Thursday, December 31, 2020


Happy New Year.
May God's light shine upon you and your loved ones.

We celebrated an early New Year's Eve. with Randy and Sandra providing food from Brown's.
It was delicious as they had ordered our favorites.  Except no fish and chips for dad.
A intimate family get together.  This is the order of the day. 

 We used my mom's dishes with dollar store wine glasses. 

After they left I walked Spenser and dad watched hockey.

Everyone we met wished us Happy New Year even the young teen-agers at the park.

I put three calendars in the in the book nook and they are gone today.

" What did she know."

I am hoping and praying this New Year will be better even if it is in small things.

"Compassion is the awareness of a deep bond between yourself and others,"
As you go about your life do not give all your attention to the external world
and to your mind .keep some attention within your heart and soul.
Is suffering really necessary? Yes it gives depth to your humanity."
-  Eckhart Tolle

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Grateful for all the joys at Christmas.

Gratitude is to look at life with thankful heart.

I was getting ready to take Spenser for a walk.  First I couldn't find his leash as it was hidden under my coat.  Then I had a battle with him to put his warm coat on.  I succeeded but as soon as he felt the cold air and a few rain drops he refused to go.  He has lost a lot of his warm hair so he does feel the cold.

Fortunately the heavy rain stopped about 3:30 and we went on out walk to the park. 

I was looking at my Christmas cards again as I put them away in a box.  We were grateful for the cards Theresa's friends sent with their very kind and caring words.  We are thankful Theresa has such thoughtful and caring friends.  We do want to have a visit with Kathleen and Lianne once the restrictions ease up a bit.

I was able to make an appointment with dad's doctor next Tuesday at one.  The holiday and week end make the time a little longer.

We are grateful that Rick is doing better and able to move into Laurel Place.
I think he will start making some great progress when his therapy starts.

It was not a nice day to be going out but when Panteli and Carol arrived to pick us up to take us to their house we were grateful for a ride, for a hearty supper and a good chat afterwards.

I am grateful for the greatest gift of all and that is prayer.  I believe we can leave our worries with Him.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


One by one the happy faces and bright lights will disappear.
It is more fun getting things out and it is a bit sad as we put them away.
So many of our ornaments have memories of who gave to us or the year we bought them.
This year I will put them out on the table and if anyone has a special one they want they can take it.
Every year I put out less and less.

The snow has disappeared for now and the dull days lie ahead.  

Rick is being moved to Laurel Place and I hope he gets some help to enable him to do more.  Lots of challenges ahead.  

Carol took some books up today so that is good if he is able to read.

We should make an appointment with dad's doctor.

Today I did not have a lot of energy. I did find a report dad was looking for as it had seemed to disappear. Took a lot of time and sorting through papers.

 Hoping for a good sleep tonight for us all/


Monday, December 28, 2020


It was funny to see the sun shine for a few minutes.
It had been a foggy day'

today was the day Spenser had his hair cut.  He really needs it especially around his eyes.
We are thankful he is happy to go into the lady's house.
He looks so funny when he comes out, so little with big eyes,

We all have funny habits that seem impossible to break.
If I am woken up in the night I find it very hard to get back to sleep.

We went to the store just before supper time and then although I buy stuff to cook I am too tired to cook it.  I had cereal and dad had an egg on toast.

My miracle at Christmas was the joy of being with family and then see others share memories with us.
What a surprise to see all these wonderful family and friends.

Both Christmas Eve and Christmas day the house look so beautiful and magical.  

It was funny today when I went for my morning walk and met this cranky looking lady that I think hates dogs because they pee on her lawn.  I smiled and said hello and she did not look at me but as I walk by she said: "Happy New Year".  I smiled and said thanks.

We all seem to have our good days and sometimes our bad days.

Talked to Rick and he seems more cheerful as he was having a good day.
I believe things will start improving daily.


Sunday, December 27, 2020


Spenser enjoys a rest at Sandra and Randy's house.
He was very good until he had a few barks near the end of the night.

Sunday I try to do some serious reading.
It is a miserable cold and rainy day.
Sandra and Randy brought over some turkey for sandwiches
and some G.F. goodies.  Very kind and thoughtful.

Spenser wages his tail as a stranger approaches us.  The man stops to pat him and talk to me.  He said had made his day so much better and it made mine better too.

I know that I have been seriously searching for  a life of meaning, the real reason we celebrate the birth of this wee babe,  Scripture reminds us that there is a choice for us to experience a new birth.  A new awareness that the light of God's love shines in the poorest places upon humble hearts.

Joy is hidden in our sorrow and new hope is born.  Yes, we do not know what the future will bring.  We know that it will bring challenges that require courage and conviction that for me comes out of my faith.

Talked to my brother Brian.  He spent Christmas alone because  he did not want either  of his boys to travel on the winter roads with the snow and ice and wind.  He has accepted the loneliness of his life now.  He brings in the wood to keep the fireplace going, he shops and cooks and every day he goes for a long walk.  He is concerned when I tell him about Rick and says a prayer for him.  He still believes in prayer.  Things happen and Jesus told us that in this world we will have trouble but in Him we become over comers.

How wonderful it is when a baby smiles up at you.  Jesus was God's smile that touches our hearts with a heavenly hug that reminds us we are not alone.  His presence comes to the lowly and humble of heart and mind and soul.

Jesus sets us free to be ourselves and to find our way home. 
Amazing Grace the lost have found their way.! !

We are thankful to be in our warm home with good food and happy memories.


Saturday, December 26, 2020



The meaning of Christmas is all wrapped up in the birth of baby Jesus.
His life a gift to live on in our hearts for eternity.\
We all long to be loved and cherished.
I was over whelmed with all the love I received at Christmas time.

I love the story of this divine birth
full of wonder and mystery.
Jesus was wrapped in a blanket just like any other baby.
He was born in a humble place
with animals and straw for a bed.
Shepherds came to visit and worship him.
Lambs also came and he would be called the "lamb of God".
Wish men from the East followed a star to the place where he was born.
Heavenly angels sang with joy.

I received many loving gifts to keep me warm, a shawl and a heating blanket,  \\

I was touched with the video with family and friends sharing their hearts with me.  Our lives are woven together in so many ways.  I am very thankful for every one who shared in this presentation.  I am thank for Theresa and her ideas and her work to make it happen.  I was deeply touched and moved.

It was painful knowing Rick was in the hospital and struggling to regain his strength and the ability to walk and move.  

Jesus grew up to be a fighter.  He fought with strong words of conviction against injustice.  He fought against suffering and disease.

He lived among us as a human being but carried the love of God in his heart and in his ability to forgive and to heal.

I pray the gift of Love will restore hope and courage to continue to improve our lives and the lives of others!

We shared Christmas dinner with Carol and Panteli.

A traditional turkey dinner.
Sandra tells me I am too close!
Randy was so busy it was hard to catch him.
Turkey was perfect.
Mashed potatoes and stuffing and vegetables
and even cherry pie by Randy! 
A delicious dinner!

Friday, December 25, 2020


It has been a difficult year
and Christmas day will be difficult for many of us,
Talked to Mary and to Theresa
and to Rick.
He was having a bad day,
One day better then comes another difficult one.
A sad place to have to spend Christmas.

My friend Lily who is a strong believer is praying for Rick.

We will enjoy our time at Sandra and Randy's with Carol and Panteli.



Thursday, December 24, 2020


Dad saying Hi.
He went out to start Rick's car.
Later Sandra and Randy came to drive it to their place
                                                         where it will be off the road.

Everyone is being so thoughtful and kind.
Sandra made me some corn meal muffins with protein , which I love.
We had a short visit with Sandra and Randy.
A busy day for them I am sure.

Carol had a busy day preparing our delicious supper.  Lots of good food to go with the salmon.
Panteli drove over to pick us up and then took us home again.

We sure enjoyed being in their home with a beautiful  Christmas tree 
and the table set with a festive theme.  Even Christmas crackers.

Both Rick and Ken phoned when we were out.
Good to hear their messages.

I am thankful for all the wonderful Christmas memories over the years.

We will enjoy our day at Sandra and Randy's but we will feel a sadness knowing Rick is not with us.  He has a long journey to become healthy again.

Lots of love and prayers are being sent his way.

"Where is God?
God is with the weak, vulnerable, small
and the handicapped.

God wants us to be willing to reach out to the poor and the lonely and broken.

Where ever we are He is there to.  The Christ child is within us."

--Henri Nouwen.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020


A beautiful sunrise.

We just had a note from Rick he has had a bad turn for the worse.  He is having another cat scan.  I just feel so worried.  Will we be getting bad news or will it be news that their is a solution?  I wish we could see him.  My heart feels very heavy and sad.

I have asked the Colebrook prayers to renew their prayers for Rick.  Pray for wisdom for the doctors.
Pray for Rick's pain and dizziness to stop.  I pray all will be done that can be done.

I was hoping for some encouraging words.

I am try to keep track of dad's diet and his movements.  I feel he is getting s bit better and there is hope that he can find the best way to live with this condition.


Tuesday, December 22, 2020


It is beginning to look like Christmas.
Spenser and I tried to walk in the morning ut the sidewalk was treacherous.
I do not want to fall.

I planned on going over from the dentist, yes Sandra I did get an appointment, to pick up dad's new pills.  I was phoned to come over early and when I got finished I headed home.  I had two teeth that needed repairing.  I was sure glad I went as it was their last day.  Next week they will be on holidays.  I made some muffins and then had a rest.

I know it is important to begin taking the pills and the powder as directed.  Then everything has to be recorded.  Hopefully the doctor will know how to find what is right for dad.

After lunch I took Spenser for a long walk.  He can walk right on top of the snow.  Once we get started he is happy.

Carol and Panteli brought over supper.  We will begin ordering some meals in the New Year.  We will have lots to eat over the coming days.

I arrived at the dentist without a mask and I did not want to walk back through the icy pathway.  A man who heard me groan got me a mask from the coffee shop near by.

I love walking in the sunshine and the cold but I am very very careful.

I want us all to become healthier.  I hope and pray Rick continues to improve even a little bit every day.
I think he is anxious to begin his work.


Monday, December 21, 2020


Yes we had a snowy day.

We both felt good going to bed last night as dad had taken three doses of his medicine along with the Imodium.  What happened was one of the worse nights ever starting 2 o'clock and continuing for hours.

We were assured that going to see the doctor would help solve our problem.  Dad felt so losing in the morning he did not want to go.  In fact he refused.  Carol had offered to drive so I phoned to see if she was still available.

Dad was very happy to see her and we new we needed help.

The doctor talked a lot with Carol saying dad had not done some of his tests and the doctor was frustrated with his failure to do so.  He then reassured them we would look at all dad's test and order a new prescription .

The trouble was he ordered the same stuff.  Dad does not want to take the powdered drink as he thinks it makes him worse.

We are to try it for four or five days and then let him know.  We are to let Sandra and Carol know too.

We feel very unhappy with this results that we have already been trying.

Dad is willing to do another poo test if that will help as the last one was no good.

The beauty of the snow usually lifts our spirits but we were both too tired.  I was afraid to go for a walk in case I fall.

We are looking to order some meals on line later tonight.  Carol has set it up for us.

It appears that dad will have to live with this and do his best to keep it under control.

That is a laugh as everything now seems more and more out of our control.


Sunday, December 20, 2020


Time for prayer.
Prayer gives healing loving thoughts wings.
Hope that Rick can feel loved.
I never know what I am going to write about in the quiet of the morning after I have prayed.  I was thinking of the great walks  had with you Rick.  I also feel bad that walking home from Joanne's we had to go up that long hill.  I have not walk that way for several years.  Thinking back I think it was a foolish choice to walk over to her place just to pay her the money I owed her.  Boy we were both exhausted and I think Spenser was too.

The morning goes quickly and first Carol arrives and then Randy and Sandy.  They were glad to hear I had found my phone.  Actually dad found it over by his side of the bed.  I can at least use it to phone home if I am in any trouble, maybe even just a bit tired walking.

Are they checking up on me.

Dad comes to look for me if I am too long.  It was dark and windy and raining when he came to the park the other night.  I had med Katherine and her dog and we were having fun just talking.  She is a character and loves to talk and to laugh.  She thinks dad is wonderful driving around to find me.  She is right.

Kenny phones to see how we are doing andit was good to hear from him.

Dad has an appointment at the office with this family doctor Monday morning.  He will give him the hormone shot.  I hope he will see how thin dad has gotten and that he is not getting better.

He seemed a little better today not eating a lot of sugar.  He did sneak some chocolate when I went out for a walk with Spenser before it gets too dark.

Our new church dropped off some presents, a prayer shawl and a pointsetta and some candy and cards with encouraging words.

I know they are praying for us all too.


Friday, December 18, 2020


I asked Ben what did he see in his future?
He has several options.
His goal is to go to university  to become a doctor.
He has to decide about his soccer too.
Hopefully he will get a scholarship.

Dad and I live day to day trying to count our blessings.
Dad did not have a good day and he feels discouraged.
I have some ideas for to-morrow
The main thing is to eat healthy.
Take all medicine.

 I made lots of calls to get  dad's appointment at the doctor to have the hormone injection.  I also got a time arranged to pick up the shot at the pharmacy at Surrey Hospital.  Everything went well.

It was a windy wet day and Spenser did not want to walk over to get his shot.  He tried to run away when she came out to take him in.  He feels much better after.

I am trying to be hopeful for our future when both dad and Rick are feeling better.
It will be a challenge but we can face them together.

We hope to make the right choices and stay on a good path even when it gets windy and bumpy.

One thing I know is that we have many memories that we treasure in our hearts.



Thursday, December 17, 2020


We felt very loved with our visit from Ben and Theresa.
One picture without the mask.
Out side 
on our front porch.
Ben helps grandpa fix the worn out light.
He also did some work in the garden.
A lot of dead branches.

Theresa brought a hamper full of good food for grandpa and I.  We were amazed at the good soup, yogurt and fruit and hot meals for grandpa and I.  Some special gluten free cookies too.

We were very touched by their visit and the loving and caring time we shared together.  A beautiful bouquet of red and white flowers to fill our house with color that is awesome.

We were outside and they had masks on so we were careful.

I really want them to know how loved they made us feel.  The past weeks have been tough with first dad been sick and then Rick.

Rick coming to stay and help us also also made us feel very loved.

Our family is very good at doing kind things for us every day in many ways.

A neighbor came over to bring me some special oils for my skin.  A very kind thing to do.

A busy crazy day that will be a wonderful memory.  Time I get ready for bed before I fall asleep on this computer.


Wednesday, December 16, 2020


First thing in the morning dad drove me to hand therapy.  She said I had done well but now I had to do harder exercises.  I have some putty which is fun to use.  I do not need to go to any more sessions but to work hard.  I cannot straighten my finger out so that is my goal.

We thought about going to White Spot.  You have to wear a mask when you enter and wash your hands to disinfect them.  It is very empty and they have to really wash everything done between customers.  If you leave your table you have to have a mask on.  You wash your hands when you leave.

Anyway we did not go there.

Took Spenser for his walk over to the little book place.  A lady saw me looking in and she invited me home with her as she had a lot of books to give away.  I brought about 7 home with me.  I am happy to make a new friend.

Dad and I drove over to the store as it was raining,  It was a lot easer to load up the car than carry them home.
It was late and dark when I went out with Spenser.  I met an old friend who had a new dog.  It looks like a Jack Russel and is very hard for her to handle.  She was very frazzled.  I do not think she should keep the dog.  She has to run after it pulling on her leash when they leave.

Talked to Jane and she is doing well enjoying music on the T.V. and the choir they have in the home.

Looking forward to a visit from Theresa to-morrow, 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


They brighten up the day.
It is cold and very windy.

I enjoyed the gift of grape jelly.
I think it is better than jam!
Will we get another one if we take the jar back.

Today was a very long day.  
We started to do a puzzle
and some reading but you can
only do so much of this.

I talked to the lady Helen at Delta Assist and I have a number to call when we need some help.

The family has been doing so much for us, driving and picking up and visiting etc.

We appreciate all you do each in your own way.

Yes we all have our gifts that are used to help others.

Christmas will not be the same but we will enjoy being with our small group.


Monday, December 14, 2020


The gang is all there ready to wave us on.

It is dark and cold and one can feel all alone.

Sometimes solitude is good.

Suddenly I notice the light on the phone is flashing meaning there is a message.  I was amazed to hear the message Rick had left when we were out.  I also felt very sad and regret that we had not seen it the day before.  We send a message to Rick explaining what had happened.

This virus is messing up so many things.  I go to the store to buy a card for Astrid and turn around at the door as I do not have a mask on and there is none in my pocket.  I return and buy the card but when I arrive home I have lost it.  There is only an envelope.  Back I go to the store.

I am confused about going to the store now.  

We do not want to endanger anyone.
We will think carefully about what we are doing

Dad walked Spenser today for a longer walk.  It helps if we get out of the house even a little bit.

I am thankful it is okay to walk!


Sunday, December 13, 2020


A very quiet day to day.
I met an old friend on my walk.
Not so many people out walking these chilly days.
Talked to two friends on the phone
Mary an old friend from church
Cathy the friend with the five children.
She always prays for me after we talk.
I am grateful for friends like these tow.

Carol picked us up and drove us to her home.
She and Panteli were not allowed to visit or leave a package.
We enjoyed my favorite chicken dish.
Panteli drove us home for an early night.

Time for a T.V. show  before bed.



Saturday, December 12, 2020


Too bad Carol and Panteli could not drop off the battery charger.

To-day has gone by quickly.
It was very frosty this morning.
                                                 Spenser did not like the frost on the grass,

Sandra and Randy came over for a long happy visit.  Randy brought jelly he had made from his own grapes.  Sandra made cookies for dad and a excellent family calendar.  Sandra has taken over from Shawna.  She is a busy mom that is for sure.

Dad gave Carol and Panteli some items to take up to the hospital but were not allowed to leave it because of the Virus.   Rick sent a voice mail he is still the same.  Hope and pray he does not catch the virus.

Thank you Nancy Lou for your prayers.

Sandra tells me not to worry and I will try not to.
Prayer helps me when I do.


Friday, December 11, 2020



Dad did not have a good day but he enjoyed driving down to London Drugs to buy a heating pad for me to have handy when I warm my hand before therapy.
It is no fun trying to straighten my fingers out.

Rick is having  a difficult time with therapy.  It is hard work when you feel dizzy.

I am keeping busy moving clothes around from one place to another.  We have too many clothes so it is time to get rid of some.

As a child Christmas always seem like a magical time.

Miracles are difference than magic which can be a manipulation in making people believe in the impossible.

Both magic and miracles invite us to believe in mystery.  I pray that Rick will begin to improve and find encouragement in his therapy.  

Lots of good thoughts and prayers are being sent to Rick with love!

Thursday, December 10, 2020


Feeling a little low in spirit
but Spenser and I go for our walk as usual.

We did not meet any friends two legged or four legged.  I feel very worried about Rick and it is impossible to know what is happening.  

When I come to the stop lights at 64 I look across and see a very kind face coming across from the other side.  No I do not know her but she seems to know mw so I wait until she walks across to be on my side.I had a strange feeling I should not cross but wait to talk to her.  She asks if I need any help.  I say I am okay.  She responds by saying she would really like to help me.

I tell her I am very worried about my son who is in hospital.  I can feel her compassion as she listens.  She asks if she can pray for Rick.  I say I would really love that.  She puts her hand on my shoulder and I feel her prayers are coming from the heart.  I start to feel a bit lighter.  I thank her and we smile and look into each other's eyes.

I walked home and after a short walk dad and I walked to the Safeway.  We wanted to pick up his medication but there was a big line up.  I was just going to get a few things but dad was so happy to be shopping he picked up a basket full.  There was about 6 bags, pretty heavy ones two.  We set off barely for home and I collapsed when we got there.  

We should have done somethings differently.  Dad's knee was very sore but he walked okay.

Now that we hear there is Covid-virus on his floor I feel very down again.

We have not heard from Rick for two days and that worries me.

I know he is in good hands with the nursing staff there and I am very thankful and hopeful he is getting good care.


Wednesday, December 9, 2020


A lady that lives over the road paints these.
I am tempted to take one.
Maybe dad and I could start painting them.

Dad had a bad stomach day yesterday.
The doctor phoned and ordered more powdered medicine.
I told the doctor I am concerned, very concerned.
He is pleased with dad's blood pressure which is now under 140.
He says that I can phone if I am concerned.
I make sure he takes his medicine.
I will pick it up today.

My friend Mary sends a Christmas card with the word Hope every year.

I hope we get some word from Rick or his doctor today.

We are both very worried about Rick.

Keep praying dear friends.

Prayers will help us through these dark days!

Jesus came into this world to give us light
the light of a heavenly Father's unconditional love!

Monday, December 7, 2020


Trying to keep busy.
Dad and I cleaned out the frig together.
Then Carol came over to ask a lot of questions.
It is hard to know when we do not know the future.
Dad is up and down with his stomach problems.
His blood pressure is better.
We where amazed to hear a faint voice on the phone.  It was Rick reminding dad of his blood tests t0-morrow.  Thanks Rick.  We did not talk to you because you sound like you need a rest.  Maybe there will be some answers in a day or so.  We are thankful for Dr. Hilary's taking some actions.

Dad will go over first thing in the morning.  

Did some grocery shopping to-day and walked Spenser twice.  I want to go earlier at night but have found I am going just when it gets dark.

"Reason is our soul's left hand
Faith her right."  John Donne


It is time for Divine Intervention
Yes Lord You have done it in the past
and we need it 
                                               Praying for divine intervention.
                                               Praying for wisdom for Dr. Hillary.
                                               Praying for the cause of the dizziness
                                               Praying for a miracle of healing of Rick's brain!
                                               Praying that we will be able to visit Christmas day
                                               and stay all day!

Take away the fear and replace it with faith and courage and confidence and hope.

Sunday, December 6, 2020


It is beginning to look a lot like /christmas with all the decorations coming to life on our street.

The problem is that we are all beginning to understand that Rick's condition is even more serious than we thought possible..  The doctor may be also beginning to take it more serious.  Rick has more tests today and another M.R.I. to-morrow.  His spirits are getting low.  He wants to do some work but that seems impossible.

Our hearts are very sad, feeling the heavy burden of his illness.  I know we all feel the pain of being helpless.  I have to believe that the doctors will keep searching to find the cause of his dizziness.  This is keeping him lying in bed  getting worse every day.

Carol and Panteli came over to keep us company for awhile.  Carol and I walked over to the park with Spenser.  The day had started with misty rain which turned heavy and then the sun came out.

Dad and I are grateful for the wonderful life we have had and for our amazing children.

Every moment of every day counts.

Every prayer counts.


Saturday, December 5, 2020


 It is a great comfort to know others are praying for us.  Loving caring thoughts too.

                               It would be nice if we really have a guardian angel watching over us.

                                  This is an angel that is painted on the rocks I walk by,

                                     This thought came to my mind.

                                            Christmas is a time to believe in angels!

We all have our good days and our bad days.  Talking to Rick in the morning we find the day was another dizzy day.  So discouraging.  His doctor did stop in to have a brief chat leaving Rick a bit puzzled trying to remember what hr had said.  He is doing puzzle for therapy.  Keep praying we all need it!

Sandra and Randy dropped by to see how we were doing and to give dad some nice jogging pants.  They are so easy to put on.  They put a string of lights on the front porch.  Walking home from the park with Spenser it was good to see them brighten up our house a little.

I am now walking with a cane if I go for a long walk.  It helps with my balance.

I find it a great comfort that people are praying for us.  Thank you all.

We are taking it a day at a time.

Friday, December 4, 2020


My day was full if random acts of kindness,
"Remember there is o such thing as a small act of kindness,
Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." -Scott Adams

On our morning walk I was walking poorly when a young man passed me.  We met again at the lights and waited for the walk sign.  I told him I used to be a good walker and he replied telling me he thought it was wonderful I was still out walking.  Kind words from a random stranger.

Phone calls from Theresa and Kim and Leah are very important.
The family support is so important.

Carol and Haiti dropped by.

We sat outside in the warmth of the sun.

Spenser came out and we held them both on their leases.

Afterwards dad and I went over to Brown's.  It was good for us to walk over and enjoy a friendly cat with our server,

Yes I had a nap and afterwards took Spenser for his walk to the park.  What a surprise when we saw dad coming to meet us.  I do think he is feeling a bit better.

I  have had a heavy heart  with Rick being so ill but it feels a little lighter now as the future holds promise. He will be going for rehab and that can do wonders to help the body and the mind to heal.

We will all do our part to help him.

Christmas will be different but our love for our family is strengthen by God's love as we read the story of the miracle of birth.  Jesus came to be one of us to tell us that all random acts are meaningful.

This is a picture of our T.V. for Kim.


Wednesday, December 2, 2020


                                                   A tough day for our family.                  

We wait for the phone call from the hospital from Dr. Hilary, another South African doctor.

He tells that Rick has had a stroke because a piece broke off his heart and travelled to the brain.  This is causing great damage as Rick has trouble standing and walking.  The doctor went on to tell Rick the news but Rick was already aware of it.  He is still dizzy and I wish we knew what cases that.

There will be many tough days ahead for Rick and for us all.

I am praying for a miracle!  I know this prayer will be answered in unexpected ways.

When tough times come we find an inner strength we did not know we had.  

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


                              I look around and everyone seems to be carrying on just as usual.

                             Lots of /Christmas lights going up.

It is hard to even think about Christmas.  Hopefully Rick will be home and feeling better.  Not knowing exactly what is going on is very unsettling.

We phoned the doctor, Dr. Hillary, and he phoned back to say they did not know what was wrong at this point.  /They are doing another M.R.I. and he will phone when he gets the results.

Rick just sent a message that he has had a very bad day.  He did not feel up to keeping in touch.  He has had so many health problems I hope and pray he will get some answers and some solutions.

My brother phones today and said a prayer for him.  I was very happy he phoned as he is still grieving.

Carol, Sandra and Ken and Leah have all phoned.  We compare notes ans everyone is very worried.

I have done well today.  I went shopping at 7 this morning.  A good time to go but when I found it was 10% day I bought a few extras.  I was offered a ride home from one of the ladies I meet on my walks.

I cleaned out our closet and found dad's hearing aides.  I did not ry them out yet just happy to have found them.  Dad helped clean up.  

We all know our future is uncertain but we know we have a loving family to support us.

I wake up each morning trying to remember what has happened and what is real!

Rick took the pictures.  We had a very happy walk together.

Monday, November 30, 2020


 I did not know I was on candid camera.  This is Spenser and I waiting to cross 64.  We carry on down to Sun Wood and then to the book stand.  

We do this every morning.  In the afternoon we go over to the park.  I do enjoy my walks.

Carol came this morning to pick up dad for his three appointments.  I wanted to go with them but I am not the spokesperson any more.  I feel a little left out.  It is hard to stay at home and not really know what is going on.  I keep busy by giving the kitchen a good clean .

I believe Rick is in acute care which can be a difficult place to be.  Evidently the man in the room with him is dying.  Rick has had several tests and I understand he has had a stroke.  He needs a walker to walk now.  He had another dizzy spell when we talked to him.

I am thankful for these visits.  He talks more to Sandra Carol and Kenny I believe.  

We are of course very worried and hoping he will get everything checked out and taken seriously.

Dad was tred when he and Carol returned but he felt the appointments went well and he liked the doctors.  He has more blood work to do and hopefully it can be done all at the same time as his P.S.A.

One of the hard things about getting older is learning to accept what we cannot do anymore.

I will ask someone to go with me to get new hearing aids.  Right now we cannot get the car out of the garage because Rick's car is in the way and dad is not sure how to drive it.

To-morrow I will clean up our bedroom and try to find dad's hearing aids.  I planned to do it today but had a big rest instead.

I hope dad continues to improve and regain his strength and energy,

Sunday, November 29, 2020


                                               I wonder was this all a part of  God's plans?

                                               I am trying to make sense of what feels like a nightmare.

We are happy that Rick is in a good hospital and hopefully getting a good check-up and he can get to the bottom of his health issues.  We cannot visit but it is a comfort to know he is near.  Hopefully he will not have to stay more than two nights.

They are worried about the kidney and the brain.  Both seem very scary.  

Rick did a wonderful job looking after us and I couldn't have managed without him.  The worry about dad's strokes are great,  The day at Jimmy Patterson will be a long day and fortunately Carol will drive us.  Right now we know it is the time to accept rides and to ask for and accept help.

It is heart warming to have the children drawing closer and willing to encourage us and give us advice.

We want to stay in our own home if possible but time will tell.

Does God have other plans?

Does God have a plan for our lives?

I believe he gives our lives a purpose.




Yesterday we had a good walk
Rick took this.

No one slept well.  Rick had his light on.

This morning we woke to see the flashing lights of the ambulance.
It took Rick to hospital.
I am praying they will find out what is causing his dizzyness.

Please pray/

Saturday, November 28, 2020


I am excited about my new desk.
It looks right out to the whole neighborhood.

We were very excited to be given a new bigger and better T.V'
Randy was able to get a good deal and he even came over and installed it.
It will be great to watch hockey and football.
Just what dad needs as he still is not feeling great.

Sandra brought over some delicious food that Theresa had made or purchases f  Now we have lots of good soup and good goodies.
That was very thoughtful of her.  

It was a busy day for me cleaning house and racking leaves and walking the dog.

Rick felt dizzy and this worries me a great deal
He is off to Kamloops on Monday to get a computer and get things set up for his new jog.
He is also suppose to have a heart moniter put on.

We are so very grateful for all the things he has done for us.

I hope and pray he will feel better in the morning.
Randy you are the brst.  Thank you.