Monday, August 11, 2014


Welcome to all readers.  I have readers in Iraq, Australia, France, Turkey, Poland and Canada and the U.K.  this is amazing to me.  Some on  I Pad or I Phone etc.

This is my street on a early summer morning that already feels warm to me.  I am a  mother of four awesome children, a grandmother and a great grandmother.
Dad and I are fortunate to have our two daughters live near by, fortunate they are happily married.
This is me trying to find something in my cupboard and dad is trying to keep track of all the stupid things I do.  I look too darn old but then I guess I am since I married some one who is also getter older.
He is busy getting bells and whistles for his electric bike.  This will help get up those hills that have gotten so much steeper.

I like to read and write. 

This is my daughter and her grand daughter and grand son.


We live 4 or 5  miles from the ocean.
My birthday party with my two daughters and three grand daughters.
Another grand daughter.
My grandson Cameron and his wife Shandel visiting from Edmonton.
View out to our small back yard.


           Grandson Stephen and wife Shawna and son Lincoln.

Melina, our son’s wife visiting from Australia

These are just a few random pictures.

I am a Christian who respects the beliefs of others and hopes one day to see a more peaceful world.
All people share the same values especially regarding our children who we love very much.


larry bennett said...

The picture of you on the chair is for Dr. Nolte - just so he will believe when I tell him you continue to do what are in my opinion - VERY SILLY - DANGEROUS

Steady-as-rain said...

That many countries - wow!

I think standing on the chair is probably not a good idea.



Sandra said...

It has been my experience that old people do no care a whole lot about what others think. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Right on Sandra. Dr. Nolte says to expect my thinking to change.

I am careful!

Yes Rick that is a WOW I can hardly believe it.

love mom