Friday, June 16, 2017


Dogwoods look lovely in rain or shine.

Yesterday was a heavy day with steady rain all day,  A day to sit by the fire and doze instead of chasing dragons, dust and dirt and crumbs and sticky door nobs.  Only too happy to have Kim drop by in the midst of vacuuming.  Always a great joy to see her.

Now about this business of lifting heavy things I am not making any promises.   I will not lifting real heavy things but three books and a purse?  Yes I was going upstairs and not hanging on to the railing.  It is not easy for either one of us to change our habits but I will make an effort.

This morning I am off to see the dentist to have my teeth cleaned so I will have no temptation.

So pleased to see the sunshine as it will help me see the smudges on the windows etc.

So often on T.V. or in novels Christians are seen as the heavy characters, stern and crazy.  

The Christian message is simple.

We were created to be creative and full of life and humor and energy.

The Christian message seems heavy because it demands the soul and spirit to live to a higher standard.  Jesus  was promising the abundant life that also called for sacrifice.  HE was  a firebrand and a public danger.  He was not gentle and meek and mild but  was thrown out of church, argued with authority and was hunted and murdered for his beliefs.

"His claim was he had a good deal of influence with God and if you want anything done, it is best to apply to him,"   Dorothy Sayers.

Our minister has a great sense of humor which lifts the spirit but still remains true to the words of Jesus. 

We all are very much human beings trying to find light even when life seems heavy.


Sandra said...

And I just don't know how practical some of the advice Dr Nolte gives is any ways. I remember he told me to stop working so hard in the garden and hire people while I sit and watch. That will not be happening for a long time I hope, not till I wear Randy out at least.

Very disappointed about last night. The ladies ended up having dinner together before the show, which would have been perfect for me, and then just went home afterwards. So I went and sat in a movie theatre with strangers for nothing.


beth bennett said...

Sandra that is so disappointing.
Was there a lack of communication?

I agree that we need to figure out our own health issues.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Awe, Sandra that is not very good...having to see the show by yourself. That is a bummer as the younger crowd like to say....I cannot imagine you giving up gardening, Sandra when you enjoy it so much and the results are so beautiful.

Heavy....well that is a heavy topic, for sure, Beth. Our weather has been " heavy" with lots of rain and overcast skies, for days now. I put the dogs out on their leads and worked outside between rain showers today and we got lots of wood ticks and there were lots of mosquitoes as well. We have to go into the bathroom and do the woodtick check as soon as we come in.
Apparently there are a lot of woodticks this year thanks to the large outbreak of mice last year. they are one of the hosts. AHHHH nature!

How nice to have Haiti for company and for a good walk too. It is so nice that Kim can drop by and have a visit as well. You are lucky your granddaughter is close by. Ours lives in Winnipeg and goes to university and works long hours.

I saw the plastic surgeon on Tuesday and he took all the stitches out and it sure feels better now. he cleaned it all up from crusted blood too and now I look presentable...not normal yet...but it is healing well. So thankful for being cancer free and so thankful for our great health care in Canada.

isn't it a beautiful time of year? We have had a succession of flowering shrubs and trees and now the High Bush Cranberries are flowering and they are just so beautiful with their large rosettes of flowers. I will try and beat the birds and the cottagers to the berries this has to be on their toes!

It is closing in on suppertime so I guess I will sign off for today..

take care Larry and Beth..hang on to those banisters and don't life too much!

Love, Nancy