Monday, August 31, 2015


What is in the cards?

I am thankful for having power and light.

I am feeling that I cannot fight the natural course of things.  There can not be any progress without some change, so now I feel like I am waiting for whatever the next step may be.

I long for the days when I felt vital and alive and wonder if I just have to face things as they are while hoping for the best.

I am worried about dad but he does not want to go to the doctor.  I can understand how he feels as I never want to go either.

God is still working on me.

I miss our church as it used to be and I hope that new life will come back into our faith and our worship.

Church what does that mean.  It has been a place of growth in my relationship to others as we journey finding our way on the path to goodness and wholeness.  A place where we can question with an open mind and an open heart.

Life has a way of dealing the cards of fate that are not always what we have wanted.  This does not mean I am not in control because we all have choices in our step by step journey.  We can challenge our fate!

But I am reminded that scripture encourages us not to be anxious but to be thankful before we know how answers to our prayers will come.  -Philippians 4 verse 6 
I am also reminded that prayer is a way to come into the presence of God
something over and above and deeper which gives to life meaning in the pain of the finite and finding deep rest and pain for our weary souls.  Amen

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Eventually after many years the generator that dad bought 11 years ago is being put to use at Sandra and Randy's house where they still do not have any electricity.  We have had one short power failure here because we believe we are connected to the Safeway and if it goes out they fix it real soon.  So because of dad's forward thinking we have no turkey thawing ready to be cooked at their house.  I guess I will have to figure out what is for dinner.

"What do you want for dinner dear?"  Oh anything is the reply.

I did manage to walk over to the park for the first time in months.  There were some big branches blown down across the path and it smelled like Christmas pine trees. 

Yesterday Carol and I thought we could smell the ocean which was neat too.

I am reading about Plato and Aristotle the two fathers of the Western World.  Plato the father of religion and philosophy and Aristotle the father of science.  Great thinkers both.

They did not agree on everything, just like me and dad, but one thing they did agree on was what one might call the reasonableness of the world.  "The  world was designed to be a kindly, wonderfully intelligent place."-Plato

Life can be understood.

The Logos was the living intelligence at work in the physical world all around us and in the human mind within us.

"What we call learning is only a process of recollection."  -Plato

The answers to the big and small questions of our existence can be uncovered.

Eventually through the wisdom of the ages, the knowledge of Christ as the Word, the truth will eventually be revealed.  Maybe we can uncover memories of our existence before time?  The higher place of beauty and race to where we will all return.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


Very stormy with winds up to 60 and 90 K.
Trees blown down all over town.  Stanley Park closed.
Our power was okay.
I will not go to church as I am fearful of driving with my arm not working.

Dad and I are proud of Carol opening her own counseling  office in Tsawwassen.
This picture was at my desk in my room me peeking out from behind dad.
She asked dad to take pictures on a real camera for her brochure.

It was a windy day to be takings pictures.  Dad got some very excellent pictures.  I stumbled around.
She loves life and will have much to contribute to those who will be coming asking for help.  It is funny it just seems like yesterday I was telling her to be careful crossing the road, and to brush her teeth and do her homework. 

When we allow life to transform us and discover the gift of helping others do the same it gives life a deeper  meaning.

P8290619Dad had to brush and renew  his photography as he has not had his camera out of it's bag for ages.

Many around us had their power cut off but we were fortunate to be fine.  A windy but fun day!

Sunday morning Sandra and Randy come to get our generator as there power is off and turkeys etc. are being thawed.

Basically I see many of us in a learning curve right now which is exciting.  I have to learn not to over-do it and not to try to write my blog too late at night,

I forgot to mention that we had a grand tour of the emerald Island with pictures of Carol and Panteli on their computer.  Amazing to see brilliant green grass again!

How fortunate to have a window of opportunity, a freedom from past mistakes and the willingness to take a risk because there is a security and maturity that has the potential to create a new path!

Friday, August 28, 2015


There was harmony among all the thirsty plants as new life and fresh color appeared.  I planned to join  the many early morning walkers and joggers but got busy doing laundry etc. 
We were surprised to hear a knock at the door and Sandra appeared on her way to the dentist.  Dad and I were enjoying  moments of harmony and quiet reading.

I get the facts straight for her trip to the lake.  Not a Thursday but a Sat. 
It   was wonderful to have Ben and Morgan help us put some unneeded articles away.  There is not  any room under the bed.  A one time they were useful but I am happy not to be needing either a walker or a cane. 
It was pleasant to visit with Mary across from us who is always so cheerful and kind.  The same for Gundy at the far end of the street.  Both amazing and still interested in what we are doing.  Poor old Jim is in a sorry state.  He had not even been out of his room all day which is unusual.  He may not talk to anyone but he sits in the big room and listens and knows all that is going on.  He fills me in on how they are coping. 
I tried to make it a day of doing more exercises  to help me in that endeavor I did take a few pills.  I am not improving as I would like but it takes time.  Dad and I do our best, not knowing with any certainty, the outcome.  Mediocre at best.  I should do this all over again but I won't.
Carol also dropped in and invited us to go out for Japanese food but a bit late for us.
Anything worth doing is worth doing with all your heart and a harmony of body and soul.
I like the quote "harmony of goodness" which is the main goal of anyone in pursuit of spirituality and truth.

Thursday, August 27, 2015


Actually I am enjoying doing some house work
after not doing much for what seems like ages.
There is a lot of re-organizing to be done.  I am trying to figure out how I can use Megan to help me in many areas.

Dad and I want to be independent for as long as we can.

We also like the idea of helping young people.

I worked hard yesterday but today I am visiting.  This has now changed as Panteli is bring the children over and Theresa will come and pick them up.  We would drive half way but they are making the plans.

Dad and I want to help in any way we can.

"Find pleasure in little things-
Ice cream in a cone
Raking October leaves
Spending tome alone

Tossing pebbles in a stream
Chasing rainbows across the sky
Talking with a friend

Finding pleasures in little thing
For little things can bless.
Having a job to do and at the end saying "Well done"

Happy Birthday Theresa
What an enjoyable visit!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015



 One thing I have finally learned is that you cannot wish yourself, or pray yourself, or be positive and work hard to feel better.  All this may help but all of a sudden the body starts responding and feeling better.

All I know is I wake up with a good feeling and wanting to eat something. this is a miracle.  I am sure I will appreciate every meal from now on.  Gagging things down is horrible and being told well you have to eat something is so true.

P8260617I also had many plans for the day but still find I tire easily but accomplishing little by little.  Dad washed the laundry room floor with the car washing brush.  He does things his way.  After a rest he took off for a bike ride but found it painful on his feet.  My exercises are also very painful but we are both going to keep on our healing journey.

After we both lay on the bed and rested.  Yes one of socks disappear  and I kept hoping it was journey back to me!

I guess Rick will have journeyed home soon.

Carol will have a busy day driving out to pick up Ben and Morgan and taking them to the P.N.E.
A lot of driving and noise and crowds but fun She will be worn out but happy.

Theresa has a report to finish and I hope it goes well for her.

I had panned a trip to the Thrift Store but instead settle for reading my mystery while dad has a bite to eat in the shade deck.

Sandra will be off to celebrate Lincoln's birthday as the family gather at Christina Lake.

Kim will soon be journeying back home again.  So good to have her back.

I am thankful that on my journey through many trials and tribulations that prayer has been my rock of strength.  Sometimes my prayer has been for more faith and always for patience. 

"God marks across some of our days: "Will explain later.".     - Vance Hayner

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Yes I fell like my like was interrupted for a while
but I am hoping for great leaps of improvement now.
Had a great morning and was able to eat breakfast at
breakfast time, that is a first since coming home from
hospital.  I am taking Pariet first thing and I think
it helps although I had been miserable in the night.

I had a spurt of energy this morning and try to do some work in the front garden.  A young couple commented on my nice garden but it really is not so nice this year because everything is dry and I have not bothered to put on the water, because we are restricted.

Last year dad and I would take a little picnic some drinks and fruit and cheese so we will do that next time.

More flowers from your garden Sandra.

I mailed your birthday card but I think it will be late so I should have just left it.  Why, do I listen to know-it-alls.

Ken I cannot believe you lost your implant that is terrible.  Could it have been the dog or the kids or the cat?  Things disappear around here all the time but fortunately they turn up eventually.

I am reading the benefits of bad things happening.  As we endure and come through we are more resilient.  It can change what we see as important in our lives  and helps us have more compassion for others.  Even our philosophies can help us see life in a more positive way.

Nice of Panteli to drop in for a visit with us.  Looking good.

Like my picture there will be dark times but the light is always with us!

Last night we went to the library and the air was very smoky.  Feels like fall.  A  had a mystery to read during the night so that was good.

Dad is washing Kim's car.

Many things come into our daily lives to interrupt us, some times celebrations and sometimes sadness.

Monday, August 24, 2015


Yes it was a grand day!

Many things to be thankful for like fresh fruit  peaches plums etc.  I was able to eat at about 11 o'clock.

A visit from Carol bring some fries and drinks from McDonald's.

A walk through the Water Shed Park.  Believe it or not we got lost trying to do a shorter walk.

Dad chopped down the dead bush by the front step.  It was a sad sight indeed.

He also brought me chips from McDonald's which I had been craving.

Looking back I see how well I did coming through surgery and what a blessing to have Ken here.  Not much fun for him but a joy for us both.  I did not have a very good appetite but it was getting better.

It was starting the treatment for the miserable bug I picked up in the hospital that really set me back.  The very strong pills nearly killed me but thankfully they work.  I was very nauseated and that has continued.  I tried gravol but sometimes it makes me feel worse.  It is very discouraging as I make an effort to eat and I just throw it up.

Today was better and if dad and I can both get a better sleep tonight that will be good.

I am trying not to take pain pills prescribed as yes they may be part of the problem.

Yes, scripture teaches us that through suffering the gift of atonement was given,
 when Jesus surrendered his life to give us life.

Sunday, August 23, 2015


In my life there have been several times I have wanted to hide from the truth.  I was very smart to find Morgan hiding behind the biggest tree at the park in Chilliwack.

The truth that dad and I have to face is that improving his feet and my shoulder is going to continue to be a painful exercise.  We will try our best to work and improve.

I had another miserable Sunday morning. very sick to my stomach.  I thought that truthfully this morning sickness is an abuse to body and soul.  I feel better after throwing up but very weak and tired.

I try to think of this misery as having a purifying affect on be but on a really  bad morning I just feel self-pity.  This is honestly how I feel after being sick yet another time and I do not know why.

I was looking forward to a walk in the Water-Shed park with day to restore peace and contentment.
But dad had a stomach ache and we soon headed home.  We will try again in the morning.

We enjoyed a visit with Carol over at Sandra's place.  They had a swim and the water did look inviting.  Barbecue chicken, fresh corn and potato salad tasted wonderful I enjoy every bite.  There was so much to hear about Carol's trip that made dad and I wished we could have tagged along.

Sometimes we think we are suppose to hide our differences instead of embracing our eccentricities!
We have a very interesting family and I am so thankful for their love and support.  I cannot imagine my world without them.

At  times it may seem like we are just surviving but we are creating inner strength that may one day feel like happiness!  Two happy sisters doing dishes not like when they use to fight when they were normal kids.

Things change and so do people!

Let's face it we all have our good and bad days.

To-morrow will be a great day!

Saturday, August 22, 2015


I am praying for a heart strong enough to cope with change.

Dad and I may go for a walk in the Watershed Park instead of church as it is very tiring to sit there at this time.

I am thankful for a sunny morning but we desperately need rain.  Hearing about the singing firemen from South Africa is an amazing story to hear.  We all have different things we battle in our lives.  Trying to remain positive and hopeful is not always easy for me nor dad.

Never compare your life with some one else's but be open to learn from the different people who come into your life.

Even my children  have different ways of living their days.

Saturday dad and I went to White Rock to pick up his new insoles.  He was able to walk better but they hurt and he has to gradually get wearing them for short periods of time.

We took the freeway into Tsawwassen  to visit Carol and Panteli's home and do a bit of watering.  So excited about their home coming and hearing all their stories.

Came home and watch Sask. Roughriders battle to win a game.  They have an amazing group of fans who continue to cheer them on, but they lost again.  I like to have faith that there is Someone in the great Somewhere cheering dad and I on! !

"The most important element in human life is faith.
From faith we can come to a understanding of ourselves and our world.
It can put everything into a spiritual focus. . . . so that love and joy and happiness,
along with worry, sorrow and loss, become a part of a large picture which extends beyond time and space."   -Rose Kennedy

Friday, August 21, 2015


Dad and I took off to Chilliwack to see Morgan doing her swimming lessons.  She is a great little swimmer as were her mom and grandma before her.  The whole family was.  Boys seem to like diving the best.

I used to love going swimming in the ocean when we visited friends who moved out from the prairies.

Maybe my arm will be better for next year's pool parties.  I know a pool is a good place to do exercises.

Ben was waiting outside in the parking lot as we had driven by and just missed it.

The drive there was very smooth and we would have arrived in good time if we had not been driving up and down the same road.

Yes, we had cell phones but had not connected in time.

I think we are very fortunate in these our later years to have more and more opportunities every day.

"Deep in side of us we know there is someone we were meant to be."  I hope that I am becoming than person that I feel comfortable with and one who can relax and enjoy life.

That was Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.

She says: " You will never again play this role and experience life as it has been given to you. You will never experience the earth with all it's wonders in this time again.  Don't wait for the last look back at the ocean, the sky, the stars, or your loved ones."

I am so thankful we experience a day of happiness with our dear family.  A lunch in a small café in downtown.  Ben is having a party to celebrate his birthday. that was  earlier in the year.  A sleep over and paint ball game planned for the next day!

Oh to be young and full of energy!

Thursday, August 20, 2015


I cannot believe I went visiting with my shirt on inside out.

I took Jim his milkshake and he was very appreciative.

There are two other lades I visit who have been getting worse every time I go.  One had passed away and the other was in hospital.  Joyce has not been the same sine she broke her leg.
Her leg is giving her a lot of pain and I can relate to that.

Most of the residents were downstairs celebrating a birthday party.  A big platter of fresh fruit and a delicious looking cake.  They wanted me to stay but dad was waiting out in the car as I am not driving yet.

"Do not wish me happiness.  Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor-I will need them all!"
-Anne Murrow Linderbergh

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


It was very refreshing to drive thorough the trees to the restaurant at the golf course.
I don't think refresh  is a hard word to understand.  You refresh your make-up or your drink or your mind or your memory.  Some people rant and rave and general freak out about religion and I agree with lots of their spiritual tension.

But if I go to scripture and look up certain words like "new" I can get a different perspective on some of the words of Jesus. 
New wine poured into new wineskins.
Jesus began a new teaching.
There is a new and different life to be lived by following Jesus, searching his words of truth and grace!

Dr.  Nolte said I am like a horse that you can bring to water but cannot make him drink.  I just smiled {I am good at that} thinking well yes if you believe all my informants like the one sitting in the office with me you might get that impression.  Compared to Randy I fall short that is for sure.

Dad woke up with very sore feet but seemed to improve.

He is off to his beautiful eye doctor and seems happy.

I am cleaning the house.

I will ask Cindy if she wants to clean windows and otherwise because I am feeling so much better and dad is a great help I think we can cope.

The newspaper tells of an United Church minister who scared a big black bear away with a shrill whistle.  He is very progressive in his religious thought but does not believe it was by God's intervention.

He says for him God is love and you can tap into that love!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


P5290520What a way to start your day with a visit to the dentist and then a visit with your "out of sorts" parents.  Amazing that Sandra was still smiling as she left our house.  We do need to hear the truth even when it is the last thing we want to hear.  We do appreciate her advice and caring.

I also know the truth is I can be annoying!

Yes we need to keep on trying to improve our failing bodies.
The treatment for my shoulder is always painful and yet necessary.  There is another clinic dad could check out and it is in White Rock.

I was pleased Dr. Nolte was in a good mood and pleased to see me and see how well my movement is progressing.  We had a few laughs that helped smooth out some difficult issues.  Mainly how I need to take medicine when I need it and not suffer pain.

After a nap dad and I got ready to have a belated birthday celebration for my birthday and for Jane's.
We went to North Wood Golf Course.

It is truly beautiful there and we had a very enjoyable evening.

Once home again I was reminded of people who are praying for us both.
We have so much to be thankful for, good friends and faithful prayers!

Monday, August 17, 2015


Today was going to be an adventure!

An adventure into the unknown.

Feeling normal!  No Nausea!

Wanting the adventure of a bit longer walk.   Thankful it is cooler and rain is welcome.
Just leaving the back yard is an adventure.

Dad had a bike ride yesterday!  Yeah! 

Dad and I had to go shopping for mops and things as Kim's friend is going to come and clean house for us.  I always have washed the floors on my hands and knees which is too hard now.  This is why I have knobby knees.

Anyway we went for a drive instead.

My adventure turned into a disaster as I searched for my debit card and it was not in my purse.  Yes, that is believable but the fact that it ended up in an envelope that was ready to mail is a bit odd.  Stamp on and everything.  Someone would have got a bonus.

Then there was the parcel all wrapped up to mail and the present was not in it.  Odder still.

It really felt like fall harvest as we drove by fields of very high corn, also pumpkins peeking out from under big leaves and potato patches all ready to be dug.  Dry leaves are falling from the trees and blowing across our path.  A lovely day for a drive.  Dad ended up with the biggest pizza you can imagine.

I really think it is too bad that religion is not considered an adventure too.
Spirituality is seen as more of an adventure without answers are packaged and ready to go.
We all have our beliefs and values.

Discussions are a good idea among learners willing to listen!

Sunday, August 16, 2015


We all have our struggles in life and deal with them in our
own way.

Dad and I did make an effort to attend church as we miss our friends and it is all too easy to feel your struggles weigh you down and all you feel like doing is shutting yourself away from the world.

A good suggestion from church was that dad should become a yogi and learn to levitate and he would not need to walk on his sore feet.  You always learn something by going to church.  No matter what we struggle with a sense of humor is so important!

It was good to be surrounded by so many people who had prayed for me, especially as it was hard for me to pray for myself.  I felt tears in my eyes as we walked in.

I have struggled with prayer since my accident.  I often would pray for others when I couldn't sleep at night.  I am doing better now as I wake up early and have some quiet moments to think and pray.

I am thankful to be feeling better and I will gradually get more active and out going.
I like to believe that the best is yet to come.  1Cor.2-9.

My struggles are small compared with some people who are suffering loss of home or family.

Prayer for me is a weapon that helps me to over come fear with renewed faith.

I begin with a thankful heart and a desire to know God's will for each day for me.

I was struggling to make my computer work.  I am very impatient but I did as dad suggested and turned it off and then prayed when I turned it on again.

I can imagine the gentle breeze carrying my thoughts and prayers to where they are meant to go.

I know I need prayer and so do each one of us.  As you come to mind so does my prayer for you find words although some times it can also be a wordless cry from the heart.

Saturday, August 15, 2015


We are very fortunate to have many different resources
to help us when we need answers.

Dad and I had a quiet day today.

We went to the store as our cupboard was bare and then there is the big job of putting things away.

These days little things can seem like big tasks.

Yes, we need to keep trying and do the things that give us joy and comfort.

Visiting family is always on the top of that list.  Picture on the way to Theresa's house from the car.

I am going to spend more time reading the Words of Scripture because I need to refesh my mind.

Friday, August 14, 2015


I was feeling better as we drove out to Chilliwack first 
and then on to the sports clinic.

Theresa is also having difficulty eating in the morning so I guess these operations upset our bodies.

I am trying to figure out which picture is better.

Dad and I had a fun visit.  ben and Morgan made pancakes and we had fruit salad.  It is good to see the children being helpful although sometimes they tease one another and have to be reminded.
We drove into Abbotsford and tried to get in the back way but it did not work.
A very, very busy clinic.
Sad to hear that just as dad thought his feet are too bad they cannot help him although they could try with a group of treatments.  Very sad news.  The fellow was excellent in his examination and it lasted about an hour.  We stepped out of the clinic into the rain.  We drove to Langley on the Freeway.  The traffic coming out of Van. was very heavy.  The rain is needed and we could still use more.
This was sad news but what dad was expecting.  He has a few exercises he may use and riding the bike is very important.  Glad to be home where it is warm the waiting room had been very cold.  A very warm group of people so that helped.  We both felt down but will have to plan to do what we can enjoy doing.
I also am aware that every church has its problems and their is no ideal church.
The kingdom that Jesus welcomed was subversive, countercultural, radical and often hidden.
God is doing a new thing as He has done in every generation.
"We stand in a tiny spot of history in which it is our turn to experience God's fresh redemption in a new wave of believers willing to be transformed.  He is but a breath away,"
Jen Hatmaker


Thursday, August 13, 2015


My morning started with awful nausea which takes away my appetite
and my ability to pray.  I also am unable to go for a walk and early morning is the only time to go as it gets so hot.

It takes courage to try: to eat and to pray.  Emotionally I feel unresponsive and my attention drifts.  Later in the day when I improve I will try again.

I may not see what difference my prayers make but often it is the only thing I can do for others.  Reading the prayers of others is helpful to put into words what I am hoping an wishing for.

There are many things in life that I have learned and wondered what the purpose was in my learning.  I believe that the purpose will come later and even the power of prayer will be revealed in time.

Whenever you laugh, gladness spreads like the ripples in the pond, and when one prays sadness is lifted off the shoulders
of those whose burdens are heavy.

This is one reason I try to have positive thoughts about others and like prayer these thoughts carry energy and love in ways beyond our understanding.  Prayer a natural human instinct. 

If we could hear with spiritual ears I believe we would hear the music that is singing all around us and in some way the words of our prayer become part of the song.

I am thankful I start to improve and have some lunch.  Our friends Pat and John drop in for a visit which is an answer to prayer.

Friday we drive to Abbotsford to a clinic for dad's neurophy and my prayer is that we will find some help and this may mean some changes and may mean trial and error.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


This is a zinnia I believe.
They do not like to grow in my garden.
I was doing my walk-a-bout the other when saw two acquaintances with their dogs and gave a cheery wave.  They ignored me as I did not have Haiti with me.
I did better at Chapters when the clerk, with the same name as me, remarked she had missed me.  It has been a while since I had been in.  I was there to spend my birthday money and also look at children's books.  I love children's books and I am wondering if I could go and read to children at the school.  I do not know anybody at the school nearest us.  I could look on line I am sure.  I will have to be feeling a bit better which I will be.
At Chapters dad met an old friend from work who came to sit down beside him.  They had a good chat catching up.
I bought another book about how dysfunctional the church as been and how it needs to change,
It is called "Interrupted" when Jesus wrecks your comfortable Christianity.
When I finish "An Unwilling Accomplice" by Charles Too a book from the library I will start it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Most of our lives we fill up with busy schedules.

Most of us do not like interruptions that our inconveniences.

Most of us do not take time to smell the flowers and notice the beauty that surrounds us.

Most of us are like Martha carrying a heavy load of things that have to do done and done just right.  No wonder we have felt stressed and overworked.

Most of us have had times when we have to slow down because of illness or unexpected turn of events.

I am finding that I need even more rest now than before.

I am finding I break more dishes with a broken shoulder because I am not adjusting to doing things in a more careful manner.

I am going to do a lot of reading as my goal right now.
I find if I have a book to read life is not so boring even when forced to slow done.

Maybe find a new purpose and meaning for my life.

Doctor appointments are not my idea of fun but at least they are an outing.
Dad was off to Dr. Tam the eye doctor in White Rock in the morning.
The pressure in his eyes are good and he had a thorough check-up.

Home to enjoy a sandwich in his shade deck.  Thankful for a little breeze as it is 30 again today.

I was amazed Theresa was able to drive Morgan to swimming lessons.  Young people recover quicker that is for sure.  Dad and I are driving out Friday to see her.

In the Old Testament peace was what came by keeping the law but out peace now comes from our relationship with Jesus.  This is the gift of grace.

Monday, August 10, 2015


Dad and I enjoyed the drive into Carol and Panteli's  on a sunny Sunday.
A nice day for a leisurely drive through the country side.  Workers are busy harvesting some of the very plentiful crops this year.
The sad thing is to see so many glass green houses built on the fertile soil.
we got into the house very well and went to search for the plant in need of water, found it, but then realized the water has been turned off.
Haiti was happy to be there and run up and down the stairs.  Yes we are getting forgetful.
She was happy at our house and enjoys the back yard especially when a squirrel runs by in the trees or on top of the fence.  She runs after them and I wonder what she would do if she caught one.

Hope Carol and Panteli are now enjoying Scotland!

We drove over to Sandra and Randy's house to walk around their beautiful flowers.  Yes I see some from my garden waiting to be planted.  My garden is very overgrown and plants seem to like to reproduce through out the garden.

We had fresh blueberries from their back yard and a delicious supper with lots of time to catch up on their news and see the new dining room light fixture.  They have a radar that seems to guide them to the right second hand store to just what they were looking for.

Haiti gets her sore tooth attended to.  When we go to leave she looks like she thinks maybe we have forgotten her.  She wants to go with who ever is going.

Monday and I need to get the dates straight for dad's eye appointment and also the neurology visit to Abbotsford.  It takes two of us because one usually forgets or gets it mixed up.

Often what we really want does not materialize until we do what we do not feel like doing.
I have to try doing my shoulder exercises more often. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015


If I hadn't been sick to my stomach in the night   
If I hadn't woke up with a nasty headache
If dad had wanted to go
If Sandra and Haiti had not come for a visit
If I hadn't felt like I should oversee what Sandra was doing in my garden
I would have made it to church!

I would have loved to slip in quietly at the back and just take in the friendship and love that is always there for me.

The good thing is that other than my two aspirins in the morning I have needed no pain pills and I am not nauseated.

I know now that our security and our lifestyle can be altered in a moment.  Even though I feel frail and weak I know that the strength of God is my hope.
I know that looking back on these last few months when time has seen slow and healing even slower it will seem to have gone by so quickly.

In this life we see each other's weaknesses but somehow God understands.

"In an insecure world, we are secure in his love.  We can trust him."  Judah Smith

We had Haiti for the day and then took him home and enjoyed supper with Sandra and Randy.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Hot and cold

Hot and cold all day,
broke down and took a pill.

Dad has had several very worried days with his eye.  Skin is growing in the corner and that does not seem good.  We both want to keep our eye sight.  It is up to us if we are not happy with the help we have been getting.

I am so happy dad makes an appointment with the eye doctor at the Clinic just at the corner.  They are called FYI Doctors.  Everyone remembers him from a past visit exactly a year ago.  They do a complete exam and then freeze his eye and cut a bit of over grown skin.

I have been miserable and having pain all morning so dad talks me into taking a pill.  Then after doing some laundry I am able to settle down and read.  We did get to the library and have many books to choose from right now.

I am thankful dad made both breakfast and lunch with some of the fresh vegetables from the store I managed to pick up while he was at the clinic.  I do not feel we are ready for a retirement place just yet as we help each other.

I met an old friend at the store who immediately commented I did not look so good.  There is a time to be polite and their are other times we just spill the beans.  She then told me her daughter had also had a fall and broken a hip in her garage,

We both listened with thoughtful attentiveness to our stories so I felt very encouraged hearing her story.

It had been a day full of small annoyances for me but when I stopped and took time to think about the suffering of others and also to look beyond my circumstances and trust that the future holds better things.  I would like to pray for a miraculous healing, which does happen for a few, but for courage and strength and love to carry me through darker days.

Yes I am thankful for medication that helps my pain.  I have many reasons to want to live!

Sunday a day to attend a worship service that challenges my faith and brings many questions to think about.

Friday, August 7, 2015


No second cup of coffee for dad and I Friday morning.      
We join a stream of cars heading for work to keep our
appointment at the cancer clinic for dad.  The young
doctor seemed pleased with his test results so he does not
 have to have another hormone shot and his next appointment
is in six months.  Good news!

After we return some of the home help items to the Red Cross; which dad said he had a hard time finding and he drove by the place again this morning, I was dropped off at the blood clinic to have final tests done.  We have the results and all look great accept for the hemoglobin still low.
Good news.

I must be doing something right and hope I continue to improve.

I have a lot to live for with all my wonderful children and grand children and even great ones.  I love to see pictures and hear of all they are doing.  One of the great joys of my life.

We hold each other in hearts full of love!

We will go to the health food store to get some liquid iron in the morning and dad will see an eye doctor first.  His shingles are improving slowly!

Dad went for a long bike ride in the Water Shed Park and after we drove to Sharkie's in Ladner and enjoy a fishy lunch outside,  A perfect day just to relax and enjoy.

I still have goals I hope to reach with better health, less nausea and renewed strength to bless others.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


I am so thankful every morning I wake up not to be in the hospital.
There is no place like home
even when we have strange visitors.
I would not know what to do with a chicken
maybe it was looking for a place to lay an egg!

I find I get tired very easily but there is a difference between getting tired and the tired satisfaction knowing that every day is a slight improvement.

I was thankful day was willing to drive me to the Seniors Home yesterday as it was Jim's birthday and I was thankful I had a milkshake for him.  He also had been in hospital so he must had gotten a lot worse.  He was waiting for his daughter to come and I really hope she did.

I am reminded how important our relationships are and hope important it is to resolve misunderstandings.  It often can just be a little thing that can be hurtful.

Our lives can be change in a moment with external or internal adversity and each one faces it in their own time and own way.  I am amazed at how well many friends I know have cope with loss and pain.

Every affliction is unique and the path that helps me walk through it is prayer.  There is an assurance that renews my hope and faith and brings satisfaction at the end of each day.  I may not have done all I wanted to do but I try to do what is important.

A word, or a poem, or a verse of scripture or a song or a memory lighten moments of feeling down; which I think realistically we all have.  Most of us are doing the best we can!