Wednesday, June 13, 2012


                                 Beautiful Dreamer!
What a beautiful color and feel to this gown.  What a gift!

Dad often buys more expensive clothes for me and it gives him joy to do it.  Carol actually bought this back from China.  I have been given many beautiful gifts from my children which I will always treasure.  Anytime we spend together is a gift.  Carol will arrive here on June 21.

Learning to find the beauty of God in the silence.

I had a beautiful experience when I took communion at church.  Usually it is a very solumn taking of what the church calls a sacrament. I experience this wonderful joy instead of the sadness of humility I usually feel.

It was like one moment held all of his life being poured into me.  I knew that his feet no longer walked along the dusty roads and his hands no longer touched with healing love, his words that he had spoken to the lost and lonely and weary became his words to me right in that moment.  A wordless communion that is beyond words.

To experience worth and significance even knowing our unworthiness is a beautiful miracle.

'We give You thanks that You are always present, in all things,
each day and each night.
We give You thanks for Your gifts of creation, life and friendship.
We give You thanks for the blessings of this day. . . . ."  Psalm 104.

Wed. morning dad woke up feeling very weak and achy.  He had taken two pills yesterday as prescribed by the doctor.  I said no one way is he driving the car to get tested for air-care.  He best just stay at home and watch soccer etc.

I headed down to the store to buy Bigger clothes telling myself that putting on a few pounds was okay.  I was not all that happy with my bulging figure.  The check out girl, who actually was East Indian, and I had a great laugh as we joked about not having to look sexy but to feel comfortable in what we are wearing.  Such a beautiful girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a beautiful colour. I hope dad is taking his pills with food and at the same time everyday. These are not pain killers but an anti depresant so you really need it to stay nice and even. I find it hard to think you are bulging all over, but if you are putting on a little weight I have to think that is a good thing. Must be that new bread pan! Sandra