Thursday, August 7, 2014



I am struggling to write a note to some old very dear friends.  A get together luncheon has been planned.  I am thinking I will say no.  These are my thoughts written down in my note book.

Dear Faithful Friends,
You were an inspiration to me and your prayers were a great blessing, but most of all it was your friendship.  Lots of laughter and sometimes tears but getting together always meant a lot to me.

 Times changed and so have all of us.  Well, I know I have.
Both dad and I have some serious ongoing health problems although we have much to be thankful for that we are doing as well as we are.

I tire even more easily than I did.  This is the result of stress and worry over dad’s health and a series of T.I.A.’s that I have had,  leaving me with less ability to walk,  to keep my balance and to speak.
I have improved my walking from wobbling and falling to walking with or without a cane.
My faith is still strong but I am not a fundamentalist,as it is expressed in the language of our culture.  Fundamentalism means adhering to or living by basic truths(which I believe we all try to do).  Our culture has seemed to turn this into a strict religion which creates mean, bigoted, hateful and sometimes stupid Christians.  Some of us go to heaven while others go to hell.  That does not sound like a loving and merciful God.
I have also attended freaky churches which attracted very broken people from dysfunctional backgrounds and life styles.  God is unshakable and we should be too.  This often means a lot of patience and healing and compassion.

I took Jim his birthday card today and I had hoped his daughter would be there but she was not so at least he had some token of recognition  of his birthday.  He is not an easy person to visit but I agree with him that it is impossible for him to believe in God, because his mind is made up.
These are some of the books I am reading at the moment.

I agree with a lot I read in  “Jesus versus Religion.

The od I know and truly believe in embraces us with all our faults and weaknesses.  In His love there is the knowing that I am deeply loved and known and forgiven.

I am content.  I do what I can with the energy I have.  I visit the elderly in my neighbor hood and in the Seniors Home.
I enjoy my family, my friends, my garden, my faith and my blogging.

I am so thankful that there has been healing in relationships in our family which is the greatest gift of grace!

I love to read and to keep learning.

I wish my friends a wonderful get together and am thankful foir the ways they have touched my life.  I am feeling vulnerable and sensitive at this time so I will not be joining you all.  Love to you all.

The funny thing is that I thought I wouldn't be able to write on the computer and now I am finding I like it better than writing in my notebook.

"Think beyond the reality of perfection"


Sandra said...

Sounds like a very nice note. Does this mean you will never go again, or just missing one time? Which group is this? Sukhi quit yesterday, so now I am all alone at work. Sandra

beth bennett said...

That is too bad Sandra you will miss Sukhi. Friends are important
The lunch is at Carolyn's house whose birds I believe you looked after.

I think that I will not be going any more. You can enjoy a friendship but also find it draining.

Visited Gunty yesterday and she is doing so much better so that gives me hope for when I am 80. I also visited Jim so I have a free day. I should go shopping.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

WOWSERS what a blog today! You are an amazing writer Beth! You expressed so well what I feel about the fundamentalists.....we have a group of them here...they are Plymouth Bretheren and very narrow minded. Nice people, but I would not darken their doorway!

In regards to your letter to your old friends...perhaps a simple....thank-you for the invitation but I will not be able to attend? Unless you really want to "cut the cord" with them!I don't think you owe them an explanation...but you know best!

Carl and I were in the city yesterday and the highway was tremendously busy with idiots who passed on a solid line.An hour later there was another fatal accident. the fourth in four weeks. Someone pulled in to oncoming traffic. It is a single lane highway for 50 kms and the traffic to the beaches is very busy. A friend and I are working on a petition to twin the that will be keeping me busy!

Poor Jim! It is hard to understand why his family do not visit him. I am sure underneath his crusty exterior he appreciates your visits and milkshakes!

Have a great day,

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy you were probably right a simple thank you for the invitation would have been enough but yes in a way I am distancing myself because I would be uncomfortable not being able to really say what I think or feel.

I have had one gracious reply saying they totally understand.

I have always written about my feelings in my note book and sometimes now in my blog.

Good for you working on the petition for twining the highway one of Larry's pet pees is when two lanes turn into one still causing problems.

I am cleaning house and doing a bit in the morning and in the evening in my garden. I love my soaker hose!

Have a good day.
love beth

Steady-as-rain said...

You should go to the luncheon! Such a nice note proves you have a lot to share! So go!



beth bennett said...

Thanks Rick,
There are reasons behind the reasons. One is it is too far to drive and second dad is against it.
I shared in the note because I do not get much chance to share in this group of wonderful ladies but. . .
Thanks for your comment.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Yes a nice Note mom. Don't go if you don't want to.