Sunday, November 29, 2020


                                               I wonder was this all a part of  God's plans?

                                               I am trying to make sense of what feels like a nightmare.

We are happy that Rick is in a good hospital and hopefully getting a good check-up and he can get to the bottom of his health issues.  We cannot visit but it is a comfort to know he is near.  Hopefully he will not have to stay more than two nights.

They are worried about the kidney and the brain.  Both seem very scary.  

Rick did a wonderful job looking after us and I couldn't have managed without him.  The worry about dad's strokes are great,  The day at Jimmy Patterson will be a long day and fortunately Carol will drive us.  Right now we know it is the time to accept rides and to ask for and accept help.

It is heart warming to have the children drawing closer and willing to encourage us and give us advice.

We want to stay in our own home if possible but time will tell.

Does God have other plans?

Does God have a plan for our lives?

I believe he gives our lives a purpose.



Ken Bennett said...

A hot night here, kids were still awake at midnight. The air conditioning man is coming over today to measure our house. He said we could have aircon ay Friday. We are buying Matthew fancy clothes to wear to his graduation ceremony next week. He has to say a speech.

beth bennett said...

Hi Ken
You must be very proud of Matthew.

Can you go to the store or is it through e bay?

He seems to be growing up so fast.]

What a thrill to be given the honor of giving a speech.
Wish we could be there.

Glad you are getting air-conditioning.

It was cold and windy here today but it was sunny.

Love mom