Saturday, June 30, 2012


Seeing with new eyes and a deeper understanding what had been unseen before.

 It wasn't until I walked to the edge of the water that I saw this duck and serveal others hidden in the grasses.  He is now making his escape!

We got an interesting letter from my brother yesterday about the arrival of my dad to Quebec from Liverpool, England on Oct. 1920 when he was 20 years old.  I had never known his exact age.  He came on the Victorian.

Some things in life are not going to change but just have to be excepted as "it is what it is".  The wonderful thing isthat we are all in control of our attitudes and can look to choices that make my life more meaningful.  There is a reverence for all life, that is revealed when we are willing and open to see.

Jesus opened deaf ears to hear and blind eyes to see and experience the living spirit expressed in his words.  Loving words of forgiveness and hopefulness for all.

When I entered the tea room at the Home yesterday they all welcomed me with warmth and smiles.  Come sit down and have some ice cream they said as a chair was hurridly brought for me.  It was then I realized that they thought I was one of the new commers and that I belonged there!  lol

No matter what stage of life we are at there will be frustrations and sometimes misunderstandings.

People were no different in the gospel stories.  They had problems, worries, disappointments, pain and suffering, unfairness, greed and dishonesty, even wars and rumours of war.  There is no wonder there was doubt and unbelief.

The words of Jesus were healing but also commanding as he told the paralazed to stretch forth his hand and he would be healed. It is amazing how when we surround one another with prayer there comes peace.

A peaceful scene to calm my restless thoughts and bring revelation that I am not alone but surrounded by beauty and love.

Friday, June 29, 2012


                                         Sunshine On My Shoulder Makes Me High

I am so thankfuf for the sunshine.

I am so thankful for a loving caring husband who blesses me everyday,

I am so thankful for my energy returning and for my long walk this morning.

I am feeling so much more positive this morning.

Dad had a good bike ride with less pain.  Then watched soccer.

I will have a short nap before visiting.  My visiting went well.   I took Jim a milkshake which first he said he could not drink so I told him I would just leave it while I did some other visiting and pick it uo when I left.  When I came back he had frank it all and was very apprericiative.  I met two lovely ladies who really want visits.

I am tired by the time I get hone.  Dad makes supper and we sit at the dining room table to talk.

It the evenning we will go visit Sandra's dogs and let them out for awhile.

I am so thankful for the powerful energy that comes with prayer;
kind words and loving actions are both healing!

I am so thankful for the toughness of the human spirit!
 I will walk by myself in the morning as I need quietness to pray.

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Yes the sun is shining!

The Dogwood  trees look especially beautiful this year.  I love seeing them come out in bloom.

My spell checker is not working which is very annoying, as it means I should read everything over after I finesh doting the last i and crossing the last t.  In school I was very good at spelling but as soon as I left it escaped me.

I went to bed last night very skeptical about the weather.  Rain clouds seemed to be closing in on us.
But I watered the garden anyway.

It turned out to be a good day for a walk for me and a bike ride for dad.

My friend says raw onions will cure aches and pains but we are both skeptical but why not give it a try. 

I actually had made supper when dad suggested it was such a nice day why not drive into Ladner for fish and chips.  Seemed like good idea.  We sat outside and watched the boats drifting by on the Fraser River.  I started out with warm clothes on because it felt cool at our house but the car was hot and it got warmer as we drove.  I could hardly bear the heat. 

We stopped at the Hospital Thrift Store to buy shorts and a cool top.

I had thought we would spend the afternoon in our little back yard listening to the sound of the waterfall, and reading our novels, but in this family one learns to change plans.  Our trip into Ladner turned out to be delightful.  This not the case for the poor waitress bringing my little goodie bag to me she dropped it and spilled it.  We insisted that she not bother but she went back to the kitchen and had them make up a new salad.

I am a slow eater and it is hard to eat salad quickly as it takes careful chewing.

I was just joking about the racoons.  J.W. means Jehowah Witness. 

 Finding out what really matters in life is important
 and the acquisition of knowledge is a never ending task.

................enjoy your day!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Caught dad in the act of drinking from his new favorite cup made for him by Kim.

I think a good sense of humor makes life bearable!  So here I go. . . . . .
I  think it is hilarious when your dad has to explain to people
he goes to church but is not one of those Christians.  I just roll my eyes!
Then when he starts describing his view of the Old Testament
my head drops into my hands and if I could I would roll on the floor and kick my feet!

Here we are talking about people who lived centuries ago, who lived in superstition and
fear, who needed a God of war to intervene and protect them and make them a strong nation.
They had to battle for their survival and so they passed down stories to make hero's out of their leaders.  Their goals that drove them were a belief in a promised land of plenty and happiness.

I think what our minister Danieal has been telling us is that ignorance that translated these ancient words is not the lack of intelligence but words exclusively one directional.  I would react negatively if I believed as dad does.  Even today there are nations and tribes that believe in ethnic cleansing, claiming they are building a better world.
What a tragedy. 

I do not feel it necessary to witness to others except J.W.'s to let them know I know what I believe.

We do not have to feel the same way as others, because we feel the way we do and that is okay.

The funny thing is that as we sit and talk and laugh with Jane and Geof I feel so young and I forget the years that are adding up and how our lives are changing; and how old and out of shape we really are.  Life is to be enjoyed especially when we see the hilarious side of things.

 One reason I enjoy Stuart McLean and I am so happy Ben does too!

Yes I can feel spiritual ly drained and exhausted praying for many who are going through difficult times with serious illness.  So whether I feel weary of praying and ready to throw in the towel there is deep within me an amazing belief that there is a God who hears our prayers.

Sandra is off to a warmer climate Edmonton!  Have fun dear!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Too busy to clean so I have been sweeping everything under the rug so I guess now I will have to do sone dusting and cleaning.  Seems very quiet here.  I seem to go from one task to another.  Washing and folding laundry, rearranging some furniture, then outside to water and weed, then finally over to the store to get the bread dad forgot to get.  He did an excellent job shopping but often we forget to get what we went for.

Dad is extremely happy we are not driving out to Chilliwack and so am I. I know that I am feeling tired and so is he.   We drive to the library and then he is off for a bike ride.  Later in the day he will try a walk around the block but his hip hurts a lot and he had to stop and rest.  He did take his cane and it gave him something to lean on.

Sometimes there are things that stress us that cannot be dealt with my sweeping them under the rug or ignoring them; but can be dealt with gently in our own way and in our own time,

We were able to sit out in the back yard and enjoy the sunshine.  The whole day seemed to just fly by and there is still plenty left to do to-morrow.

Happiness for us both was just enjoying the day and even though it was not perfect we know that happiness is loving and enjoying life;  moment by moment and each day will produce moments of happiness.

Today we will be joining Jane and Geof at Zeller's just for fun!  I am thinking it must be so cold for those who are visiting here.  I am finding it cold!

Monday, June 25, 2012


                                              My wild and crazy garden!
       Both Sandra amd Randy worked extremely hard on their new garden and it takes the prize.

It is Monday morning still cool but not rainiong.  It was strange to get up and everything is so quiet.  Yesterday morning was very busy packing up the children's things and getting Them and Carol and Panteli out the door for the soccer game,  A very busy morning for us all. 

Carol and Panteli came over in the afternoon to take Freckles the fish on his journey home to Morgan.   I kept calling him Fredddie annoying Morgan.   He was very quiet all weekend.  Actually we were wondering is he was okay?

Footprints around the pond this morning so our cuddly racoon has been by for a visit.  The garbage can was knocked over but all our food is in the compost now.

I thought it would be great to drive out to Chilliwack to see Morgan play soccer but dad has been doing a lot of driving and actually it is tiring for the both of us.

We got an e-mail from an old friend (younger than us) whose cancer has gotten worse.  We will go over and visit this afternoon.  This reminds us to enjoy each day as it comes.

Reading the stories of Jesus I am reminded how we each have to take care of ourselves if we want to care for others.  Jesus took time to be alone.  Jesus exhibts powerful emotions when a man with leprosy comes and asks Jesus to make him clean.  Jesus reaches us to touch a person who has been called unclean and untouchable.  He is healed.  We all need hugs!

Sometimes at church tears come to my eyes when we sing a old song like "Rock of Ages" or we pray for those who are not well.  Jesus was an emotional man who felt sadness just as we all do.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Sweet dreams Ben and Morgan

Gramma Panteli and Great Grannie are off to bed with the children.  A fun but exhausting day!  I think I hear a noise so I go in to cover them up.  Ben opens his eyes and smiles.

Children have so very much energy and we were so busy going here and there.  A one point I went into the bathroom and locked the door just to have some time to do what you usually do in a bathroom, and I hear some one trying to force the lock with a knife.  Believe it or not it was your dad! He did not know it was me and thought the door was locked by mistake.

I was comparing coaching to our going to church.  A coach tries to instill faith in the players and our minister does the same.  Often the coach has to correct the players to teach them the right way; our minister has a new and different slant on "religion". 

Today he compares Goliath to the bully that we have to face in our own lives.  But we are reminded that even this big mean giant is worthy of being redeemed. 

We are reminded to keep growing and learning and see the other person's point of view.  Be prepare the coach warns and rely on each, other you are a part of a team.

The coach then sends them on to the field and our minister sends us out to be gifts in a needy world.

We have a little charmer named Eva who is the same age as Jazzy in Australia.  She goes and stands by the minister and does a little dance when we sing a hymn.  She is so adorable.  I am so excited to see our family, one by one, as they come from distances. 


Saturday, June 23, 2012


The drive to Chilliwack for Ben's lacrosse game. A long busy wet drive.

Scored three goals

The river is rising.

The cheerers

Theresa leaves in a hurry for a wedding where Mickie is the best man.

Leah and Craig stop by for a visit.

Morgan is happy Grannie and her are off to the park.

A fun two days but a tired grannie and great grandpa.


                                                   Delighted that Carol has arrived!

Delighted there is sunshine on my path this morning.  The rhythm of the day starts the same for Panteli and myself.  I am up early and so is he.  He is off to Starbucks and I am off for my walk and we are letting the sleepy heads have a good rest.  Sandra is awake and ready to garden in her p.j's.  She phones before I leave and am getting dressed in the bedroom so I grab the phone and talk in the closet so as not to wake dad.

We make tentative plans but they all change instead of me taking lunch over the four of them will go out for supper.  That will be good for Sandra and Carol to catch up on each other's happenings.  

Dad and I want to go to Ben's game in Chilliwack especially after dad talked to him on the phone and he was so excited and hoping his team will get into the playoffs and he dreams of being chosen as the best player.

Carol and Panteli leave to do some errands.  The weekend is full of plans.  They will take Ben to his lacrosse game on Saturday and then bring Morgan and Ben here to sleep over.  Sunday may be more lacrosse or soccer or baseball for Carol and Panteli.  There old team is playing. 
 Each day will just fall into place.  Prayer helps me!

Dad and I have a rest because we are wise old birds and know we need it.  He had a very big walk in the park and soon he will be writing a book on all the dogs he meets.  When we get up the rain has come and the whole day seems dull again.  The drive to Chilliwack was a horrible traffic jam but we had given ourselves lots of time and we stopped to eat on the way.

Ben's team has so improved and it was an exciting game.  Ben had three amazing breakaways to score and he was happy.  Even the goalie hitting him on the head did not dampen his spirits.  Morgan found some little friends and they ran all around the place.  We are so thankful that we could go but I came home extremely happy but tired.

Yes Sandra and Randy gardened even in the rain!

I like the unexpected of never knowing who I may meet on my walk.  I value the experience of these meetings that can be so unexpected and so delightful.  Yes, there are a few grumps and that's okay too.  I often think it is not by accident the people who come into our lives; and even those we meet briefly, because they bring messages of hope; sometimes in words, or actions or even just their presence.  Spiritual messages of comfort and grace.

A day at a time!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


For me it has been such a long time waiting for Carol's to  and now it is really happening.  Dad and I miss you guys who live so far away from us.  It will be awesome to have Ken and Melina, Jessie  Mathew and Jasmine come to join in the wedding fun.  We were on Skype Thrusday evenning. 

One by one they have left to discover and begin new lives and we are very happy for them all.   

Our family gatherings are great fun but a lot of work; so we will all be pitching in and helping.  Our family is very good at this.  I hope for some one on one times maybe on walks?  I find big groups can be overwhelming.  One to one can be best

Jesus was a powerful teacher who spoke with authority evidently to crowds of people; but he healed people one by one.The man will the evil spirit is in agony and cries out for Jesus fearing his holiness.   He cleanses this man and silences the evil voice. Mark 1:21

 He heals Simon's mother-in-law when he enters her home.  I was thinking about Simon's mother-in-law.  She probably was home alone and felt sick and tired and lonely.  Jesus comes to her room and she is healed and so happy to get up and serve everyone!  Mark 1:29

One by one lives are being changed.  Prayer helps.
When I went visiting one of the ladies was taking about Jim and how she sits with him.  She loves to talk and I am sure he does not hear her but there they are sitting together.  I think it is hilarious.

Worked in the garden before I went and it is hard to stop as there is always so much to be done. 

Friday I will be doing my walk and wait for Carol to wake up and then we will plan the day.

Hour Glass

Wow a sunny day!
Reminds me that the strength of the human spirit will prevail!
Hope springs eternally!

The strawberry Tea was a wonderful success and took a lot of hard work by a lot of people; especially Jane the convener.  It was a lot of fun for dad and I as we took turns at the book table but people keep telling me about how good certain books were and I was tempted to bring home a bag full.  So I did.  Panteli took us out To White Spot so that was very much appreciated after my busy day.

I am so happy a place has been found to have the wedding at.  Life often does seem to create problems that need solving and it is good when answers come.

Now for something to laugh about.

Many Years ago I had, I think I can safely say, an hour glass figure.  But not anymore it is more like those egg timers where the sand runs to the bottom.  The main problem is figuring out what size I am.
The same size can be different in another style and yes I do not like trying on clothes.  Smaller on top and wider in the middle.

On my morning walk it was not raining and I meet three of my favorite people.  Johanna, has chronic pain and tells me about her life and her determination to keep walking.  We walk about the same pace which is good and there is an understanding between us, she is a very genuine person without pretense and a great sense of humor!  Then I meet the bicycle lady, so enthusiastic,  who always encourages me with a smile and a few words.  Last there is the young man who thanks me for keeping his neighborhood clean and asks me how I am.  Of course I say fine.

I have decided to look into the healing stories told about Jesus in the gospels.  Each gospel is told from a different perspective, for different purposes and of course different personalities.  Like all of us we all can remember things differently.

In studying scripture one needs to learn about the Eastern culture that was passionately religious and that longed for God's great redemption.  The love of the Father expressed through the Son in the miracle of healing.

Today I will be visiting the dear old folks.  Carol arrives to-night which is exciting and Theresa has plans made for the week-end mostly with Ben and Morgan.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Out of the blue Ken phoned to say he can get leave on the 19th of Sept.  He just heard the news so they will be talking and planning about the family coming.  What a surprise!  We will skype on Friday and they will know more and hopefully we can hear better.  The reception on our end was not good.

We would love for you and your family to stay here with us.

Yes, Pentali is here and Carol arrives Thursday late at night.  He will pick her up.  Sandra plans to be working in her garden and I know I was out in mine today and it is amazing all the overgrowth with the heavy rain.  It is still cool here.

The trouble is that a place to hold the wedding and reception still has not been found so that is stressful for Shawna and that is understandable.  I know most girls dream about this special day and want it to be perfect.  A very emotional time!

Having it here is a wonderful idea but not as easy as we first thought.

I will take pictures when I am at the Strawberry tea Today. This will be the hall not the church.  I can put it on face book at noon.  I do not know what the rules are or anything but will find out if you want me to.  Dad and I will visit the place in Burnaby on Thursday if that will help.

We have had many different weddings in our family, from ones at the register's office, to a home wedding, to one outside and ones in churches.  They all have been beautiful. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I had better get cracking and post some of the pictures from father's day.  Here the two fathers are side by side and Randy is giving Ben a hard time.

Morgan is taking pictures.

Don't believe it Ben

Mother and daughter

This morning dad and I better get cracking.  He is going to see how he does on his walk and then we are off to take pictures of a perspective wedding place.  Pentali is off to a meeting so we are all doing our things.
First one we saw one in White Rock   Kwonais Lodge
Dad and I enjoyed our walk around the beach.  Dad even went for a walk in the forest and felt okay.
But his feet were hurting last night.  Learning to live with pain and not worry is important for us all.


Monday, June 18, 2012


I woke up feeling very relaxed and even feeling a bit lazy.  A good day to enjoy family at home.
I believe we all have our own pace ; a rythem by which we live our lives.  As a child I could play hard but tired easily and enjoyed curled up in our big chair reading.  I have always gone to bed early.

It has been wonderful having Shanda here and hearing about their plans.  Too bad they were unable to find a special place to have their wedding.  I know she was thinking of a rustic place and has something definite in her mind.  Sandra drove all over the place and both looked exhausted.    You almost have a start a year earlier.

 We have a lovely church all with bright windows.
I will take pictures of our strawberry tea on Wed.  Anyway an idea.  It would be amazing is she can find the place of her dreams but sometimes that does not work out.  It is an exciting time just to have family together and she will be a beautiful bride and her and Stephen a handsome couple.  They are writing their own words so that will make it special.

There did seem some promising signs of the sun shining.  I did a short walk and had some sad news about a very ill former minister of ours.  So many people are facing difficult illnesses and are being added to our prayer list at church.

If we live we live to the Lord
and if we die we die to the Lord
So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.  Romans 14
Trust that He will give us the courage and strength to face each day.
I am quoting the scripture this minister lives by and I think it is a good word to live by.
It is wonderful to have family to share our joys with, as gather to honor dad on father's day
 but also important to share our aches and pains, our disappointments and health struggles;
 along with all our blessings.  Joys and sorrows all a part of life.

I will download some pictures later.
Saturday was a happy day with Theresa and Mikie and Morgan watching Ben play lacrosse.

This was just minutes before Ben got a 4 minute penalty so Morgan and I were not impressed with mean old mister referee

It was an exciting game and we were so happy to spend time with family.

Our tired but happy lacrosse player.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


                                                                O Happy Day!

I had a very loving but very strict father. He had very high standards and I did my best not to disappoint him so did well at school. According to my dad he was involved in secretly spying during the war in Saskatoon, a small town.  When he was forced to move into the Nursing home because both him and mom had failing health at first he was very angry.  Then he started to feel it was his job to keep an eye on what was going on there so he became a spy again.  We were just happy he was happy.

 Your dad is also a great story teller and a very loving father devoted to family and involved in their sport activities and attending ballet and swimming events.

Right now I am definitely thinking that dad's had an easier role; just from my point of view because they never have to think what to feed people, or where will they sleep or what should the plan be to get everyone together.  I know father hood has changed since our parenting days and being responsible for providing for a family was and is extremely stressful

Right now I find that as soon as breakfast is over, or even while we are eating it, I am pondering what will we have for supper?  And yes Nancy, when some one phones to say they are dropping by I start thinking what can I feed them? 

Dad did find staying home with you kids very stressful!

Dad enjoyed the banana loaf I made on Sat.  I did measure and use my new pan!  I was not too impressed but then I am not a great fan of my own cooking.

Dad told me to remember something and I been trying to think all day what is was I was to remember.  I did renew his eye meds. so maybe that was it. 

I really looked forward to attending Ben's lacrosse game in New Westminster.  Not so far for us to drive.  I can pick up some bread for my friend and although it is made with no flour it does not agree with me, but my friend really enjoys it. 

There appears to be some good news about Oliver but I do not know for absolute truth so I better not say!  Theresa told us.  I do hope it is true.  I actually had stopped praying for it but God continues to do what he does best. 

I have never had any doubts about God but only some of the people who say they are doing his will.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Little Azzie brought his mom Jazmine for a visit on our quiet Friday.  He is so trusting as he is in his mom's arms.  We do not have many baby toys around anymore but at his age he loves to play with any thing you have around the house.

Dad did a bit of shopping and tried a little walk.  It seems like two steps forward and one back but right now he is happy watching golf.

Jazmine is also on a g;uten-free diet and has found she is feeling much healthier.  I had a lot in common with her as we discussed our symtons.  I told her how I had trusted God when I felt him telling me to go back to a certain doctor, who finally found out what was wrong with me.  It all seems like so long ago I can just barely remember.

Trust is so important in all our relationships!  Love grows in the soil of trust.

Sandra dropped by late in the day with Shawna and her best pal Amy.  They were in very good spirits and it was a fun visit. they are hunting for a place to have the wedding so drove all around from Centennial Beach to Chilliwack.  Shawna's ring was absolutely beautiful and I forgot to take pictures.

It is a rainy Sat. morning but at least one sunny day!

 Turning the fire place on in our family rooms helps take the chill off the morning.

Friday, June 15, 2012


Welcome Shawna!  Looking for forward to having a visit.
 I know you girls, you and Sandra will be very busy with all your planning.  A very exciting time!

Yes, I know that dad has to take his pill the same time every day so I make sure he takes it when I return from my walk.  Yes, I know it is not for normal pain.  He had a short walk to the end of the street but his hips were hurting.  Maybe he should go back to the doctor?

I am reminded of the book I am reading about the Laguna Honda Hospital (God's Hotel) when I go visiting on Thursday.  This was a place of healing and refuge that valued the caring of the body and soul that is the true medical care.  A place special for the chronically disabled, a place to shelter them and rehabilitate them if possible.  A ward consisted of fifteen beds to a side; each bed had a window.  A ward had a mixture of different patients which worked well as some of the healthier could help those disables.

Patients like Mr. Biggson, blind from birth, mentally retarded, prone to seizures was treated with warmth and kindness.  He was silent and yet he was listening.  He was blind and yet he was aware
of movement around him.  He taught everyone that every life has purpose and meaning even when it appears not to be useful. 

There was Paul who had no legs and all he wanted was a fishing jacket to keep things in because he had no trousers.

Charity was as much a part of this hospital as the nursing care.  "Charity in the medieval sense of a personal action evoked by dearness and contributing to the well being of its giver as well as its receiver.

I think that because I was sitting with Jim the activity worker took notice of him and got us two ice cream bars.  He was more than willing to eat mine as well as his.  Then I went to visit two new ladies as Edith has gone to receive more care and is in Langley now, and I was amazed how welcoming these new ladies were.  The one shared a lot of her life with me including the death of her daughter and her separation from her husband that resulted from this.

I have heard so many life stories I guess I could write a book. 

Anyway if you comment tell me what book or books you are reading?   

Thursday, June 14, 2012


He walks down to the grassy area

The grass has now been cut and children and dogs play happily there

Dad takes pictures too.

Others arrive.  This was two days ago.  Today, Thrusday he is having hip muscle pain so will be taking it easy.  We had a good crowd at our coffee morning at Zeller's.  Jane and Geof were there and returned dad's hat he left at their place.

I am going visiting now so it will be interesting to see who is there.

Ken and I enjoy the shade deck two years ago when we had sun!

 A happy Sandra

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


                                 Beautiful Dreamer!
What a beautiful color and feel to this gown.  What a gift!

Dad often buys more expensive clothes for me and it gives him joy to do it.  Carol actually bought this back from China.  I have been given many beautiful gifts from my children which I will always treasure.  Anytime we spend together is a gift.  Carol will arrive here on June 21.

Learning to find the beauty of God in the silence.

I had a beautiful experience when I took communion at church.  Usually it is a very solumn taking of what the church calls a sacrament. I experience this wonderful joy instead of the sadness of humility I usually feel.

It was like one moment held all of his life being poured into me.  I knew that his feet no longer walked along the dusty roads and his hands no longer touched with healing love, his words that he had spoken to the lost and lonely and weary became his words to me right in that moment.  A wordless communion that is beyond words.

To experience worth and significance even knowing our unworthiness is a beautiful miracle.

'We give You thanks that You are always present, in all things,
each day and each night.
We give You thanks for Your gifts of creation, life and friendship.
We give You thanks for the blessings of this day. . . . ."  Psalm 104.

Wed. morning dad woke up feeling very weak and achy.  He had taken two pills yesterday as prescribed by the doctor.  I said no one way is he driving the car to get tested for air-care.  He best just stay at home and watch soccer etc.

I headed down to the store to buy Bigger clothes telling myself that putting on a few pounds was okay.  I was not all that happy with my bulging figure.  The check out girl, who actually was East Indian, and I had a great laugh as we joked about not having to look sexy but to feel comfortable in what we are wearing.  Such a beautiful girl


                                Maybe the Devil's Hockey team  should change their name?

It certainly seems time to end the hockey season and it was not their time to win.

One of the sayings that was popular years ago  was "the devil made me do it".

Reading the gospels Jesus came across his own type of devil.  At that time and for many years after people believed in a good and a bad spirits.  These spiritual beings had great power.  For us in our modern world of facts the thought of demons and devils seem more like outdated superstition.  I think that Jesus came to expose the evil that held many captive as it seems also to do today. 

Deliverance was to bring into the light the compassion that God had for all and his desire that a new life force could restore healing and bring reconciliation!

Jesus confronts evil in people, in those who hide behind religiosity, in whose in   political power and in respected positions.  Jesus even names the evil in his own followers.  To Peter he says. get behind me Satan."  And we are told that Satan enters Judas and Judas betrays him.

So where do fear, dark thoughts and nightmares came from?  They come to us all, every one.
I still believe in the power of prayer and the power of laughter and tears.

Dealing with the negative can be like dealing with the boggy man in the closet or under your bed; until you find out the truth. 

Dad had pain in both his hips yesterday so had to do a lot of stopping and resting.