Sunday, April 30, 2023



Watching flowers grow.

Today is Sunday.  I am not in church but I will walk with Jesus

I will do a lot of just watching.

I am watching the little cherry blossoms fall from the ground.
It looks like it is snowing.

I watch two raccons come and play n our pond.

I watch the squirrel trying to get into the bird feeder.

Spenser and I have our early morning walk.

I  will watch the Chosen  and eat skinny popcorn.

I will watch Sandra if she comes to work on tghe pond,

Right down we are waiting to see Carol.
Her car broke down and she is taking it to the garage and hopes to get a ride here.

It is cool today and it is suppose to rain hard.

Friday, April 28, 2023


 The thing is I do not feel very eloquent but I will make an efforft.

Ken I hope your sore throats are getting better.  They can be very painful.

It was like summer here today so we sat out on our front deck and had luch out there.  Laura served us

I started to make an effort to clean out the shed.  I did not get very far.  I will start tomorrow early in the morning when I have a little engery.  Dad promises to help  In fact he says he will do it all.

There is pollen in the air which is making my head hurt and my eyes water,

The flowers are all coming out in bloom,  A lovely time of year,

Thankful Randy and Sandra are coing over to help tomorrow.

Thankful Spenser is getting a hair cut.

 I am watching the Chosen in the mornong before dad gets up.  It is not his thing..

Thursday, April 27, 2023


Hillary gave me lots of books.  I have to give them away.  Let me know if you are interested.

Spenser and I will take a few at a time and put them in the little library.

Mainly I have been busy dragging junk out of the garage and the shed to put out for the spring clean up.  I was glad Rick came this morning to help me.  I wait all year for this time to put out our junk.  There is now room in the shed to walk in there.  I should have taken a picture before I started.  I like it when people pick up some of things before it is picked up.

I went to Bible study on Wed.  We were studying spiritual gifts and I have been busy watching D.V,D.'s on th gospels.  This is another thing I have been doing watching The Chosen.

We pray to understand and discover our spiritual gifts.  These are to help us help others not to make us superior in any way.  Some are wisdom. faith.discernment, speaking in tongues, etc.  I believe in God because  know I have faith and I know he told me to go to the right doctor who diasnosed me when many other doctors could not.   That was a difficult time.

There is always more to learn about the Bible and about the ways of Jesus.  Why did he tell his disciples not to tell about the healings he was doing.   Miracles.  It could have been because Jesus was very aware of his mission and the right time for his divinity to be revealed.

Jesus uses riddles and parrables and stories to reveal the truth. A truth that can be revealed to any one who truly seeks to know.

I can sleep in tomorrow knowing the junk has been removed.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


                                                         Life bloomig at the grave yard.  

Yesterday we had our first Tuesday supper with Carol and Panteli and Rick.   This will continue untio Carol leaves for Caligornia on June 5th.  We enjoyed the wonderful food and good conversation during and after supper.  We are an interesting group.  Next time we shouls let Carol and Pamteli get a few words in.

Dad wants everyone to know he is not a believer.  To me that is sad.  He prayed for me when I was so ill for so long.  His prayers were answered by the right doctor finding out what was wrong.

I know what I believe I have no doubts  I heard God speak to me.  I know his love surrounds us all.  My belief gives meaning and purpose to my life.

I agree with Ravi Zacharias who says "life is a search for the spiritual"

"Essence is farmore than belief."  The spirit deep within in our souls hungers for what is real and gives  life purpose.

"Essense is far moew than belief.  

It is belief based on the intrinisic value ofm the person.  This is the hunger of the spirit beyond mere sensory and belief components.

We want to avoid pain but we cannot.  Pleasure and pain are a part of our human journey.

The spiritual is found in relationships. stewardship and worship and faith.  It is a journey into the unknown.

I do not have to beleve in all religions but I do have to know what Jesus means to me.

Monday, April 24, 2023


 I seem to be taking a journey back in time.  This is our old United Church in Tsawwassen.

We drove there yesterday and had a wonderful visit with Carol and Panteli and Rick.  

We had a delicios lunch that Carol made.  I hope it was not too much for her as she is still recovering from her bad cold.

AS we get older it takes longer to recover.  Rick is still recovering from his stroke.  

I have very good memories of our time in Tsawwassen especially a this church were I met my best friend Dorothy Wells.  We had great times together, like the time dad bought me a car and she went out driving with me.  We laughed at my mistakes.  She was a blessing that helped me cope with undiagnosed celiac.  It was on the couch there I felt God tell me to go see the dpctor who would finally diagnose me,  It took a long time for me to recover but the burden of not knowing had been lifted.

We both joined a Bible study group with some Baptist ladies.  Boy they sure know their Bibles.

WE also visited Dad.s grandmothers grave.  We made her last few years of life better by spending time with her and having her over for Christmas etc.  I likeed hearing her stories from her past.

Life is a journey and today I will be going to the blood clinic.  Thankful Sandra found a clinic I could go to,  I hope to find out if my iron is low and is casing my fatique.

My journey od faith has been a foundation to help me cope with illness and some sadness.  

I feel very blessed.

Sorry Sandra I could not remember what you did so I am glad you memtioned it.  You were a good help with the babies and with the dinner.  That Harvest dinner was the best!

Sunday, April 23, 2023

 This is the church we went to for many many years.

IT cahanged my life by giving me the confidence to take on leadership roles.

I got to sing in the choir!

Larry was involved in Outreach.  Carol and Larry and I all taught Sunday schol.  Oliver and Theresa and Kim were baptixed there.

Oliver was baby Jesus and Carol and Ron played Mary and Joseph beautifully.

Sandra help look after the babies in the nursury,

We all enjoyed the Harvest Fall Turkey dinner.  Ron tok on the job of cooking the turkeys.

I was thinking of church and about the rejection Jesus had when he went back to his synagouge,

His message frightened them and they did not want to believe it.  How could this simple plain man be the chosen one?  He was just like one of them except he had the divine power to heal and cast out demons.

The worst thing about church is if it teaches we are holier than others.  We can become too religious and we are obnoxious and rude,

The best thing is we can go there to learn and to be part of a community.  I have not been to church for awhile and it is about time I went again.  Where?  The old church is now a school.

Church is meant to help us grow spiritually becoming more aware of the needs of others especially the poor and down trodden.  

Humility and compassion are the strengths we need to grow.  As well as generosity,

Yes Ken I am enjoying the D.V.D's.  I forgot to mention you played the drums at church and Rick when to youth group with our cool long haired minister.  Jack rode a bychle into church one day to relate to the story of Jesus riging a donkey.  Jack became involved in drama after he left church,

Saturday, April 22, 2023


 YES We drove down our old street and took a picture of the house we loved in for about 16 years.

My morning started out stressful  The toilet over flowed, the dog went to the bathroom on the l;iving room rug and I could not find what Sandra was looking for.

Things improved as we drove over to where we use to live.  Many happy memries there.  We hated to leave this big old house but it was getting to be too much for us.

The whole area has changed.  My friendship woth Jane and belonging to our church made for lots of fun times.

After we drove to Art Naps where dad shopped for blouses for the girls.  I also got a new warm sweater.

We came home and I cooked some salmon for a late lunch or early supper

We plan to drive to Tsawwassen on Sunday.

Home looking at old photos.  What a wonderful life we have had!

Thursday, April 20, 2023


 Love is the most important spiritual gift

Meeting the needs of others with caring concern and compassion.

Hearts full of joy bless otherfs.

Peace and patience reveal the sense of the acceptance.

Faithfulness in doing what we can to live out our faith and beliefs.

Humility seeks the best for others.

God's Spirit working through us day by day,

Today was garbage day and we where so pleased to see Rick drive in to take out our garbage, also sort it into the right can and boxes and bags.  Boxes have to be cut up and put in the right place/

We enjoyed breakfast together and then Rick was going to go to the store for us but he looked tired and dad loves shopping so he said he would go.  

The rest of the day we took turns watching the chosen and then hockey.  The last thing we did was watch a bit of news.

A very cold wet day so good to just stay home after our shopping.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


 Looking at nature always lifts my spirits.  No matter if it is a miserable day cloudy and wet and cold.

I am so pleased that the swelling in my face is going down.  The pain is less,  The redness is fading.  The pills are helping

I also talked to Dr.Nolte today and I am having a complete blood work done to see if my iron is low.  I am still very tired and I hope that can be fixed too,

Spiitual gifts are availavle for any one who reaches out to experience the grace of God.We become people who become passionate, caring, giving and sharing.  Also there is a hunger to know the presence of God and His Love for you ans me,

I find that I am contest just to be content and let life flow on round me.  Always the presence of my children and grndchildren are a great blessing.  Love to talk to Ken too.  He was off to a movie with Melina and Matthew,  He is very proud od Jasmine and her basket ball team being top winners.

Dad is staying up to watch some show.  Spenser and I are off to bed.

I had more to share so maybe I will to-morrow.

Monday, April 17, 2023


 A day filled with kindness after a night of pain in my jaw.  As soon as Sandra and Randy came over and saw my swollwn red face they said I needed to go to a clinic.  I did not feel like going as I was very tired but off we went.  We were treated with kindness but had to wait over three hours.  Much of this I spent in a room all by myself.

I dod have an infection but the doctor says it is from my eye.  Why did the pain start in the jaw and it felt like a toothache?  Started on meds. but still having pain.  

I was thinking about pain and suffering.Our lives seem to be shapped by our circomstances whether happy or painful  Suffering can challenge your faith in God.  It should not.  Jesus suffered and so will we.  Good can come out of suffering and hopefully make us kinder people,

It seems to be making me cranky and tired.

The funny thing happened at the doctors.  I was waiting in a room all by myself for about an hour.  I went out to the waiting room to get dad to join me.  He was not there but had gone out to the car.  A kind mind said he woiuld go and tell him.  He found him and waved at him but told me when he came back in he had not found him.

Maybe he did not know what I was saying,

Saturday, April 15, 2023


A dull and rainy day.  Spenser and I had one morning walk,

I woke up witha tooth ache.Then it turned into a headache,  It was a boring day and I just hope I can sleep tonight.

Carol is recovering from a cold and cough.  It must have been an effort for her to go to work today.

I am praying for family member who are not well,

Friday, April 14, 2023


 Funny thing was when I wrote that title I brloeved that my computer was workimng.  It was not.  Finally fixed it but the mouse would not work.  Down to the store we went and then had trouble making the new mouse work.  I gave up but dad has got it all fixed.

It is hard sometimes to know what to believe. There are lots of crazy beliefs in this crazy world of ours.

Both dad and I feel better when he does not have a bad night coughing."What is truth asked?" asked Pontius Pilate.  He left the person, who lived the truth, and walked away.

Are we seaching for God when we ask what is the truth?

I am feeling miserable because nothing is working and I feel ancient .

I do know what I believe and that gives me peace and joy.

I do know it is important to know what you believe.  

Monday, April 10, 2023


 As  I woke up this morning thinking about our time together at Sandy and Randy's I though holidays are really good therapy.

It was cold and miserable as we drove over to their house,  As soon as we entered the house we could fell the warmth and love waiing for us.  As the others arrived there was a lot of love and laughter.  

We were proud of the work that Sandra and Randy had put in to getting ready for us. Sandra had made a roast and yourshire pudding.  What a feast when we added Rick's mashed potatoes and Theresa's salad and Tasha's desert.  Lemon pie and lemon squares from Sandra.  

For me Easter is first about the story of the death and ressurrection of Jesus.

Faith is a simple gift that we can choose to receive.

Embrace the love that surounds us all. whereever we are.

Embrace the love of Jesus who toches our lives with renewed grace and hope.

Chocolate Easter bunnies are good too.  Searching for Easter eggs is exciting for the little ones.

Feeling special is good therapy.

Saturday, April 8, 2023


 The day is cold and wet but I know it is spring because all the flowers are coming out.  

Met an old friend on my walk with Spenser,  Met another old friend in the afternoon walk at the Park.

The rest of the day was filled in with old friends from the Bible.  Every person in the Biblical story about Jesus and his friends always speaks to me in different ways.  What characters they were,  So full of life just being with Jesus.  He was always teaching them to look at life differently.  Forgive the difficult people and just keep loving them.

Watching the Chosen on T.V. fit right into  my new world,  Lives were changed and the weak becomes strong and the lost becomes found.  Life does have meaning and we all have our purpose.  The truth has the power to set us free if we face up to any false belief.

I phone my brother.  He has fallen and broke his arm.  His son Karl made him go to the doctor.  Btian is concerned about his youngest son Mark who is having a knee operation.  Hopefully our prayers will help him heal.

Brian prayed for the cancer in his neck to go away and it did.  

There is a spiritual world  that waits to be discovered by us all.

I am excited about being with family on Sunday.  I know the room will look beautiful and all the faces will be happy and loving.


 Yesterday started out as cold and wet and gray.  This morning is the same.  I am hoping it will be sunny when I walk around the park wiyh Spenser.

Hero's are so important in our lives.  They speak the truth that we all need to hear and believe.

Two young men in the States spoke the truth that it is time to fight the lies that gun laws are wrong.  It is time to start saving and protecting the lives of the young and the old.

Jesus has been my hero all my life.  Believing in his wors of life and hope give me the courage to face the unknown future.

I woke up in the night having an awful dream,  I was being held by strong arms that came from behinf me and I couldnot move or breath.  I scremed and I woke myself up.

Fear is an awful emotion that robs us of hope and courage and strength.

Faith in Jesus has help me cope with many years of illness and disappointment.

I love to sing the song "He Lives" and feel the hope that inspires even death to lose it's power.

Yes we all face death but we can conquer the fear,

I love Easter that brings renewed hope and joy that fills our hearts and souls when we listen to news of more and more disasters,

Easter is a time for miracles.  The stoe has been rolled away and Jesus is alive.  His life lives on in the hearts of believers.

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 7, 2023


                                                    The duck is back

Rick saw it early Thruday morning.  The duck that is.

We appreciate that he comes to put out the garbage and then over to the store.  We always seem to need something.

Rick is drivimg Carol and Penteli to the airport this morning.  How exciting for them to see Kim and Hamlet and Alba.

 I amnot feeling good but will walk Spenser for a short walk. 

I have just read the story about Jesus and his death nd ressurrection.  It is such a moving story.  I am thankful that scripture promises that our sins can be and  be forgiven and a new life is waiting for us,

Monday, April 3, 2023


      What a nice surprise to have Theresa and Morgan join us for supper.

It has been a while since we last saw them.  They all looked great.  We often find ourselves thinking of them and wondering how they are doing.

Morgan had been visiting on Salt Springs with Ron and Dona.  Theresa picked her up at the ferries.

Theresa loves her job with the people who run city Hall in Chillowack.  Everyone seems to be doing well.

After our visit with them we started talking about church and about Jesus why he came and why did he have to die.

One thi I learned was everyone has their own opinion.     

I do not claim to have a perfect understanding of God but I believe that there is purpose in all that happened.  There are times when I sense the presence of Jesus but at times I cannot.  Belief and unbelief co-exist if we are honest.

Often it is in times of anxity that I find my faith becoming stronger,  I have no answers to what I need to do but I am trusting God to work in my heart and soul and when I do that I feel a peacce.

Sunday, April 2, 2023


                                              Today we have been invited to Carfol nd Panteli.'s.

                                              Dad hd a better sleep last night.

                                               We are looking forward to going.

Today we are again not going to chuirch.  I do miss going but I have gotten out of the habit and I do not feel I belong anywhere.

We need prophets today to speak into the heart of our religions,  I believe in a 

God of love who is speaking into our lives every day;

Are we helpinmg thise who are poor and needy. / 

Are we standing up for justice?

Is social approval more important than reaching out to help those who are desperate and needy?

Our United church was always aware of the needs of those who feel helpless and hopeless.

When we become followers of Jesus we will be drawen into the honesty and authenicity in a life of prayer and committment,

The minister on the T.V. talked about why Jesus had to die on the cross.  God' s love poured out to heal and restore our relationship with  HJim.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

APRIL Fools Day

                                                    Happy Birthday Randy.!

                                                    You ar looking very young for an old guy!

All our relationships are so important.  Hope you have a great day.

Dad;s morning started at 3;30.  He could not sleep as his back was hurting him.  Of course he is back in bed now,

We really happy Sandra came over to help dad with the computer questions.  It took all morning but it was finally done.  It was important not to make errors.

Our world is full of important people.  Our family.

We all have a role to play.

My faith in God.s love has helped me cope with dificult times.

Congratulations to Jasmine for being on the winning team of Baskert ball.  In the end their team as the best.  Luckily the other team missed their last shot and their team won theirs.

Very exciting news.