Saturday, November 28, 2020


I am excited about my new desk.
It looks right out to the whole neighborhood.

We were very excited to be given a new bigger and better T.V'
Randy was able to get a good deal and he even came over and installed it.
It will be great to watch hockey and football.
Just what dad needs as he still is not feeling great.

Sandra brought over some delicious food that Theresa had made or purchases f  Now we have lots of good soup and good goodies.
That was very thoughtful of her.  

It was a busy day for me cleaning house and racking leaves and walking the dog.

Rick felt dizzy and this worries me a great deal
He is off to Kamloops on Monday to get a computer and get things set up for his new jog.
He is also suppose to have a heart moniter put on.

We are so very grateful for all the things he has done for us.

I hope and pray he will feel better in the morning.
Randy you are the brst.  Thank you.



Sandra said...

Glad the tv is an improvement.

Waiting for news on Rick.


Shandel said...

Hope Uncle Rick is feeling better. Awesome to have a new TV 📺. You desk set up looks great.