Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Without solitude, it is virtually impossible to live the spiritual life.
Yet we cannot live our spiritual lives alone.
I think that is one of the reasons Jesus told his friends that when he died his spirit would be available to those who loved him.
 A quiet place just to pause and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Yesterday afternoon dad went for his walk and met one dog on his way out of the park. The deep cut on his leg is finally starting to heal and stop bleeding.  It has slowly slowed down so very gradually.  Meanwhile I was doing a bit of shopping and mailed a card to Jasmine, which will be late I am thinking.  I came home and a card arrived from Melina and Ken and the children with some pictures.  More happy faces for me to enjoy looking at.  I remember years, many years ago, I found a bunch of letters in dad's pocket he had completely forgot to mail.

Sorry you are not feeling well Sandra.  It sure was a miserable chilly, rainy day.  Dad is not so good, a lot of little things and his face is very sore and he needs the growth on his nose cut off.  It is growing but thankfully he has an appointment coming up with the skin doctor.

So I had to go 10% shopping on my own.  I started unloading at the quick check-out because I usually go there.  The cashier kindly whispered that I was at the wrong place but she let me go through, we are good friends.

I have been thinking a lot about Chuck so gave him a call.  He and dad are getting to-gather for coffee Wed.  I am going over to a friends place for our Jet Lag lunch start up.  We ended with a lunch and now start with another one.  We are very serious about our studies.

I do not know anything about Leah.  Maybe Craig or Rick will tell us.  Missing Comments from Rick.

I was surprised at the Post Office when someone invited me to go ahead of me, which was good as waiting in line can be so tiring,  I was standing very calm and relaxed even.  So I took his place gratefully.  I think there is something about calmness and cheerfulness that affects the people you are around sometimes.
I pause to think of all the good and kind people in the world of which there are many.  I think of the regulars I meet on my morning walk most so very ready to give me a smile.  I think that somehow the spaciousness of God's heart is made new to me each day with kind smiles..

I read in my book this morning "a job is a privilege" no matter what it may be but hopefully with the potential to lead to better things.  This I have learned from reading the book "Tattoos on the Heart".  Every child is a child of God and worthy to be loved.  I think of the miracle of pregnancy and the great joy that fills your life with each child.  They are all so different because human nature is so complex.

Theresa called and she has been very busy making the program and preparing a slide show for the "celebration of life"  for Robbie on the 12 of January.  It is still so hard to believe she is not here any more.   She had a big heart and delighted so in her children and especially the grand children
I keep thinking of things I need to do and wish I could put my thoughts on pause for awhile. 


Sandra said...

It is so nice to have someone do something nice unexpectably. I got thank you cards in the mail from Ben and Morgan, a lot nicer then bills that is for sure. Oh, and my class on Saturday is in the morning so I can go to the service for Robbie with you and dad. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes dad and I also got thank you cards from
Ben and Morgan, so nice.

Anonymous said...

I think the forecast is for 39c, Jassy's birthday, may be too hot for the water slides....

Anonymous said...

Leah has a few days off now and was going to drive down to Vancouver but the highway was closed.

A fair bit of snow around here, and a long driveway, so a lot of snow shoveling.



nancy-Lou said...

What a nice pic of the pond. Soft colours...I call them west coast colours.We are bracing for a winter storm..lots of snow coming and bad highways. Time to stay home on Friday! Love Nancy