Tuesday, August 12, 2014



                                                  A corner of my garden.


                 This is the intruder in my garden. 
                        It is everywhere,  man!

I consider myself the dysfunctional gardener compared to my daughter Sandra.  That is because I do not have a passion for it like she does.  I wonder where she gets it from.  Her grand mother used to put plastic flowers in her front garden.  She even got complements!

The cleaners of our ducts arrived to clean them out.  Normally I would have tried to clean them myself before they came but it was too hot .  I had walked to the blood clinic (all is good) and then went shopping carrying some heavy things home  I felt just too tired after making lunch. 

I should not complain dad has been very helpful with meals and is always willing to eat out.  Now I use the rug for what is was invented for and that is to have things swept under it.  I am sure they want to impress us with all the dirt and dust they find.  He was very  late coming just to give an estimate.

Since we are driving to White Rock Hospital to see if my neck arteries  are clogged we will probably eat out.  Not much time for dad to eat breakfast as we have to be there at 8:45.  This will be my last test and I know it will be fine.

I think that there has been an intruder into religion.  I call it the wackos who use religion to abuse others.   Jesus opposed Pharisaical legalism of his time but is a culturally watered down religion any better.  Then their is fundamentalism which is so narrow that it creates self-centered, self-righteous slaves to their view of morality becoming judgmental, joyless hypocrites. 

According to Proverbs 6 there are things that God hates.  Hands that shed innocent blood, and a heart that devises wicked schemes,  are among them.  This is from the Old Testament.

I do not like it if others  intrude their opinions on me especially if they say they are speaking for God.

Yes we do need rules but they are to bring us into a real relationship with Jesus knowing I need  help and knowing I  need to become honest.  I need to know the path I should be following.


Sandra said...

You did not mention that COIT finally got a hold of you. When do they clean them? I do not know where I got my love of plants from, but sadly none of my kids did. I was wondering, just what did you think you would blog about all those years ago when you started? Tired this morning, too stubborn to put on the air conditioner so it was pretty darn warm with all the animals and me sleeping in there. Sandra

beth bennett said...

No brainer for me put on the air conditioner! I sat on the cold bath floor to try to cool off. The heat is really bothering me. Dad is happy in his shade deck and the heat is not bothering him so much. I also had a cold bath. It just seems like a long ways to drive to your place.

COIT is coming Wed. morning.

I did not know it would be such a lasting project but our lives are made up of ordinary things that seem interesting when others can relate.

My goal was to be spiritual and things are always changing in that area.

Had a really nice note from Rose one of our group. She is a real character who loves to laugh and is very religious too in a kind way.

Hope you sleep better to-night.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Why not take a mini vacation at a hotel if it's too hot for you. Go down to the silvia..

nancy-Lou said...

It is everywhere man! Reminds me of the song, "I've been everywhere. man! Remember that song?
But what is it, Beth? I gather a weed...but so not recognize it. We don't have it here. We have Creeping Charlie and it is invasive.

Yes, I too have no patience with those born again people...self rightous bunch. They are the epitome of religion gone bad.

I was working on getting some art inventory ready for a new shop...a little framing, pricing, making an inventory list and packing.

Tomorrow we have an appointment with the dealership in Winnipeg to have our Sienna serviced. It needs a tuneup. I wish we could buy a small car, but Carl cannot get in anything smaller...he has trouble even getting in the large van. We have a pet door for the dogs...we can lock the door and they can use the pet door.

I feel for you Beth, suffering in the heat. I too, dislike it. Good for you having a cool bath..that will help, especially before bedtime. We are fortunate to have airconditoning. We live on a sand hill and it is really hot here. It can be 10 degrees hotter that along the lake.

Good luck with your test tomorrow. The specialist called me..Dr. Chakraborty but I wasn't home...he said he will call back. He is Carl's doctor and I have been referred to him by my GP. He often calls Carl to see how he is...can you believe it? he is the head of Internal medicine at St. Boniface Hospital. We are very fortunate to have him!

Have a cool night's sleep,

Love Nancy