Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I make it down to the little salmon street and it is an in between kind of day not raining and not sunshine but just gray and cool not cold.

I still feel I am in between being healthy and being sick lacking in energy but improving every day.   Dad is feeling a bit better today which is good too, but it sure was a nasty bug he caught.  We are wondering about you Ken?  Cousin Sheila in England is out of hospital but has a long recovery ahead.

I walked over to see Gundy and we had a good talk in her little living room with the fireplace going.  She was very tired after her Niece and her husband left.  They were very hyper and noisy so no wonder she was exhausted.  We will walk together to-morrow.  It will feel good when life gets back to our normal.  We have each other, a roof over our heads and food to eat.  I feel surround by kindnesss.

At times I feel that I am in between the spiritual reality and the physical world in which I live.  I do believe that the mind has a great capacity for imagination, artistic beauty, for purity and goodness.

Dad did a bit of shopping at Canadian Tire looking for a head rest but round up getting it at Work Wear house.  My neck, well both of our necks have been painful.  I think it is a virus.

Went to bed early and watched the hockey game. We are very fortunate we can just do what we feel .


Sandra said...

It is nice to be able to make choices. I am watching downtown manor right now and it makes me wonder, if you have all these servants around all the time would it put pressure on you to act a certain way so the staff does not talk? Mandi and James are here, arived about 8, they took the old way not the coquihala. Peanut went to the vet yesterday, think she might have a bladder infection again, waiting on the blood work.

Anonymous said...

Have you and Dad got a collection of Canadian Tire money?

Maybe in the summer you will actually see some fish in the stream. I think that would be wonderful!



Anonymous said...

Well at least you can rest up before tomorrows game ! I can watch all the games live and the quality is great via my Apple TV .
Jesse first day back to school today. Matthew has an interview at preschool tomorrow. Jasmine starts kindy on Friday.