Monday, January 7, 2013


Sunday Meanderings

On my early morning walk two ducks were swimming very close to where the water is pouring over the rocks.  They looked very confident and happy. 
This is the fast tumbling water fall they are swimming away from. 
Confidence is important .

I lose confidence in myself when I compare myself to others.
I know several people who are anxious about what the New Year may hold for them,
 not knowing what they may be facing.  Waiting to hear news can be difficult.
 I am not confident about learning new things but I know I should keep trying. 
 I need to learn more about my camera.
I am not confident about remembering birthdays, either I am early or late.  I look at my family calender and frown because I am late seeing Jasmines;s birthday.  O dear me.
I am confident about my morning walks with my new florescent vest.
I am confident that I will learn something as dad and I go to church.
I agree with Nelson Mandela who says:  We need religious institutions to continue to be the conscience of society, a moral custodian and a fearless champion of the interests of the weak and downtrodden.  They have a call to work for justice and for peace.
The church has sometimes failed to live up to what it should do and be, but it still has an important role to play in my life.  Learning to work together is a valuable lesson in life.    We, who go to church are neither saints or sinners.  It is important to have a religion that is built upon grace. 
Too bad dad and I had a miserable time sitting on the hard pews because both of us felt more pain in our necks.  Daniel gave a good message as he found deeper meanings in the gospel of Matthew than he had ever seen before.  I think this is partly do to the changes in ourselves, that enable us to see the new in the old,  but I am confident there are new aspects waiting to be discovered in scripture for all.
There is also the mystical sense that the ordinary becomes extraordinary.  We are encouraged to move from belief to trust. Trust that we have been called to live in the light!
After a nap I returned to find the ducks that  so knew they must be around somewhere.had swan under the road to the other side of the creek.  I wanted to take pictures and I was pleased when I knew I heard a quack.  It turns into a big lake on the other side.  It started to rain but I found the  walk refreshing.

After returning home dad and I drove over to have supper on the new round table at Sandra and Randy's house.  A feast prepared by both of them.  I took several pictures but they did not turn out.  The supper was excellent and we even took left-overs home!  Thanks you two!
This is the lake on the other side of Coyote Creek. 
The light of Christ shines upon us all.
"We are earth people on a spiritual journey to the stars.  Our quest, our earth walk, is to look within, to know who we are, to see that we are connected to all things, that there is no separation, only in the mind."   _Lakota Seeker.


Sandra said...

I am glad you liked dinner. I dont think either Randy or I were satisfied with our respective contributions to the meal. But I am confident we will try again and do better! Sandra

larry bennett said...

Jesus said "Follow me" What did the duckies say?

beth bennett said...

Thank you elina and Ken for the card and pictures. Great fun for us to look at. I will take them to my luncheon on Wed. and show them off.
Wishing you a good year too.
love mom

Anonymous said...

better late than never. I took the card to work in my bag for at least a week.Cooler here today.

beth bennett said...

Sorry that should be Melina!