Tuesday, May 31, 2016


This is the little park across from Sandra and Randy's.
Yes dad and I took off for the seniors home together.  No we do not have a bat mobile but that does not stop us.  Dad visits out in the parking lot and has made friends with a man call Sam.  He is funny and likes to ride around the parking lot in his scooter.

I have two regular people I visit.  Today after I had a pleasant chat with Joyce I went to see Eileen but she was sleeping.  There usually are a group of people having tea in the sitting room so today I stop to chat with them.  I knew two of them already but the other two were new and both very interesting.

Haiti is still with us but Carol dropped by to pick up some of Kim's belongings.  She was tired too after a busy day at work.  Kim and I were both up early so it will be an early night for me.

Wed. I may go to the church where they are practicing a skit comparing birds to different personalities that go to church.  It will be fun as Jane is coming back to get involved and she brings out the mischief in us all.

The Bible study group is going out for lunch and dad has an eye appointment so he will need the car.  My friend will take me and bring me home.  It will depend on how my morning shapes up.

"Most Christians would agree it is about the journey not the destination not easy to describe or to live it!"


"Begin to live a life of love and service
in all that you encounter and all you do.

In striving for a higher understanding of the expression of self
You need to put away that which is not real,
forgive the past mistakes,
prejudices and fears.

In life we have all been wounded and also wounded others so it is important to open ourselves to the healing light and joy which is love in it's purest form."

Yesterday we began working on the back yard and today we will continue to try to see what we can do with the deep holes that Haiti has dug.

We hope to go visiting in the afternoon should be another sunny day.

"What if there was a love so vast you could never be apart from it?

Embraced by the beauty just as you are."

All it takes is surrender to amazing grace!

To be open and to be happy.

Monday, May 30, 2016


Words cannot describe or even the pictures show the mess of so many branches.
A huge job.  This side walk was piled high with branches.
Two of twenty five bags with five more to be filled.  They are unbelievably heavy.

The pouring rain stopped work for one day and then we were too busy to do more.

Sunday we went to church and heard about Sophia the spirit within God that was the gift of imagination that produced the art of creation with its color and beauty.

Wisdom brings order out of creation and speaks to the brokenness of our humanity with calm compassion.  We are invited to walk a path of gratitude that enables the healing energy within to be ignited.

Wisdom invites us to dance and sing with a joyful heart!

Wisdom is truth and we learning from listening to her when she speaks.

The gift of intuition and dreams!

Dad and I enjoyed a real spaggeti  diner with Sandra and Randy and James and Mandy.  Randy's grandmothers receipt.  Dad seasoned dinner with some of his stories.

Sunday, May 29, 2016


A lovely piano at the memorial service.
It reminds me of years ago in Hawaii when dad and I sat
around a piano bar with another couple. 
We had great fun and became good friends.
Fast Forward to now.

Everywhere we go now especially driving the streets are very crowed.

Dad and I do not do well in crowds at all.  The dance recital was very crowded and every one started leaving at once.  I stood up and made it too the Ilse and was having a hard time joining the steady stream of people.  A young man, about 30 who had made it passed me reach back with his arm and pulled me along.  I burst out laughing and so did he.  I thanked him gratefully. 

By acts of kindness
acts of serving and giving
acts of appreciation
we are opening ourselves to God's love and grace.

Dad and I are off to Sandra and Randy's to a real good home cooked meal!

Kim and Carol have gone to the Art Gallery for the day!

Saturday, May 28, 2016


I am beginning with the end of the day.
We meet Morgan briefly after per performance.  She was a delight to watch her put all her energy and talent into her performance.  She was a school girl so her costumes was very simple. I would have liked to be able to have a rerun as the dance was over far to quick. We enjoyed seeing her so happy and enthusiastic!   We gave her hugs then she ran off to see her dad.  Cute pigtails.eh!

Dad made a humorous entrance when we first got there trying to get by some people to find his seat.  He nearly landed in the lap of an older lady but she just laughed as he stumbled by.

On the way home from Abbotsford dad turned on his G.P.S. lady who tells us what roads to take.  Every time she says one way dad does another until we were all laughing and wondering what she would suggest next.  Carol and Panteli rode with us and they were more helpful in giving directions.

At the service for Pearle she was another one who knows her own mind and who never gave up.  Life tested her with a mentally handicapped son and she turned this into a way to help others by supporting a care group for parents.

She had a terrible car cash and was told she would never walk again.  She did not listen and worked extremely hard until she could walk with a cane.  Later after a stroke she was forced into using a wheel chair she would go visiting at the hospital in her wheel chair.  Dad and I were both lay-chaplains at the time and I took her visiting for seven years then dad took her for another seven.
Instead of going to the hospital I changed at that time to visiting the seniors home.

Pearle had a great sense of humor but it was no joke if you left the e off the end of her name.

A strong intelligent  very determined woman who gave her life to helping and caring for others.  She also took help when it was needed for her to get about.  Who would take the Handi-dart bus to her church in new, the Unitarian church, often arriving an hour early because when you go with them you have to go when they can fit you in.

Friends can be so different as our neighbor Mary and Pearle where but just spending time with them would bring a smile to your face and joy to the heart.

It is pouring rain today so no we are not going to be brave and go and watch Ben play.

Feeling the need of a quiet day with lots of good memories visiting me.

Friday, May 27, 2016


There are many times in life when affirming words are so important!
I know I am grateful for every one.

Dad and I will be attending the funeral of another dear friend Pearl Glen at the Hazelmere Golf Course at 11 in the morning.  As I sit to do my morning writing Jane phones and I am so thankful she did as I had written 12:30 not 11.  I know her son Don  phoned twice so I think the time was changed.

Both these dear friends Mary and Pearle had wonderful lives because they loved and were loved.
They both enjoyed the beauty of nature, the flowers, the trees, the sunsets and the stars at night.
They both loved music and Pearle would attend special concerts with great enjoyment.

Both these friends have also spoke affirming words into my life in times when I felt very weary and down.  If they asked you how you were they really wanted to know because they cared.
Their inner strength gave their lives meaning even at the end of very long lives.  96!

I learnt  how to turn sadness into the precious time of solitude and wonder and appreciation for the gifts of live and love that surround me.

"How Great Thou Art!" was and will always be music to my soul as I consider how great His love is for me!

Did some shopping at Choices on the way home and then time for a nap before we head out again.

Our day will end in Abbotsford where Morgan will be preforming in a dance recital that I am really looking forward to.  This young girl is full of music and imagination!

Each one of us may feel ordinary but the truth is we are all extraordinary in a special way.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


A gray cold misty morning dawns the day of the funeral service for Mary.
Dad and I decide not to drive into the service in Vancouver.  It would have been interesting to her the eulogy of her life.  She came from a family of thirteen and adopted three children to create a family as family meant a lot to her.

I have already gone over and had a quiet visit with Linda her daughter and she suggested we come over to the house later in the afternoon.

A stressful and emotional day for the family.

I was affirmed by the loving words of my Bible study group yesterday as we shared about those who have influenced our lives.  I look at all the bright faces around the table and see the most compassionate, caring, authentic honest and trustworthy group of friends.  Their love has overflowed into my life and I have been more than blessed with their friendship/ 

Funny and original each one a one of a kind.  Any one of them can light up a room with their presence!

We have struggle to answer questions and to understand scripture mainly so that we can be happier and full of inner faith that encourages us to help others.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


I have started knocking  on wood, the wood of my desk.
This seems to help my computer get unstuck.
We do what works right.

Dad is working hard cutting down the top of the fast growing Seder  hedge.  He is good when he is motivated but I have been discouraged with my own slow progress.  I want to be able to fill at least two brown bags each day but yesterday only managed one.

I am thankful that dad is coping well with the pain he is having but I feel frustrated and useless. and wish this job had never been started.

It is a wonderful thing to be able to transform pain into progress and I am proud of the good job he is doing.

Myself I have to pull myself up out of my frustration and do the best I can.  Self-love is important to renew energy and willingness to keep trying.  So I was up early and worked instead of taking Haiti for her second walk of the day.  Choices.

After a lunch sitting out on the lawn watching dad I was off to Bible study.

It was like a history lesson about Paul and his travels and some successes and some work left undone.  He had friends who would stay behind when he moved oh,  friends who shared his vision and his passion for Jesus as a savior.   The history of the life of Jesus was woven with the stories that created the faith upon which the Jews lived by.

Their history was the retelling of the story of their salvation from slavery and their hope of a Messiah.

Paul was and always will be a controversial figure in history.

I had an enjoyable afternoon with my dear friends as more than once we burst out laughing.

I am reminded that laughter is good for the soul!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Dad and I were happy to hear the voice of Ken
telling us the good news that his blood is
returning to normal and probably was a virus.

I am thankful it was well checked out and I would say have it checked again in a few months.

These things are like a worry cloud in the back of our minds that we try not to think of or believe until the actual news come.

This has been the story of my life with signs pointing to something that could be the answer but it is not.

I am finding this computer uncooperative and after seeing the beautiful work Carol has done on her web page and hearing she is going to start blogging I may just let her take over.

Dad and I walked around their yard to view all the work they have been doing.  They have two gardens one their and also a community garden they can bike to.

Our thoughts are shaping our brains and have the potential to unlock new abilities and new possibilities.

Good News!  !

Monday, May 23, 2016


                             Many moons ago I could start a job and finish it in one day.

Hey.    It took six days for God the Creator to finish his work.  Why do we not get this simple message instead of trying to figure out how long a day was or how it was this accomplished.   

The point is things take time and sometimes more than one day.  I am learning to accept this.

I know many things I start will not be finished in a day because those days are long gone.

The simple things are always the hardest.  Let us have a discussion first about what God really said what he really meant before we do it.  My mind will never be smart enough to figure all this out.

Love one another.  Not always easy.  Love your enemies impossible.

Do unto others what you would have them do to you.  Not that easy when I realize I have to set a good example and practice what I preach.

I take time to go to the store where I meet our old neighbor Cathy and invite her over for a visit.  
We had a great time catching up on what has been happening in her life and with Jeff and his health and of course the dog.

As soon as she left dad was out working in the yard getting it looking very smart and like an expert job but the mess of branches is piling up.  While he was there he had a good visit with Gordon our other neighbor.  If we had not run out of brown bags he would have helped with the clean up.

I really appreciated Carol and Panteli having us over for supper which was a favorite of dads.  Stew.

Rubbarb crumble for dissert one of my favorites.

My day may start on a spiritual note but by the end I am unable to think at all.
My typing is extra slow too.
So thankful for all our old friends that treat us just like family!

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Never say never.

The truth us I never sleep in but I did Sunday morning.

By the time I walked Haiti it was too late to get ready for church.

I decided to bag up some of the cedar branches and left the floor unswept and the dishes not down.  The dog hair was happy floating through the air as I closed the door on the mess.

I had just come in and dad was happy watching the hockey game when our friends from church,  Pat and John dropped by.

I could have taken them up stairs to my clean and tidy cupboard but four of us would not fit.

I dust off a chair and we have a good visit.  The wonderful things is that they are experiencing some of the same aches and pains we are having.  We have shared a lot of fun times with them and look forward to doing more.

Afterward I read a chapter about Jim, a believer,  who takes his friend Casper, a atheist. to church.  A big impressive mega church where the smiles are plentiful, the music professional and the message engaging.  Was Casper impressed.  No. 

Where was the heart and soul of the music that stirs something mysterious within us.

Where was the passion of a message that was engaging but not inspiring.  Enjoyable but hardly life changing.

No matter what our relationship is to others at home or at church we want people to be real, authentic, respectful and transparent willing to listen as well as respond.

There is a song about kindness that is in my head that comes to mind.

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Last night dad and I meat Carol and Panteli for supper on the balcony at the Sharkie restaurant in Ladner. ( My è does not work I guess I have to turn the computer on and off.)  We were very happy not to be joining the stream of cars going out of town for the long week-end.

It was all quiet when Haiti and I stepped out the door to go for a walk.  No early morning gardeners, no early morning dog walkers, no children run around laughing at the park.

Dad and I received the news the night before that our dear neighbor Mary had pasted away.  I will miss the visits we had talking about our families.  She was always so interested in ours and always so cheerful about her situation.  Yes, it was time for her to quietly pass from this life to the next.  There will be lots of family waiting to greet her.  She had her family with her at the end.

I am not doing as much reading as I would like to be doing. always a lot to do out side and in

Every book I read seems to have some special message just for me.  Often we think that we are the only ones to feel a certain and it is so surprising to find we are not alone.  All those thoughts and feelings that go through your mind as the day goes by.

Books can almost feel like your salvation, not just because they are like friends, but words that are like a tonic for the soul and good medicine for the heart.

Dad has been working on his hedge all day and now is watching the Blues.  Ken is also watching.

I think I will find a book to read!

Friday, May 20, 2016


                        I am so thankful for a new day that is a chance to begin again.

After saying sorry many times I am sure the Prime Minister is thankful for the chance to move on

Dad will be beginning to carry on the goal of cutting down these huge cedar trees.
Behind him is a pile of old branches that need to be bundled up for the compost.
The whole thing is a mighty big job.  He likes to work on his own doing things at his own speed.

If we go back in time we would see the nothingness that existed before creation.
No Universe
No life
No light
No breath
Until Love blew life into the darkness and day by day the Creator created all that is and all that will be.

The water that covers everything is parted and land with its mountains, its valleys. its deserts become a reality.  One by one creation unfolds so that there is light both for the day and lights in the skies for the evening.  This light will also give off heat.  The earth is put in just the right place to feel the benefit of warmth and also the coolness that night can bring.

The stars so amazing will guide so many in their earthly discoveries.

The stars that raise searching eyes to the heavens looking for hopes and dreams to come true.

I am thankful for yesterday.
I am thankful for the visit of Leah.
She had a tour of all that dad had been doing.

I am thankful for this new day that began with prayer and continues with a walk and lots of house cleaning. 

My walk in closet is a disaster area where a lot of junk has been thrown to be gone through at a later time.  A tough enough job for me.

I rethought my blog that I put on yesterday which I am thankful that my words are able to disappear.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Life can be made up of little annoyances.
It seems like the days are going by too fast.

I have been finding it annoying that dad does not want me to drive to the seniors home as I might want to go but he is busy doing something else.  Right now that means trimming off the big cedar hedges that surround one side of our yard.  A very big job.

Anyway he took the afternoon off to drive me over.  The thing is that while he has been waiting out in the parking lot instead of sitting in his car he has been sitting in a small area for the residents to sit and smoke if they wish.  The last two times I walk out to find him visiting some of the old guys who drive their own scooters.  I think this wonderful because he is a good visitor and then I do not need to worry so much because I do not like to keep him waiting.

He is a parking lot visitor!  Great stuff.

No I could not open the article Rick put on face book.  I have trouble with it but I did see Sandra has arrived.  Kim has left with the key to Sandra and Randy s but will be back to pack up some of her favorite food.

So it does not annoy me that atheists have a church and probably could tell us a few things we are doing wrong.  Do they have upbeat music or choirs or robes.  What do they talk about.  Not about heaven or God or the Spirit or the afterlife or even the words of Jesus that really tell us to love one another and care for the poor and fight for justice and be generous and kind to everyone.  Yes, not easy lessons when it means love your enemies and change your attitude.

Love your neighbor as yourself.  Practice what you believe and what you preach.

Most of us put on a friendly smile and for me it is okay to greet others because I know most of them but what about some one visiting who may not feel like being greeted or greeting others.

Do the atheists do this.

Are our smiles phony

Our rituals strange

Our behavior, our words, our prayers annoying.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


The shower which was called a non-shower was for Desirae but a celebration of new life.
She is expecting twins.  That is her daughter in the arms of  husband behind her.

Her sister Tavia is holding her young son in a snuggle thing on her chest.

Her other sister is the blonde in the back row beside a family friend.

The youngest sister was sitting on the floor.
Another gram ma and grandpa had already left.  Cathy is beside me and Glen her husband took the picture as did Larry.

Dad and I have enjoyed being a part of their family and seeing these young girls grow and mature.  There are many lessons we will be faced with that force us to change and mature.

I was reading a book that said we can skip lessons in school but not in life.

I am still very tired today but am trying to think positive and breath in new life.

Monday, May 16, 2016


Farewell lunch for Jane and Geof

Here they are cutting the cake.

It was a fun party with many funny stories told about them both.

We look forward to seeing them again at our many church functions.  The Strawberry Tea will be coming soon.  Jane did a beautiful job organizing this in the past but as is the norm new people will pitch in.

Then it was home for a nap and then off to the baby shower.

What an amazing group.  Babies everywhere!  Then over to Carol and Panteli s for a wonderful family dinner.  I must get her desert recipe.

Dad and I coped very well even with his painful feet.  Having a nap helped me and also not going for a big walk.

Ben is handling the change in his plans very well and it is a relief in a way.  He seems too young to be living away from home.  Morgan is hoping she will still get a dog even though Ben is still there.

Cold today and I am just being lazy.

Sometimes a change of direction or a change of goals can be very freeing and liberating as well as spiritual.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Yes I am feeling nervous this Sunday morning because I have been asked to say a few words at the farewell luncheon for Jane and Geof.  I have lots of things I could say about this dear friend who has been like a sister to me.  We have shared so many joys and sorrows over the years.  We have attended church together, shared birthday dinners, walked and prayed on our continuing spiritual journey.  We have shared our homes and dreams especially about our families and about also about our church.

I will be expressing thanks from the hearts of many who will be gathering. 

Both Jane and Geof. have been so very gracious in opening their home as well as their heart to us all.

Geof a real gentleman who always made me feel like a lady.

Jane came to our church 46 years ago and they are now leaving for West. Van to be closer to family and have a small apartment instead of a spacious home.

We have studied the Bible, visited people together, and prayed together.

I guess I could write a book about the many adventures JANE And I have had together, always with lots of laughter and a few tears.  Yes there were a few storms that had to be weathered along the way.
We studied together, visited the sick together and prayed for each other and others together.

She had a clown ministry that would speak deep into your hearts without words.  A rare gift.

Jane you helped me as we have journey together spiritually try to follow Jesus by living out of our souls.

My toast was suppose to be
     Thank you both
     We will miss you.
     Our love goes with you
     We know you will be a blessing
     in this adventure.

We are off to a baby shower for Jas and Ryan who are having twins.

Then in to see Carol and Pantel.

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Another great save by Ben, my favorite goalie is amazing. Again their team wins the game with all his good goal stopping.   Hope all works out well.

The parking was a big problem again as it is a long walk from the parking lot to this field.  Dad did manage to squeeze his car in to a doubtful spot where the traffic guys love to give tickets.

Panteli takes a picture of the cheerers!

Sandra and Randy arrive earlier than I expected.  I was not prepared.  But we had fun!

We had fun sampling from the gift basket sent by Ken and Melina.

Carol dropped by to show us her new car.  A Kia  RIO  2007 in very good condition.

We both got sleepy as we were talking.

Misunderstandings we all have them!

Things work out in the end!

Friday, May 13, 2016


Nancy you must be famous to be getting all this attention!  I sure thing you are an excellent artist with lots of imagination and emotion that goes with it.  Hope you have a great day.  Purple is a good royal colour.

GOOD  NEWS  Ben has been accepted to be a part of the residential team of the White Caps.
Dad and I are very proud of him and his hard work.  He lives and breaths soccer!

I had a long nap on Thursday so figured I who be in great shape for Friday.  I planned to go visiting and dad planed to ride his bike.  We stayed working in the yard till we were very hot and tired so it was time for another nap before our late afternoon lunch.  I ran out of planters to put some flowers in so used dad's rubber boots.  Hope he does not need them for awhile.

I asked Kim a question I had asked before and I knew it before the words came out of my mouth and I know it is annoying.

I do not like getting old, I do not like it at all.  I will try to do better while I can. Everything seems like extra hard work.

We took a quick trip to the library and I was surprised at the two  books on display which I quickly took.

The one book is "How's Your Faith" by David Gregory and the other is "Jim and Casper Go To church."

They are books about comparisons.  Gregory is Jewish married to a Protestant woman of strong faith.
He wants his children to raise in the Jewish faith which she agrees to but gradually realizes what she has sacrifice.  Because he was going down a path of strict rituals and daily laws which started to impact their marriage.

Judaism is meant to strengthen the family not create gaps within it, so adjustments had to be made on both sides.  A serious book.

Jim is a believer and Casper an atheist so they visit different churches to compare them,  it looks like it may be funny.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Yes dad and I are very worried about Ken.
Dad sent a text message wondering how he is coping with the painful muscles and when the results of his next test will be.  Having low Cretonne levels does not sound good.

He and Melina have a lot of stress with the children and the different work schedules.

I am praying for them both.

Ken has an appointment on May 20.

This picture is of the trunk of a huge tree that was recently chopped down and now another is planted.  The owner is Chinese and is taking great delight watering her plants every morning.

The church group is one that meets every other week and I have missed the last two with doctor's appointments.  When I arrived they were all chatting away as they wrapped up little gift bags to give out at the dinner we put on in a very poor neighborhood.  We also give free clothes and food daily.  It is hard for people on a low income to provide for their families.

Dad has to remind me of the time whenever we have to leave as I always seem to be slow at getting ready.  My church family is very important to me and always will be.

I was thinking what if people greeted you at the door not with a big welcome and a hug but with a question.  "What brings you here to-day.?"  How cold and unwelcoming that would feel.
I certainly want to feel connected to others who share my beliefs.  I want to know how they are doing.  I want to feel a deeper connection to God through the prayers and the hymns.  It is a time to listen and feel a calmness instead of a restlessness of every day activity.  Sometimes I feel the need to confess my failings knowing that forgiveness is waiting for me always.  Sometimes a quiet place to pray.     Sometimes I just need a hug!

Maybe the question when we get to heaven will be "Have you learned to love?


I put on my dunce cap and head over to the church to listen to the wisdom of others.
                                               Time to get back into the Word!
I arrive late because I read the time wrong making me feel very foolish,
We are a great group of believers
who still have many questions to be answered.
Am I willing to listen and learn with a open heart and a mind that is seeking for all that lies behind the mystery of living as a follower of Jesus.

We discuss how the church can be a loving place but that does not mean we all agree.  Our experiences have all been different and our personalities too.  The Bible reminds us of how many imperfect people there are and there will never be a error free church or  error free relationships.  Failure can be a source of salvation when we do not resist or run from our problems.
My faith needs discipline as well as grace.
Faith lights the way to a greater awareness of all that can be good.

Love opens the door.

"Love is the ultimate and highest goal to which man can aspire."
-  Viktor E. Frankl

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Some things age very well
which gives me hope.

Look how tall this bush has grown
I think I can stop giving it fertilizer now!

I like to think we can bloom at any age just by
being ourselves.

Somethings even get better when they have aged, like wine.
or old books, or old cheese.

I like all these but books most of all as they help a little at
keeping my brain working and my mind thinking.  I even laugh at times and shed a tear or two.  Sometimes I regret when a good story comes to an end because I have made friends and enjoyed good times too.

Age is not a disease but something that happens to all of us
if we live long enough.  Are we less important or worth less.

Yes I have wrinkles and age spots too which show I have smiled lots and enjoyed many happy times.

The reason you and I have been born is to learn not only to age well but learn to love well.

I am having a lazy day after doing some early morning gardening.
Right now I have decided to let my garden just go wild.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


One thing we can continue to do even as we get older
is to keep dreaming.

Right now dad and I are dreaming of how the yard will look after
we get it cleaned up and tied up.  Dad is working at fixing the front sidewalk where all the weeds are growing out of the cracks.

I am dreaming of my flowers growing and blooming.

Today when I looked at my basket I was dreaming that
maybe we should have a win and basket opening  party.

If no one shows up dad and I will just have to do it on our own.

To magnify our lives is to take those talents and gifts (and dreams) unique to each one of us, and with them utilizing imagination, risk, work and consistent effort, make more out of our lives.   -The Four Doors by Richard Paul Evans.

I certainly have had a lot of my dreams come true! and so has dad!

Sunday, May 8, 2016


A day for mothers.

Mother daughter and granddaughter at Sandra and Randy s for lunch.

There was Carol me and Sandra and Leah and Tasha and down below Kim and Susan.

I spent the morning in bed sleeping.  One funny thing was that during the night I was praying out loud asking for help from God.  Dad asked me what I was sating and evidently I told him I was not talking to him but to God.  Later when I felt better I told him I would talk to him now.

Rick phoned to wish me a happy day.
Later when I arrived home I found a beautiful basket on the front steps.  Thank you Ken and Melina and kids.

Each one f my children has been a great gift that has enriched my life and continues to do so. 
My best legacy!

We are a happy energetic group.
Tasha told some funny stories about being a bus driver.
Leah and Craig wanted ideas about naming their new little one.
We also talked about cars but I do not think we helped Carol very much.

Justice is busy playing basket ball and Ben is his soccer.

Dad shared some of his experiences as a controller with an unbelievable story or two.

I came home feeling tired but happy and read over my cards and then took Haiti for a short walk.

For years I have been busy doing but now I am thankful for times spent with family and just listening! 


Thanks for the great card Rick which arrived in good time.  We were and still are a bit of a crazy bunch.

I Ken is continuing to improve.  We tried to phone and text but no answer.

  Always good to know one is loved and appreciated.

Mothers have a very important role as we try to teach values and inner strength  

All so different and unique.  A full time job that lasts a lifetime, days of hard work and worries,
days of joyous fun!

We should be certified sane before we face all the over whelming challenges.

Too busy cooks helping Grama prepare supper.  Both dad and I were very hungry so sure enjoyed it.

Carol is caught up in trying to find a new car.  Dad and Theresa gave her lots of advice.

Dad and I had a miserable night as I had a very painful celiac attack which I think may be caused by the new iron pills I am taking,

I will be going back to bed and not to church as I am wiped out.

I want to rest up for the afternoon excitement.  I think plans may still be changing.
Morgan dances for us.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


It is hard to imagine this was just bare branches a month ago.

The park is a hub of activity now with children playing on swings and climbing up the slide.  They use lots of imagination in their play running with arms outstretched like a airplane. 
Happy dogs walk by so proud of their owners and I believe a smile on their faces.

Yesterday there were about eight dogs all running free so I let Haiti have a little run off leash.

It is so wonderful to feel free!
I can use my imagination to free my mind from fear and anxiety and place my trust in the will of God, His love surrounding us all.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
For our knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand,
while imagination embraces the entire world  and all there will be to know and understand.
-  Albert Einstein

We do not need power to change the world, we carry all the power we need
inside ourselves already.
We have the power to imagine better.
J. K. Rowling

What God intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine.

Another day working in the yard, hard work for both dad and I but I believe even though we get tired and cranky it is worth it.  Dad washed off our cement driveway and it looks so much better.

Using your imagination is also good for the brain as detailed in the book The Brain that Changes Itself by Norman Dodge, M.D.

Imagination is good for us spiritually as we read scripture or gaze at an eagle in flight and imagining it is riding the very breathe of God!  The life of the Spirit challenges us to rise above our inadequacies and to fly free like an eagle!
The ambulance arrived to take Mary my neighbor to hospital as she has had a bad stroke.  She is 95 and has survived a heart attack and the death of her husband.  A small group of neighbors stood watching as she was put into the ambulance she is well liked as she is always cheerful and caring.

We are worried about Ken who is very sick and hope the doctor will know what is wrong and help him.  Praying for you Ken.  Imagine all those bad germs being destroyed by healthy good blood cells!
 Dad is painting the driveway to keep it clean another day of hard work.
Ben is going to Victoria to play soccer and after Theresa drops him off at the ferry she will stay the day at Carols and Panteli s and we will join them for supper.

The preciousness of being alive, of appreciating ourselves and each other as vulnerable and fragile human beings awakens us to a deeper truth that is hidden in our souls and in the very grace of God.

Friday, May 6, 2016


Dad and I enjoyed our visit out with Christopher.
We have certainly seen him mature over the years.  He is hard working and full of insight about many things.  It is not easy to be a young person in this day and age.  We hope that this year will be a good one and hope we see more of him too!

Dad worked very hard in the front yard all day and I helped going along and doing some clean up.

I was looking in the window box where I planted some seeds and was surprised that one half is growing little shoots while the other is no sign of life.  I was reminded of the parable that Jesus taught about the sower and the soil.  My seed was not planted on hard ground or along the path so I am wondering if the birds could have eaten some.

The seed is the word of God which takes root in some hearts while in others is met with unbelief and chocked with the worries of life.  The good seed grows strong and produces good fruit.

Dad and I are proud of the good character that grows in our family and has overcome difficulties with effort and hard work.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


My day yesterday was a day when          
I started things but never finished,
I went to the store but did not get
what I went for, actually both dad and
I went together.
I planed to cut the grass and dad is going
to trim the edges but neither got done.
I did not wish happy birthday on face book but dropped off a card to Chris.  We are taking him out to supper to night.

Dad did drive me to go visiting and every time
I go the ladies appreciate it so very much.  I am so glad I am not forgotten says Joyce.

Dad met a man sitting outside and they had a little visit.

The fire has destroyed the whole town it would appear.  How can they restore when so much has been lost.  I start thinking we should be more prepared not for a fire but for an earthquake.

Got home and was greeted by aa waging tail and a look it was time for a walk.  She was even happier when I put her leash on her.

So a least I did several things right.

A cartoon shows a picture of an answering machine saying that the voice is being listened to and if I know you and want to speak to you I will otherwise leave a message.  A honest answering machine! 

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


The bigger picture.

The news of the fire burning all around Fort McMurray
is frightening and so very tragic.  As they are fleeing the smoke and the flames death must seem very real and very close .I am so thankful for my safe little home and that none of my children are near there anymore.  Rick worked there as did Oliver and Stephan, I think, years ago.

Scripture says when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned.
the flames shall not set you ablaze. 
Do not be afraid for I am with you.   Isaiah  43:3,5

There is no way to know who you really are with your very own strengths and weaknesses unless you have faced tragedy and suffering.  When you are fleeing for your life and the lives of your family and pets you realize what is really important.  A faith in a God of mercy and compassion has the power to fortify even the weakest of us.

My journey's with dad in the airplane with menacing skies above and unsure destinations ahead seemed almost life-threatening as did some of our winter journeys back and forth  to Calgary and Regina.   Very stormy weather!  

 I prayed a lot for courage and wisdom and skill for dad!

Many will be pouring there hearts out for each family as they travel together to find a safe place and to continue to trust that God will be with them in the days ahead.  This does not mean that we will for feel sadness and even anger but express our feelings and find that life carries on.

None of us want to go through fiery trails and certainly not alone. but a loving presence with us in times of tragedy and suffering. and the prayer of others,

I am sure in our hearts we are all praying for them and in the difficult tragic days ahead.

"I'll never, no never, no never forsake"  the words from a loving God
words of faith spoken in a hymn . 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Pictures from my front garden.

Early blossoms have died and a lot
of new buds are not yet out, so there is a lot of green.

The yellow rose is just starting to come out as are the rhododendrons.

Right now it is the watering that takes a lot of time although I have a snake hose but it is broken.
This is a bit of a wild area.

Leah and Craig dropped by after both of them had been to work.  They commented on how much help Carol and Sandra had done setting up living room and dining room.  They were both very tired.
Craig got my watch hoked up to the computer.  We ate snacks and drank cool drinks, until Kim came home and made some good food.

It was a warm day with a lightning and thunder storm at night,
My family and my garden continue to bring me a lot of joy!

"We are brought into each others lives for a reason,
for a season or for a lifetime."
-  Ram Dass

Monday, May 2, 2016


                                          Reading from her diary at the comedy club.
How exciting and thrilling for her.
Her mom and sister were in attendance.
She is beautiful and very talented.
She was fabulous!
Thank you Kim for taking pictures.