Friday, June 30, 2017


The work continues to unfold with more and more big rocks coming to light.
This is just the first stage which took a lot of hard effort.
The great thing is that dad had this idea in his head and it is just as he planned it.

Early in the morning we both sat reading.  Dad his paper and me my book.  I had had a walk first thing because you never know just how warm it will be.

The day unfolded naturally as dad and I went visiting to give him a break from his project. I go inside and he sits outside with several residents and one lady who was visiting her mother-in-law.  The amazing thing was dad recognized her as a mother he had  seen on T.V.several years ago.  Her son had been killed at the sky train station coming home from work.  Very tragic.  She did a lot of talking so it was probably good for her. It is hard to see meaningfulness as part of an unfolding plan as she tells her story.  She needs to retell it.  

Is life unfolding as it should?  You meet some one unexpectedly but it feels like it was meant to be.
You see a face on T.V. and hear their tragic story but you do not expect to meet them.

Jesus is our example in the way he loved and lived in complete trust even to the end.

"By being fully human , Jesus became the real presence of God"

This is from the book I am reading about a catholic priest whose faith was shaken by the shameful acts that were done by other priests but even worse those in authority allowed it to continue. He could not believe in the infallibility  that wants to control the behavior of others and yet not live by the rules themselves.  He left and became a writer a husband and a  father.  Language became for him an opening to a world we cannot see.  A story told in the book The Practicing Catholic by James Carroll

"Underneath the flowing robes and vestments are weak and frail human beings just like the rest of us!
Condemning the priesthood to a slavish dishonesty."  He wanted to be a part of something he saw as good but left brokenhearted and disillusioned.  He is still a practicing Catholic aware of the evils within religion.  

Jesus warned that there will be false teachers and they will be judged by their fruitfulness.


My morning time to read and write in my journal.

The children are all happy and excited because today was the last day of school.  Also in Melbourne but they are only off for two weeks.  It is an exciting time.

I do not know where all the time went today.  It seems to take all morning to water and work in the yard.  Today we went to Shoppers to get the senior's discount.  Our plan was to go in the morning but it was after one before we headed out.  

Sometimes the time can go so fast and others times it drags.

Time runs out for me on a busy day for me.

The next day I am up early as usual do some reading an writing and praying.
Time well spent.

Then it is time to get dirty.
I certainly do that well as I sit on my bum to do my little bit of digging and weeding.
I like to feel the life in the soil and the life in the sky above and the moment of birds
flying so high above me.

Dad is making even bigger plans for his work filling the back yard with his tiles to cover stones and grass.  A very big job but it makes him happy.

Jesus, a man one with the heart of God, was also a man who was one with nature and used examples of dirt and stones and thistles to illustrate his stories.  I think a good story is when you hear something you can relate to and maybe have even feel that you already knew what you just heard.

A peasant who was one with those he taught and stirred their imaginations to see beyond time and space.  God is everywhere.  He can even create man out of the dust of the earth!
A walk and a visit today will be time well spent.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Missed Haiti on my walk to the part today.
Good weather for a walk and my expectations are high for good weather when the family gathers next month.

Dad is still working on the back yard.  He know what he expects the results to be so he wants to see if it turns out as he expected it to.  Right now he has a wheel barrow full of rocks and dirt too heavy to move.

It is good when our expectations are met but when this does not happen there can be reasons we do not always understand and so we have to except things as they are.

"Let gratitude be the pillow on which you lay your head
. . .and let faith be the bridge  you build to over come evil
and welcome good."   -Maya Angelou 


Sandra's garden.

Two sisters growing up in a small Saskatchewan town were very close.  Their dad died at an early age leaving the family to struggle financially.  Edith, the oldest became a teacher.  Her heart was capture by a handsome charmer who after they were married took her to live in Swift Current.

Sadly he turned out to be a drunk  and an abuser.  My mom Elsie wanted nothing to do with him so the sisters were separated by distance and emotionally.  Things were different in those days when you made a mistake in marrying some one you thought you had to live with the consequences.  

After many years of suffering Edith did get a divorce.  Sam her husband died in a car accident when he was driving drunk.  

Bad things do happen to good people.

My mom became a nurse and gained many friends who became like sisters and who she kept in touch with for years,

When I give to some one less fortunate it is not with a judgmental attitude but with the knowledge but there for the grace of God go I.

"The religious life is to walk not by sight but by faith,
to act in confidence of things unseen in hope of future recompense
and not in fear of future punishment."   -unknown

There is sisterly love that is always a part of who you are,
In later years my parents would travel by train and ferry to visit my mom's sister.
Very happy visits1

There is a love that will not let us go and is called "Amazing Grace!"

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


My dad begins with a walk to the park with Haiti.
Felt very cool but the sun was shining.
It is a much shorter walk.
Dad spent the morning on the computer trying to contact World Vision 
about one of the children we support.

Our plans to drive to West Van. to see Jane did not work out.  She had other plans which included going to the dentist.  Still feeling like a drive we took Haiti home and carried on to the new Mall.  We both find shopping very tiring unless it is Home Depot or Canada Tire.  At least dad does better in these stores.  Not many people shopping you wonder how they make a living.

We wished we were at home when we got a call from Kim who had locked herself out of her car,  She was able to find help and was soon back on the road.  Her extra key is back at our house.

Trying to find out how our world began it seems it could not have been sheer randomness but there was a "cosmological order that reveals the greatness of the mind of the Creator.  There us purpose and meaning that has become clearer with scientific discoveries.  Intelligence and design holding all things together.
Carol"s garden

Monday, June 26, 2017


I have to stop and think.

My dad came from England and had three sisters.  Two were unmarried  and the one girl had one son.  This would be my cousin Bill.  He and his wife came to Canada many years ago when Ken was still at home.  Dad had his little airplane then and he flew them over to Victoria and we even went to the wax museum.

My mom had one sisters who had two girls.  My cousins Laura and Pat.  We did not see them much although they grew up in Saskatchewan.  My parents did not have a car and there just was not any visiting back and forth.  Dad and I did visit my Aunt in Victoria when she retired out there and the two girls also moved there.

My brother has two boys who live in Alberta.  They would be my nephews.  Dad and I have visited Brian and Traudl in Invermere when we did traveling back to Edmonton and Calgary.  One of the boys came and stayed with us years ago for a few days.  

I have a distant cousin in Australia who we saw when we traveled there to see ken and his family.
She married one of my dad's uncles.  One uncle went to Australia and one to the States and one to Canada.

My mom was born in Lipton, Sask.  Her dad and mom moved their from England after the war.  He was given farm land but he was no farmer and ended up selling insurance.  When I was about two my grandmother lived with us for six months but I do not remember this.  Later when she became ill she moved back to a nursing home in Lipton..  I remember when she passed away and my mom going back for the funeral.

It was a friendly family but we were just not too close.

I would have loved to travel to England but never did.

I wish I had asked my parents more questions when they were alive.  I have forgotten things I did know which is too bad.

Growing up it was always exciting to get a Christmas parcel from England.  A new dress and candy.

We had a little excitement to night when the front door blew open, and we did not hear it, but Haiti did and was off down the street.  Our next door neighbors offered her cat treats to get her to come with them back to their place.  They are very kind people and have offered to walk Haiti when I feel two tired to do it.  Mornings are not too bad because a walk in the morning is always good.

"No act of kindness however small is ever wasted."


I find that I have to be more aware of what I am doing and where I am moving and putting things away.  
Early in the morning I sit quietly to let my mind focus on an awareness of the presence of love.

Sunday was a rewarding day with lots of love coming our way.

Leah and Craig and Ophelia come for a visit.

Dad and I make the effort to accept the invitation to Sandra and Randy's.

We are rewarded by hamburgers cooked on the barbecue done with great care.

Then Haiti got to go for a walk with Peanut around the pond across the street.

Just a small area of Sandra's garden.
The shed is all painted and next comes the house.

It was a very warm day spent having happy times with our family aware that we are loved!

Sunday, June 25, 2017


All is quiet Sat. morning, just me and the spider spinning his web.  Even the cats have slept in.  It quickly gets too hot for a big walk or for working in the garden.  Right now keeping everything watered and pulling grass out of the flower beds is about all that needs doing.

Sat. afternoon Panteli brings Haiti over as there is an open house on Sunday.

Kim has been working all Sat. and we have a short call from her.

Carol has also phoned to see how we are.  She is working hard to get her on-line counseling going.

Not a pretty picture.

Gardening keeps me humble because there is so much to do and so much to learn to do.

Humility is a Christian virtue and a lesson we are forced to learn more and more in our old age.

Humility is when an elderly Chinese greeter at Wall-mart takes our chair cushions and carries them to the check-out for us!  New cushions for out -door chairs.

Sunday morning Haiti is ready for an early morning walk.  All is quiet at the park.

Dad and I will not be going to church as I have an ultra-sound on my spine for the sciatic nerve problem which is better now.  I went to the chiropractor  and did exercises.  A lot of pains come and go is what I am finding.

I am reading about Samuel Johnson from the 1700's, a man of great wisdom and yet also great humility.  He wrote sermons for others, wrote a book of poems and other books.  "The Vanity of Human Wishes",  Also the author of the first English language dictionary in 1755.

He lived his faith not only in words but in actions taking care of the poor and homeless.

He speaks our against the British settlers of American for their inhumanity to the innocent natives.

"There are great occasions which force the mind to take refuge in religion."

Forced to humbly admit our need of help from God and from others.
We look up to a higher power in prayer and hopefulness.

Friday, June 23, 2017


My poor little flowers are waiting to be watered. They have to wait for the evening as I went visiting at the Senors Home today.  Dad also went with me and chatted with several of the guys.  They sit out in the parking lot under a tent where you can smoke.  The one fellow had a pipe and loved to read Michener.

I had a feeling one of the residents was waiting for me as it is the last day of the week.  She had not had a good day or a good week.  Sad when no family are there to help you.  She cheered up when I took in some roses, red and white.  I was so pleased I had made the effort to go. We ended up talking about squirrels and having a few laughs.

Waiting for Sandra to drop by after her eye appointment at the clinic near our house.  She was asking questions about our family tree which is now very bare.  Dad has one cousin over on the island and I have my brother Brain and his wife Traudl.  It is time I phoned them again.

Scripture says we are to wait on the Lord so waiting teaches us patience.

Thursday, June 22, 2017


I woke up at 4 as usual but managed to doze off until 6.  This happens every morning just like clockwork.

I make my coffee and toast and sit in the living room and watch the morning unfold before my eyes just like clockwork.

I have to laugh at the cats that live one on each side of the road.
Every morning the black and white one crosses over to the other side
while the gray one comes over to our side.  They meet in the middle but
ignore each other as they go quickly on their way.

Carol arrives in her big white car to walk with Colleen her daughter,  and her two dogs.
They also are early birds who do not sleep in.

Then the paper girl arrives in her little black car.
She has two over coats on as it is cold in the morning.
She keeps very cheerful even though it is a hard job.
She walks slow and looks old but I do not know exactly what her age may be.

The man from down the street walks by on the way to the bus.
He is carrying his brief case dressed in his suit and tie.

Then a big van drives by to pick up the East Indian grandfather
who is off to work on the farm for the day.  He used to own a farm
and still carries on working.  The big van is full of other men.

More cars start up and people leave for work.

The street really comes alive as the kids climb into cars
to be driven to school. Noisy and excited.  This is normal now in this day and age
to be driven.  Mom and dad are off to work too.

Our life is so different but also has its own pattern or clockwork.

I love the freshness of the morning air
and with each breath I pray for family and friends.

"Prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God."  -St Theresa of Avila

Without prayer my life would be empty and full of shadows.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


A slow easy morning just happy to be at home and have no where to go.  My flower and shrubs  are thriving but still need of care as the weeds are growing right along with them.

I went for a short walk after doing house work and dad went for a bike ride after doing his puzzles and reading the paper.

It was too cool to do much in the yard.  The funny thing about working at a project the last few steps are hard to get back to doing.
This is our back yard which is more like a patio.

It was a good decision to move into this home.  Not too small but not too big.  Room enough for all the family to descend upon us bringing new life and energy.  They help us cook and also clean up so it is all fun.  Just like old times and I am happy with the memories.  

This is also a good neighborhood where neighbors become good friends.

"The most elegant interiors are slightly tatty."  -David Netto

That is us!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


Finally a warm day.

It was another race with time as dad and I set off to see his eye doctor.  We certainly are slower getting ready until the last minute.  The appointment went well and he and the doctor had a time of actually communicating.  In the future if he has eye pain he is to come in right away and she will see him.

We wanted to visit our old friend Doug who is now in Morgan Heights Care Home but we were too early to visit as lunch would not be a good time.  So we had a salad and a hamburger, me the salad and dad the hamburger.  

We went to the wrong place first and then when we got there it was a maze to try and find his room.  He is very content and the staff are amazing and the place is warm and friendly.  Dad plans to go back again and take him out in the car.

Kim dropped by to see us soon after we got home which is always a joy!

She has had an article published in a small magazine and we are very proud of her.  She was disappointed because they edited it.  A good editor can make or break a author's success.

Good writers will always be needed to record and remind us of what really happened and what it can mean for us today. 

History is often in the hands of our writers.

 The Old Testament writers dealt with ugly times of cruelty, incest, violence and unending horror.  They wrote what they witnessed and reading it makes us uncomfortable.  Is today any different or even worse?

They were a people struggling in their search for God whom they saw as harsh and distant.

History is also a story told by art and music and inventors and facts and fiction!

The struggle continues in the writers over the centuries and even today.

My view of God is One who is with me to guide and strengthen me 

Monday, June 19, 2017


                                              All that is left in one little sock!
Ken's kangaroo will keep it safe because it is a little too small for me.  Ophelia has one tooth now!

One by one everyone left and the house seemed so quiet.  What a great family we have.

If we do it again I would have some one some one come and clean the house before and maybe help moved a few chairs or things.  I am happy we did it and it turn out so well with all the help!

I followed Ophelia around and missed out on a lot of the conversation.

But Craig told me a story from his work.   He went to the rescue of a lady who had thrown rocks to break her car window to let the dog out.  The dog was a friend's dog who has just died and she was on the way to the funeral.  Natural she was very distraught.  Craig would be the right person to help her!

One by one new flowers are blooming while others die off.  The natural cycle of life!

One by one I am reading about the religious writers over the centuries.  Most interesting.

Different perspectives and different passions.  From the Poet Parson to the Rebel with a cause they add to the understanding of what Christianity has become today.

One by one dad and I will go visiting.  We visited Vera in hospital today and she was her bright and cheerful self.  To-morrow dad visits the eye doctor and we may visit Doug in White Rock.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


Even on Father's day it rained and it rained.  I cleaned the house but should have cleaned the camera.

                                Even in the rain these brave souls turned out and even helped out.
Mandy took the picture and but Panteli  already left to do his marking of papers.  Missing was Kim who was working and James who was playing baseball in the rain.
I got to play with Ophelia who is adorable and crawls all over he house.  Peanut was afraid of her so kept trying to hide.  She had her face behind the chair but her body was sticking out.

Even though they are not too good I did get a picture of Panteli
I need to learn how to edit!
 It was a great success.

Even Ken joined us by phone.

Rick and Carol both phoned earlier.

Even as I washed the floor earlier, and this tiny cute bug comes hurrying out from the Chesterfield.  
He actually was asked to leave1

Saturday, June 17, 2017


I am so fortunate to be able to enjoy the beauty of morning stillness.  For me it is a very spiritual time just to be quiet and peaceful.  The dawn of a new day brings hope and newness and freshness.  A time of prayer and worship for me, to being open to believe there is a presence that surrounds me with love and acceptance.

The day is going to be a busy one and it will start soon enough.

I have not being watching the news for several days it is just too depressing.

Dad was happy going out shopping to buy his food for the breakfast he is going to prepare.

I cut the lawn and did some work on the garden.  A lady complimented me on how lovely it looks.  I am just seeing a lot of weeds growing but I am thankful others can see the beauty.

I am thankful for all the fathers in our family and send them loving thoughts.

"As you pass through the years
you will find much calmness in your heart."
(If you are open to it and let go of all your worries and stress.)

Friday, June 16, 2017


I think it is important to get a good early start to your day.

Going to get my teeth cleaned seem to set me back for the rest of the day.
I have a short appointment in July to get a cavity fixed.
The young hygienist was very sweet and her grandma takes the bone building shots like I am taking.

I did not do any of the things I had planned but dad worked on the back yard doing a great job!

It was good to have sunshine but the air was cool.  Dad read in his shade deck even though it was not really warm enough to be enjoyable.  He does like his shade deck!

I am reading a book about a German village and in the history of the start it mentions some of the authors I have been reading about.  I found that interesting.

To-morrow I hope to get a good early start and go for a walk and work in the yard and do some shopping.  Dad is looking forward to cooking breakfast on father's day and Sandra will also be a big help.

An early bed time will help too.


Dogwoods look lovely in rain or shine.

Yesterday was a heavy day with steady rain all day,  A day to sit by the fire and doze instead of chasing dragons, dust and dirt and crumbs and sticky door nobs.  Only too happy to have Kim drop by in the midst of vacuuming.  Always a great joy to see her.

Now about this business of lifting heavy things I am not making any promises.   I will not lifting real heavy things but three books and a purse?  Yes I was going upstairs and not hanging on to the railing.  It is not easy for either one of us to change our habits but I will make an effort.

This morning I am off to see the dentist to have my teeth cleaned so I will have no temptation.

So pleased to see the sunshine as it will help me see the smudges on the windows etc.

So often on T.V. or in novels Christians are seen as the heavy characters, stern and crazy.  

The Christian message is simple.

We were created to be creative and full of life and humor and energy.

The Christian message seems heavy because it demands the soul and spirit to live to a higher standard.  Jesus  was promising the abundant life that also called for sacrifice.  HE was  a firebrand and a public danger.  He was not gentle and meek and mild but  was thrown out of church, argued with authority and was hunted and murdered for his beliefs.

"His claim was he had a good deal of influence with God and if you want anything done, it is best to apply to him,"   Dorothy Sayers.

Our minister has a great sense of humor which lifts the spirit but still remains true to the words of Jesus. 

We all are very much human beings trying to find light even when life seems heavy.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


The morning began with the news of the tragic, awful, fire in London.
A large apartment building burst into flames with many helpless people inside.
Suffering seems to be the destroyer that invades our lives.
How does one live a life of purpose in the midst of adversity and pain?
There is much in this life we can never understand and we feel helpless and hopeless.
There comes a time when we need to reach out to others to try and ease their pain.

Going to the church for the strawberry tea was like  entering another world of caring people.  But even there behind smiling faces there were those who were going through difficulties.  

There are some who are angry about things happening but unless they are willing to share in the struggle they will be unable to move on and look for the light that is always there.

Reading about the great writer C.S.Lewis he is open and honest with his struggle over the death of his wife.  They only had a few years together and her life ended with her dying of cancer.  "His faith is shaken to the roots, and when he finds it again, it has changed.  His courage and integrity manifested in a deeper more real way"

I find for me that I need the help of spiritual resources of faith and prayer to be able "to find a calmness of the soul,"  -   Timothy Keller.

I am thankful for God's loving presence
His strength
His wisdom
His compassion
His guidance.

I am thankful for the many people who will come forward to help and support at this time.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


The G.P.S. did not give any helpful instructions on our trip to Mikie's factory.

I am not good at reading instructions and was suppose to remove some packaging before cooking.

Dad did get some helpful instructions from the doctor today about the skin around his eye.

Reading about possible side affects can be scary.  I may lose calcium before I gain it.  It breaks down bone and increases bone mass and is good for hip and spine but teeth I will ask the dentist.

According to my blood test I am as healthy as a horse.

Why do I walk slow because my legs feel heavy and unsteady and tired.
No time to walk this morning as we ended up rushing and breaking a few speed limits to get to the doctor on time so we could sit and wait.

In early 1900 Roland Allen wrote "Do not create institutions which will soak up time, money and energy."  After his death he was called a prophet.

He wrote about the goal of the missionary was to tell about Jesus but let the community develop their own way of living the gospel.

"Native people must learn in the context of their own culture and experiences."

Good instructions that have not been followed.

Monday, June 12, 2017


Evidence of lots of rain up by Sandra and Randy's.

The box was empty and the last two pieces of pizza had disappeared.
The evidence clearly pointed to Haiti who had been left in the car while we looked at the tire factory.
Knowing that Haiti has a very sensitive stomach dad and I were very worried.
We arrived home and she seem fine until bed time and the way she was sleeping she looked unhappy.
We both felt a little sick but really the worse would be that she threw up.
Morning came and she was all happy and excited and ready for a walk.

Afterward I walked over to the blood clinic to have my blood checked.  Then I stopped at the dentist to find out when my appointment was.  It is this Friday at 9.

Dad and I panned to visit our friend Vera and found she was in hospital with a broken hip.  She has been having a difficult time and now this has happened.

Dad drove me to visit Joan at the Seniors Home and she was telling me how her life changed when she broke her hip.

The evidence is supporting the decision to have the shot that will build up my bones.
I am picking up the stuff at the Safeway and then dad and I will go to see his doctor and I will get the shot from the nurse.

Evidence of the reality of God takes away the power of faith in the unknown.

Sunday, June 11, 2017


It is difficult to get these two hard workers to pose together.  Another busy day for them.  /As soon as I got back from church we rushed over to see Morgan and Ben who had been dropped off by their mom.  A big day to-morrow for Mikie as it is the opening of his new factory where they are retreading tires.  Theresa was there to help clean up the front offices and get everything ready for the big day.  I could not find my camera which had been knocked back under the seat.

Both Theresa and Mikie are both very excited and have been working hard for this day.
A lot of learning has gone into this process and is a huge challenge.  Wishing them all the best.

Morgan joins Sandra and I as we walk the dogs.  Haiti is always happy to go visit Sandra and Randy.

Ben is happy to stay and watch soccer with grandpa.
This after a swim in the pool.
Peanut is looking much better and more active and even obedient too!

Dad had stayed home from church partly because of his eye looking yucky and partly because I have been working him too hard.
My bones have become so brittle I am not allowed to carry anything heavy so that means dad will be doing the fertilizing because the can is too heavy for me.  He also will be carrying the bags of dirt etc.  It is hard for me to have to wait for him to do things as I would sooner do it myself.  I am taking a shot to build up my bones so I will soon be back in shape ready to get back lifting rocks and pots and all kinds of things.

I stayed at church for a meeting and light lunch which for me meant fruit.  

The message was from a group of seven people who over the years have been very hard workers in our church.  The truth is they are tired out and they are preparing us for the facts the church will be shutting down in a couple of years.  We are all getting too old to carry on.

"Loving God be our voice, be our prayer.
Reaching out joining hands, as we share
we seek your guidance through friendship and care. 

Spirit God be our breath.
Blow in and through us bring strength
and calm to move on."

Tired but happy we arrive home to watch the final game which ended  a hard fought battle.  The goalie was pulled in the last minute and the game ended in a 2 to 0 win.

Saturday, June 10, 2017


These lovely yellow roses were here when we moved in.
Cool again in the morning then sunny and then a few showers.
Must still be spring.
I did a bit in the garden but had to call on dad to carry the watering can back and forth, not being able to lift makes gardening a joint affair.

Soon it was time for us to go to the funeral at Colebrook.  Our intern minister is a delight as he was able to bring some humor to the service.  It was a service for Ted who had a great sense of humor and the church was full of his friends who had appreciated this about him.  He only came to church for the social activities and it would have been great to get to know him better.

"We are here (on this planet earth) to recognize our goodness and our uniqueness and to remind each other of our preciousness and the miracle of each other."  -Elizabeth K. Ross

Relationships provide wondrous opportunities for growth in our ability to love 

Answered prayers are miracles of God's grace but when we also realize the unanswered prayers are also gifts that reveal deeper strength and amazing courage to over come.

Tonight I am going to take time to gaze at the stars and give thanks for another day of living!

Bring on the showers!

Friday, June 9, 2017


Reshaping some of my over grown bushes.

This is a little bit like my life.  Reshaping and rethinking what I can or cannot do.  

It is good for me to have Haiti to walk and brighten up our day.  

Dad's eye is still giving him some pain but the new eye drops take a few days to really work.

I found it too cold to do much in the garden and dad did not work in the back yard either.  We drove to the library and paid my late fee and had a good browse around.
Some fish and chips seemed like a good idea and we enjoyed a friendly chat with the waitress.

Dad made an appointment with his family doctor for Tuesday which I believe is a good idea and I will pick up my shot from the Safeway and have the nurse put it in while we our at the clinic.

By the nineteenth century the church is beginning to reshape some of their thinking to rescue literal thinking using new historical and psychology and scientific discoveries.  The search for meaning continues to challenge our traditions.

Religion built on compassion and inner transformation will reshape and reform social change that creates hope and equality.  This happens when the Holy Spirit reveals truth gradually when we are ready to understand and willing to live out and continue to reshape  our faith.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


I think I need to become like a reporter and write more things especially dates down.
I am a pain to myself as well as others.  Yes, I know we all can be forgetful and I may think I am getting worse but in reality I have always been that way,

Today was a very rainy morning and it is almost like winter is back.  Took Haiti for a good walk and had to towel her down after to dry her off.

Every day in the last several months when I walk over to the clinic I have been telling dad there is a new eye clinic and they take emergency patients.  His eye has been painful and getting worse.  He tried the  office in White Rock yesterday where he goes regularly and they would not fit him in, at least with out asking him some questions that he refuse to answer.  He left.

Today he went to the other eye place on the corner from the Safeway and they could not take him either without doing a full examination.  So he decided to try the place I had told him about.  The doctor was very compassionate and after a few simple tests found some tiny growths on the under side of his eye lid.  They bothered him day and night.  She prescribed some antibiotic drops and he started to feel less pain in an hour.  She sent his doctor a note by e-mail.

He is much happier to-night watching the game.
Haiti is also happy as both Kim and Panteli have come to walk her.
Panteli has stayed to watch the hockey game so that is good too.

I am hopeful that dad's eyes will be healed as he does not need extra pain.

"The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but seeing with new eyes!"
M  Proust.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


My white roses are not doing so well so far this spring.

My purse got left behind when dad and I headed out to White rock to see the doctor.
I must admit I was alarmed when it was no where to be found,  It was found later when I returned home, I realized I left it outside when I went to turn the tap off on the garden hose just as we were going to leave.

The morning goes very quickly after taking Haiti for a walk and meeting Joanne for an update on her comings and goings.  Haiti is a very good listener too.

So I arrive at the doctors without my little list of questions.  The main ones were the test for bone density and getting a form for blood work.

The news about my bones was not good.  No more lifting, well I had just dragged two bags of dirt over to where I am working in the front garden.  No more carrying bags of groceries from the store.  Dr. Nolte got very serious with me which made dad happy.  I am getting a shot to help build up my bones.  Expensive.

As I left I thought I heard a familiar voice and then dad told me he saw Randy go in.  They had both been looking at their phones so did not recognize each other.  Sandra also came when we left.

Too bad about Sandra's car being damaged and the jerk took off and left her behind.

Dad took off to the store after we had had lunch leaving me behind.  I was very happy to be home and have my purse safe near by.

Kim came and walked Haiti before going out to supper.  

Haiti was left behind again.

One day at a time means leaving behind past mistakes and living into  the future.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Dad and I are going to have to be early birds if we want to get anything done especially in the yard.
Once it gets a little bit warm we just melt into puddles of slow motion.  Even so we both did a bit in the yard especially dad putting down his squares that mean no ,ore digging by Haiti and no more grass cutting.  I am trying to make a few paths in my garden so if Sandra wants some plants she can come and have her pick.

Kim brought Haiti over early in the morning.  She runs right to me and says "Hey here I am ready to take you for a walk."  We had a short walk over to the park.  Kim came and took her for a walk after school and before going to work.

They were going to be taking pictures at Carol and Panteli's and so Haiti came over here to be out of the way.  Panteli was busy scrubbing down the sun deck and other chores.  They both seem excited about moving so I hope it all works out.

Carol phone to tell us about a Ted Talk about something that could help me and maybe even dad.

Her journey went fine except she had to rush to change planes and her luggage got left behind.

Wed. I go see the doctor about results of bone density and do another test for the iron.

Being a mom was a blessing that called for hard work and great rewards, and often getting up early in the morning too!

Monday, June 5, 2017


Yes it was a ridiculous day.

Not everybody can get lost in a dollar store but dad did, at least I could not find him.  We should shop in bigger stores where they have a lost and found or can announce for some one to come to the front desk.

Dad was climbing the big ladder and I was very angry at him.  His balance is very bad and he can not feel his feet so I predict problems.  Even trying to clean out our back pond I nearly fell in.  Balance is so important.

This is a beautiful yellow rose just coming out in bloom but it's thorns are deadly and I got caught by them trying to find the end of our hose.  I really need to take my cane with me to steady myself and to fight off the strong crib of these prickles.

My  mystery story ended with no murderer being discovered.  I guess that means there will be a second book.  I was left wondering is I had missed a chapter some where.

Dad went to the dentist to have a special x-ray done by a girl who travels around with her machine and she was told to x-ray the wrong side so she did it all.  Any fool could see where the right side was.

Finally got hold of Jane but to-morrow is not a good day for us to visit so lots to do here so another day would be better for us too.

At the end of the day the bed was unmade and there was a pile of dirty dishes in the sink and it is a mystery where they all came from.

It seems ridiculous that a person who believes in social reform also continues to believed in  the rights of a strong monarchy and the rights of the aristocracy.  This was the case of Fredrick Denison Maurice.  He did believe that true history, true religion, true science each has some truth to teach us and could add value to our lives.

Many minds coming together help reveal what has been ridiculous and what still needs changing.

Sunday, June 4, 2017


Today was a day to wear red as we celebrate Pentecost.  The disciples were praying together when the Holy Spirit descended upon each one.  They were able to communicate in every language the amazing power and presence of the love of God.

We rushed into church as they were singing the first hymn, a joyous song of faith and love.

It was a day to thank Daniel and his wife Loretta for all the time and effort they out into serving our church.  Daniel in his own way he had done his part to make this world a better place.
It was also a red letter day as dad and I shared the afternoon with a visit from Craig and Leah.  Then we went to visit Sandra and Randy,  

Ophelia wants to put everything in her mouth especially any little thing like the cherry seeds that have dropped from our tree.  She crawls around talking to her self and exploring her little world.

Sandra takes her for a splash in the pool.

This is the rock garden made of all the heavy rocks Randy has rescued from the vacant lot.
A beautiful evening after a delicious supper.

The only difficult part of the day had been when my computer was taken over from some strange strangers.  Dad used both computers to stop their dirty work.

Any day spent with friends and family is a red letter day.