Friday, April 14, 2023


 Funny thing was when I wrote that title I brloeved that my computer was workimng.  It was not.  Finally fixed it but the mouse would not work.  Down to the store we went and then had trouble making the new mouse work.  I gave up but dad has got it all fixed.

It is hard sometimes to know what to believe. There are lots of crazy beliefs in this crazy world of ours.

Both dad and I feel better when he does not have a bad night coughing."What is truth asked?" asked Pontius Pilate.  He left the person, who lived the truth, and walked away.

Are we seaching for God when we ask what is the truth?

I am feeling miserable because nothing is working and I feel ancient .

I do know what I believe and that gives me peace and joy.

I do know it is important to know what you believe.