came back to have a visit with dad in our back yard.  Jane and I had a lot to catch up on even though we talk on the phone every week.

Over the years there have been other times when we have needed to feel approved which helped to give us a sense of purpose and worth. Until you know you have been approved for a job or a position
there is a sense of uncertainty. 

We will go and visit the shelter to-morrow.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


A pail and a hose makes for good simple fun.

rick and I were a little nervous about this.
Mommy catches her.

                                                  A very peasant day with our family.   

Today we have been waiting by the phone to hear if we can adopt the little dog.  He certainly likes us.  But are we too old?  Waiting is hard to do but we are still hopeful.  Dad went for his bike ride while I maned the phone.  We answered all calls not sure who they were but none was the one we expected.  It seemed like along day for me.

Sandra will visit the Shelter on her lunch break to-morrow and maybe find out what is happening.

To-morrow is a busy day for me.  It will be the last U.C.W. meeting at Colebrook Church and Jane will be coming from the North Shore to attend.  She was a faithful member for many years.  We have all become as close as sisters in many ways.  We are going out for lunch after wards.

We have all become as close as sisters in many ways, a feeling of sadness because we know it will be hard to keep in touch.


Lots of happiness expressed in the faces of all who where there to celebrate our Sept. birthdays.