Wednesday, January 30, 2013


            The powerful spirit of purity and grace is blowing around and upon us all.

The beauty of nature, the energy of music and the love that flows so gently softens the heart and the mind stops being judgmental, critical, defensive, hard and brittle.  I have always believed it is important to put your heart into what you are doing and do the best you can.

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space.  He (or she) experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as separate from the rest. . . .a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.. . . . .Our tasks must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
-Albert Einstein
Watching the news and seeing all the destruction of the flooding in Australia and the unrest in so many countries I know I feel helpless.  If I try to treat all I meet with respect I can at least start with that.  Disappointing and painful day, stiff neck,  but I figure it is two steps forward and one back but it is onward!  Life is too complex to expect always to be moving forward.

"As long as we want to be interesting, distinct, special, we are pulled away from the deep realization that we are very much a part of the human race, and in the final analysis we are not different but the same.  -Spiritual Direction by Henri Nouven

We all want to be loved and healed of negative emotions and use our gifts to bless others.  Healed! ! !

I have permission to share the wonderful and exciting news that Shawna and Stephen are going to have a baby!  Another little one!  Our family continues to grow!  Congratulations to boyh of you!


It seems that those who bring light into the world often become shrouded with myths.

Life seems to create myths that become a part of the general thought pattern.

For example:  there is not enough to go around.  Fear of not having enough drives us to want to get more, better and bigger things.  What we neeed to do is share more.
Another one is if  you empower someone else you give your power away.
We have been programed to believe that material power guarantees happiness. 

What if we could understand what a lot of wise people have told us:  "Inner power is always stronger than material power".

I think that finding people who believe in you and help build self-esteem is important to creating a happy life.  It is good to know what your dreams and goals are in life.  Within us there is a creative urge that longs to be expressed.

Acts of kindness and compassion and love is possible when "we love our neighbor as ourselves".

It is hard to believe that Matthew will be going to preschool and Jasmine in Kindy.  Ben will be fineshing grade 4 this year and Morgan grade 1.  They are all growing up so fast.

I feel like I am back to normal and that dad still is fighting his miserable cold but getting a bit better every day.  Health is so important to us all.  Did my full walk yesterday, the first part alone and the second with Gundy.

I am looking forward to going out to lunch with Jane to a friends house, should be fun.

How fast time flys and then they are all grown up.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


What a wonderful gift optimisum is and it can help you see the light ahead and laugh at where you were and all the richness of life.


I make it down to the little salmon street and it is an in between kind of day not raining and not sunshine but just gray and cool not cold.

I still feel I am in between being healthy and being sick lacking in energy but improving every day.   Dad is feeling a bit better today which is good too, but it sure was a nasty bug he caught.  We are wondering about you Ken?  Cousin Sheila in England is out of hospital but has a long recovery ahead.

I walked over to see Gundy and we had a good talk in her little living room with the fireplace going.  She was very tired after her Niece and her husband left.  They were very hyper and noisy so no wonder she was exhausted.  We will walk together to-morrow.  It will feel good when life gets back to our normal.  We have each other, a roof over our heads and food to eat.  I feel surround by kindnesss.

At times I feel that I am in between the spiritual reality and the physical world in which I live.  I do believe that the mind has a great capacity for imagination, artistic beauty, for purity and goodness.

Dad did a bit of shopping at Canadian Tire looking for a head rest but round up getting it at Work Wear house.  My neck, well both of our necks have been painful.  I think it is a virus.

Went to bed early and watched the hockey game. We are very fortunate we can just do what we feel .

Monday, January 28, 2013


I am amazed at the influence of a story,  that may even be called a myth,  can have in one's life.
If I were to have a wish I would wish that I have been able to have a positive influence on the lives of others.  I suppose we all influence our children in some way or another; and also our friends.  When I think about the disciples of Jesus I wonder if we realize how much they gave up to become his followers.  There were also women who followed him who may have given up their reputation and role they were playing in their own life's.  Jesus had a great influence on all their lives and even Paul who did not know Jesus was influenced by a divine appearance of blinding light.  Quoting from the book "God" (which I lost for awhile and kept asking dad if he had seen "God") Paul presents a clear message of the goodness of God who transforms and inspires individual lives.  Paul had a great influence on the growth of Christianity.  The disciples may not have been this happy group that all agreed and at first Paul was definitely an outsider but he gave his life to spreading the word he believed.
What I do  value are  my family and my friends, generosity and compassion, the sick and the elderly, the seekers and questioners, the so called failures that keep on trying, truth and honesty, the wounded healers, those who speak up for justice and those who value all human and animal life.
I find all these traits in Jesus and because I trust his words and his actions.  There are many profound truths and wisdom in other teachings yes that is true and I think there is a link between them all and yet for me nothing compares to the wisdom in the Scriptures.  Words that believers were willing to die for.   It is not always easy to find the true meaning,  one has to read and reread and let your mind absorb what sometimes is hidden. 
 A changed life is the greatest miracle of all and there have been many thousands who have experienced salvation.  Salvation takes the rational mind into a world beyond reality.  I have many people influence my life and I believe that even my ancestors who I never met have influenced me.
A quiet day for dad and myself.  I hope that to-morrow will find him even better.  Disappointing hockey game so there is room for improvement there too.  I did a lot of reading.  I hope I will have a good walk today.
 Happy Birthday Stephen our very special grandson who is loved a lot!
We are so happy Stephen married such a special girl.  He has great tastes!
I know Shawna is a good influence.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


"The truth is the more you empower others the more you empower yourself."  - Carolyn Myss
Bad news about the flooding in Brisbane and do hope the family  keeps dry.
Every action is the exchange of power between two people.  I think there is some truth in this.  There are exceptions when there is true friendships and in relationships where two people are equal and really respect the feelings of the other person.
Each of us face different earthly and spiritual challenges from which we learn lessons that allow us to evolve different, increasing higher qualities of energy.  We have the ability to read the energy of others around us,
"The truth is, inner power is always stronger than material (or physical) power.
I want to live believing that Jesus the Christ comes to us as the stranger, the prisoner, the one who is naked and hungry, the lonely and the sick.  I think it is amazing gift that I see in Jesus and I want to have it alive in me.  Being grateful for everything helps on days when we do not feel like being grateful and can even help those in pain.
The spiritual life is one of gratitude and compassion.
Sin comes naturally goodness requires practice and discipline.
Confession comes before we can reform our inner desires and renew our mind and serve others, not with the motive of elevating ourselves.
A bad stomach ache will keep me home from church  today  and dad's sore nose and bad cold means another day housebound for him.  Looking cute though!


Friday was a lovely sunny day at last almost warm enough to sit on our porch.

 ( Please take note our phone is not working only dad's cell phone.  Dad is working on it and I know he will get it working right soon.)

A lovely sunny day which I was hoping would  inspire me to clean out the closet in the guest room.
I soon get tired but at least I have started.
I found my study book that had gone missing since Christmas and also the slides that Sandra wants.
I am always over joyed when missing things are found.
I think that I grew up in a very good time.  I enjoyed a lot of freedom as a child and could play for hours outside.  I rode my bike all over town.  (Dad wants to get out riding his bike again when the weather really improves; and when he is feeling better.)  He still has a very  nasty cold and he is so darn cheerful it is not fair.
I also think it is a good time to be growing older because old people are keeping more active and continuing to learn.  There are writing and painting groups; singing and discussion groups and all kinds of activities.  We are thinking of taking up some new interests together.  A time for adventure!
Christianity is learning a new way to look at life and also develop spiritually.  There are many wise teachers in all religions but for me I still put my faith in scripture and prayer.  This too takes practice and I believe my goal is to become a calmer person and a more loving person.  It all begins to sink into our hearts and become who we are.
Both work and spirituality have the potential of making life more beautiful; so that we see others differently.    That does not mean we will not have crummy days because I sure do.
Not everyone will understand or even like me but I can love and accept myself! 
Different people come into our lives for various reasons and one is to teach me more about myself and my weaknesses and imperfections.

Saturday, January 26, 2013


                                  Trusting opens the dorrway to faith.
I trust my weak and wobbly legs to take me for a short walk and it feels good.  Dad trust his skin doctor as he burns and cuts his nose; and dad chats away to him.  I trusted my parents when they took me to church.  I loved the singing and tried to understand the words but did not really succeed.  I trust the words in the Bible that tell the stories of those who knew and listened to Jesus.

Stories are a great way to learn and our minister begins his sermons with a story every time.  They all seem real and believable.  The creed can become not something we are forced to believe but a prayer that builds trust and faith.

The word doctrine actually means a "healing teaching" from the French word for "doctor."  These words remind us of the early disciples and the trust they were putting into the words they believed were living words that they could trust and take refuge in.

We live in a world that is untrusting.  It is hard to know who or what to believe.  Can I trust others to do what is the right thing?  That can be either when I am walking or driving.  I have to be careful and alert.  I cannot even trust when I am walking in the crosswalk with a green light that I will be seen.

Looking out my window before bedtime. Hoping to-morrow will be another nice day and that dad will continue to improve. As J head out the door this Saturday morning I bend to pet an black and white cat but to my surprise it is a skunk and we both scare each other and head off in different directions.  I am glad it did not spray me.

Friday, January 25, 2013


Even small acts of kindness can be invisible acts of grace.
Feeling ever so much better today.
Funny that this is called invisible because it has published in the wrong order.
There is really no such thing as a small act of kindness. One never knows when what we do or say can bring new meaning and hope into another person's life. Carl Jung described maturity as an awakening to the need to live a life of spiritual purpose rather than just fulfilling the basic needs of our own happiness.
"Now I believe that the human spirit needs to develop generosity and compassion to be healthy."
-Carolyn Myss in Invisible Acts of Power
Many times I have been graced with just the help in the circumstances. It has renewed my faith in myself and made me aware of times I can be of help to others. I often spend the rest of the day thinking how blessed I have been by the kindness of others. Grace is more than a neutral life force because there is a spiritual component to it. Grace can be like a coincident, or an intuition that is speaking to us. Health improves when I allow the healing energy of grace to flow through me to others. We all need each other.
And Jesus said: "That which you do to the least of these my brethren you do unto me."
It all starts with an attitude of the heart as revealed in the scripture where the word talks about; listening hearts, overflowing hearts, broken hearts, longing hearts and willing hearts etc.
We all have problems in our lives that drain our energy and strength and sometimes it is hard to see beyond our own situation. Ben has the cold and it has gone into his ear and he has a very painful ear infection. Theresa needs to be at her course and she has already taken one day off. I wish we could help but we are too far away and not healthy enough.
When dad was at the store yesterday the cashier noticed the bandaged on his nose and she shared all the skin cancers she has removed. Yes we all have problems.
I notice how people walk now and wonder if they have poor circulation like dad.
A foggy picture of Sheils and Bill's house on London Road in England

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I am thankful that scripture reading and prayer help me to keep in touch with the Good Lord.
Keeping in touch is very important to me.And through all our modern advances. I am so thankful for pictures of Mathew and Jasmine.  Seeing them on skype is even more amazing.  Dad and I are so blessed to be able to keep in touch by e-mail with all our family.  I also like the comments on my blog about what others are doing.  So very happy at the news that Mary and Michael John are going to have a baby girl!
To-morrow my cousin, My cousin bill's wife Sheila, in England will be having an operation for cancer in the hospital at Cambridge.  This will be followed by radiation treatment,   Praying that all will go well.
Ken was the only one at home when they came to visit us many years ago when we lived on 53rd.
Dad had his plane at that time and flew us all around and it was great fun even for a scary cat like me.
Another interesting thing was that Sheila and I had baby boys on the same day and both were named Richard.  Carol and Rick will remember when their daughter Jill visited us many years later.  Rick just had his knee operated on at that time.
Dad is the best one to send e-mails and I am happy for him to do it.
I missed our study group yesterday.   I like our smaller church and the small groups that keep us more in touch with each other's lives.  I will miss my walk today.
I have always loved the stories of that Jesus told whether in parables, metaphors or allegories.  He addresses a multiple of subjects and life situations that are common to us all.  It is a way for me to keep in touch and to know his unconditional love.
Dad is improving in time to wait on me.  He goes to see Dr. Jovanovic about his skin condition.  Things are looking good for now but he does have a small growth on his nose.  I am glad he is going to the doctor.  He did have the skin cancer removed from his nose and he is thankful the miseries of a runny nose have slowed down.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Dad continues to be under the weather with a nasty exhausting cough.  He takes a half a pill and it helps him sleep at night so that helps me too..
I cannot believe he has gotten so sick I have been carefully giving him vitamins and good food but it just did not help this year.  I think this is going to hang around for awhile; so lots of liquid and the steamer going and rest.  Yes lots of germs here and there but I think if you are having headaches for weeks  you should be checked out.  I am doing okay and able to get us things like a pizza and new D.V.D.'s from library
 The oldies sometimes do not hear the phone maybe dad was coughing too much!
                                         My little treasures from the sea.
Jesus said:   "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth. ...but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  Math. : 6:19

In Ancient times it was believed that if you had a heart you can be "saved" meaning you could recognize what was good in yourself and what was bad. (sin)  and believe in the mercy and goodness of God to release and heal you within and set you free.
Growing up I did not know about other religions at all and just knew there were Catholics and Protestants.  I would walk by a home for Catholic nuns and the odd glimpse I had of them I admired their calmness and beauty.  I thought it would be wonderful to have your heart so full of God's love that you would surrender all of your life to His service.  So good to be young.
All love needs to be expressed in words and in actions.  Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love others as yourself.    Love cannot be lived in isolation.     Love is what binds one heart to another or  the soul to the soul of the spirit.  Lack of love weakens the heart and soul.
So as a sign of his future mission Jesus took the water that was for washing and purification and turned it into wine.  According to our minister that meant there was no distinction between pure and impure and that Jesus wants to help us to be filled with love and his spirit.  A translation of an ancient story.
I will go for my walk again this morning, then it is off to Bible study at Colebrook.  It is always help- full to talk things over with others because they see things I do not.  Our study is in Genesis so that is ancient history!  Change of plans as my nose starts running and my throat is getting sorer.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Bloom where you are planted
Blooms are coming out already in the chilly fog.  Walking in the fog gives one a headache and the sidewalk is very slippery too, which makes it stressful.  A dark figure comes toward me in the gloom and all of a sudden I look down and there is a little dog wagging it's tail beside me and his owner tells me the dogie does not like the fog either.  I wonder do I belong out in this gray world?

Dad now has a cough and still feels miserable.

Belonging is important to me.  I am happy knowing I belong to a family and that we all matter to one another.

In our church as in many churches people sit in the same spot week after week.  I have not got in the habit of doing this and several times found myself sitting in some one else's spot.  I feel like I belong in our church so I laugh and move along.  Not because I want to I am happy to do it.

Belonging to a church has moved beyond institutionalized posture that one must believe in certain things or behave in a certain way.  If one has a desire to want to belong then you are welcomed to be apart of a community of faith; recognizing that the purpose is to learn more about the spirit of God as  lived in the life of Jesus.  I believe that music has the power to open the soul to worship and prayer. .   
Christianity has a purpose to teach by word and example how a person can become the best they can be.  It feels sad to me that even with all it's imperfections the traditions I love may disappear.

Not so foggy this Tuesday morning.  A bit hard to think as I have been having a nasty headache.

Monday, January 21, 2013


                                       Two of my bucket fillers.  Ben and Morgan

Their was a movie called Buckets or something, the idea was you have a list of things you want to accomplish or do before you kick the bucket. Where did that saying come from? Maybe dad can find out.

There are many things we can do to fill each other's buckets which should never be empty.  A little red hair girl and brown haired big brother are great bucket fillers because they bring so much love and joy into  our lives.

Dad and I look forward to having a visit from Matthew and Jasmine who bring us joy by skype now.
Author Carol McCloud tells about an workshop she attended on early childhood.  The speaker was an expert in infant brain research who taught that it was helpful to think of every baby as being born with an invisible bucket.  The bucket represents a child's mental and emotional health.  When you hold, care, sing and play etc. it  is filling the child's bucket with love. 

But in addition to being loved, children must be taught how to love others.  Both children and adults who learn to express kindness and love,  lead happier lives.

We each carry this bucket and it's purpose is to hold good thoughts and also good feelings about yourself.  We all have bad days when things go wrong and it really helps when some one comes along and gives you a smile or a caring word.

I found this picture and story in a children's book and was impressed.  I loved the words and the pictures.  Not quite up to Socrates but on the other hand maybe it is.

I hope dad feels better today and I will find out after my walk.  Sandra and Randy did bring our table saw back because it was a nuisance in their kitchen but sure helped Randy do all the cutting for his floors.  We have not seen them yet.  They made a quick get-a-way not wanting any germs and I do not blame them; but there are a lot of people all around with colds and flu.

Pictures from the book "Have You Filled Your Bucket Today?"   by Carol  Mcloud

Saturday, January 19, 2013


"In the words "Know Thyself" is buried a new belief, that human nature is capable of reaching God without dogma, authority, and fear."  Deepak Chopra 
Know the truth and it will set you free.
Sunday morning and another foggy day which matches my foggy mind.  Good to start with prayer.
Dear Lord: I pray that you will remind me that you are at work within me and around me.  I give you thanks for being my strength in difficult times in the past and I ask that you will heal those in my family like Ken, and dad, and Traudel and now my cousin Sheila Taylor, Jill's mom to know your healing love surrounds them.
Lord I know I need You all during the day and I know that we all need each other.
Socrates according to the write up in the book  "God"  encouraged the asking of questions.     
Who am I?
What is the purpose of life? Is there supreme truth? 
 Can God be known by words, when what I need is an experience.      
 Each of us experiences life differently and hopefully truth will be fresh and new.
"If God is about our own awareness, then 'Know thyself" has huge religious implications.  Despots at this time used religion to keep people in line.  Obedience, superstition, and fear are powerful political .
Having opinions was considered being corrupted.  Socrates taught that all authority should be questioned.  The question of truth became for him a matter of life and death.  Why did he have such an interest in God or the gods? 
 "Because he believed that creation had a divine origin, therefore so did humans."
Know thyself became a life-and-death command to transform ourselves.
Instead every society co-ops God to bolster the statue quo."
"Socrates aimed to make truth so seductive that it overtook the mind, purified it of all false beliefs, and ignited a lifelong hunger for a higher reality.  We can then seek the ideal in everyday experience-if we are true philosophers, lovers of wisdom."
Like Jesus who taught us to be in the world but not of it, that you will become the light of the world rather than hiding it under a bushel basket.  The gospel  of John brings to light Greek thoughts and ideals.
So I guess that is enough of that.  Dad is fighting his cold with rest and T.V. tennis, golf and hockey.
I am back doing his jobs; except making the bed because he is still in it.  I grumble about doing the dishes (yes I have been spoilt) but he comes along later and shines up the counter to his standards!
I feel like the bug is chasing after me but so far it has not caught me. 


The snow is still here in hidden areas where the sun has not been strong enough to melt it away. On Wed. dad walked in the Watershed and the grass area still had snow lying on it although the paths he choose that day were fine.

Dad now has a nasty cold with the sore throat, headache and runny nose.  I think he is run down with all the different things his body is fighting, his skin cancer, his leg and hip pain and his eye problems.
We both have so much to be thankful for it is important to remember this.  You forget how miserable a cold bug or flu bug can make you feel until it hits again.  A sense of humor is good medicine!

I spent the day trying to contact people that were to come to our house on Sat. night for our book discussion and unless you actually talk to people it is hard to know if they have got the message on E-mail or on their answering machine.

I react to life with many different emotions and try to understand why I feel like I do about different things.  My goal is to find the calmness and serenity that comes with both faith and intellect and being aware of my emotions.  My relationship with my friend has been restored but there are now new boundaries which I have always known are important.  Moments of reconciliation and kindness are worth having.
In the gospel of John I read that "he (Jesus) was moved with the deepest emotions.  John 11:33
There is grief, frustration, and even anger in his response to the cruelty of life and the hardness of the hearts of those who turned away from his message of forgiveness and mercy.  But some of his messages are words of anger and frustration.
His intense anger when he found that instead of a house of prayer it had become a market place
- John 2:16
"The devil is your father and you prefer to do what your father wants."  John 8:44 (that is a strong condemnation)
Extraordinary sensitivity when he says: "Who touched me?  I felt that power had gone from me. Luke
I am reminded about the importance of being aware of my feelings.  Jesus came to be a light for our souls and in that light I believe there is healing.   I, also, want to become more sensitive to the emotions of others.
"The longest journey is the journey inwards: for those who have chosen their destiny, who have started on the quest for their source of their being."  Dag Hammarskjold  Church Bulletin

Friday, January 18, 2013


Open the eyes of my heart so I may see!

I was amazed as I looked out and saw such a beautiful sunrise filling the sky.  It was cold but promised to be sunny. 

"Spiritual disciplines are the skills and techniques by which we begin to see the image of God in our own hearts and it is not easy."   --Henri Nouwen from Spiritual Direction

"Legalism creates a mask of conformity which makes the believer holy in his own eyes and thus prevents him from coming to self-knowledge." from A Glimpse of Jesus. Jesus said that the law was important but what was needed was a new attitude toward the law, an attitude much like the grace of A.A. to open my eyes to see and confess my faults and take responsibility for my own weaknesses.

I am not called to be perfect but to be open to seeing that perfectionism can be idolatry and creates feelings of superiority towards others we may see as less perfect.  I believe that if I could look into the eyes of Jesus I would detect the infinite compassion of His Father.  I want to see.

"Learn from me"  Jesus said, "for I am gentle and humble of heart."  Matt. 11:29

"We perceive what we are prepared to see and know.  The contradiction in holy messages arose because of our own limitations.  We label as God mere glimpses of higher reality, like seeing one figure in DeVinci's Last Supper.  -from God by D.Chopra

I believe that I can learn even from the Old Testament, when I look for a pattern that reveals a loving God.  and hopefully our picture of God can evolve and be changing although He is the same.

Can I really see myself as others see me?  Like many things in life I think this is a gradual process.

I see that children are still losing their mittens, like I did as a child, as I see one here and there on my walks.  I myself have two black lovely warm gloves that are for the same hand and I do not know how that happened.

Dad and I went to see the Life of Pie and it was full of amazing, magical, colors and affects that were unbelievable.  Came home and watched some of the Lance Armstrong interview with Oprah and went to bed feeling like he was getting a cold.
This is the sunrise and there was a lovely sunset too.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Questions help us build a firm foundation and a creation of space for answers.
They come especially in times of doubt and pain but it is important to ask, to wait, to seek.
Questions not the answers are  the foundation of a spiritual life
"Painful questions, like those Job faced, must be raised, faced then lived."
--Henry Nouven from Spiritual Direction
There are no easy answers.  and a faith that is lived does not require defending.  Growth comes when we see a new way of understanding.  Asking questions in a community of faith that is compassionate and unconditional has helped me find value and worth in myself.  I am trying to allow all the daily experiences of life;    joy and sorrow,  fear and faith , insecurity and affection,  loneliness and support
be a part of my spiritual quest.
As I walked on Tuesday a cold frosty morning the snow crinkled and crackled under my feet and I walked slowly and carefully keeping my eyes on the sidewalk; watching carefully for icy spots.  I was thinking  when reading the Bible it is important to keep your eyes on Jesus.   There are many false notions about God that would coincide with the immaturity and ignorance  and superstitions  of the times.
When we realize that the pain of the human search is a necessary growing pain we can accept what we cannot change.  "The human mind can tolerate anything but meaninglessness, and nowhere in Job's tale, is affliction even consider random; but explores how good things in life might be connected to bad things.  Religious fundamentalism, whether Christian, Islamic or Hindu, depends on the same archaic elements, in which fear and sin dominate."  --from God By Deepak Chopra
So I think maybe the sacrifice of Jesus was made not to make us worthy but because it proves we are worthy.  I have had to surrender some of my past beliefs and that means the ego has to let go of claiming to have all the answers.  Only then can I gain self-knowledge and recognize that God does not solve all our problems or answer all our questions, but allows us to continue to travel closer to the mystery of our existence where all questions cease.
Wed. morning I was off to the meeting at the church.  The new furnace makes so much noise we had trouble hearing each other which made for lots of laughter.  Jane let me know if your sore hand is better that was a nasty looking injury.
Not sure if I will go to the Nursing Home because of the concerns about the flu here.  If you visit you have to wear a mask.  I am sure I could deliver the milkshake though. 
Dad has beeeen watching the tennnis.  How can they play in that heat?
Cold and frosty here this Thrusday morning. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


A good day to read books.  I may need gloves on as it is cold in our room!
This is Monday morning.

I did go for my usual morning walk and then dad and I drove in the Audi to the library. Dad remarked as we were walking in that I was not returning very many books and he was right I had left some in another bag ready to go, at home.

I have always loved to read and find that now I can doze off too easily which is annoying.  I picked up the book "God" by Chopra while I was picking up a new British drama we had ordered. 

It will be another book that I have to read with complete attention and concentration.  I am sure each chapter I will stop and reflect about what I have read.  I am fortunate to have several good books that I am reading at the moment.  A good mystery is always something that you can get lost in as you become a part of the plot.

I think that Theresa has a good idea that there family practices on Sunday which is call a "no technology"  day which means no T.V. or computers or other tecky things.  I think that is excellent if families make an effort to develop closer relationships-and true enough this requires time.  It is so easy to get swept up in all that is going on around us.

"What period of life is more important and precious than the life of a child?"

"What better way to learn patience than by sharing time with children at their own pace and seeing life through their eyes." -- E.Easwaran

  I enjoyed playing games with Morgan and reading a bit to her but I want to find some better books to read to them.  Ben was very happy as he took dad's flight simulator home. We enjoy our time together even when it is short;  and  I am always happy when we get rid of clutter.(the simulator).
Just starting to read these.
Tuesday we decided to shop at a different grocery  store in White Rock but found it was difficult to find things and not only that,  there were not any sales that we could find.
Very happy to have a phone call that Wed. is our meeting of U.C.W. because had forgotten all ab out it.  Like I say I am more and more forgetful.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


"Every moment is a doorway to meaning, purpose and joy, 
the key is an unhurried mind". 
Eknth Easwaren
Sunday afternoon it was cold and sunny as we drove into Vancouver to the Gluten-Free Exhibition at the Van. Convention  Center. A ceaseless flow of traffic with cars all around us made driving a challenge, which dad was up for!
The view of the mountains was breathtaking.  Dad and I enjoy the drive and the sense of adventure.  We felt bad when we arrived only to find out it was sold out and there was an hour wait even if we coud get in.  Two big burley, but friendy men, informed us of this news.  Disappointed to left seeing others departing with bags full of goodies.

This is the view as we left to carry on our adventure.
We arrive at Prospect Point after nearly going over the Lion's Gate Bridge.
          Moving on. Taking our time. Gone our the days when speed means efficiency.

We end up at the Sylvia!
Beautiful drive home with the sun on the mountains! !  The next day it snows.
"Patience is one of the unsung virtues."
"Patience is the very heart of love."
I need to be more patient if I am going to become calmer, and I have many times each day to practice.

Monday, January 14, 2013


There have been times in history when new ideas and values have emerged out of the old traditions.
Hopefully for the benefit of mankind as a whole.  At this time in the history of politics in Canada the Native People are demanding that they be heard, especially the pain that has been past down through generations, and the need for greater freedom.

I think of the way people in many churches take communion and for years the same words have been expressed but have offended some because they have not understood what they are doing.

In communion I like to think we are celebrating a life!  We are being invited to share a meal with Jesus and remember what he tried to teach us to live for each other.

One of the most striking features of the ministry of Jesus was that he shared meals with the so-called outcasts and sinners.  This was considered a outrage to the religious leaders who demanded that they determine who is worthy and approved by their rituals "saved" before they could be welcomed to come to the table.  They demanded cleanliness on the outside but Jesus provided insight into the inner heart of a person.

In the middle east to share a meal with a person was a symbol of brotherhood, trust, forgiveness and peace.

The shared meal was a picture of a shared life.  Jesus broke the religious laws time and time again not out of rebellion but out of a heart of compassion.

We need new words to express what is the heart of the gospel.


Theresa is back to school.

They arrived late at night very tired.
Morgan woke up first before Ben and then Theresa and dad.  Lots to talk about, our wonderful family, new things that Theresa and the children are doing, how well the service the day before went, our crazy friends and our best friends, and how our lives dad and mine are changing as we slow down.  Looking forward to Carol and Panteli and Kim coming back.  Also Mary will be here in April too, the 29 I believe.  Missed seeing Carol and Kim on skype because they were out swimming and biking.
Ben and Morgan had great fun breaking the ice in our little pond which was frozen nearly solid.  Ben can be a real big help clearer the table and doing things.  I think it is so important that boys learn to do all these chores around the house not just the girls and I think it is important to start them early doing small things.  It is nice when they clean up toys and books too.
Tough love starts early.
Ben and Morgan were looking forward to seeing their cousins before heading out to Chilliwack.  Theresa had a home work assignment that needed to be done.
Just realized dad and I forgot Luca's birthday and I am reminded how forgetful I am becoming but then growing old is not for the faint-hearted.   It is was it is!
Monday morning looked out at snow!

Saturday, January 12, 2013


                                 Yellow roses a sign of new hope.

Sandra and Randy were very upset to discover the water pipe had leaked into the bedroom closet wall. The wall was wet and moldy and would have to be removed along with the rug and floors. A big job and they have been working so hard it is discouraging. We picked up Sandra who had been helping tear the place apart. Theresa was pleased to see us, especially Sandra. Her friends Kerry and Nicole were there also. We met two old friends from Colebrook Bev. Coleman from Vancouver Island and Dorena who we see at our book study once a week or so. Dorena knew my grand daughters mother-in-law was very sick but did not know it was a sorority friend of hers.

Ben and Morgan looked so smart as they stood at the door of the church giving out the bulletins.  Ben is his white shirt and Morgana very preety dress.  They sat in the front row with the other children and I was very proud of them both.

The service was sad which I was expecting.  Jennifer talked about her mother-in-law tearfully which I know how hard it is when the time actually comes to talk and your voice breaks down.  She gave us a lovely picture of Robbie as did a co-worker and a sorority friend. 

It is so sad to hear about all the good things that Robbie had done in her life, facing many difficulties and challenges but always being present and real to others.  When dad and I first met her she seemed shy and quiet, but her love for her family was expressed in many ways.

It makes me stop and think and I believe that suffering can be a powerful force that can detach ourselves from our own selfishness and give us the desire to bring meaning and change into our own lives that we share with others.
We will wait and see if Theresa and Mikie and the children arrive for a sleep-over.  It is now after 9 and we are going to bed.

It is morning and Morgan is the first one up and now Ben is awake.  It is fun to have them here.



Today the service of celebrating the life of Robbie will be held at a church in Surrey.  Dad and I are picking up Sandra so we will go together.  She is back doing her accounting studies.  Good for her.

Life is so full of memories and some we never forget.  Preparing and attending a service to remember a loved one can be very difficult but it is a good thing to do.  I now count both Robbie and Chuck as very good friends and so thankful that I had so many good visits with Robbie.  The whole family was very supportive and loving and faithful through it all. 

Dad and  are especially proud of Theresa as she shared emotionally and also practically with them both.  She took on many tasks with courage and determination.

Life and death are all part of the human experience but the comfort for me is knowing that
God is  Lord over all things on heaven and earth.
 Good will triumph over evil and good can be created out of suffering.
I know that I have so much to be thankful for and that I will try to make healthier choices.
It is so good to have sunny days, and especially for today, I am glad the light in shining on us all.

I have heard many amazing stories from some of the elderly that I visit and times when they have gone through a near death esperience.The door that seems to separate us from eternity is no more than a sheer curtain, and many have seen  glimpses of loved ones before they pass on.  I pray I sense that the spirit of Jesus lives to give us life abundantly here and now and also will be there to welcome us into the place on the other side of the door.

God is Lord of time and space .

 So many things we thought were important now become
worthless compared to love of family.

I pray this day goes well for the Alexander family!

Friday, January 11, 2013


I think help is a good word to start any prayer with.  Especially after I wake up after a very restless night when I was checking to see if the clock was keeping the right time all night every hour on the hour; and it was!

I like what Anne Lamont says:

Hi God, I am just a mess. It is all hopeless. What else is new? (my favorite saying when dad asks how I am and I say tired) I would be sick of me, if I were you God, but miraculously You are not. I
know I have no control of the lives of other people, and this annoys me. Yet I believe that if I am able to accept and surrender this, You will meet me wherever I am.

A Jewish mother prays: Help for the sick and hungry, home for the homeless folk, peace in the world forever, this is my prayer, O Lord I pray.

Or "Dear something,
I don't know what I am doing or where I am going.
I'm getting more lost, more afraid, more uptight.

I realize that this does not seem like positive thing but it is.  I believe that God continues to work in mysterious ways and if I am patient the answers will come, because He has never failed me.  I feel better as I go out the door I leave behind all the petty annoyances and worries of the previous day and the day begins to unfold before me.

I am thinking that doors are so important if you are in a prison like Mandela or in a palace like the queen all places need doors.

Prayer is an open door.
Jesus said:  I am the door!  And I believe it!
I love the story the Secret Garden when they open the door into another world that use to be a garden.

I am thankful for the rain which does not get too hot nor turn into snow that needs shoveling.

Yesterday dad took Chuck out to lunch at the White Spot and they had a great visit together.

I delivered my milkshake to Jim without spilling a drop.  He is sure going down hill.  I went for a walk with partially blind Pierre and this perked him up.  We walked together slowly enjoying the warm sun on our backs.  He would sit and rest on his walker frequently.

Kenny skipped us so we could wish Jasmine Happy Birthday.  Her big eyes just sparkle with excitement and joy!  Mathew likes feeding the new toy pony carrots and doing hands stands and they both showed us their dancing routines.  I am sad to be so far away.

I am very concerned for the Peterguim yellow spots on Ken's eyes that are not responding to the eye drops.  I am praying for his healing.  I hope he is staying on the gluten-free diet and maybe vitamins would help.

I am definitely getting more forgetful but I do remember to pray for you all at some time during the day!  This morning my payers are with the Alexander family as the service to remember Robbie's life is on Sat. to-morrow.  Theresa and family may be staying here to-night,

Dad is going out to lunch with a friend from church called Bob.