Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Pictures from my front garden.

Early blossoms have died and a lot
of new buds are not yet out, so there is a lot of green.

The yellow rose is just starting to come out as are the rhododendrons.

Right now it is the watering that takes a lot of time although I have a snake hose but it is broken.
This is a bit of a wild area.

Leah and Craig dropped by after both of them had been to work.  They commented on how much help Carol and Sandra had done setting up living room and dining room.  They were both very tired.
Craig got my watch hoked up to the computer.  We ate snacks and drank cool drinks, until Kim came home and made some good food.

It was a warm day with a lightning and thunder storm at night,
My family and my garden continue to bring me a lot of joy!

"We are brought into each others lives for a reason,
for a season or for a lifetime."
-  Ram Dass


Sandra said...

You need to back up and take a picture from across the street so Nancy-Lou gets the true feel of the garden.

At least you can nap!


beth bennett said...

Yes to both things.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Looks nice and green.

nancy-Lou said...

oooohh...soooo pretty, Beth! Just look at the oriental poppies..my favourite. My Father had a bed of them in his vegetable garden and they put on such a glorious show each year. And Iris too..looks like a Lady Valarie West Iris. You have put in alot of hard work, Beth and it sure has paid off!
Yes, back up with the camera and take an 'overall'photo..then I can see the whole garden.
Thanks for the lovely photos..you have an amazing front garden that must bring pleasure to passers-by. Thanks for doing this.

The two scope procedures went very well yesterday. The actual day isn't bad at all, it is the prep day that is pretty grueling...especially not eating for 40 hours.Carl took good care of me and did the driving home...it was a 100 km drive.

It is 8am now and we are off to Winnipeg for two doctor appointments for Carl. One is a scan. Sure will be glad to stay home after this!

Prayers for the people of Fort McMuuray...may they all stay safe. What a tragedy it is.

Love, Nancy