Sunday, May 8, 2016


Thanks for the great card Rick which arrived in good time.  We were and still are a bit of a crazy bunch.

I Ken is continuing to improve.  We tried to phone and text but no answer.

  Always good to know one is loved and appreciated.

Mothers have a very important role as we try to teach values and inner strength  

All so different and unique.  A full time job that lasts a lifetime, days of hard work and worries,
days of joyous fun!

We should be certified sane before we face all the over whelming challenges.

Too busy cooks helping Grama prepare supper.  Both dad and I were very hungry so sure enjoyed it.

Carol is caught up in trying to find a new car.  Dad and Theresa gave her lots of advice.

Dad and I had a miserable night as I had a very painful celiac attack which I think may be caused by the new iron pills I am taking,

I will be going back to bed and not to church as I am wiped out.

I want to rest up for the afternoon excitement.  I think plans may still be changing.
Morgan dances for us.


nancy-Lou said...

Happy Mother's Day Beth! May today be filled with lots of family and fun! Just think how many years you have been a Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother! I have been a Mother for 55 years. My eldest son just turned 55! I think you have me beat!

Nice photos of Theresa and Morgan at Carol' nice to see Morgan helping out with the cooking! She is so pretty isn't she?

What plans do the family have for you today? Any suppers out? We were going to go out for supper, but I wasn't feeling we are staying home and just BBQing some chicken and veggies. Next weekend Mark will take me to the greenhouse at ST. Georges.

What a pretty card you received from Rick...looks like watercolour flowers.

Gosh sorry to hear you had a bad bout of Celiac Disease...did you know that Celiac's are always short of vitamin B12? It makes your red blood cells....I would recommend trying that before iron. Iron is so hard on the stomach and bowel. I can feel your just want to curl up in a ball, right? OUCH. I find a heating pad helps with the pain. Feel better soon my dear friend.

The water bombers are flying over, so there must be a forest fire nearby. Could be on the reserve....they light fires there quite often, which is dangerous when it is so dry here. The forecast is calling for rain on Wednesday and Thursday and I sure hope so. Also the municipal water ( lake water ) should be hooked up soon and that will help. We can soak down our properties.

There is a steady flow of birds, squirrels and chipmunks coming to the pie plates full of water. New ones are arriving every was the arrival of the Chipping favourite little bird. They look so dapper with their chestnut caps and grey breasts.

There are two forest fires about 80 kms to the north and to the east....on the Ontario border. The smoke drifted in today and is making it hazy. We are hoping for rain soon.

Well here's wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

The puppy bit Jasmine just under the eye last night. So it was off to the Dr at 9pm. She got butterfly sutures and antibiotics . Hope you have a great day Mom.
ps I am fine

beth bennett said...

Lunch at Sandraès today.

So sorry to hear about Jasmine,
Hope it heals well.

I am so careful when small children or any children come near Haiti.
I wish I could let them pat her but she is unpredictable if she feels afraid.

Happy Mother s day Melina.

Love mom

Sandra said...

Well, like always our plans for today did not go as we set out. But it was still nice to get to see everyone that did make it. I hope you did not get too tired out today. Randy and I had a nap after everyone left, we did not sleep very well last night.
