Sunday, August 31, 2014


 Ben played well, even a little aggressive, with an upset stomach.
I find the games getting a little rougher.  It was a gray day but at least it did not rain.
Ben really makes a great effort.


So much love!  So much fun! So many family  members!
Grama and Granpa came from way across those mountains to celebrate with you.
Great Grama and Great Grandpa send their love too!


I am eating imitation cream cheese.  It has no dairy, no
butterfat and no cholesterol and definitely no gluten.
I wonder well what goodness does it have?  I look for no gluten but I guess I should also look for healthy ingredients too. 

Does it have ant goodness in it!

One thing I am good at is knowing someone has been in our locked house when I come in the door.  It use to be that the cookie jar had been moved but yesterday I had the feeling and every thing seemed in place until I noticed Kim's  shoes that had been at the front door were missing.  So Kim had returned to pick up a few things.  It is a strange feeling.

Leaves are starting to change.  I am finding peanuts hidden all over our yard by the squirrels and I am sure they never find them again.

Our plans for the day are to go to church.

God seems to be to be revealing His goodness in the wonder of life and laughter and the beauty of nature.  We never know what the future may hold so we live one day at a time.
I know that in our lives unavoidable suffering has come and will come again.  Despair is suffering without meaning.  I hope that I will always find meaning in the knowledge I can choose to keep holding on to my faith in the goodness that walks with me.

According to Rob Bell "Shalom (which to us means peace) is the presence of God; its the presence of wholeness, completeness.  God's desire is for us to live in harmony with Him and with each other."

Saturday, August 30, 2014


It is just starting to get light and their is the autumn chill in the air. First task in the morning is to close all the windows and put on a very warm house coat.
P8302206 I do miss the glorious sunrises which we use to enjoy at our other home.

I decide to take out some of my old writing books from ages ago. 
I use to wait until the house was empty and then I would journal.  One thing I do notice my hand writing was much better then.

  My note book is never far from me now,  as thoughts come and are gone so quickly.

These are words written in my old journal from about 2005.

"Prayer comes before action.

When our families come together at a family event our little grandson Ben (2) runs to greet each one of us with a joyous hugs.  When he is scolded he sits down with his head on his knee in an act of complete sorrow.

He loves to be outside and when I am with him and see through his young bright eyes there is not a bug, or a worm, or a butterfly or a special rock or leaf that does not catch his eye. 

I take a lot for granted in my walks alone usually deep in thought.

Life takes courage, as troubles and sadness touch all our lives.
Courage to be open to change.
Courage to look deep inside and experience both joy and sorrow.
(Sometimes finding the world a strange place, unaccountable and uncomfortable)
Finding goodness and strength to overcome."

Now it is Morgan who gives us a big hug right away but as we say goodbye Ben becomes a hugger again.

Our relationship is different with each one of our grand children and also our great grandchildren.  It is sad that we do not see some as often as we would like.

Dad has been busy changing light bulbs, fixing the vacuum, and fixing the upstairs toilet.

We left the rain in Surrey to go to Langley for Ben' where only a few drops fall on us.
The game seems to be getting a bit more rougher as the boys become more competitive.


Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward;
safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.   -Diana,  Princess of Wales.

"How people learn:

Knowledge is not simply a list of facts and formulas.
Emotions get our attention.
Meaning before detail
The brain cannot multitask but can only focus its complete attention on one thing.  (I know if I am writing I am completely  focused on what I am thinking.
Even if in the back of my mind thoughts come and go.)
The brain needs a break!  (That is why meditating is good.)

The most common communication mistakes. 
Relating two much information.  No time to digest.'  -John Medina

"The brain is a separate processor.  Business and schools praise multitasking,
but research clearly shows that it reduces productivity and increases mistakes."  - The Brain Rules

We experience our humanity in giving and receiving love.

                                 I am thankful.

Friday, August 29, 2014


A dead tree still standing in the forest surrounded by life.  Soon it will fall to the ground, its beauty forgotten.

"I felt I knew nothing about myself and the world I lived in, at least nothing I could tell.   -"Kelly Cherry

That was how I was feeling those many years ago.  Nobody knew.  I was burnt out from church, unneeded by my children (or so I felt)
dad was busy at work, with flying and hockey.  I needed to wake up and feel more alive.

I was a caring and giving friend who had helped many by my listening and my prayers but feeling drained in return even though I believed what I was doing was worthwhile.

Being a stay at home with a few odd jobs is hard because you lose yourself if you put aside your own dreams.  I became a second mom to Cathy's children and also looked after neighborhood children.  My own grandchildren meant the world to me and I love being with them when I could.

God knew how I was feeling and he sent this stranger to reveal God's heart to me and bring new life.
I was given spiritual vision to see myself as
god sees me.!

Thursday, August 28, 2014


It was a harbour accident involving a tremendous quantity of explosives bound for the European front and another ship, a Norwegian, which had taken an unorthodox course to pass on the wrong side plowed into the Halifax boat tearing into the side of the ship.  A fire started and caused the largest man-made explosion in history before nuclear weapons.

 A particular hideous disaster reveal a particular clear cut example of generosity beyond measure.

"Disaster, along with moments of social upheaval, is when the shackles of conventional belief and role fall away and new possibilities open up."

There were many acts of heroism which crossed the boundaries of class and religion.

"This may point to an ordinary unmet yearning for community, purposefulness and meaningful work."

I was impress again when we visited Howard and Vera and Leah that there was a sense of community in the Nursing Home.  The workers greeted one another and all were taking good care of the patients.



Spiritual energy  is full of color and light!

It is mixed in with the ordinary so it can be hidden! 
It can surprise you and fill your soul with awe and wonder.

I came to the meeting at the Vineyard Church early, just to put the coffee on, and slipped into the room where the guest speaker talking to the leaders.  What a surprise when I was asked to come forward.  It is strange when someone tells you all about your life and they are a complete stranger.  Taking me back to my childhood.  It is like they are seeing your inner soul. He told me I had a gift for writing.  This filled me with joy as it has always been my heart's desire.  Early in life I had been discouraged and that had stayed with me.

If I told you I felt drained of energy everyone would understand but when one tries to explain a powerful energy flowing into you people do not understand.  Yes, it was a wacky church but I have always felt a little wacky too not strait laced in any way or form.  Being married to an air traffic controller is stressful for a wife especially with four small children.  I knew I needed healing and an experience of the Holy Spirit.  It has to be experienced.

Also he had an encouraging word for Rick of all my children.  He asked if I had a son and I said yes two.  The message definitely was meant for Rick.
I had fun going to church there.  The music was happy and also worshipful.  I loved it.  There came a time to go back to our old home church where we were welcomed back.
That was where we met Cathy and her girls and made many loving friends.  Everyone loved Dad!

Today I am going to try to walk a little further but save some energy for my visiting.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I entered a room uninvited to sit unnoticed and quiet at the very back.  Instead I was invited to come to the front.  A man who had no knowledge of me who was visiting from another town spoke into my life.  It was like the child hood  dreams of my heart were exposed and the door of possibility was opened.  I had wanted to be a writer as a child but negative responses has squashed that idea; but now I was being told I had a gift to be a writer!

ME a writer?  I have lived an ordinary life and I am not a story teller like dad.  I know that all of us have hidden talents and there are life changing moments shaking us awake.

ME?  I am old fashioned and I am religious!

I am feeling old and yet my mind is alive with questions that replace inactivity with interest and color.

My blog was printed in the wrong order which was my fault.  Today should have been  the blog "Ordinary".

Dad is still slightly nauseated. 

Ava and her son Uhi coming for a visit.  She was at the wedding but since we did not stay long did not really visit with anyone.  Standing around is not for us any more.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014



Little Madeline May passed away in 2007.  She was the adored daughter of our beautiful grand daughter Leah.
The love of all the family surrounds her at this tine.
We were so thankful Leah brought her from Cache Creek  for a visit and we got to hold her in our arms.  A precious  tiny beautiful little girl.  She touched many hearts and will be remembered always.
"The wonder of life is often overlook."
The preciousness of being alive, of appreciating each other,
can sometimes be lost in the details of daily living.  All our lives are fragile and ultimately we and every one we know will leave this world hopefully for a better place.
We all long to be free of  pain and suffering and one day walk into the bright sunshine,
We love you Madeline May!  Now and Forever!


A store full of ordinary things out in Yarrow where I would like to visit again one day.

No life is ordinary but it can be a challenge to love and accept some people.

I think that most of us feel very ordinary although we are all very unique in our individual ways.
The Bible says to look into the heart and forget outward behaviors and appearances.  David one of the most unlikely brothers was chosen to be king after Saul.

I was think if ordinary people, or even ordinary policeman  went to meet with the rabble who were rioting in Ferguson after a young man was violently shot to death.  What may have started out as peaceful soon became violent when officers looking more like soldiers charged into the crowd.  The situation became worse to the point where armoured vehicles were called into the scene

They could have walked among the crows and become one of them horrified at what had happened.  This was what Jesus did he walked among the crowds as one of them!

Reading about one of the worst disasters in U.S, history the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco' that killed an estimated three thousand people and annihilated the city centre, it has been written that the National Guard and militiamen used their power not to help but to destroy property and endanger lives.

Pauline Jackson, a journalist, wrote an article in the Bulletin newspaper about how it felt to be a refugee and have nothing in the world.  She observed the division of class at this time that separated those who had and those without.  The amazing thing that occurred was that strangers became friends and gladly lent a hand.  Underneath the tragedy there was a new note a quiet bubbling joy that one finds when all has been lost and a simple act of kindness restore faith in ordinary human beings.
"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.     - Confucius

Happy Birthday Theresa a very unordinary gal!


It has found its place.  My new birthday present.

How am I feeling?  Much better with the rash going and my sleeping is better.  I am happy.  I tire easily I am going to be alright!  I have learned a lot being around happy people who inspire me and keep doing the best they can.

I am thankful we did what we could to help when we could because our life has changed a lot.  I am thankful I can get out of bed in the morning and I let my energy be my guide.
Yes, even my brain is working and I have so much to be thankful for.

Poor dad is very sick to his stomach for the second day.  What a miserable feeling.
 Even had to throw up a bit.  Very unusual for him.  He went back to bed and is watching tennis.  I was over visiting Gunty but I would have wanted him to see a doctor and of course he would not.  I phoned Leah and that was her advice too.

He did recover  but may be coming down with a cold, but started putting new lights in the kitchen.

And lots of new books for me to read!

I  am reading the book "A Paradise Built In Hell".  A book about the after math of disasters.The amazing thing is that natural and man-made disasters can bring survivors together to work out creative ways to over-come great seemingly impossible circumstances.  They are forces out of their homes and everybody comes together talking and helping each other.  They become a community.
"Disaster requires an ability to embrace contradiction in both the minds of those undergoing it and trying to understand it from afar.  In each disaster, there is suffering, there are psyche scars that will be felt most when the emergency is over, there are deaths and losses."  - A Paradise Built in Hell."
Where there is a will combined with resourcefulness life goes on.

Monday, August 25, 2014



                                               A beautiful out door setting for the wedding.

Cathy and her second husband Glen, who married and became involved with this family of five girls.  A real challenge.      Oldest daughter Jasmine
 His mom sits behind and grandchild Azzie is near by.


Ava with son Uri on her lap.  She is back at school.

Watching the bride come in.
Getting a better view
Deserae and husband with baby.  She was helping arrange things.
She has a new job helping new mothers.
A most beautiful day for this lovely young couple strong in their faith and supported with family.  Tavia had brought Shawn for our approval and we gladly gave it!  May God bless their marriage and fulfill their dreams.


We stopped at a farmers market in Chilliwack, a very quaint place.
P8232136I cannot help to think how rich we are to live in this land of plenty and beauty.  When scripture talks about the promise of riches   I believe is talking about spiritual riches that are a resource for us to draw upon in any circumstances, especially when sad things happen.

We so often want it to fulfill our own self interest which can be wanting to be rich.

I am looking for inspiration in a person and in a faith.

I want to have a true joy that comes from within and enables me to be happy even when I may be a bit under the weather.  This is my Sunday sermon to myself.

Dad and I were treated like special guests when we went to the wedding.  It was outside in a garden setting and we were found nice seats in the sun.  This we appreciated as the sun was getting warm.
All Tavia's sisters were there with the three small children.  All under two and adorable.

We met Tavia at the nursery at church when she was a terrible two and what a handful she was.  We were tired out by the time the children were picked up.  I became friends with Cathy her mom because at that time Sandra had moved to Edmonton and Carol's children were at school and I had time to give Cathy a break from her family of five girls.  I would go once a week for the morning and make lunch and do a few things around. 

Later when they got older they came to our house one at a time for a sleep over.  A few times I looked after them while she took a ferry to Victoria to visit her sister.  Dad and I at that time also took food to the poor which was donated to the church and we gave them food too.  Cathy and her husband where separated and he did not support them.

They were not close to grand parents so we kinda filled that role.  We were invited to all their birthdays and school graduations etc.

Tavia was a beautiful bride and her fiancĂ© very attentive.  We are happy for them both.  We left early as dad had an upset stomach.  What a pair we are!


Sunday, August 24, 2014


That is Ben chasing the ball and he nearly scores.  I thought he had yellow shoes on for some reason but now I realize they were his ordinary shoes he had changed into.


Theresa and Carol, Carol waiting for her chair so is sitting on the grass.  A beautiful spot for a game, with the mountains in the background and a way from the city,

 Mikie kindly gave me his chair.  I sat for awhile but then moved up to see better.
Ben is playing defense after playing the first half in goal.

Ben kicks the ball.  I had a hard time in the bright sunshine trying to take pictures.

Ben and his teammates played very well but were out played and lost 3 to 1.  I was impressed by their attitude as they cheered one another on.


Morgan waits for the adults to decide what to do.   Ben won best player and won a soccer ball.  Good job Ben.

 She is ready to head home with Gramma and Grandpa.  I did not get Panteli in a picture but he was there.
A  happy mom and dad.                                Carol & Theresa

A very tired blogger with a sore back would write more but. . . . I wanted to do this Sat. night because Sunday will be another busy day.

Sunday is church and a wedding.  Another happy occasion.  This time it is Cathy's daughter Tavia.  Only one daughter out of five not married yet.  They are all going to college except Jasmine who has graduated from University and is in the air force.  They think of us as grand parents and the love is very special between us all.

Change of plans as I am still a bit low on energy so will just go to the wedding.  I am missing a lot of things which I feel sad about but happy I can do what I can.

Saturday, August 23, 2014


As you get older, and even when you are younger, you can lose your sensitive taste buds and also lose the willingness to try new things.  It can all seem like too much effort.  That is where I am now.
P8222104Kim has come and brought life to our home but also to our eating.  She takes a long time shopping and is quick at preparation.  She is amazing!  Today she is making a cake for Theresa's party on the 24th on a boat.  She is also making two other items.
I was just debating going for my walk when Carol phoned to see is I wanted to go to Chilliwack to watch Ben play soccer.  Boy O boy I sure did.  Dad does not feel up to the driving and often a long walk to the soccer field.  There were chairs provided but I left to go closer to the action.  Ben is the tallest so easy to spot.  We were a little late after taking a wrong turn or two so missed his first period in goal. I was no help sitting in the front as co-pilot because I almost always feel we are going the wrong direction. The second half he played defense  and  he did well almost scoring several goals.  
Morgan came home to spent the weekend with Carol and Panteli.  She had lots of plans especially to see the out door movie.

After a rest dad and I drove over to Sandra's to wish her a happy drive to Edmonton to visit all the family there.  Lincoln will also be turning one!

Sandra had graciously made a delicious loaf for me which the dog ate before I got there. 


P8222075Yes a tree full of one of a pair of shoes.

Even a little boot.  I smile every time I walk by.  I know the person responsible so that is one reason I think it is funny.  Does any one else notice?   I do not know.

It is important to include having fun in our busy lives.  Every day I walk down this busy street, sometimes I meet a happy face, but not always.

Some times it is very early if I walk over to the duck pond so  the morning seems misty and I quietly take a picture but the duckies start to wake up.  Yesterday there were a whole group of different people walking around.  Some East Indian but some Asian Chinese or Japenese we have both in our neighborhood because we have good schools here , so I hear.  There is a young mother with two small children in a buggy with a dog on a leash walking so proudly by their side.  There are several elderly gentelmen with canes often walking in pairs.

P8222102There is happy energy all around us today as the sink is finished and the wall just needs to be done with tile or some thing.  There are things we can even laugh about especially that we do not need to go to the store again.   Fortunately, I think, we had different people look after us every trip we made.  We can laugh at hauling the one that didn’t fit back each time and leaving with what was suppose to be the perfect one.

Just think when granpa started all this he said “do not worry I know what I am doing”.  Just think I believed him!
At least this one is not cracked and stained like the other one.

It was a fun day that ended with an excellent supper cooked by Kim. 
She loves cooking and I love her cooking and so does dad so we are all happy!

Friday, August 22, 2014


Dad was surprised when his electric bike took off with out him when we was trying to get on it.  One has to be so careful about hitting the button.
“Time waits for no man neither does an electric bike!”
I have days like that where my thoughts run away with me.  I have to be patient with my slowness, with my garden, with continually misplacing things, with my computer (no good if I am too tired I punch all the wrong keys) .  Be patient with myself and with others.
Thursday night after Kim left Haiti came and just sat looking at us and finally climbed on dad’s knee.  I went up to see if I could find her leash and she followed me but she climbed onto her little mat so I think she was just tired and wanted to go to sleep.  I can relate to that.

A work in progress. Two days scrunched in a small space trying to hook up water turn offs underneath the sink.  Our big plans of a newer looking bath room are still in our minds.

Went for my walk today as usual,  My aim is not to walk faster or go farther but to walk properly with my heal down first and take big steps.

It will be a nice surprise when all is done!