Tuesday, May 31, 2016


This is the little park across from Sandra and Randy's.
Yes dad and I took off for the seniors home together.  No we do not have a bat mobile but that does not stop us.  Dad visits out in the parking lot and has made friends with a man call Sam.  He is funny and likes to ride around the parking lot in his scooter.

I have two regular people I visit.  Today after I had a pleasant chat with Joyce I went to see Eileen but she was sleeping.  There usually are a group of people having tea in the sitting room so today I stop to chat with them.  I knew two of them already but the other two were new and both very interesting.

Haiti is still with us but Carol dropped by to pick up some of Kim's belongings.  She was tired too after a busy day at work.  Kim and I were both up early so it will be an early night for me.

Wed. I may go to the church where they are practicing a skit comparing birds to different personalities that go to church.  It will be fun as Jane is coming back to get involved and she brings out the mischief in us all.

The Bible study group is going out for lunch and dad has an eye appointment so he will need the car.  My friend will take me and bring me home.  It will depend on how my morning shapes up.

"Most Christians would agree it is about the journey not the destination not easy to describe or to live it!"


Sandra said...

Did you get the invite for the party for Kim and Oliver? Mark your calendar for Sunday. Starting to make my lists and hoping I do not forget anything important. GPS! Cannot forget that, better look for it tonight.


nancy-Lou said...

The Dynamic Duo was hard at work spreading cheer yesterday! You both must bring a ray of sunshine to the residents. Good for you both!

I feel so sorry for the frail elderly folks...I saw a dear old lady at the hospital yesterday waiting for xrays, as was Carl. She was so sweet but so tired from the long wait...her head would drop down to her chest for a rest...then she would wake up a talk for a few minutes and back to sleep. I wished I could have sat closer to her and could have chatted with her.
An orderly was with her. She was so frustrated with the long wait.

The skit at church sounds like one heck of a lot of fun! I have a dear friend who would be so much fun in the skit too..., much like Jane! She is full of mischief and sometimes even looking at her in church makes me want to break out laughing...she is a brat!

So what is the party all about for Oliver and Kim? Birthdays? Must be at Sandra's if she is planning!But GPS? hmmm how does that fit into the plan? Sounds like another wonderful Bennett party.

We are still tired today and just stayed home to catch up on things.

Have a super day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

It is Kim and Olivers birthday, June 10th and 16th respectively. And the party is to be at Carols. There was talk of heading down to the beach but looks like that has changed.

I will need to GPS for next week. We are visiting Ontario and then driving down to Boston.


nancy-Lou said...

oh boy, two Gemini's......must have kept their parents hopping! Happy Birthday to Kim and Ollie! I have a Gemini son and he was a busy little guy when he was a child! He just had his birthday on May 26th.

You must be excited, Sandra to be seeing your family in Ontario and then a car trip to Boston. I wish you a wonderful time! Thanks for letting me know what was happening.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

She is visiting a Garden
as well as family.

love mom

Anonymous said...

What about our family in Boston?? Sandra going to drop in ?