Wednesday, October 31, 2012


A quiet moment at the end of our walk in the park on Sunday.  The sky is brightening just a little but the weather forecast is for more rain.  Dad and I are very happy walking together.

 I am thankful for all the love I have been given;.
 I have experienced deep happiness, I loved and I am loved.
 Love colors our lives with beauty and gives us strength and courage for the future.
 I admit that yesterday I was feeling a curious melancholy (a good old fashion word)  but that has lifted.  I think at times you have to take a moment or two to recreate your life by changing something inside yourself and liking who you are.

"It is not that I have a long journey to God, but that I have a long journey to my own reality".
"God's loving kindness is there ahead of us".  --  The Archbishop of Canterbury

The Hurricane has lived up to all the worst fears and has cause great damage.  Millions are without power and must stay in their homes to be safe.  Hospitals in New York had to be abandoned and safe places found for the sick.  At least 33 people died.  In the days ahead we will hear many stories of courageous people.  The first days will be one of sorrow and grief for all that has been lost and life may never be the same for many.

O God
O God hear all our prayers for those who are suffering
Pray that they will be comforted by family and friends
May they be surrounded by love until they feel like they are being clothed in it.
May they be held in the mystery of your hands and blessed by your love.
May the wounded be healed.
May the mourners be comforted
May the morning of promise come when all will feel joy once again.

Dad and I drive over to see Mary Brooks at Chelsea Gardens.  Her face full of sadness as we sit and talk around the kitchen table.  Dad has story after story to tell about Dave.  Her daughter Diane arrives after we have been there for about an hour.  They have to attend to some dreaded paper work.

Can death be the beginning of a new journey?  It is possible I believe.

I am reminded that none of us know what our future will be but I am thankful for the assurance that Jesus walks with me, unseen and untouchable, but there is a sense that I can image  what He might say to help me.  Prayer helps me to see and know what I can do to help and free me to be creative, courageous and energized.

This evening will be very busy with all the little critters coming by.  It is fun when it is the neighborhood children.  Pray for protection on these little ones and also for all our children.

I laugh to myself remembering some of the costumes I made for the kids.  Some were a bit of a disaster but some were very creative.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Yes these bones of mine are feeling older but I am thankful that they are still hanging in there and carrying me around.I have had times of great spiritual joy when I could sing with my whole heart "Blessed assurance Jesus is mine."  I have felt like dancing and singing and around me the whole world seemed to sparkle and shine. This joy may seem puzzling to others but was real to me!
Ah yes the good old days.

 Now walking in the rain seems to give me a chill  but I know it is good exercise.  I am sure Ti Chi is good but right now dad and I seem to be in a rut.  He goes walking later in the morning and had a good, pain free walk yesterday.

I had planned to visit several friends durung the day but it did not work out.  I was content to read and stay warm.  Watching the horrific storm with the powerful energy and destructive force on the T.V. is very disturbing.  There will always be things in our lives that are out of our control.  In hard times people come together to help one another.

I also at this time am very concerned for my friend Jane, going through a very difficult time.

No matter what I do I can not stay in that place of joy and looking back I  can wonder did it really happen.  Doubt would like to creep into my bones and all I feel is aching and longing especially for more energy but life is good and to be content is to be happy.

  I know that unhappiness and sadness cannot be avoided.  There are things in my past I would have liked to do differently; times when my life felt like it was shattered and falling apart; but I think I did the best I could at the time.  Maybe menopause!

I think that I am like others who want to be loved as we ourselves would love.  The God who I believe loves me, has many different ways of showing me that I am lovable.  My imagination is not prepared to see them all; because I see what is familiar and if I project my expectations onto others as well as God I will be met with disappointment.

Spiritually  I have known joy and happiness.

I cannot change people they have to see the mess they are making of their own  lives and be willing to change even when circumstances stay the same.

Prayers are not answered and I wonder, for a brief moment,  if even God cares.  I have to make the effort and see that the choices are still mine.  Believing in the darkness I will see light.

This is not what I started out to write but it is what it is.    My story is no different from yours.

I think it is not raining this morning!  Stephen and Shawna have made it to Toronto on the way to Cuba.  Safe travels you two!

Monday, October 29, 2012


A power wind and rain storm has begun stripping the trees.                                              

I did not go to church and actually went for three short walks.  The last walk was with dad in the forest where we met one of my walking friends who actually knew dad and had worked with him at M.D.A.  Grundy and I meet him every morning when we go for our walks and he is going to catch the bus.

No we did not feel any earthquakes only heard a lot of fireworks going off.  Has anyone else had fireworks banging and blasting outside their windows?

Talked to Carol and Panteli on skype and they wanted to hear the news from here.  It sounds like they are going to sell their home.  Sure be nice if they posted a bit of news for us to read.  I was very happy to have Rick and Ken and Sandra post comments.  Just remember you do not have to read what I write but just tell me your news.  In some small way it is keeping in touch with family and friends.  I have at times thought I would stop but then as long as it works for you it works for me.

The leaves are a soggy mess all over the ground but still are beautiful.  The days are darker and wetter and colder and some strong winds threaten to turn off the power.  When I think of our old homestead and how strong the wind would beat upon the house and the huge trees would sway back and forth right in front of our windows.  There was also the rumor that the house was not safe although more comment foundation had been added.

There were several sleepless nights as the wind howled and shook the house.  I for one do not miss that.  We had no doubt of how powerful the wind was and that we were at it's mercy.

I have also experienced the power of faith that has drawn me closer to an awareness of the reality of love.  Love is the motive for why I pray.  Humility and honesty and faithfulness are powerful tools that each one of us can use.

That hurricane Sandy is frightening.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I was wildly excited as I woke up thinking of going to Morgan's soccer game. Dad and I have not been to her games at all for a year. We have been to two or three of Ben's games, which have been later in the morning, and a bit easier to get to.  As I looked out the window it had stopped raining and it looked like not a bad morning.
I had packed a lunch and bundled up with warm clothes and we were only 10 minutes late in our planned time of departure. time. We made good time with dad's expert, almost 'wild" driving.  The country side just flew by.
I tried to ignore the clouds that were gradually descending all around us.

We arrived at the soccer field where there were multiply games being played.  A slight rain was falling but the worse part was the wet soggy grass which soon made our feet distressingly wet and cold. Dad and I sloshed  bravely  from field to field but there was no sign of our a red little pony tail girl running up and down the field. No answer when dad phoned Theresa. ( This time we should have phoned the house phone not the cell phone.)   We drove over to find them all getting ready to head out the door. We were an hour early and I had not even told dad the wrong time; which was a trick we had played on him in the past.

I have to admit I am the slow one now but was trying hard to be out the door quickly so we could be on our way.  I grabbed the lunch, the blanket and the umbrella and headed out to the car to find it locked and the keys no where to be found.  Oh yes they were in my purse.  Lucky to find my purse.  This is unusual for me as I do not put them in my purse believe it or not.
Ben has a turn sitting next to me excited about Halloween. ..............they had carved out cute pumpkins.  Decorations go up on Monday.

It is hard to take pictures and cheer at the same time. This is on enlarged and blurry.
Snack time! It started to pour rain and the freezing cold had seeped into us both. We were disappointed and hated to disappoint Ben but we would not be able to sit or stand and watch his game at 12:30. I was not only very cold I was feeling the tiredness of having lived past my
It is only a short journey but even though I left with great joy and energy I found that it had wearied me.  It would have been great to have a longer visit with Theresa and Mikie and see Ben's game.

The ride home was wild as it was raining hard and the cars ahead were making huge clouds of water.

We had sad news that dad's friend Dave Brooks died on Oct. 21. His funeral is next week on the same day our friend Pearle is have her 90 + birthday.  We saw Dave several years ago when he and Mary celebrated their 60 wedding anniversary.  We planned to stay in touch but time just slipped by.

Wishing Shawna and Stephen a wonderful and happy and Wild time on their trip to Cuba for their honeymoon and Shawna's birthday.  Have fun!

Church undecided although I believe that music is one of the great reasons I believe in God and a transcendental realm.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


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                     "For where ever your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Math. 6:21

There are so many things in life to be treasured.  I treasure the gifts that fill my house with memories.  Little treasures from family and friends.  I treasure the many experiences of life, both times of sickness and times of wellness because there were lessons to be learnt in both. 

The monk in the story I am reading,"The Art of Hearing Heartbeats" tells the young boy who is now blind that a person's greatest treasure is the wisdom in his own heart.  The explanation for suffering is that it is woven into each one of our lives and  that it is unavoidable.  Life a gift that can at times be a puzzle.

I treasure my books and all the words that I can read and that make an impression on my life.  I treasure the words that are spoken and the voices that say them.

I treasure the time I spend visiting, sitting listening and just being present.  I know that illness can be a time of  loneliness because  you feel separated from others who are busy with so many things.

Dad and I drove into see Robbie and Chuck and she was in good spirits.  Afterwards Sandra dropped by and looked over my garden with me and then we went out for Pizza.  Very enjoyable.  What a treasure Sandra is to her co-workers helping them during pregnancy and also being there to see the new little ones.!

I treasure with the greatest happiness the moment when each one of my children was born!

I treasure these moments and also that we can drive out to Chilliwack to see Morgan play soccer; which means we are up and out early but it is worth it.  We may see Ben's game too.

Friday, October 26, 2012


This is the time of year when Dad and I start getting letters asking for charity. Every letter that comes represents a worthwhile cause. We want to give to worthy causes; ones that we know the money goes to where it is needed. Charity is not only in our giving but in our words and deeds. It is giving our hearts, time and talents and energies to make some ones life a little easier.

"To ease anther's heartache is to forget one's own." Abraham Lincoln

 Every church I have been involved in has reached out to help the hungry, the homeless, the poor and down and out.  We have gone down into the poor part of town to serve meals and to visit with street people.  We have given out food and provided warm clothes.  I was proud of the things we did in the name of Jesus.

Dad and I are thankful that we can give.

"Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom."
--Theodore Isaac Rubin, M.D.   One To One

"The mass of humanity worry themselves into nameless graves,
 while here and there
a great unselfish soul forgets itself into immortality."  -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, October 25, 2012


                                     life is a wonderful gift!

 Life is also  full of misunderstandings. Love draws us together but into that relationship can come disagreement, sometimes small but other times more serious.  Through the difficult years we can see each other in a different light. It is important to remember what we saw in each other that caused us to think of the other not as just normal but the love of our life!

I love my husband and my children but there are times we completely disagreed.  I see that this is healthy and normal. Motherhood is very demanding and I was often disorganized, overwhelmed and guilty. It is not only hard work but as a mother I have often taken a stand to protect my child because of the intense emotional connection that mothers have with each one of their children.

There was a time when I was called to be tough in my love and that may have cause misunderstandings.  But we do try to do what is best for our children.

  My prayer for us all would be "May love and strength be in your hands May love and courage be in your heart May love and wisdom be in your mind May God; the energy that is in all life, go with you and be in you. May love be expressed in the simple tasks we do Today and in all your days. Amen"

I like the song from God spell; Day by day, dear Lord These things I pray.... To see Thee more clearly Love Thee more dearly And to follow Thee more nearly Day by day. Buddha says: "Within yourself foster a limitless concern for every living creature (gay or straight, black or white friend or enemy) Display a heart of boundless love for all the world, in its height and depth and breath.

Love unrestrained without hate or enmity," We all need forgiveness (we are flawed and a finder of flaws in each other, and at times love can be damned hard) and so we are in need of redemption that is provided for us by the Lord of all Life.  We can be mended.

Growing up I was taught to mend socks which had to be done so they did not cause discomfort.  At times in my life I have needed to be mended and made new again and many things can contribute to this and knowing I am worth being mended is the most important thing. 

Every life is ordinary and extraordinary!

So off I go visiting.  Dad will do his walking.  Both take an effort.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


There are lots of pumpkins and scary decorations appearing. I like the pumpkins and the scarecrows the best. I cannot remember when we first started carving pumpkins. Was it when the grand children came along? They seem to have had an abundant harvest of pumpkins this year.

The flight of geese past overhead as I walked to the store and I always find it thrilling to see and hear them. In the house dust and dirt were flying as I finally did some housework. When you can write messages to each other in the dust I think it is a sign. Also came across cobwebs in unexpected places. Then it was time to tackle the cobwebs in my brain and do my Bible Study for later in the day.

I must be more careful with my spelling I noticed as I read over my last few days.

Colossians is written so that the Christians in Colsosse would remember they have been converted from the Jewish Law into the grace and goodness of Jesus Christ.  God is not an impersonal force but a life giving spiritual energy that has the power to renew and restore and heal; because of the forgiveness that was shown at the cross in Jesus' death and suffering.

The writer has been interpreted as saying: "I want you woven into a tapestry of love,
in touch with everything there is to know about God's mercy and unconditional love."

Be encouraged in heart and united in love.

"You don't need a telescope, a microscope or a horoscope to realize the fullness of Christ
and the emptiness of the universe without Him!"

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


                                    Prayer is words with wings.

  Yesterday it was a cold morning for a walk and time for long underwear and an extra sweater.  Gundy and I saw to flocks of geese honking and flying over in a V formation.  A sign it  must be getting cold.  It is a blessing when the day warms up even with a luke- warm sun. 

Dad's dental appointment lasted for 90 minutes and it was just a cleaning.  The root canel is later and he has one small cavity.

Early in the morning is a good time for prayer as the darkness becomes light and the day becomes busy.  Dad is meeting Glen for coffee and I may visit Rosanna who has moved to White Rock.

Our path in life takes us on many journeys, some educational, some relational, some emotional and some spiritual (whether we realize it or not) .  There will always be questions that come unexpectedly to mind and some because we see the Word in a new light.  We are searching for truth that is beautiful and meaningful.

As long as I am not forced to pray to a God I do not believe in, or say words that seem empty and phony to me, I have discovered that prayer helps me to be a little more loving and more compassionate with others.  Like I was saying I believe it is a good healthy exercise for my brain.

I want to keep on saying Yes to love and to the light that can pierce the darkness.

Monday, October 22, 2012


There is the natural and the supernatural
There is a beginning and an end to life.  I hope we graduate from the natural to the supernatural!
I believe that the super-natural realm exists
because there has to be more to life than just existing & exiting.
At church on Sunday morning we were reminded it was world food day and about all the people who are hungry, when we have so much.  Through the power of love and compassion we can help and serve those in need.  I was glad that we can give through our church,
After church we went out to lunch with Sandra and Randy.  It was a wacky and chilly day but felt good to be together.
I have been in many church services and although others may make fun of believers caught up in the act of worship;  I have seen on the faces of many young people caught up in the spirit of love and worship a reflection that lights up within.  There is now proof, scientific discoveries,  that when God is mentioned there is also an activity in our brains. 
"Perhaps the intense brain activity is connected to the experience of awe and the expressions of rapt wonder.  Beyond belief in the mystery of the supernatural-that which is clearly beyond our understanding-is there anything left to captivate us, or is the mystery lost in a universe that can now be scientifically measured and micro-and telescopically explored?"  Greta Vosper
I believe in the power of the spoken word that calls us to fight for justice and truth, goodness and beauty,  People lose faith when God does not answer prayers.  We have given Him more too much power.  We are reminded again that we are the hands and feet and eyes of this higher power.  We are reminded of what we value like dignity, forgiveness, love and compassion.
Our thoughts we now center on all that is good, on all that we know is worthy, all that is true and has the power to heal and restore all who have lost their way.  I am thankful to be a part of a loving community of faith as our lives are woven together sensing a gentle presence in our midst.  
Dad is off to the dentist this Monday morning.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


As a child I grew up with many assumptions.  These formed a pattern by which I learned to see life.

 I was taught that discipline and order as well as cleanliness were important. I believed that having a faith in God, the source of all goodness,(an assumption) was important because this gave life a deeper meaning. Going to church as a child I had a sense of wonder and reverence for what I was taught was sacred. I believed in the Bible and also in the power of prayer. I now acknowledge that I was taught what others had assumed about the spiritual. So much of life is interrupting our experiences.

Can we look beyond the assumptions that we have become comfortable with, and be open to the wonder and mystery of the unknown which has the potential to bring light into the darkness of doubt.

Dad and I arrived late at Ben's soccer game because we assumed that the traffic would be less on the route that we took.  To our dismay it was a mess, and we felt bad about arriving late.  Also I was slow in geting ready.The drive there had been along the changing colors and then up the side of the mountain where it got colder and colder.  Ben played the first half in goal and then scored in the last minute of the game. 

Morgan's game had been cancelled and she amused herself playing at the playground and hiding on me.

Religion has many assumptions which it builds upon but which we can question.

God, who is supernatural has supernatural qualities.

God is active in our lives and will guide us and intervene when we ask.

God is in control.

Theism assumes that God is the source of goodness, the agent of goodness, and the promise of goodness.  We are to be his agents in this time and place caring for others and sharing our resources.

  Praying, which I do in good faith, has been a life-changing experience for me.  My faith has been in the goodness of Jesus, believing He occupies a unique place in our history.

Today dad and I will be going to church and then out to lunch with Sandra and Randy at the White Spot.


Saturday, October 20, 2012


It is now a lot darker than this on my first early morning walk. I leave about 6:30 or 6:45 and try to walk fast. Three days a week I come home and then go out again with Gundy at about 7:45.  A lot more leaves have now been blown off the trees.  So thankful I can walk.  So thankful I can walk to the store and with friends.

Martin LutherKing Jr. told a story about a 72 year old woman who walked a long distance every day during the bus boycott.  She was tired and physically weak, but she kept on because although her feet is tired,   her soul was at rest.  (Wow a 72 year old woman.  Then I remembered that I am older than that; I just keep forgetting.)

Dr. Jean-Louis Etienne, the man who walked alone to the north pole, explained that there are two times of great happiness-when you are haunted by a dream and when you realize it.  Between the two there's a strong urge to let it drop. . . . .I almost gave up a thousand times before reaching those moments of happiness when I forgot I was cold.  (I am thankful for my little steps each day and I suppose they could add up to a lot if they were added up.)  A bit extreme yes but I was looking for quotes with the word walking.

I also like to pray when I am walking.  It is better than sitting down because I can fall asleep.  It is good to have a friend to talk to and especially when it is through prayer.  I have learned that God cannot be used to fit into our simplistic views of what should be happening in any area of life.

It took an effort to drive into Ladner to have a visit with Chuck and Robbie; but so glad we did.  They both have an inner strength I have never seen before and Robbie looks beautiful, so relaxed and calm.  Dad and Chuck had a good visit and it is so good to see things with your own eyes.  They were very happy to see us as Robbie was having a good day.  They also do healing touch recognizing we are body and soul and both require healing.

Dad had been for a walk before we left and when we got home last night watched football and baseball and I think some hockey.  Not looking too good for the hockey games here and right now we are not missing them.

Ben has a soccer game in Abbotsfords at noon today I do not know what we are doing.

Friday, October 19, 2012


I am ready for power failures. There was.  Yes I have made an appointment for a complete check-up, Sandra has been after me to do this, and it will be next month in Nov.  Robbie is in hospice care now in Ladner.

I know that politicians, athletes, business executives, lawyers, doctors etc. are under pressure to succeed. I would vote at a heart beat for a politician that said I know I failed in keeping my promises but I would like to try again. I think maybe Lance Armstrong could also come clean and admit what he and his team did.

I am reading a book about Derrick Bell. He was the first African American to become a highly respected constitutional lawyer to be tenured at Harvard. He left the school in protest at it's failure to appoint a woman of colour. Bell urges us to live a life of passion, to have the courage to take risks for what we believe in, to rely on our loved ones and our faith during hard times and to have the humility to know when our best intentions go awry.

"An ethical endeavor at which you can work with passion and integrity is a key component in a satisfying life."  Integrity includes consistency and unwavering adherence to values and beliefs.

Passion is not an event, but an energy that exists in all of us.  Derrick has found his passion to be for racial justice which grew out of years of work, first as a litigator, and then administrator, and later as a teacher and writer.

Material success constantly leads only to emptiness and the passion for integrity can give life a meaningful quality.  There are many wrongs that need to be recognized and changed for the better.

"The time is always right to do what is right."  Martin Luther King. Jr.

It was windy last night and raining hard.  Dad and I may drive into Ladner today.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


"What do we live for,  if not to make the world less difficult for each other." -George Elliot

For some people just getting up in the morning takes courage, or just facing the everyday problems that come up in every family, facing our questions and our fears

Courage is not the absence of fear but the awareness of my responsibility and to face life with a determined attitude.  Sometimes it feels like I am always walking against the wind and then it is more difficult and I want to quit. 

Courage is sometimes facing our inner battles but it can also be dealing with difficult people and their problems or circumstances beyond our control.

I woke up Wed. morning completely chilled and feeling dizzy.  I tried my hot coffee and then put on long underwear, two sweaters, two pair of socks, gloves and a scarf and covered myself with blankets.  It reminded me of when I went into shock getting a blood transfusion. 

What a way to  start the day!
 I was a bit  better by the afternoon and I will just hope it does not happen again.

It was annoying as I had several things I needed to do.  Dad went to the store and delivered things to the church and then went for his walk.  I had planned to clean up the yard to put the compost out the next day. 

Our neighbors from way down the street came in the dark night to warn us that a prowler has been seen in the neighborhood and that there has been several break ins.  A lot of strange people walk through our walk way that I do not recognize but I will be a little more on the alert now. 

 "The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been kindness, beauty and truth,"   Albert Einstein

I need to remind myself of these things and sometimes laugh at my stupid mistakes and lack of patience and lack of courage.  This is now Thurs. morning and today I hope to go visiting. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


The last of the summer roses

I would like to live in a fantasy world where everyone is happy and healthy. I would like to know that God will rescue us all from anything painful; but that is a fantasy. What I think I want or need may not make me a better person. All I can do is try to put love into action in my own life. I am realizing that God believes in our spirit of generosity, courage and selfless service to do His work in our world; and this can be painful and feel risky. I am thankful for the teachings of scripture and the wise stories told by others to help me make better decisions.

"The world stands upon three things:
Upon truth,  upon peace,  upon justice,
Speak truth to the other, establish peace
and render honest judgment in your gates"
Zech 8:16
Rabban Ben Gamiel

My dreams sometimes take me into that fantasy world.  Last night I was dreaming I visited Robbie and also Carol was with me.  Sure wish she was here.

So nice to have a quiet walk in the sunshine!
Time to think prayerfully about family members who are having difficult issues in their lives.
Time to think about the things that I am so grateful for each day; because I think it is important to realize how blessed we are to be alive in a world full of ordinary wonders.
Time to see the other's point of view.  It is a fantasy to think we all think alike especially male and females.

Lord, let me live to be useful and use the gifts I have been given,
especially to be more compassionate.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Early Monday morning and it is very foggy.  Fog is depressing and at times I know that I can feel depressed; but the fog always lifts and things change and life goes on.

I hear my neighbors starting their cars and driving off to work and I am thankful to be warm and safe where I am.  Carol, Collen's daughter will soon be here to walk the dogs together.  It can be foggy or rainy, hot or cold, they still do their early morning walk together.

I am reminded that I have wonderful daughters and grand and great granddaughters that bring me love and happiness. 

I did a short walk with Gundy as the fog was lifting.  Dad went later for his walk in the park.  I went and got my hair cut in a bob!

I am in a fog about shopping and cooking and need to start planning and put more effort into this.

On Friday our church is doing a harvest dinner and I need to shop for the items I have promised to contribute.  It is a busy time for a lot of ladies at our church but working together builds deeper friendships.  I have humorous memories of the years that Carol and I cooked turkeys and Ron actually convened the dinner.  Ron did a great job and people still remember him doing it.  It is a lot of hard work but for some it is a labour of love and service.

I have not volunteered to help and dad and I will not be going.    The last dinner dad and I almost did not sit together because I was busy talking and we were among the last to find a seat.  I liked it better when we sat at the long tables and some of our family could join us.  I just do not want to commit to anything right now with the situation so grave with Robbie.

Someone asked Nelson Mandela what he has learned from his years of struggle and imprisonment.

"He thought for a long time and then began: "There is a force in the universe-call it God or spirituality or whatever you like- that wants the victory of truth and justice.  This force will help you if you are steady, humble, brave and patient.  Never give up, however bad things get."
from the book "THE HOPE" by Andrew Harvey that I got from the library.

Had a long talk to Theresa yesterday  and she is glad she is taking her teacher's assistance course.  Ben and Morgan had soccer practices.   I guess it is in doors as it was dark and pouring rain.

Tried to e-mail Ken to get an up-date on his family but the letter kept disappearing.  Very frustrating.

Today looks promising!  It is Tuesday morning.

Today I am going to the dentist.

Monday, October 15, 2012


                                  What is the song that nature sings in all it's glory.
Nature has a rhythm all it's own as each one of us have our own rhythm in the way we do life.

We are surrounded by suffering and pain when we hear and see the news of things going on around us.  Nature can be beautiful or destructive when out of control.  We as human beings have to take responsibility for our actions and be willing to make wise choices.

Young and old I believe we respond to music.  I believe that creation reveals the song that flows from the heart of God.  There is a sacred rhythm in which we are all invited to join. 

The will of God wants to persuade us  to say yes to life;  to be vibrant and alive by singing along with others.  Faith has the power to transform grief into healing.

I loved the musical "The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of Music".

Dad and are accepting the slower pace of our lives.  Dad's feet have been more painful and he has a nasty looking sore on his face so stayed home and in most of the week-end. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012


Time for the moon to hide it's light and for another day to begin.

Our group meeting for Saturday evening was cancelled and we were thankful as neither dad nor I left like going.

My morning walk was almost cancelled because of the rain but what I didn't do I finished in the afternoon.  The afternoon turned sunny and there was a slight breeze so had an enjoyable walk.

Feeling a bit tired I did not do much all day except a bit of reading; so it was good to have Sandra pop in for a visit.  She is a good listener and also told us some family happy news.  Mary is doing well and the baby is the size of a poppy seed, I think.

I have this picture in my mind of Randy sitting on the bench at the football game of his favorite team in Seattle, enjoying the game but missing his wife who is out driving around trying to get tires for the car he is fixing up, in horrible traffic.    How things change after 10 years of married life!  Now it is renovating their bedroom together.  That should be fun.

Church was not cancelled but will be in the hall because it is another week with no heat.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


There is an autumn chill in the air which even smells different and fresher with the rain. 
Enjoying the beauty that is still alive in the gardens I walk past.  Each day a precious gift of life.
Autumn leaves signal the end of summer.

 Many people are walking by carrying umbrellas even though the rain is light.

I am praying for an umbrella of love to be over the home of our friend Robbie.
 I am praying for Robbie, a truly wonderful, generous and loving mother and grandmother, to be surrounded with the peace and love of the Spirit.  Her time is coming to end her journey in this life.

"The word has gone out and been passed on by the wind, the air washed clean by the rain, the hawk told a passing eagle who swooped and soared until the time would come to carry her spirit forward to a joyous rainbow filled with color and the heavens shone with the silent, brilliant mystery of love."

A soul is returning home, home to the light and the glory of heaven. 
These words are taken from a poem called leave taking by Sandra Bury.
Changed a little.

  Our thoughts and prayers especially with our grand daughter Theresa.

A painful time for all her family and friends who will share many tears and then memories. 

Friday, October 12, 2012


                                        Hope meets me on my walk
as more and more daylight appears and the fog clears so that I see this huge dogwood flower blooming on the tree high above me.  It is huge!  It is beautiful!

It had been an effort to go out into the cold misty morning as I felt a bit tired .  Dad is having stomach and back problems that seem worse when you feel old..  I can find myself feeling useless.  Then it is up to me to shake that feeling off and start thinking more positive.  I realize the importance of spiritual energy and I am thankful that I can pray for others.

It was arranged that I meet my friend for lunch today but she never showed up after I waited a long time.  I got home to the phone ringing and telling me she could not make it.  I wasted time and energy waiting so at first  was annoyed; then relieved  that I not have to listen to all her problems.  Yes, I know some people have more than others but it takes energy to listen especially knowing if you offer advice they willl not take it.

Ken, it must be awful working those miserable shifts and I do not know how you do it.  How is Jasmine and has she had another test yet?

Rick if you came to another sermon by Daniel you who have something else to remember!

Sandra I question the will of God too, but I believe that His will is for each one of us to reach our full potential, to use the gifts that we have been given, to accept the good and bad things with His energy flowing into us.  It is about being loving and caring and forgiving but also about being wise..

Living with hope even when all seems hopeless can be real hard to do.  Dreams have been shattered and I have felt annoyed and abandoned by God.   And yet when we continue to hope I find that faith and love make new dreams possible.   I think that God's will as expressed in the book of Job is for each one of us to look beyond our own pain, and see the pain that others are going through. 

Jeremiah 32: I (God) will rejoice in doing them good. 

 God's will for us is to accept His blessing upon our lives and to be renewed in His love daily.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


                         Wisdom is walking in the right direction, away from worry and conflict
                                        and moving towards serenity and fulfillment.

This morning I am putting dad's bright orange rain jacket over my jacket to keep me warmer and now that it is starting to be darker in the morning to keep me safe. 

Our study was on perseverance and wisdom when we go through difficulties.  This is a time to recognize our needs for support from our faith, scripture, family and friends as well as our church community.  There is greater opportunity for growth and deeper wisdom.  James warns against being double-minded which is not so much about doubting but about not being willing to surrender to God's will and accepting and trusting that He will bring us through.

We are a fun group of very good friends so it makes the study interesting and lively.  I truly value their friendship and input into my life.

Our church sanctuary has no heat right now and last Sunday was not too bad although the organist had her winter coat and gloves on.  It is a lot colder now.  We will all be dressing warm.

Artists can help us see the world as a place of beauty and renew our sense of wonder.  There are writers who capture both the struggle of life and the joy that breaks into the struggle at unexpected moments.

Absorbing the beauty we see around us each day.  Listening to others and let them speak into our life.  Life becomes the teacher of wisdom and truth which is what we are in the process of learning.

"Our uniqueness is what gives us value and meaning."

Wednesday, October 10, 2012



It is also the time of harvest and the grapes are full of flavor as well as color so the wine promises to be good.  Nice to hear some good news for a change.

I wonder if anyone is eating beef these days with the fear of contamination.

Today I decided to clean out our closet as it was getting harder and harder to find things.  Dad then dropped some things off at the Thrift Store which is connected to the hospital.  We are considering working there if we could start slow by just doing an hour at first.

Dad also went to his skin cancer doctor who gave him a good check-up and wants to see him in a couple of months.  There is a spot or two he is concerned about.  So we are a spotty pair these days

I  have Bible study today and dad is fixing up the other room for his computer.  It is nice to be at a desk.

"Our words have creative power" so I am speaking words of faith to myself.  I can do all things through Christ who is the source of wisdom and strength.  I am strong and healthy.  I am blessed.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


They run too fast to take pictures.  Excellent game'
Theresa and Auntie Sandra chat and watch the game together. Dad and I sit in the middle of the field across the way in a no sitting area.

Morgan wants the dogs to do tricks

Happy and tired I suggest a family picture.  Mikie offers to take it.

It was a very traditional thanksgiving.  After this picture everyone heads home.

We did miss family who were not able to be with us.  Kenny and Melina hope you can find out about Jasmine soon it seems like tough times for you all.

I happen to believe that tradition especially in families and in spiritual matters are very important.
Although this does not mean we cannot have different philosophies and different goals.My children think differently about many things than  I  do but the important thing is caring about others.

Hopefully we are all in a process of change and growth.

Time went so fast this week-end and we enjoyed Rick's visit and seeing Craig and Lean and the Alexanders.

Monday, October 8, 2012


                             Reaching for the last warmth of the fall sun

.Reaching outwards is the call of the spiritual life when we have felt the reality of His presence.

  I have had goals and dreams in my life that have caused me to prayerfully reach out
 to others and to God. There have been times of uncertainties and disappointments and failures but
 as Henri Nouven says "the paradox is, indeed, that new life is born out of the pains of the old".
The whole experience of this life is to become aware of this awesome love surrounding us.
Seeing the goodness in others.
And it is especially hard to see your own goodness.
I am so thankful for our minister Daniel who shares so openly his own personal struggles.  He is open and honest and genuine.  I am so thankful for the renewed hope in a loving God who is personal and pure and holy goodness.

Dad and I and Sandra enjoyed watching Ben play his soccer game and knew he was confident that they would win.   They were player against older boys so this made a win difficult.  Ben had two more games on Sunday and they won the last one and he played very well.

Sunday was a perfect sunny and warm day and we were happy to be able to Skye Carol and Panteli and Kim and hear their news.  Kim was off to a Thanksgiving party with friends from Canada.  It seems the Island is crawling with them.

Sandra went to such a lot of work to make everything look fabulous and I glad Theresa and Mikie and family arrived early to help in the kitchen.  Theresa is such a good help and after her and Mikie and Craig helped do the dishes..  Leah had make some excellent yams and I would have liked to eat more.  Mikie made a gluten free pumpkin pie and it was a challenge that wore him out.  The pastry did not want to paste together.  It tasted good and it was hard to choose that or pumpkin cheese cake.
In the end I know I ate far too much but enjoyed it all.

Lots of food and lots of noisy laughter.  I am hearing new stories about my children and grandchildren it is amazing. We are a family full of opinions that is for sure.  I do not know where my camera is so I will put pictures on later.

It is wonderful when family gets together and we celebrate life but there is a sadness when the party is over and everyone leaves.  Life has to return to normal and that is okay too.

Theresa is the last to leave as she checks over everything before she heads out to the soccer game.  This was Sat. morning after they has slept over.  What a busy week-end for them two turkey dinners, and four soccer games.  Sat. night they stayed in a motel in Richmond and went to the midnight market

I received a lot of goodness.  My neighbor Gundy brought me flowers and wine and a thank you card for walking with her.  She feels it is doing her so much good..  I also received a bag of goodies from a friend at church so thoughtful and kind.  This is all apart of the spiritual experience which is not that we have to believe right but live close to the Goodness and there comes guidance and direction and love flowing back to us.

There are parts of our hearts and our lives that should be private and respected.  "Our inner mystery," 

Sunday, October 7, 2012


It is easy to focus on the good things that we are all thankful for;
             but what about the nasty little things of life that can take away our peace and happiness.

Like when I know friends or family who are going through difficult times it is hard to be thankful.
At times I feel that life does not make sense and it would help a lot if suffering made sense.  We know that it is in enduring difficulties that we do become stronger in the end.  I  know that walking through pain with someone else has taught me a lot. 

I have stopped asking for things to make sense because it can make me feel angry and helpless and hopeless.

"Truth is to allow suffering to speak"  Theodor Adorno  "The Examined Life."

"I lift my eyes to the mountains
where is help to come from?
Help comes to me from Yahweh,
who made heaven and earth"  Psalm 121.

Prayer from the hearts of caring people will and does support those suffering.
I am thankful for the times people have prayed for me and I have felt strengthened.
Prayer does not keep the pain away but the more I am able to embrace life as the will of
a loving God I find that I am able to see a little light in the darkness.

"To the degree that we have descended into our heart and reached out to God from there,
solitude can speak to solitude, deep to deep, and heart to heart".  H. Nouven

Love meets us in our pain and for that I am thankful.

Breakfast on Sat. morning was great fun and our joy for Mary and Michael John is overwhelming.  Pray that all goes well in this pregnancy.  I am so thankful for the gift of prayer and that is my focus this Thanksgiving.

Rick will be off to his Film Festival and Dad and I to church.  I hope I remember to put the turkey in the oven.

Thanksgiving dinner will excellent and I do so appreciate the effort Sandra makes even when she is not feeling her best. 

.  I am thankful for all the good things in the past year
 and I am thankful for the strength to cope with the difficulties in the year ahead.

Happy Thanksgiving! !

Saturday, October 6, 2012


..Friday night and we are waiting to welcome Theresa and Mikie, Ben and Morgan.  They have had a turkey dinner at Mickie's   parents house along with their cousins and the Aunts and Uncles.
Tomorrow will be a big day for Ben as he has a big soccer tournament. The team stays over in the motel tonight and there are more games Sun. Every time I hear a car door slam I rush to the window to see if they are here yet.. Fina;;y take my anti itching pill, out on my cream and my P.J's. They arrive tired and excited and everyone goes straight to bed.
Happy breakfast goup although Morgan is sleepy.

Excting breakfast as a bee flys in and everyone panics.

  Especially Auntie Sandra already  in panic mood, telling us the news Mary had phoned to tell us all.
  She and Michael John are having a baby! ! I was dancing with joy! This is to be a family secret and a few of my blog friends are in on the secret.  We are  trying to cool and calm Sandra down.

Can hardly wait to welcome this new little one.!
Ben the soccer player and Morgan!
Rick arrives tonight and turkey dinner at Sandra and Randt's minus Randy.
Tell me your news
I love our crazy  happy family even though  we have not decided which of us is the sanest .

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Why do I wake up every morning with this urge to write?

It makes me very happy and I cannot express the feeling of joy in writing, I try to write from my heart about my life. I wonder why and yet I know I Must! The point is that I know it is imperfect but it is what it is. The reason I feel called to write lives deep within me, it would appear.

I think that maybe others have a interest is spiritual issues that can help each one of us become better human beings. Foe me this seems to have taken on an endless interest.

Life forces us to change, sometimes our thinking and sometimes what we can or cannot do.
There is a feeling of deep sadness within me when I see the ladies leave the service to go and
make coffee for the lunch later. For years that was me. I enjoyed doing it and I miss it.

But it is not do much doing as being. Being who I am at this moment in time..

Dad is putting pictures on his blog and rewriting some of it. t takes a lot of time.

I wonder about a man who lived and walked hearing and seeing so much pain and yet his love was so strong he brought sight to the blind, breathed new life into the living and the dieing. His life an example of triumph of the human spirit over death. Our of the mystery of story there shines truth that captivates us with words revealing the power and wonder of love!

That amazing love lives within us all as the gift he left for us.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Thank you for the gift of this day! 

I am always amazed at seeing the moon going down as I start out for my walk. Yes, it is darker in the mornings now and a lot cooler. I am immensely happy to be where I am because in some silly way I feel that I am where I am suppose to be. There have been times in my life that I have driven down a dead end road both in the car and in the direction I have allowed my life to lead me. Turning around always has been helpful.

Yes, dad and I watched the debate between Romney and Obama and I wonder who is really willing to change things and make it a more just society.  They seem to want to please everyone but they cannot.  I think it is important as we take time to celebrate thanksgiving to recognize our need to move from greed to gratitude.

Underneath the twists and turns of life there is an under current of joy that calls us to celebrate.  It is good to have a reason to be with family to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Learning to share the laughter and the tears, learning to celebrate the uniqueness of each one of us. 

"Where there is Love God is present."  Henri Nouven 

It is this love that warms the soul and deepens our compassion and our generosity.

I am feeling so much more like myself I was sure my day was headed in a good direction.  I was annoyed at my computer messing up my blog, then I felt sick on my walk but fortunately was near home.

The worst part was driving to the Rest home with I though the milkshake secure and decided to roll down the windows to let some wonderful sunny fresh air in.  Immediately my hat starts to blow out the window and the wind knocks the milkshake sideways.  Grabbing for my hat and grabbing for the milkshake not sure which to grab first!   I  hear brakes squealing behind.  I could just imagine the person saying a few choice words.

At least  Jim was so happy to see me and also the milkshake. The mouse has not reappeared since I screamed.

Yes I know I have a lot to be thankful for especially having the potatoes and carrots all pealed ready to cook for supper.  Thanks dear!


It is unbelievable how a big wind can blow so many leaves off the trees in one night,  I went down the street to take pictures in the afternoon and some trees had half their leaves gone. Still a few colorful ones hanging on.

We just had a big fire in Port Kells which is right next to Surrey.  May have been caused by one spark in a place with a lot of inflammable containers.  One man was taken to hospital so fortunately they were all saved.  I agree Nancy-Lou fire is so scary and I glad your home was okay.

We had a fire in our basement many years ago when the children were small and Larry was working.  I heard a bang and thought I smelt smoke so hurried the children out the front door to neighbors and asked them to phone the firemen.

Then I ran around to the back of the house where the fire had started and turned the house on it.  The firemen said I did a good job.  The worst part was the whole house smelt of smoke and we had to get a machine to help get rid of the smell.  All I cared about was getting the children out.  They were small but I do not remember how small.

Dads out for lunch today.  I have improve greatly in the last day and the cream is really a step up from band aids.  Glad to be off the anti biotic pills I think they made me very tired.