Wednesday, November 25, 2020


I opened the book and it fell open at courage,
Courage is not the absence of fear  or despair
but he strength to conquer them.
                                                                   -Danielle Steel
Dad and Rick and I had a good talk to his doctor.  /
The main concern is the blood pressure.
We are to make an appointment for two weeks to see if it has improved.
He is to take it every day first thing in the morning.

I felt talking to the doctor took a lot out of dad.  It was a friendly conversation so I do not know why it did.  He had a big nap in the afternoon.  He was slurring his words when I went in to tell him to get up.

Lots of changes have to be made.  We will try to do our best o do all we can to get healthy.

I know that both of us will need the strength of courage to face the future.

For now it is wonderful to have the support of our family and our neighbors.

It is wonderful to have Rick do our shopping and our cooking.  Coming in from my late afternoon walk with Spenser the house smells so good.  This is really helping my appetite.

Rick is also taking good care of Spenser when he gets afraid of the stairs.



Sandra said...

Hmm, too bad you did not take his blood pressure while talking to the doctor. It would be nice to know if it really is as low as it says when he is not stressed.


Shandel said...

SO good that you have the in-house help to get things done. Makes it easier to enjoy yourselves and get some rest. I am almost ready to send out the Christmas cards I wrote up. It will be very exciting when everyone starts to receive them all.